3rd Engrossment - 86th Legislature (2009 - 2010) Posted on 05/06/2010 01:52pm
Engrossments | ||
Introduction | Posted on 02/17/2010 | |
1st Engrossment | Posted on 03/11/2010 | |
2nd Engrossment | Posted on 05/05/2010 | |
3rd Engrossment | Posted on 05/06/2010 |
Committee Engrossments | ||
1st Committee Engrossment | Posted on 03/09/2010 | |
2nd Committee Engrossment | Posted on 05/04/2010 |
A bill for an act
relating to state lands; modifying method of determining value of acquired
stream easements; providing for designation of certain state forest boundaries;
modifying state forest acquisition provisions; permitting the exchange of riparian
lands within the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness; establishing a
moratorium on public access development for public waters without a public
access; adding to and deleting from state parks and state forests; providing for
disposition of certain proceeds; authorizing and modifying public and private
sales, conveyances, and exchanges of certain state land; amending Minnesota
Statutes 2008, sections 84.0272, subdivision 2; 85.012, subdivision 40; 89.021,
by adding a subdivision; 89.032, subdivision 2; 94.342, by adding a subdivision;
97A.141, subdivision 1; Laws 2009, chapter 176, article 4, section 9.
Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 84.0272, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
(a) Notwithstanding subdivision 1, the commissioner
may acquire permanent stream easements for angler access, fish management, and habitat
work for a onetime payment based on a value attributed to both the stream and the
easement corridor. The payment shall equal:
(1) the per linear foot of stream within the easement corridor times $5; plus
(2) the easement corridor acres times the estimated market value.
(b) The estimated market value is equal to:
(1) the deleted text begin total farm market value plus the timberlands valuedeleted text end new text begin agricultural market value
plus the rural vacant market value plus the managed forest market valuenew text end ; divided by
(2) the acres of deleted text begin deeded farmland plus the acres of timberdeleted text end new text begin agricultural land plus the
rural vacant land plus the managed forest landnew text end .
(c) The deleted text begin total farm market value, timberlands value, acres of deeded farmland, and
acres of timberdeleted text end new text begin agricultural market value, rural vacant market value, and managed forest
market value or equivalentnew text end are determined from data collected by the Department of
Revenue during its annual spring mini abstract survey. new text begin If the Department of Revenue
changes its property type groups for its annual spring mini abstract survey, the agricultural
market value, the rural vacant market value, and the managed forest market value shall be
determined by the commissioner from data collected by the Department of Revenue in a
manner that provides the most reasonable substitute for the market values as presently
reported. new text end The commissioner must use the most recent available data for the city or
township within which the easement corridor is located.
(d) The commissioner shall periodically review the easement payment rates under
this subdivision to determine whether the stream easement payments reflect current
shoreland market values. If the commissioner determines that the easements do not reflect
current shoreland market values, the commissioner shall report to the senate and house of
representatives natural resources policy committees with recommendations for changes
to this subdivision that are necessary for the stream easement payment rates to reflect
current shoreland market values. The recommendations may include an adjustment to the
dollar amount in paragraph (a), clause (1).
Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 85.012, subdivision 40, is amended to read:
McCarthy Beach State Park, St. Louis deleted text begin Countydeleted text end new text begin and Itasca Countiesnew text end , which
is hereby renamed from McCarthy Beach Memorial State Park.
Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 89.021, is amended by adding a subdivision
to read:
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The commissioner of natural resources may
acquire by gift or purchase land or interests in land adjacent to or in the proximity of a
state forest. The commissioner may change the boundaries of established state forests for
the acquisition of land adjacent to or in the proximity of the state forests, provided that
the lands meet the definition of forest land as defined in section 89.001, subdivision 4.
The new boundaries shall be designated by the process provided for in section 86A.07,
subdivision 3.
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Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 89.032, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
The commissioner may acquire lands or
interest in lands for state forest purposesnew text begin . The land or interests in land may benew text end subject
to mineral reservations.
Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 94.342, is amended by adding a subdivision
to read:
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Notwithstanding subdivision 3, any state-owned riparian land within the
Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness may be given in exchange for nonriparian land
outside the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness.
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Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 97A.141, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
new text begin (a) Except as provided in paragraph (b),
new text end the commissioner shall acquire access sites adjacent to public waters and easements and
rights-of-way necessary to connect the access sites with public highways. The land may
be acquired by gift, lease, or purchase, or by condemnation with approval of the Executive
new text begin
(b) Until July 1, 2015, the commissioner shall not develop public access sites
adjacent to public waters that do not have a public access site until the commissioner
completes an aquatic invasive species prevention plan for the specific public water.
new text end
Laws 2009, chapter 176, article 4, section 9, is amended to read:
(a) Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, sections 94.09 and 94.10, the commissioner
of natural resources may sell by private sale the surplus land that is described in paragraph
(b) The conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The
attorney general may make necessary changes to the legal description to correct errors and
ensure accuracy. The commissioner may sell the land to the White Earth Band of Ojibwe
for deleted text begin less than the value of the land as determined by the commissioner, but the conveyance
must provide that the land be used for the public and reverts to the state if the band fails to
provide for public use or abandons the public use of the landdeleted text end new text begin $26,500new text end . The conveyance
may reserve an easement for ingress and egress.
(c) The land that may be sold is located in Clearwater County and is described as:
the West 400 feet of the South 750 feet of Government Lot 3, Section 31, Township 145
North, Range 38 West, containing 6.89 acres, more or less.
(d) The Department of Natural Resources has determined that the land and building
are no longer needed for natural resource purposes.
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The following areas are added to Forestville Mystery Cave State Park,
all in Fillmore County:
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(1) commencing at the northeast corner of Section 14, Township 102 North, Range
12 West; thence West 1,608.8 feet; thence South 2 degrees 50 minutes West 1,260.4 feet;
thence North 89 degrees 57 minutes West 656 feet; thence South 0 degrees 39 minutes
West 541.4 feet; thence North 89 degrees 57 minutes West 302.7 feet; thence South 0
degrees 39 minutes West 347.1 feet; thence South 89 degrees 58 minutes East 132 feet;
thence South 0 degrees 39 minutes West 496 feet; thence South 89 degrees 58 minutes
East 495 feet; thence South 54 degrees East 990 feet; thence South 39 degrees East 295
feet; thence South 84 degrees East 594 feet; thence South 64 degrees East 148.5 feet;
thence South 66 degrees East 462 feet; thence North 0 degrees 45 minutes East 3763
feet to beginning;
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(2) that part of the East Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 14, Township 102
North, Range 12 West, lying North of the south bank of the North Branch Creek, also
known as Forestville Creek. Said parcel of real estate being more fully described as
follows: commencing at the northeast corner of Section 14, proceed West, a distance
of 1,608.8 feet; thence South 2 degrees 50 minutes West a distance of 1,260.4 feet;
thence North 89 degrees 57 minutes West, a distance of 656 feet; thence South 0 degrees
39 minutes West, a distance of 541.4 feet to the beginning corner. From the point of
beginning, continue North 89 degrees 57 minutes West, a distance of 302.7 feet; thence
South 0 degrees 39 minutes West a distance of 347.1 feet; thence South 89 degrees 58
minutes East, a distance of 132 feet; thence South 0 degrees 39 minutes West, a distance
of 496 feet; thence South 89 degrees 58 minutes East a distance of 363 feet; thence South
54 degrees East 990 feet; thence South 39 degrees East 295 feet; thence South 84 degrees
East 594 feet; thence South 64 degrees East 148.5 feet; thence South 66 degrees East 462
feet, to the section line; thence North on the section line, a distance of 1,783 feet; thence
North 85 degrees 34 minutes West a distance of 2,340.2 feet to the beginning corner;
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(3) the South Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 102, Range
12, Fillmore County, Minnesota, except the South Half of the Southeast Quarter of the
Southeast Quarter of said Northeast Quarter, and also except that part thereof lying West
of the center of County Road No. 12;
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(4) that part of the North Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 23, Township
102, Range 12, Fillmore County, Minnesota, lying northerly and easterly of the following
described line: commencing at a point 288.4 feet North of the southwest corner of the
Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 23; thence North 132 feet, to
the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence East 1,800 feet, to the center
of river; thence South 6 degrees East 133 feet to intersect the hereinafter described Line
X; thence easterly along said Line X to the hereinafter described Point A; thence South,
parallel with the west line of said Southwest Quarter to the south line of said North Half of
said Southwest Quarter and said line there terminating. Said Line X and Point A being
described as follows: commencing at the southwest corner of the Northwest Quarter of
the Southwest Quarter of said Section 23; thence running North 4.37 chains; thence East,
along a line referred to as Line X in the above description, a distance of 27.25 chains to a
point referred to as Point A in the above description;
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(5) the East Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 23,
Township 102, Range 12, Fillmore County, Minnesota; and
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(6) the Southeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 102, Range 12, Fillmore County,
Minnesota, except the North Half of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of
said Southeast Quarter.
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The following areas are added to Judge C. R. Magney State Park, all in Cook County:
the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest
Quarter, and the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, all in Section 5, Township
62 North, Range 3 East.
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The following areas are added to Split Rock Lighthouse State Park, all in Lake County: the
Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter and the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast
Quarter, all in Section 32, Township 55 North, Range 8 West.
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following areas are added to Tettegouche State Park:
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(1) that part of Government Lot 2, Section 15, Township 56, Range 7, Lake County,
Minnesota, described as follows: commencing at the quarter corner between said Section
15 and Section 22, Township 56, Range 7; thence East, along the section line between said
Sections 15 and 22, a distance of 503.0 feet; thence northeasterly, deflecting to the left 75
degrees 00 minutes a distance of 425.0 feet, to a point designated by a two-inch iron pipe,
being the point of beginning; thence northwesterly, to a point on the west line of said Lot 2
distant approximately 970.0 feet North of said quarter corner between Sections 15 and 22;
thence North along said west line to the northwest corner of said Lot 2; thence East, along
the north line of said Lot 2, approximately 240.0 feet; thence in a southeasterly direction
to a point on the east side of a point of rocks projecting into Lake Superior, being marked
by an X; thence in a southwesterly direction, along the shore of said Lake Superior to the
point of beginning. (X mark on rock being in line making a deflection angle of 45 degrees
51 minutes to the left with the east-west section line from a point on the section line 503.0
feet East of the quarter corner between said Sections 15 and 22 and being approximately
830 feet from said point on said section line.); and
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(2) the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 15, Township 56,
Range 7, Lake County, Minnesota.
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following area is deleted from Afton State Park: all that part of the Southwest Quarter of
Section 3, Township 27, Range 20, Washington County, Minnesota, embraced within the
recorded plat of ALPS ESTATES.
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The following areas are deleted from Crow Wing State Park:
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(1) all that part of Government Lots 7 and 8, Section 24, Township 44, Range 32,
Crow Wing County, Minnesota, embraced within the recorded plat of RED RIVER
TRAIL; and
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(2) all that part of Government Lot 7, Section 24, Township 44, Range 32, Crow
Wing County, Minnesota, embraced within the recorded plat of LOGGER RUN.
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The following area is deleted from Frontenac State Park: that part of the Southeast
Quarter, Section 11, Township 112 North, Range 13 West, being described as BLOCK P,
GARRARD'S SOUTH EXTENSION TO FRONTENAC according to the plat on file and
of record in the Office of the Recorder for Goodhue County, Minnesota, including any
portions of vacated roadway which have attached thereto.
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following area is deleted from Hayes Lake State Park: the West 45.00 feet of the North
160.7 feet of the South 263.58 feet of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of
Section 32, Township 160, Range 38, Roseau County, Minnesota.
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The following area is deleted from McCarthy Beach State Park in
Itasca County: all that part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, Section 1,
Township 60 North, Range 22 West, embraced within the recorded plat of "TRUST,"
as depicted thereon.
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following areas are deleted from Maplewood State Park:
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(1) that part of Government Lot 4, Section 9, Township 135, Range 42, Otter Tail
County, Minnesota, embraced within the recorded plat of South Lida Shores, according to
the recorded plat thereof;
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(2) that part of Government Lot 4, Section 9, Township 135, Range 42, Otter Tail
County, Minnesota, embraced within the recorded plat of Greens Isle View Addition,
according to the recorded plat thereof;
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(3) that part of Government Lot 4, Section 9, Township 135, Range 42, Otter Tail
County, Minnesota, described as follows: beginning at a point located by running West
401 feet from the northeast corner of said Government Lot 4 in Section 9; thence South 47
degrees 10 minutes West 100 feet; thence South 52 degrees 19 minutes West along the
lakeshore of Lake Lida a distance of 50 feet; thence South 42 degrees 50 minutes East
200 feet; thence North 52 degrees 19 minutes East 50 feet; thence North 42 degrees 50
minutes West 100 feet; thence North 47 degrees 10 minutes East 100 feet; thence North 42
degrees 50 minutes West, 100 feet to the point of beginning;
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(4) that part of Government Lot 5, Section 9, Township 135, Range 42, Otter
Tail County, Minnesota, described as follows: commencing at the northeast corner of
Government Lot 4 in said Section 9; thence on an assumed bearing of West, along the
north line of said Government Lot 4, a distance of 130 feet, to intersect the shore of South
Lida Lake, said point of intersection being the point of beginning of the tract of land to
be described; thence return on a bearing of East, a distance of 130 feet, to said northeast
corner of Government Lot 4; thence North 03 degrees 46 minutes 00 seconds West
224.40 feet, along the centerline of a township road; thence North 08 degrees 31 minutes
00 seconds East 346.60 feet along said centerline; thence North 81 degrees 14 minutes
00 seconds West 34.00 feet to the westerly line of said township road; thence North 08
degrees 31 minutes 00 seconds East along said westerly line 125.00 feet; thence North 36
degrees 09 minutes 00 seconds West 230.00 feet; thence South 71 degrees 21 minutes 00
seconds West 93.00 feet, more or less to the easterly shoreline of South Lida Lake; thence
southeasterly along said shoreline to the point of beginning; and
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(5) that part of Government Lot 2, Section 33, Township 136, Range 42, Otter Tail
County, Minnesota, described as follows: commencing at the East Quarter corner of said
Section 33; thence on an assumed bearing of West, along the east-west quarter line of
said Section 33, a distance of 3,994.0 feet; thence North 25 degrees East, a distance of
308.3 feet to the southwesterly right-of-way line of a public highway; thence North 40
degrees 00 minutes West, a distance of 169.0 feet, along said right-of-way; thence South
74 degrees 43 minutes West, a distance of 70.0 feet, more or less, to the shore of South
Lida Lake; thence southwesterly, along said shoreline to the south line of said Government
Lot 2; thence on a bearing of East, along the south line of said Government Lot 2, also
being said east-west quarter line to the point of beginning.
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The following area is deleted from Split Rock Lighthouse State Park: the Southeast
Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, Section 31, Township 55 North, Range 8 West, Lake
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[89.021] [Subd. 32.] Lyons State Forest. The following area is added to the Lyons
State Forest: Section 16, Township 135 North, Range 32 West, Cass County.
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Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section 97A.055, subdivision 2, the proceeds
resulting from the 2010 sale of a transportation road easement on the Lamprey Pass
Wildlife Management Area to construct a road overpass on County Road 83 in Washington
County shall be deposited in the land acquisition account established under Minnesota
Statutes, section 94.165.
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Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section 85.012, subdivision 1, the
commissioner of natural resources shall compensate Lake County or exchange state land
of substantially equal value for any tax-forfeited land administered by Lake County
encompassed by the boundary change effected under section 8, subdivision 3.
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Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section 94.10, the commissioner of natural
resources may sell surplus land at public or private sale for less than the estimated or
appraised value of the land or for less than the minimum sale price prescribed in Minnesota
Statutes, section 94.10, provided the land is being sold to meet the requirements of Laws
2005, chapter 156, article 2, section 45, as amended by Laws 2007, chapter 148, article 2,
section 73, and Laws 2009, chapter 37, article 1, section 59.
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This section expires June 30, 2011.
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(a) Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section 86A.055, the commissioner of
natural resources may sell by public sale the surplus land described in paragraph (c) and
direct the net proceeds to the general fund.
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(b) The conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The
attorney general may make necessary changes to the legal description to correct errors
and ensure accuracy.
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(c) The land that may be sold is located in Aitkin County and is described as:
Government Lot 2 and the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, all in Section 19,
Township 47 North, Range 24 West, containing 84.25 acres, more or less.
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(d) The Department of Natural Resources has determined that the land is not needed
for natural resource purposes.
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(a) Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, sections 94.09 and 94.10, the commissioner
of natural resources may sell by private sale the surplus land that is described in paragraph
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(b) The conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The
attorney general may make necessary changes to the legal description to correct errors
and ensure accuracy.
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(c) The land that may be sold is located in Anoka County and is described as: the
East Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 25, Township 32 North, Range 22 West,
Anoka County, Minnesota, containing 80 acres, more or less.
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(d) The Department of Natural Resources has determined that the state's land
management interests would best be served if the land was conveyed to a local unit
of government. A local unit of government would like to use this parcel as a wetland
mitigation site.
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(a) Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section 86A.055, the commissioner of
natural resources may sell by public sale the surplus land described in paragraph (c) and
direct the net proceeds to the general fund.
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(b) The conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The
attorney general may make necessary changes to the legal description to correct errors
and ensure accuracy.
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(c) The land that may be sold is located in Becker County and is described as:
Government Lot 3, Section 1, Township 139 North, Range 37 West, containing 37.75
acres, more or less.
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(d) The Department of Natural Resources has determined that the land is not needed
for natural resource purposes.
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(a) Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section 92.45, the commissioner of natural
resources may sell by public sale the surplus land bordering public water that is described
in paragraph (c).
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(b) The conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The
attorney general may make necessary changes to the legal description to correct errors and
ensure accuracy. The conveyance must include a reservation of perpetual road easements
described in paragraph (c) to the state for ingress and egress for constructing, repairing,
maintaining, and operating an adjacent northern pike spawning and rearing area.
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(c) The land that may be sold is located in Beltrami County and is described as:
All that part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter and Government Lot 1,
Section 21, Township 146 North, Range 31 West, bounded by the water's edge of Cass
Lake and the following described lines: Commencing at the southwest corner of said
section, thence North 00 degrees 07 minutes West, 691.2 feet on and along the west line of
said section to the point of beginning; thence South 58 degrees 27 minutes East, 177.64
feet; thence South 65 degrees 00 minutes East, 162.35 feet; thence North 52 degrees
07 minutes East, 175.70 feet; thence North 86 degrees 05 minutes East, 232.35 feet;
thence South 41 degrees 50 minutes East, 186.35 feet; thence South 25 degrees 59 minutes
East, 122.0 feet; thence South 33 degrees 47 minutes West, 176.13 feet; thence South 26
degrees 31 minutes West, 157.26 feet; thence South 50 degrees 19 minutes East, 142.34
feet; thence North 88 degrees 05 minutes East, 66.15 feet to point "A"; thence North 67
degrees 06 minutes East, 442.0 feet; thence North 76 degrees 24 minutes East, 113.86
feet; thence North 80 degrees 48 minutes East, 88.96 feet to point "B"; thence South 17
degrees 17 minutes East, 138 feet, more or less, to the water's edge of Cass Lake and
there terminating. And from the point of beginning; thence North 00 degrees 07 minutes
West, 630.92 feet on and along the west line of said Section 21; thence South 75 degrees
27 minutes East, 206.01 feet; thence South 35 degrees 36 minutes East, 210.68 feet;
thence South 37 degrees 07 minutes East, 230.53 feet; thence South 51 degrees 18 minutes
East, 124.95 feet; thence North 55 degrees 37 minutes East, 156.60 feet; thence South 48
degrees 10 minutes East, 120.58 feet; thence South 89 degrees 59 minutes East, 197.76
feet; thence South 68 degrees 28 minutes East, 195.0 feet; thence South 38 degrees 25
minutes East, 162.17 feet; thence South 56 degrees 38 minutes East, 410.58 feet; thence
South 31 degrees 06 minutes West, 203.30 feet; thence South 80 degrees 48 minutes West,
14.84 feet; thence South 17 degrees 17 minutes East, 133 feet, more or less, to the water's
edge of Cass Lake and there terminating. Including all riparian rights to the contained
18.0 acres, more or less and subject to all existing easements.
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Subject to a perpetual road easement for ingress and egress over and across the
following described land in Government Lot 1 of said section described as follows:
Beginning at point "B," said point being on the southerly boundary of the above described
tract; thence North 80 degrees 48 minutes East, 20.2 feet; thence South 17 degrees 17
minutes East, 33.33 feet; thence South 80 degrees 48 minutes West, 20.2 feet; thence
North 17 degrees 17 minutes West, 33.33 feet to point "B" and the point of beginning.
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Except that part of Government Lot 1 of Section 21, Township 146 North, Range
31 West, described as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of said Section 21;
thence North 00 degrees 07 minutes West, 1,322.12 feet along the west line of said Section
21; thence South 75 degrees 27 minutes East, 206.01 feet; thence South 35 degrees 36
minutes East, 210.68 feet; thence South 37 degrees 07 minutes East, 230.53 feet; thence
South 51 degrees 18 minutes East, 124.95 feet; thence North 55 degrees 37 minutes East,
156.60 feet; thence South 48 degrees 10 minutes East, 120.58 feet; thence South 89
degrees 59 minutes East, 197.76 feet; thence South 68 degrees 28 minutes East, 195.0
feet; thence South 38 degrees 25 minutes East, 162.17 feet; thence South 56 degrees 38
minutes East, 383.52 feet, to the point of beginning; thence South 56 degrees 38 minutes
East, 27.06 feet; thence South 31 degrees 06 minutes West, 203.30 feet; thence South 80
degrees 48 minutes West, 2.52 feet; thence North 15 degrees 31 minutes West, 46.80
feet; thence North 32 degrees 31 minutes East, 18.96 feet; thence North 59 degrees 39
minutes East, 58.56 feet; thence North 20 degrees 23 minutes East, 105.29 feet to the
point of beginning; containing 0.1 acres.
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Together with a perpetual road easement for ingress and egress over and across the
Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of said section being a strip of land 33 feet
wide, lying 16.5 feet on each side of the following described lines: Commencing at the
southwest corner of said Section 21; thence North 00 degrees 07 minutes West, 656.4 feet
on and along the west line of said section to the point of beginning; thence South 42
degrees 51 minutes East, 52.16 feet; thence South 70 degrees 04 minutes East, 214.3 feet;
thence South 37 degrees 58 minutes East, 219.4 feet; thence South 49 degrees 02 minutes
East, 252.6 feet; thence South 45 degrees 15 minutes East, 152.5 feet; thence South 50
degrees 19 minutes East, 119.9 feet, to the south line of Section 21 and there terminating.
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Together with a perpetual road easement for ingress and egress over and across
the northwesterly 16.5 feet of the following described land in Government Lot 1 and
the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of said section described as follows:
Beginning at point "A," said point being on the southern boundary of the above described
tract; thence North 67 degrees 06 minutes East, 442.0 feet; thence North 76 degrees 24
minutes East, 113.86 feet; thence North 80 degrees 48 minutes East, 88.96 feet; thence
South 17 degrees 17 minutes East, 33.33 feet; thence South 80 degrees 48 minutes West,
92.38 feet; thence South 76 degrees 24 minutes West, 109.91 feet; thence South 67
degrees 06 minutes West, 353.28 feet; thence South 88 degrees 05 minutes West, 92.15
feet to point "A" and the point of beginning.
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(d) The land borders Cass Lake. The land was acquired for a northern pike spawning
area but has not been used for such purpose for 30 years. The Department of Natural
Resources has determined that the land is not needed for natural resource purposes.
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(a) Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, sections 94.09 and 94.10, the commissioner
of natural resources may sell by private sale the surplus land that is described in paragraph
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(b) The conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The
attorney general may make necessary changes to the legal description to correct errors
and ensure accuracy.
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(c) The land that may be sold is located in Carlton County and is described as: the
Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, except state trunk
highway right-of-way, Section 26, Township 49 North, Range 17 West, containing 9.324
acres, more or less.
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(d) The Department of Natural Resources has determined that the land is not needed
for natural resource purposes.
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(a) Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, sections 92.45 and 282.018, subdivision 1,
and the public sale provisions of Minnesota Statutes, chapter 282, Carlton County may sell
by private sale the tax-forfeited land bordering public water that is described in paragraph
(c), under the remaining provisions of Minnesota Statutes, chapter 282.
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(b) The conveyances must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The
attorney general may make changes to the land descriptions to correct errors and ensure
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(c) The land to be sold is located in Carlton County and is described as:
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(1) part of Government Lot 1 commencing 42 rods 17 links East of the northwest
corner of Section 6, Township 46, Range 18; thence South 82 rods 11 links; thence West to
Bear Lake; thence West on the shoreline to the section line; thence North to the northwest
corner; thence East to the beginning; except the highway right-of-way and except the part
northwest of Highway 35, Docket 214412 and except commencing at the northwest corner
of said Government Lot 1; thence South 0 degrees 5 minutes 51 seconds West on the west
line thereof 1,176.49 feet to a point on the southeast right-of-way line of the Interstate
Highway 35 frontage road; thence North 51 degrees 42 minutes 51 seconds East on said
right-of-way line 209.76 feet; thence South 19 degrees 45 minutes East 120.0 feet to the
point of beginning; thence North 19 degrees 45 minutes West 120.0 feet; thence North 51
degrees 42 minutes 51 seconds East 80.0 feet to the MNDOT right-of-way monument;
thence South 71 degrees 36 minutes 52 seconds East 216.61 feet; thence South 3 degrees
30 minutes West 195 feet, more or less, to the shore of Bear Lake; thence westerly on said
shore 215 feet, more or less, to a point which bears 2 degrees 55 minutes East from the
point of beginning; thence North 2 degrees 55 minutes West 150 feet, more or less, to the
point of beginning, on Docket 240622 and except commencing at the northwest corner of
said Government Lot 1; thence East along the north line 704.22 feet; thence South parallel
to the west line 1,360.26 feet to the actual point of beginning; thence North 739.16 feet,
more or less, to the southeast right-of-way line of the I-35 frontage road; thence southwest
along said right-of-way line 608.48 feet, more or less, to the MNDOT monument; thence
South 71 degrees 36 minutes 52 seconds East 216.61 feet; thence South 3 degrees 30
minutes West 195 feet, more or less, to the shore of Bear Lake; thence East on said shore
285 feet, more or less, to a point which bears North 00 degrees West from the point of
beginning; thence South 90 degrees East 15 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning,
Docket 282721 (parcel identification number 39-010-0920); and
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(2) that part of Government Lot 2 lying North of Moose Horn River, Docket 262968,
272524, and 272525, Section 11, Township 46, Range 19 (parcel identification number
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(d) The county has determined that the county's land management interests would
best be served if the land was sold to adjoining landowners.
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(a) Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, sections 92.45 and 282.018, subdivision 1,
Carlton County may sell the tax-forfeited land bordering public water that is described in
paragraph (c), under the remaining provisions of Minnesota Statutes, chapter 282.
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(b) The conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The attorney
general may make changes to the land description to correct errors and ensure accuracy.
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(c) The land to be sold is located in Carlton County and is described as:
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(1) the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, Section 27, Township 48 North,
Range 18 West (parcel number 33-010-6300);
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(2) the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, except that part East of the Kettle
River, Section 26, Township 48 North, Range 20 West (parcel number 90-010-4630); and
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(3) the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter or Government Lot 5, Section
12, Township 49 North, Range 19 West (parcel number 94-026-2020).
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(d) The county has determined that the county's land management interests would
best be served if the lands were returned to private ownership.
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(a) Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, sections 92.45, 94.09, and 94.10, and upon
completion of exchange of the school trust land for acquired land, the commissioner of
natural resources may sell by private sale the surplus land bordering public water that is
described in paragraph (c).
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(b) The conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The
attorney general may make necessary changes to the legal description to correct errors and
ensure accuracy. The commissioner may sell the land to a school district for less than the
value of the land as determined by the commissioner, but the conveyance must provide
that the land described in paragraph (c) be used for an educational unit managed forest and
reverts to the state if the school district fails to provide for or abandons the educational
unit managed forest use of the land.
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(c) The land that may be sold is located in Cass County and is described as:
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(1) the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 27;
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(2) the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 28;
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(3) Government Lot 11 of Section 33; and
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(4) Government Lot 14 of Section 34,
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all in Township 141 North, Range 28 West, containing a total of 98.7 acres, more or
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(d) The land borders Nellie Lake. Independent School District No. 118, Longville,
has inadvertently trespassed upon the land for the establishment of an educational unit
managed forest under Minnesota Statutes, section 89.41. The commissioner of natural
resources has determined that the state's land management interests would best be served
if the land was managed as an educational unit managed forest. Since the land is currently
school trust land, the commissioner of natural resources shall first exchange the school
trust land for acquired land prior to sale.
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(a) Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, sections 92.45, 94.09, and 94.10, the
commissioner of natural resources may sell by public or private sale the surplus land
bordering public water that is described in paragraph (c). Notwithstanding Minnesota
Statutes, section 86A.055, the commissioner of natural resources may sell the surplus land
described in paragraph (c) and direct the net proceeds to the general fund.
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(b) The conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The
attorney general may make necessary changes to the legal description to correct errors and
ensure accuracy. The commissioner may sell to a local unit of government for less than the
value of the land, as determined by the commissioner, but the conveyance must provide
that the land be used for the public and reverts to the state if the local unit of government
fails to provide for public use or abandons the public use of the land.
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(c) The land that may be sold is located in Cass County and is described as: Lot 7,
Block 1, Dell's Sleepy Hollow, Cass County, Minnesota, according to the recorded plat
thereof, containing 0.54 acres, more or less.
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(d) The land borders Woman Lake. The Department of Natural Resources has
determined that the state's land management interests would best be served if the land was
conveyed to a local unit of government.
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(a) Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section 86A.055, the commissioner of
natural resources may sell by public sale the surplus land described in paragraph (c) and
direct the net proceeds to the general fund.
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(b) The conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The
attorney general may make necessary changes to the legal description to correct errors
and ensure accuracy.
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(c) The land that may be sold is located in Cook County and is described as: the
South Half of the Northwest Quarter, Section 32, Township 62 North, Range 1 East,
containing 80 acres, more or less.
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(d) The Department of Natural Resources has determined that the land is not needed
for natural resource purposes.
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(a) Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section 86A.055, the commissioner of
natural resources may sell by public sale the surplus land described in paragraph (c) and
direct the net proceeds to the general fund.
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(b) The conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The
attorney general may make necessary changes to the legal description to correct errors
and ensure accuracy.
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(c) The land that may be sold is located in Douglas County and is described as: the
southerly 499.7 feet of the easterly 466.7 feet of the following described tract:
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Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 6, Township 127 North,
Range 37 West, excepting therefrom the right-of-way of the public road running on
the south line of said tract, containing 5.00 acres, more or less.
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(d) The Department of Natural Resources has determined that the land is not needed
for natural resource purposes.
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new text begin
(a) Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, sections 92.45, 94.09, and 94.10, the
commissioner of natural resources may sell by private sale the surplus land bordering
public water that is described in paragraph (c). Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes,
section 86A.055, the commissioner of natural resources may sell the surplus land
described in paragraph (c) and direct the net proceeds to the general fund.
new text end
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(b) The conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The
attorney general may make necessary changes to the legal description to correct errors and
ensure accuracy. The conveyance must include the easement specified in paragraph (c).
The purpose of the easement is to:
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(1) provide for the development of fish habitat, including tree planting, erosion
control, installation of instream structures, posting of signs, and other improvements;
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(2) permit angling by the public; and
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(3) provide ingress and egress through the property sold to the easement area.
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(c) The land that may be sold is located in Goodhue County and is described as:
that part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter and that part of the Northwest
Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 7, Township 112, Range 15, Goodhue County,
Minnesota, which lie westerly of the centerline of County State-Aid Highway No. 6,
containing 2.6 acres, more or less.
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Reserving an easement over, under, and across that part of the above described
property located within a strip of land 132 feet in width, and centered on the centerline
of Spring Creek, as the same meanders through said Southwest Quarter of the Northeast
Quarter and said Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter.
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(d) The land borders Spring Creek. The Department of Natural Resources has
determined that the land is not needed for natural resource purposes provided that an
easement right is retained. The land is separated from the wildlife management area by a
county road and has been subject to inadvertent trespass by the adjacent landowner.
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(a) Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section 86A.055, the commissioner of
natural resources may sell by public sale the surplus land described in paragraph (c) and
direct the net proceeds to the general fund.
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(b) The conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The
attorney general may make necessary changes to the legal description to correct errors
and ensure accuracy.
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(c) The land that may be sold is located in Grant County and is described as: that
part of the East 690 feet of the West 870 feet of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast
Quarter of Section 13, Township 127 North, Range 41 West, which lies southwesterly of a
line run parallel to and distant 225 feet southwesterly of the Soo Line Railroad Company
(formerly Minneapolis, St. Paul, and Sault Ste Marie Railway Company) main track
centerline as the same is now located and established over and across said Section 13,
containing 4.00 acres, more or less.
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(d) The Department of Natural Resources has determined that the land is not needed
for natural resource purposes.
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new text begin
(a) Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, sections 94.09 and 94.10, the commissioner
of natural resources may sell by private sale the surplus land that is described in paragraph
(c). Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section 86A.055, the commissioner of natural
resources may sell the surplus land described in paragraph (c) and direct the net proceeds
to the general fund.
new text end
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(b) The conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The
attorney general may make necessary changes to the legal description to correct errors and
ensure accuracy. The commissioner may sell to a local unit of government for less than the
value of the land, as determined by the commissioner, but the conveyance must provide
that the land be used for the public and reverts to the state if the local unit of government
fails to provide for public use or abandons the public use of the land.
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(c) The land that may be sold is located in Hennepin County and is described as:
Outlot A, Block 1, Schendel Woods, Hennepin County, Minnesota, according to the
recorded plat thereof, containing 13.92 acres, more or less.
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(d) The Department of Natural Resources has determined that the state's land
management interests would best be served if the land was conveyed to a local unit of
government. A local unit of government would like to use this parcel for a storm water
runoff project.
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(a) Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section 86A.055, the commissioner of
natural resources may sell by public sale the surplus land described in paragraph (c) and
direct the net proceeds to the general fund.
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(b) The conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The
attorney general may make necessary changes to the legal description to correct errors
and ensure accuracy.
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(c) The land that may be sold is located in Hubbard County and is described as: that
part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 17, Township 143
North, Range 35 West, Minnesota lying easterly of MN Highway No. 200, containing 30
acres, more or less.
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(d) The Department of Natural Resources has determined that the land is not needed
for natural resource purposes.
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(a) Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, sections 92.45 and 282.018, subdivision
1, and the public sale provisions of Minnesota Statutes, chapter 282, Itasca County may
convey to the city of Cohasset for consideration as determined by Itasca County the land
described in paragraph (c), under the remaining provisions of Minnesota Statutes, chapter
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(b) The conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general and provide
that the land reverts to the state if the city of Cohasset fails to provide for the public use
described in paragraph (d) or abandons the public use of the land. As a condition of
conveyance, the city of Cohasset must provide to Itasca County a survey of the property,
at no cost to Itasca County. The conveyance is subject to easements, restrictions, and
reservations of record. The attorney general may make necessary changes to the legal
description to correct errors and ensure accuracy.
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(c) The land to be conveyed is located in Itasca County and is described as: that
part of Government Lot 7, Section 23, Township 55 North, Range 26 West, described
as follows:
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Commencing at the southwest corner of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest
Quarter, Section 23, Township 55 North, Range 26 West; thence South 88 degrees 02
minutes 11 seconds East, along the south line of said Northwest Quarter of Southwest
Quarter and the south line of Government Lot 7 according to the plat of HILLCREST
PARK, 1,351.90 feet to the centerline of the Tioga Beach Road and the point of beginning;
thence northerly along the centerline of the Tioga Beach Road 123.51 feet along a
nontangential curve concave to the East, said curve having a central angle of 12 degrees 08
minutes 28 seconds, radius of 582.87 feet, a chord bearing of North 07 degrees 35 minutes
37 seconds West, chord distance 123.28 feet; thence North 01 degrees 31 minutes 24
seconds West, along the centerline of the Tioga Beach Road 167.83 feet; thence northerly
along the centerline of the Tioga Beach Road 139.95 feet along a tangential curve concave
to the West, said curve having a central angle of 11 degrees 26 minutes 28 seconds, radius
of 700.85 feet; thence North 12 degrees 57 minutes 52 seconds West, along the centerline
of the Tioga Beach Road 174.21 feet; thence northerly along the centerline of the Tioga
Beach Road 70.93 feet, more or less, along a tangential curve concave to the East, said
curve having a central angle of 08 degrees 46 minutes 30 seconds, radius of 463.14 feet
to intersect the north line of the South 665.00 feet of Government Lot 7; thence South
88 degrees 02 minutes 11 seconds East along the north line of the South 665.00 feet of
said Government Lot 7, a distance of 512.74 feet; thence South 65 degrees 39 minutes
08 seconds East, 184 feet, more or less, to the waters edge of Pokegama Lake; thence
southwesterly along the waters edge of Pokegama Lake to intersect the south line of said
Government Lot 7; thence North 88 degrees 02 minutes 11 seconds West, along the south
line of Government Lot 7, 220 feet, more or less, to the point of the beginning and there
terminating. Parcel contains approximately 690 front feet of shoreland on Pokegama
Lake and 6.8 acres.
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(d) The county has determined that the county's land management interests would
be best served if the lands are managed for a public beach and other public recreational
purposes by the city of Cohasset.
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(a) Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, sections 92.45 and 282.018, subdivision
1, and the public sale provisions of Minnesota Statutes, chapter 282, Mahnomen County
may sell by private sale the tax-forfeited land bordering public water that is described in
paragraph (c), under the remaining provisions of Minnesota Statutes, chapter 282.
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(b) The conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The attorney
general may make changes to the land description to correct errors and ensure accuracy.
The conveyance must include a deed restriction that prohibits buildings, structures, tree
cutting, removal of vegetation, and shoreland alterations within an area 75 feet from the
ordinary high water level. A 15-foot strip for lake access and a dock is allowed.
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(c) The land to be sold is located in Mahnomen County and is described as:
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Beginning at the northeast corner of Lot 1; thence 28 rods West to the point of
beginning; thence West 7 rods; thence South to the shoreline of North Twin Lake 9 rods,
more or less; thence southeast on the shoreline to a point South of the point of beginning;
thence North 16 rods, more or less, to the point of beginning, all in Section 29, Township
144 North, Range 39 West (parcel number R16 029 0200).
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(d) The county has determined that the county's land management interests would
best be served if the lands were returned to private ownership.
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new text begin
(a) Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section 86A.055, the commissioner of
natural resources may sell by public sale the surplus land described in paragraph (c) and
direct the net proceeds to the general fund.
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(b) The conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The
attorney general may make necessary changes to the legal description to correct errors
and ensure accuracy.
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(c) The land that may be sold is located in Martin County and is described as: all of
Tract A described below:
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Tract A:
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That part of Government Lot 3 and the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter,
both in Section 32, Township 103 North, Range 30 West, described as follows:
Beginning at the point of intersection of a line run parallel with and distant 100 feet
northerly of Line 1 described below with a line run parallel with and distant 50
feet southeasterly of Line 3, described below; thence run easterly on said 100 foot
parallel line to its intersection with a line run parallel with and distant 100 feet
westerly of Line 2 described below; thence run northerly of the last described 100
foot parallel line to a point thereon, distant 100 feet southerly of its intersection
with a line run parallel with and distant 50 feet southerly of said Line 3; thence run
northwesterly to a point on said 50 foot parallel line distant 100 feet westerly of the
last described intersection (when measured along said 50 foot parallel line), said
point being hereinafter referred to as "Point B"; thence run southwesterly on said 50
foot parallel line to the point of beginning.
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Line 1:
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Beginning at a point on the east line of said Section 32, distant 516.9 feet South
of the east quarter corner thereof; thence run westerly at an angle of 89 degrees
20 minutes 15 seconds from said east section line (measured from North to West)
for 5,337.2 feet and there terminating.
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Line 2:
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Beginning at a point of Line 1, described above, distant 1,545 feet easterly of its
point of termination; thence run northerly at right angles to said Line 1 for 590 feet
and there terminating.
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Line 3:
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Beginning at the point of termination of Line 2 described above; thence run westerly
at right angles to said Line 2 for 134.26 feet; thence deflect to the left on a 07 degree
00 minute 00 second curve (delta angle 35 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds) for 500
feet; thence on a tangent to said curve for 280.6 feet; thence deflect to the right
on a 07 degree 00 minute 00 second curve (delta angle 35 degrees 00 minutes 00
seconds) for 500 feet and there terminating.
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Containing 5.75 acres, more or less. Subject to the following restriction:
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No access shall be permitted to Trunk Highway 391 renumbered 90 or to County
Road No. 59 from the lands herein conveyed; except that access shall be permitted
along a line run parallel with and distant 50 feet southeasterly of Line 3 described
above, between the point of beginning of Tract A hereinbefore described and "Point
B" hereinbefore described.
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(d) The Department of Natural Resources has determined that the land is not needed
for natural resource purposes.
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(a) Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, sections 94.09 and 94.10, the commissioner
of natural resources may sell by private sale the surplus land that is described in paragraph
(c). Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section 86A.055, the commissioner of natural
resources may sell the surplus land described in paragraph (c) and direct the net proceeds
to the general fund.
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(b) The conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The
attorney general may make necessary changes to the legal description to correct errors
and ensure accuracy.
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(c) The land that may be sold is located in Martin County and is described as: the
North 700 feet of a strip of land 100 feet in width extending over and across the West Half
of the Northwest Quarter and the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section
25, Township 101 North, Range 32 West, Martin County, Minnesota. The centerline of
said strip being the centerline of the main track (now removed) of the Minnesota and Iowa
Railway Company, as said centerline was originally located and established over and
across said Section 25. This parcel contains 1.6 acres, more or less.
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(d) The Department of Natural Resources has determined that the land is not needed
for natural resource purposes and that the state's land management interests would best
be served if the land were conveyed to the adjacent landowner to improve access to the
landowner's property.
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(a) The commissioner of natural resources may, with the approval of the Land
Exchange Board as required under the Minnesota Constitution, article XI, section 10, and
according to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, sections 94.343 to 94.347, exchange
the land described in paragraph (b).
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(b) The land that may be exchanged is located in Murray County and is described as:
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(1) the North 866 feet of the South 1555 feet of the Southwest Quarter of Section 7,
Township 108, Range 41, lying West of the East 450 feet thereof;
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(2) the South 689 feet of the Southwest Quarter of Section 7, Township 108, Range
41; and
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(3) that part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 18, Township 108, Range 41,
described as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of said Section 7, Township
108, Range 41; thence running easterly along the north line of said Section 7 a distance of
2,769.50 feet to the intersection with the centerline of the township road; thence southerly
along the centerline of said township road a distance of 2,653.75 feet; thence deflecting
00 degrees 31 minutes right and continuing along the centerline of said township road a
distance of 2,051.75 feet; thence easterly and parallel to the south line of the Southwest
Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 7, a distance of 464 feet; thence South
and parallel to the west line of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 18, a distance of
3,198.00 feet, to the south line of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 18, and the point
of beginning of the land to be described; thence return northerly, along the last described
course, a distance of 2,635 feet to the north line of said Northeast Quarter; thence
southwesterly, a distance of 999 feet, to a point on the west line of said Northeast Quarter,
distant 421.5 feet South of the northwest corner of said Northeast Quarter, thence South
along said west line, to the southwest corner of said Northeast Quarter; thence East, along
the south line of said Northeast Quarter, a distance of 910 feet to the point of beginning.
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(c) The land was acquired in part with bonding appropriations. The exchange
with the adjacent landowner will provide additional wildlife acres and additional water
frontage to the state.
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(a) Notwithstanding Minnesota
Statutes, sections 16B.281 to 16B.287, the commissioner of administration may upon
recommendation of the commissioner of human services, convey to the city of St. Peter
for no consideration the surplus land or any state interest in land that is described in
paragraph (c).
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(b) The conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The
attorney general may make changes to the land description to correct errors and ensure
accuracy. The commissioner of administration may grant utility easements for no
consideration in conjunction with the conveyances under this section.
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(c) The land to be sold is located in Nicollet County and is described as:
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(1) all that part of the following described parcel lying westerly of the westerly
right-of-way of Freeman Drive, formerly the Saint Peter and Belgrade Road.
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Said parcel described as follows:
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That part of Government Lot 6 in Section 29, Township 110 North, Range 26 West,
city of Saint Peter, Nicollet County, Minnesota, described as:
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Commencing at the northeast corner of said Section 29; thence South 00 degrees 29
minutes 46 seconds East, an assumed bearing on the east line of said Northeast Quarter, a
distance of 1317.06 feet to the southeast corner of the Northeast Quarter of said Northeast
Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 30 minutes 18 seconds West, on the south line of said
Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, a distance of 918.73 feet to the point of
beginning; thence South 64 degrees 37 minutes 16 seconds East, a distance of 178.6 feet,
more or less, to the centerline of Freeman Drive, formerly the Saint Peter and Belgrade
Road; thence northeasterly, on said centerline, a distance of 98.3 feet, more or less, to the
north line of said Government Lot 6; thence South 89 degrees 30 minutes 18 seconds
West, on said north line; a distance of 220.5 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning;
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(2) all that part of the following described parcel lying easterly of the westerly
right-of-way of Freeman Drive, formerly the Saint Peter and Belgrade Road.
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Said parcel described as follows:
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That part of Government Lot 6 in Section 29, Township 110 North, Range 26 West,
city of Saint Peter, Nicollet County, Minnesota, described as:
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Commencing at the northeast corner of said Section 29; thence South 00 degrees 29
minutes 46 seconds East, an assumed bearing on the east line of said Northeast Quarter, a
distance of 1317.06 feet to the southeast corner of the Northeast Quarter of said Northeast
Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 30 minutes 18 seconds West, on the south line of said
Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, a distance of 918.73 feet to the point of
beginning; thence South 64 degrees 37 minutes 16 seconds East, a distance of 178.6 feet,
more or less, to the centerline of Freeman Drive, formerly the Saint Peter and Belgrade
Road; thence northeasterly, on said centerline, a distance of 98.3 feet, more or less, to the
north line of said Government Lot 6; thence South 89 degrees 30 minutes 18 seconds West,
on said north line; a distance of 220.5 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning; and
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(3) that part of the East 25.00 of a 150.00 foot wide railroad right-of-way acquired
in Book R page 338, in the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 29,
Township 110 North, Range 26 West, city of Saint Peter, Nicollet County, Minnesota,
lying South of the southerly right-of-way line of Minnesota Trunk Highway No. 99, per
MN/DOT Right-of-Way Map 31-68 and North of the following described line:
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Commencing at the northeast corner of said Section 29; thence South 00 degrees 29
minutes 46 seconds East, an assumed bearing on the east line of said Northeast Quarter, a
distance of 1317.06 feet to the southeast corner of the Northeast Quarter of said Northeast
Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 30 minutes 18 seconds West, on the south line of said
Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, a distance of 918.73 feet; thence North 64
degrees 37 minutes 16 seconds West, a distance of 86.15 feet; thence northwesterly 127.21
feet on a tangential curve to the right, having a radius of 280.00 feet and a central angle of
26 degrees 01 minutes 59 seconds to the point of beginning of the line to be described;
thence continuing northwesterly 31.24 feet on said tangential curve to the right, having
a radius of 280.00 feet and a central angle of 06 degrees 23 minutes 34 seconds and
there terminating.
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(d) The commissioner has determined that the land is no longer needed for any state
purpose and that the state's land management interests would best be served if the land
was conveyed to and used by the city of St. Peter.
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(a) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the
commissioner of administration, upon recommendation of the commissioner of human
services, may acquire from the city of St. Peter, without monetary consideration, land
located in Nicollet County, described as follows:
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(1) that part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 29,
Township 110 North, Range 26 West, city of Saint Peter, Nicollet County, Minnesota:
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Lying East of the east line of the 150.007 foot wide railroad right-of-way acquired in
Book R page 338, in said Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 29;
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Lying South of the following described line:
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Commencing at the northeast corner of said Section 29; thence South 00 degrees
29 minutes 46 seconds East, an assumed bearing on the east line of said Northeast
Quarter, a distance of 1317.06 feet to the southeast corner of the Northeast Quarter of said
Northeast Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 30 minutes 18 seconds West, on the south
line of said Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, a distance of 918.73 feet to the
point of beginning; thence North 64 degrees 37 minutes 16 seconds West, a distance of
86.15 feet; thence northwesterly 127.21 feet on a tangential curve to the right, having a
radius of 280.00 feet and a central angle of 26 degrees 01 minutes 51 seconds to the
point of termination. Said point of termination being on the east line of the previously
referenced railroad right-of-way and there terminating; and
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(2) that part of Government Lot 6 in Section 29, Township 110 North, Range 26
West, city of Saint Peter, Nicollet County, Minnesota described as:
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Commencing at the northeast corner of said Section 29; thence South 00 degrees 29
minutes 46 seconds East, an assumed bearing on the east line of said Northeast Quarter, a
distance of 1317.06 feet to the southeast corner of the Northeast Quarter of said Northeast
Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 30 minutes 18 seconds West, on the south line of said
Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, a distance of 918.73 feet; thence South 64
degrees 37 minutes 16 seconds East, a distance of 179 feet, more or less, to the centerline
of Freeman Drive, formerly the Saint Peter and Belgrade Road, and the point of beginning;
thence continuing South 64 degrees 37 minutes 16 seconds East, a distance of 25.8 feet,
more or less, to the existing right-of-way of U.S. Highway No. 169, per Map 14-80;
thence southwesterly along said right-of-way a distance of 91.7 feet, more or less, to the
northerly line of a parcel recorded as Document No. 274882, Nicollet County records;
thence northwesterly along the northerly line of said parcel a distance of 27.5 feet, more or
less, to the centerline of said Freeman Drive; thence northeasterly along said centerline a
distance of 93.2 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning.
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(b) The conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The
attorney general may make necessary changes to legal descriptions to correct errors and
ensure accuracy.
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(a) Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section 86A.055, the commissioner of
natural resources may sell by public sale the surplus land described in paragraph (c) and
direct the net proceeds to the general fund.
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(b) The conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The
attorney general may make necessary changes to the legal description to correct errors
and ensure accuracy.
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(c) The land that may be sold is located in Nobles County and is described as:
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(1) the North 500 feet of the West 450 feet of the East 1,650 feet of the North Half
of the Northeast Quarter of Section 32, Township 102 North, Range 43 West, subject to
the public road running on the north line of said North Half of the Northeast Quarter.
Containing 4.83 acres, more or less; and
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(2) the westerly 500 feet of the southerly 468.6 feet of the Southeast Quarter of the
Southeast Quarter of Section 17, Township 101 North, Range 43 West, subject to the
public road running on the south line of said Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter,
containing 5.00 acres, more or less.
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(d) The Department of Natural Resources has determined that the land is not needed
for natural resource purposes.
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(a) Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, sections 94.09 to 94.16, the commissioner
of natural resources shall convey to the city of Oronoco for no consideration the surplus
land that is described in paragraph (c).
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(b) The conveyance shall occur upon the operation of the reversion clause contained
in the deed for the land described in paragraph (c) in accordance with Minnesota Statutes
1965, section 85.188, and after the passage of resolutions by the Olmsted County Board
and the Oronoco City Council, each acknowledging that the requirements set forth in the
Agreement for Transfer of Oronoco Park in the City of Oronoco to the City of Oronoco
by Olmsted County have been sufficiently met to proceed with the conveyance. The
conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general, the Olmsted County
Board, and the Oronoco City Council. The conveyance must provide that the land reverts
to the state if the city of Oronoco fails to maintain and operate the land as a public park.
The attorney general may make changes to the land description to correct errors and
ensure accuracy.
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(c) The land to be conveyed is located in Olmsted County and is described as:
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(1) the East Half of the West Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter,
Section 7, Township 108 North, Range 14 West, subject to flowage rights in favor of
Olmsted County; and
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(2) the East Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, Section 7,
Township 108 North, Range 14 West.
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(d) The land is currently owned by Olmsted County and used as a public park,
having been conveyed by the state according to Laws 1965, chapter 810, section 9. The
1965 law and the corresponding conveyance document require reversion to the state if
the county stops operating the land as a public park. Olmsted County no longer wishes
to operate the public park, but the city of Oronoco has agreed to pay consideration to
Olmsted County to continue the park operation. The commissioner has determined that
the state's land management interests would best be served if, upon the land's reversion to
the state, the land was conveyed to and used by the city of Oronoco as a public park.
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(a) Notwithstanding the public sale provisions of Minnesota Statutes, chapter 282,
or other law to the contrary, Pine County may sell by private sale the tax-forfeited land
described in paragraph (c).
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(b) The conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The attorney
general may make changes to the land description to correct errors and ensure accuracy.
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(c) The land to be sold is located in Pine County and is described as: the East 132
feet of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 11, Township 42 North,
Range 17 West, Wilma Township, Pine County, Minnesota, subject to a public road
easement over, under, and across the West 66 feet thereof, and the East 132 feet of the
Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 11, Township 42 North, Range 17
West, Wilma Township, Pine County, Minnesota, subject to a public road easement over,
under, and across the West 66 feet thereof.
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(d) The county has determined that the county's land management interests would
best be served if the lands were returned to private ownership. The county will be able to
access adjacent tax-forfeited property by the public road easement.
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(a) Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section 86A.055, the commissioner of
natural resources may sell by public sale the surplus land described in paragraph (c) and
direct the net proceeds to the general fund.
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(b) The conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The
attorney general may make necessary changes to the legal description to correct errors
and ensure accuracy.
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(c) The land that may be sold is located in Pipestone County and is described as:
that part of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 27, Township 107 North,
Range 45 West, described as follows:
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From the intersection of the east and west quarter line of said Section 27 with the
southeasterly right-of-way line of Trunk Highway 39 as same is now located and
established over and across said tract; run East along said east and west quarter line
for a distance of 1,037 feet; thence deflect to the left at an angle of 90 degrees 00
minutes for a distance of 540 feet to the point of beginning; thence deflect to the
right at an angle of 90 degrees 00 minutes for a distance of 125 feet; thence deflect
to the left at an angle of 90 degrees 00 minutes for a distance of 249 feet; thence
deflect to the left at an angle of 90 degrees 00 minutes for a distance of 350 feet;
thence deflect to the left at an angle of 90 degrees 00 minutes for a distance of 249
feet; thence deflect to the left at an angle of 90 degrees 00 minutes for a distance
of 225 feet to the point of beginning;
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Together with all that part of the following described tract:
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That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 27, Township
107 North, Range 45 West, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the
east and west quarter line of said Section 27 with the southeasterly right-of-way line
of Trunk Highway 39, as same is now located and established over and across said
tract; thence run East along said east and west quarter line for a distance of 1,037
feet; thence deflect to the left at an angle of 90 degrees 00 minutes for a distance of
540 feet; thence deflect to the left at an angle of 90 degrees 00 minutes for a distance
of 577 feet to the southeasterly right-of-way line of said Trunk Highway 39; thence
run southeasterly along said right-of-way line to the point of beginning.
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Which lies southeasterly of a line run parallel with and distant 100 feet southeasterly
of the following described line:
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Beginning at a point on the west line of Section 33, Township 107 North, Range
45 West, distant 1,623.8 feet North of the southwest corner thereof; thence run
northeasterly at an angle of 39 degrees 49 minutes with said section line for 2,631.4
feet; thence deflect to the right on a 0 degree 30 minute curve (delta angle 4 degrees
52 minutes) for 973.3 feet; thence on a tangent to said curve for 27.9 feet; thence
deflect to the left on a 0 degree 30 minute curve (delta angle 4 degrees 52 minutes) for
973.3 feet; thence on a tangent to said curve for 6,129.0 feet and there terminating.
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Containing 11.36 acres, more or less.
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(d) The Department of Natural Resources has determined that the land is not needed
for natural resource purposes.
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(a) Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section 92.45, the commissioner of natural
resources may sell by public sale the surplus land bordering public water that is described
in paragraph (c).
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(b) The conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The
attorney general may make necessary changes to the legal description to correct errors
and ensure accuracy.
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(c) The land that may be sold is located in Roseau County and is described as:
Government Lot 9, Section 30, Township 163 North, Range 36 West, containing 0.15
acres, more or less.
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(d) The land borders the Warroad River and is not contiguous to other state lands.
The Department of Natural Resources has determined that the land is not needed for
natural resource purposes.
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(a) Notwithstanding the classification and public sale provisions of Minnesota
Statutes, chapters 84A and 282, Roseau County may sell by public or private sale the
consolidated conservation lands that are described in paragraph (c).
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(b) The conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The
attorney general may make necessary changes to the legal description to correct errors
and ensure accuracy. The consideration for the conveyance must be for no less than the
appraised value of the land and timber and survey costs. Proceeds shall be disposed of
according to Minnesota Statutes, chapter 84A.
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(c) The land that may be sold is located in Roseau County and is described as:
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(1) that part of Government Lot 1, Section 4, Township 162 North, Range 36 West,
lying southwesterly of the southwesterly right-of-way of the Canadian National Railway.
Subject to the right-of-way of State Highway 11. Contains 0.75 acres, more or less; and
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(2) the South Half of the South Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest
Quarter, Section 34, Township 159 North, Range 39 West, containing 10 acres, more or
new text end
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(d) The lands are not contiguous to other state lands. The Department of Natural
Resources has determined that the land is not needed for natural resource purposes.
new text end
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(a) Notwithstanding the public sale provisions of Minnesota Statutes, chapter 282,
or other law to the contrary, Roseau County may sell by private sale the tax-forfeited
land described in paragraph (c).
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(b) The conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The attorney
general may make changes to the land description to correct errors and ensure accuracy.
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(c) The land to be sold is located in Roseau County and is described as: the
Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter and the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast
Quarter, Section 20, Township 163, Range 36.
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(d) The county has determined that the county's land management interests would
best be served if the lands were returned to private ownership.
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new text begin
(a) Notwithstanding the public sale provisions of Minnesota Statutes, chapter 282,
or other law to the contrary, St. Louis County may sell by private sale the tax-forfeited
land described in paragraph (c).
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(b) The conveyances must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The
attorney general may make changes to the land descriptions to correct errors and ensure
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(c) The land to be sold is located in St. Louis County and is described as:
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(1) Lot 90, Block 75, Duluth Proper Third Division, except the West six feet of the
South 50 feet of the West Half, Section 28, Township 50 North, Range 14 West;
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(2) the northerly 100 feet of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, except
the westerly 233 feet, and except the easterly 1,037 feet, Section 14, Township 51 North,
Range 13 West;
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(3) the South 150 feet of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, Section 5,
Township 55 North, Range 18 West;
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(4) the West 33 feet of the North 208 feet of the South 1,040 feet of the Northwest
Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, Section 7, Township 60 North, Range 13 West;
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(5) the North 45.27 feet of the South 1,085.27 feet of the West 449 feet of the
Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, Section 7, Township 60 North, Range 13
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(6) the West 33 feet of the North 208 feet of the South 832 feet of the Northwest
Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, Section 7, Township 60 North, Range 13 West;
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(7) the West 33 feet of the North 208 feet of the South 624 feet of the Northwest
Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, Section 7, Township 60 North, Range 13 West;
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(8) the West 33 feet of the South 416 feet of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast
Quarter, Section 7, Township 60 North, Range 13 West; and
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(9) part of the South Half of the Southwest Quarter, Section 20, Township 58 North,
Range 15 West.
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new text begin
(d) The county has determined that the county's land management interests would
best be served if the lands were returned to private ownership.
new text end
new text begin
(a) Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, sections 92.45 and 282.018, subdivision
1, and the public sale provisions of Minnesota Statutes, chapter 282, St. Louis County
may sell by private sale the tax-forfeited land bordering public water that is described in
paragraph (c), under the remaining provisions of Minnesota Statutes, chapter 282.
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(b) The conveyances must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The
attorney general may make changes to the land descriptions to correct errors and ensure
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(c) The land to be sold is located in St. Louis County and is described as:
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(1) Lot 4, Block 4, Greenwood Beach, town of Duluth, Section 19, Township 51
North, Range 12 West;
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(2) beginning at the southwest corner of Lot 4, running thence East 450 feet; thence
North 200 feet; thence West 450 feet; thence South along the section line 200 feet to the
point of beginning, except the northerly 40 feet, Section 7, Township 54 North, Range
19 West;
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(3) the South 560 feet of the East 300 feet of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast
Quarter, except the highway right-of-way and except the North 315 feet, Section 22,
Township 61 North, Range 20 West;
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(4) an undivided 1/24 interest in the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter,
Section 8, Township 50 North, Range 18 West;
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(5) an undivided 2/15 interest in the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter,
Section 20, Township 50 North, Range 18 West;
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(6) an undivided 1/3 interest in the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter,
Section 21, Township 50 North, Range 18 West;
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(7) an undivided 1/45 interest in the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter,
Section 29, Township 50 North, Range 18 West;
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(8) an undivided 1/12 interest in the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter,
Section 25, Township 50 North, Range 19 West;
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(9) an undivided 1/12 interest in the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter,
Section 25, Township 50 North, Range 19 West;
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(10) an undivided 1369/68040 interest in Lot 8, except the railway right-of-way,
Section 28, Township 51 North, Range 18 West; and
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(11) that part of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 10,
Township 63 North, Range 18 West, St. Louis County, Minnesota, described as follows:
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new text begin
Assuming the northeast line of Lot 9 in the plat of MANNIKKO (PINE RIDGE) to
bear North 54 degrees 11 minutes 00 seconds West, and COMMENCING from the most
northerly corner of said Lot 9 run North 28 degrees 12 minutes 30 seconds East, a distance
of 107.39 feet; thence South 28 degrees 12 minutes 30 seconds West, a distance of 28.19
feet; thence South 86 degrees 24 minutes 10 seconds West, a distance of 82.17 feet; thence
South 77 degrees 07 minutes 31 seconds West, a distance of 77.70 feet; thence South 82
degrees 40 minutes 33 seconds West, a distance of 83.09 feet; thence South 71 degrees 26
minutes 45 seconds West, a distance of 190.55 feet; thence North 70 degrees 55 minutes
26 seconds West, a distance of 76.14 feet to a point on a nontangential curve, the center
of which bears North 35 degrees 10 minutes 49 seconds West, being also a point on the
east right-of-way of "Phillips Road" as it exists in January of 1995; thence northerly along
said east right-of-way, on said nontangential curve, concave to the West, central angle of
88 degrees 57 minutes 37 seconds, radius of 90.00 feet, a distance of 139.74 feet; thence
North 34 degrees 08 minutes 26 seconds west, along said east right-of-way, a distance of
105.00 feet to a tangential curve; thence northerly along said east right-of-way on said
tangential curve, concave to the East, central angle 69 degrees 38 minutes 31 seconds,
radius 68.00 feet, a distance of 82.65 feet to a point of reverse curve; thence northerly
along said east right-of-way, on said reverse curve, concave to the West, central angle of
18 degrees, more or less, radius of 116.25 feet, a distance of 36.5 feet, more or less, to
the south line of said Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter and the POINT OF
BEGINNING of the land being described; thence northerly, continuing along said curve, a
distance of 96.2 feet; thence North 29 degrees 54 minutes 20 seconds West, tangent to said
curve and along said east right-of-way, a distance of 16.32 feet; thence South 89 degrees
42 minutes 44 seconds East, a distance of 943.3 feet, more or less, to the east line of
said Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter; thence southerly, along said east line, a
distance of 30 feet, more or less, to the shore of Lake Vermilion; thence southerly, along
said shore, a distance of 100 feet, more or less, to the south line of said Southeast Quarter
of the Northeast Quarter; thence westerly, along said south line, a distance of 880 feet,
more or less, to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 2.5 acres, more or less.
new text end
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(d) The county has determined that the county's land management interests would
best be served if the lands were returned to private ownership.
new text end
new text begin
(a) Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, sections 92.45 and 282.018, subdivision
1, and the public sale provisions of Minnesota Statutes, chapter 282, St. Louis County
may sell by private sale the tax-forfeited land bordering public water that is described in
paragraph (c), under the remaining provisions of Minnesota Statutes, chapter 282.
new text end
new text begin
(b) The conveyances must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The
attorney general may make changes to the land descriptions to correct errors and
ensure accuracy. Prior to the sales, the commissioner of revenue shall grant permanent
conservation easements according to Minnesota Statutes, section 282.37. The easements
shall be up to 200 feet in width, lying 100 feet, to the extent possible given the location
of property lines, on each side of the centerline of the designated trout stream to provide
riparian protection and angler access.
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(c) The land to be sold is located in St. Louis County and is described as:
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new text begin
(1) Lot 22, Block 1, Wonderland 1st Addition, town of Duluth, except the highway
right-of-way and including part of the adjacent vacated road, Section 17, Township 51
North, Range 12 West; and
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new text begin
(2) that part of the southerly 135 feet of the northerly 543 feet of the Northwest
Quarter of the Southwest Quarter lying East of the westerly 968 feet and West of the
Sucker River, Section 30, Township 52 North, Range 12 West.
new text end
new text begin
(d) The county has determined that the county's land management interests would
best be served if the lands were returned to private ownership.
new text end
new text begin
(a) Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, sections 92.45 and 282.018, subdivision 1,
St. Louis County may sell the tax-forfeited land bordering public water that is described
in paragraph (c), under the remaining provisions of Minnesota Statutes, chapter 282.
new text end
new text begin
(b) The conveyances must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The
attorney general may make changes to the land descriptions to correct errors and ensure
new text end
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(c) The land to be sold is located in St. Louis County and is described as:
new text end
new text begin
(1) the East Half of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest
Quarter, Section 25, Township 51 North, Range 14 West, subject to an existing easement;
new text end
new text begin
(2) the North 407 feet of that part of Lot 4 lying South of the east and west centerline
of Section 20, Section 20, Township 51 North, Range 16 West;
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new text begin
(3) Lots 1, 2, and 3, Childs Birch Grove Tracts, Grand Lake, Section 20, Township
51 North, Range 16 West;
new text end
new text begin
(4) Lots 28 and 29, Briar Lake Shores 3rd Addition, North Star, Section 15,
Township 53 North, Range 13 West; and
new text end
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(5) the East Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, Section 26,
Township 60 North, Range 17 West.
new text end
new text begin
(d) The county has determined that the county's land management interests would
best be served if the lands were returned to private ownership.
new text end
new text begin
(a) Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, sections 92.45 and 282.018, subdivision 1,
St. Louis County may sell the tax-forfeited land bordering public water that is described
in paragraph (c), under the remaining provisions of Minnesota Statutes, chapter 282.
new text end
new text begin
(b) The conveyances must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The
attorney general may make changes to the land descriptions to correct errors and
ensure accuracy. Prior to the sales, the commissioner of revenue shall grant permanent
conservation easements according to Minnesota Statutes, section 282.37. The easements
shall be up to 200 feet in width, lying 100 feet, to the extent possible given the location
of property lines, on each side of the centerline of the designated trout stream to provide
riparian protection and angler access. For the parcels described in paragraph (c), clauses
(6) and (7), a 33-foot strip across the easement shall be allowed for road access and utilities.
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(c) The land to be sold is located in St. Louis County and is described as:
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new text begin
(1) the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, except 4.56 acres for a road and
except that part lying South and West of Highway 2, Section 8, Township 50 North,
Range 16 West;
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(2) the East Half of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, except the
railway right-of-way and except the highway right-of-way, Section 17, Township 51
North, Range 12 West;
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(3) the West Half of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest
Quarter, Section 25, Township 51 North, Range 14 West;
new text end
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(4) the West Half of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest
Quarter, Section 25, Township 51 North, Range 14 West;
new text end
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(5) the West five acres of the South 15 acres of the North 30 acres of the Northeast
Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, Section 27, Township 51 North, Range 14 West;
new text end
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(6) the East Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest
Quarter, Section 27, Township 51 North, Range 14 West; and
new text end
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(7) the East Half of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest
Quarter, except the West 25 feet, Section 27, Township 51 North, Range 14 West.
new text end
new text begin
(d) The county has determined that the county's land management interests would
best be served if the lands were returned to private ownership.
new text end
new text begin
(a) Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, sections 92.45 and 282.018, subdivision 1,
St. Louis County may sell the tax-forfeited land bordering public water that is described
in paragraph (c), under the remaining provisions of Minnesota Statutes, chapter 282.
new text end
new text begin
(b) The conveyances must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The
attorney general may make changes to the land descriptions to correct errors and
ensure accuracy. Prior to the sales, the commissioner of revenue shall grant permanent
conservation easements according to Minnesota Statutes, section 282.37. The easements
shall be 150 feet in width, lying 75 feet on each side of the centerline of the stream to
provide riparian protection and angler access. For the parcel described in paragraph (c),
clause (4), a 33-foot strip across the easement shall be allowed for road access and utilities.
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(c) The land to be sold is located in St. Louis County and is described as:
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new text begin
(1) the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, except the North Half, Section
15, Township 50 North, Range 15 West;
new text end
new text begin
(2) the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, Section 19, Township 53 North,
Range 20 West;
new text end
new text begin
(3) the westerly 330 feet of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest
Quarter, Section 11, Township 56 North, Range 20 West; and
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(4) the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, except the South Half of the
Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter and except the North ten acres, Section
34, Township 50 North, Range 15 West.
new text end
new text begin
(d) The county has determined that the county's land management interests would
best be served if the lands were returned to private ownership.
new text end
new text begin
(a) Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, sections 92.45 and 282.018, subdivision 1,
St. Louis County may sell the tax-forfeited land bordering public water that is described
in paragraph (c), under the remaining provisions of Minnesota Statutes, chapter 282.
new text end
new text begin
(b) The conveyances must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The
attorney general may make changes to the land descriptions to correct errors and
ensure accuracy. Prior to the sales, the commissioner of revenue shall grant permanent
conservation easements according to Minnesota Statutes, section 282.37. For the parcel
described in paragraph (c), clause (1), the easement must be 100 feet in width from the
centerline of the designated trout stream to provide riparian protection and angler access.
For the parcel described in paragraph (c), clause (2), the easement must be 200 feet in
width from the centerline of the stream to provide riparian protection and angler access.
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(c) The land to be sold is located in St. Louis County and is described as:
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(1) Lots 511 through 515, Homecroft Park, town of Rice Lake, Section 34, Township
51 North, Range 14 West; and
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(2) that part of the Lot 2 lying East of a line parallel with and 150 feet East of the
centerline of the Duluth, Missabe and Iron Range Railway, Section 17, Township 51
North, Range 17 West.
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(d) The county has determined that the county's land management interests would
best be served if the lands were returned to private ownership.
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(a) Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, sections 92.45 and 282.018, subdivision 1,
St. Louis County may sell the tax-forfeited land bordering public water that is described
in paragraph (c), under the remaining provisions of Minnesota Statutes, chapter 282.
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(b) The conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The attorney
general may make changes to the land description to correct errors and ensure accuracy.
The conveyance must include a deed restriction that prohibits buildings, structures, tree
cutting, removal of vegetation, and shoreland alterations within an area 100 feet in width,
lying 50 feet on each side of the centerline of streams that are tributaries to the Sand River.
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(c) The land to be sold is located in St. Louis County and is described as: the North
416 feet of the East 416 feet of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, Section
10, Township 59 North, Range 17 West.
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(d) The county has determined that the county's land management interests would
best be served if the lands were returned to private ownership.
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(a) Notwithstanding the public sale provisions of Minnesota Statutes, chapter 282,
or other law to the contrary, St. Louis County may sell by private sale the tax-forfeited
land described in paragraph (c).
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(b) The conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The attorney
general may make changes to the land description to correct errors and ensure accuracy.
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(c) The land to be sold is located in St. Louis County and is adjacent to a parcel
described as:
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that part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter beginning on the
east line at the southerly road right-of-way; thence southerly along the east line 760.07
feet; thence South 89 degrees 3 minutes 23 seconds West 290 feet; thence North 1 degree
12 minutes 54 seconds East 764.79 feet; thence East along the southerly road right-of-way
290 feet to the point of beginning, Section 20, Township 58 North, Range 15 West. St.
Louis County shall sell an adjoining amount of land, determined by the county to rectify
an inadvertent trespass. The sale will ensure that the buildings causing the inadvertent
trespass will meet all setback requirements.
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(d) The county has determined that the county's land management interests would
best be served if the lands were returned to private ownership.
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(a) Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section 86A.055, the commissioner of
natural resources may sell by public sale the surplus land described in paragraph (c) and
direct the net proceeds to the general fund.
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(b) The conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The
attorney general may make necessary changes to the legal description to correct errors
and ensure accuracy.
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(c) The land that may be sold is located in Wadena County and is described as: the
Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 28, Township 138 North, Range 33
West, containing 40 acres, more or less.
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(d) The Department of Natural Resources has determined that the land is not needed
for natural resource purposes.
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(a) Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, sections 94.09 and 94.10, the commissioner
of natural resources may sell by private sale the surplus land that is described in paragraph
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(b) The conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The
attorney general may make necessary changes to the legal description to correct errors
and ensure accuracy.
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(c) The land that may be sold is located in Washington County and is described as:
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(1) that part of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 19,
Township 32, Range 21, lying South of the centerline of Highway 97; and
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(2) that part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 19, Township 32 North, Range 21
West, Washington County, Minnesota, described as follows: beginning at the southwest
corner of said Southwest Quarter; thence on an assumed bearing of South 89 degrees
50 minutes 33 seconds East along the south line of said Southwest Quarter 1555.59
feet; thence North 11 degrees 40 minutes 58 seconds East 720.70 feet; thence North 53
degrees 20 minutes 40 seconds West 436.77 feet; thence North 45 degrees 10 minutes 18
seconds West 222.72 feet to the southerly boundary of the recorded plat of BASSWOOD
ESTATES, on file and of record in the Office of the County Recorder; thence westerly
along the southerly boundary of said BASSWOOD ESTATES to the southwesterly corner
thereof; thence northerly along the westerly boundary of said BASSWOOD ESTATES to
the most northerly corner of Lot 2 of Block 3 of said BASSWOOD ESTATES; thence
westerly to a point on the west line of said Southwest Quarter 407.50 feet southerly of
the northwest corner of said Southwest Quarter; thence South 00 degrees 23 minutes 19
seconds East along the west line of said Southwest Quarter 2238.63 feet to the point
of beginning.
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These parcels contain 57.2 acres, more or less.
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(d) The Department of Natural Resources has determined that the state's land
management interests would best be served if the land was conveyed to a local unit of
government. A local unit of government would like to use these parcels as wetland
mitigation sites.
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(a) Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, sections 94.09 and 94.10, the commissioner
of natural resources may sell by private sale the surplus land that is described in paragraph
(c). Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section 86A.055, the commissioner of natural
resources may sell the surplus land described in paragraph (c) and direct the net proceeds
to the general fund.
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(b) The conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The
attorney general may make necessary changes to the legal description to correct errors
and ensure accuracy.
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(c) The land that may be sold is located in Washington County and is described
as: the West 750 feet of the East 1,130.6 feet of the North 786.72 feet of the Northwest
Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 15, Township 29 North, Range 20 West,
containing 13.5 acres, more or less.
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(d) The Department of Natural Resources has determined that the land is not needed
for natural resource purposes. The state's land management interests would best be served
if the land was sold to an adjacent landowner, as the property described in paragraph (c)
does not have legal access to a public road.
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(a) Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, sections 92.45 and 282.018, subdivision 1,
and the public sale provisions of Minnesota Statutes, chapter 282, Washington County
may sell by private sale the tax-forfeited land bordering public water that is described in
paragraph (c), under the remaining provisions of Minnesota Statutes, chapter 282.
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(b) The conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general for the fair
market value of the land. The attorney general may make changes to the land description
to correct errors and ensure accuracy.
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(c) The land to be sold is located in Washington County and is described as:
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(1) Parcel A (PIN Section 29, Township 31, Range 19,
Government Lot 5;
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(2) Parcel B (PIN Section 20, Township 31, Range 19,
Government Lot 5;
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(3) Parcel C (PIN Section 17, Township 31, Range 19,
Government Lot 4;
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(4) Parcel D (PIN Section 18, Township 32, Range 19,
Government Lot 2; and
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(5) Parcel E (PIN Section 18, Township 32, Range 19,
Government Lot 3.
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(d) The county has determined that the county's land management interests would
best be served if the lands were sold to the United States of America and managed by
the National Park Service.
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(a) Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, sections 92.45 and 282.018, subdivision 1,
and the public sale provisions of Minnesota Statutes, chapter 282, Washington County
may sell by private sale the tax-forfeited land bordering public water that is described in
paragraph (c), under the remaining provisions of Minnesota Statutes, chapter 282.
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(b) The conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The attorney
general may make changes to the land description to correct errors and ensure accuracy.
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(c) The land to be sold is located in Washington County and is described as: Parcel
A (PIN Lot 8, Block 3, excepting therefrom the East 200 feet thereof
of Skoglund's Park Addition, as surveyed and platted and now on file and of record in the
Office of the Registrar of Titles of said County of Washington, State of Minnesota.
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(d) The sale would be to an adjacent landowner and the Department of Natural
Resources has determined that the land is not appropriate for the department to manage.
The county may split the parcel described in paragraph (c), as allowed in Minnesota
Statutes, section 282.01, and sell the resulting parcels if the county finds a split to be
advantageous for the purpose of sale.
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(a) Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section 86A.055, the commissioner of
natural resources may sell by public sale the surplus land described in paragraph (c) and
direct the net proceeds to the general fund.
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(b) The conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The
attorney general may make necessary changes to the legal description to correct errors
and ensure accuracy.
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(c) The land that may be sold is located in Wilkin County and is described as: that
part of the West Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 11, Township 136 North, Range
48 West, described as follows:
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Beginning at a point on the north and south quarter line of said Section 11, distant
1,470 feet North of the center thereof; thence run southerly along said north and
south quarter line for a distance of 700 feet; thence deflect to the left at an angle
of 90 degrees 00 minutes for 150 feet; thence deflect to the left at an angle of 90
degrees 00 minutes for 700 feet; thence deflect to the left on an angle of 90 degrees
00 minutes for 150 feet to the point of beginning.
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Together with the westerly 33 feet of the southerly 770 feet of the Southwest Quarter
of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 11, to be used for road purposes.
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Containing 3.00 acres, more or less.
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(d) The Department of Natural Resources has determined that the land is not needed
for natural resource purposes.
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The Rushford Area Drainage and Conservancy District, established by order of
the Tenth Judicial District Court on February 20, 1953, was terminated on January 1,
1988, by Laws 1987, chapter 239, section 140. The land that was owned by the Rushford
Area Drainage and Conservancy District in Winona County is now owned by the state
of Minnesota and is hereby transferred to the commissioner of natural resources for
administration and management for conservation purposes.
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Sections 13 to 57 are effective the day following final enactment.
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