as introduced - 93rd Legislature (2023 - 2024) Posted on 07/03/2024 12:09pm
A bill for an act
relating to motor vehicles; modifying certain limitations on towing authority;
amending Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 168B.035, subdivision 3.
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 168B.035, subdivision 3, is amended to read:
(a) A towing authority may not tow a motor vehicle
(1) the vehicle deleted text begin has expireddeleted text end new text begin displaysnew text end registration deleted text begin tabsdeleted text end new text begin validation stickersnew text end that have been
expired for less than 90 days; or
(2) the vehicle is at a parking meter on which the time has expired deleted text begin and the vehicle has
fewer than five unpaid parking ticketsdeleted text end .
(b) A towing authority may tow a motor vehicle, notwithstanding paragraph (a), if:
(1) the vehicle is parked in violation of snow emergency regulations;
(2) the vehicle is parked in a rush-hour restricted parking area;
(3) the vehicle is blocking a driveway, alley, or fire hydrant;
(4) the vehicle is parked in a bus lane, or at a bus stop, during hours when parking is
(5) the vehicle is parked within 30 feet of a stop sign and visually blocking the stop sign;
(6) the vehicle is parked in a disability transfer zone or disability parking space without
a disability parking certificate or disability license plates;
(7) the vehicle is parked in an area that has been posted for temporary restricted parking
(i) at least 12 hours in advance in a home rule charter or statutory city having a population
under 50,000, or (ii) at least 24 hours in advance in another political subdivision;
(8) the vehicle is parked within the right-of-way of a controlled-access highway or within
the traveled portion of a public street when travel is allowed there;
(9) the vehicle is unlawfully parked in a zone that is restricted by posted signs to use by
fire, police, public safety, or emergency vehicles;
(10) the vehicle is unlawfully parked on property at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International
Airport owned by the Metropolitan Airports Commission;
(11) a law enforcement official has probable cause to believe that the vehicle is stolen,
or that the vehicle constitutes or contains evidence of a crime and impoundment is reasonably
necessary to obtain or preserve the evidence;
(12) the driver, operator, or person in physical control of the vehicle is taken into custody
and the vehicle is impounded for safekeeping;
(13) a law enforcement official has probable cause to believe that the owner, operator,
or person in physical control of the vehicle has failed to respond to five or more citations
for parking or traffic offenses;
(14) the vehicle is unlawfully parked in a zone that is restricted by posted signs to use
by taxicabs;
(15) the vehicle is unlawfully parked and prevents egress by a lawfully parked vehicle;
(16) the vehicle is parked, on a school day during prohibited hours, in a school zone on
a public street where official signs prohibit parking; or
(17) the vehicle is a junk, abandoned, or unauthorized vehicle, as defined in section
168B.011, and subject to immediate removal under this chapter.