as introduced - 86th Legislature (2009 - 2010) Posted on 02/09/2010 01:43am
Engrossments | ||
Introduction | Posted on 02/23/2009 |
A bill for an act
relating to economic development; appropriating money for BioBusiness
Alliance; requiring a report.
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(a) $1,100,000 is appropriated each year in fiscal years 2010 and 2011 from the
general fund to the commissioner of employment and economic development for the
operation of the BioBusiness Alliance of Minnesota. Funds must be used to:
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(1) create, recruit, retain, and expand biobusiness activity in Minnesota;
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(2) implement the destination 2025 statewide plan to promote the growth of
biobusiness in Minnesota including medical devices, biologics, biopharmaceuticals,
animal health, food, renewable energy, and renewable materials business activity in
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(3) update a statewide assessment of the bioscience industry and the competitive
position of Minnesota-based bioscience businesses relative to other states and other
nations; and
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(4) develop and implement business and scenario-planning models to create, recruit,
retain, and expand biobusiness activity in Minnesota.
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(b) The BioBusiness Alliance must report each year by February 15 to the
committees of the house of representatives and the senate having jurisdiction over
bioscience industry activity in Minnesota on:
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(1) the use of funds;
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(2) the number of bioscience businesses and jobs created, recruited, retained, or
expanded in the state since the last reporting period;
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(3) the competitive position of the biobusiness industry; and
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(4) utilization rates and results of the business and scenario-planning models and
outcomes resulting from utilization of the business and scenario-planning models.
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