1st Engrossment - 93rd Legislature (2023 - 2024) Posted on 06/26/2024 09:38am
A bill for an act
relating to transportation; establishing Blue Line light rail transit extension
antidisplacement community prosperity program; creating a new board to administer
antidisplacement programming; requiring a report; appropriating money; proposing
coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 473.
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(a) For purposes of this section, the following terms have
the meanings given.
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(b) "Antidisplacement community prosperity program" or "program" means the program
established under subdivision 2.
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(c) "Antidisplacement community prosperity program money" or "program money"
means the money allocated to the program from the state.
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(d) "Blue Line light rail transit extension corridor" or "corridor" means the neighborhoods
and communities within one mile of the route selected for the Blue Line light rail transit
extension project.
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The antidisplacement community prosperity program is
established to preserve and enhance affordable housing, small business support, job training
and placement, and economic vitality and to benefit the people and sense of community
along the Blue Line light rail transit extension corridor. Proposed program expenditures are
reviewed and approved by the Antidisplacement Community Prosperity Program Board.
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Program money must only be expended for the following
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(1) affordable housing to support:
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(i) existing residents staying in place along the project corridor; and
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(ii) development, preservation, and access to safe affordable housing and house choice;
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(2) small business and community ownership support to:
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(i) incentivize community institutions, businesses, and community members to own
property along the corridor and preserve cultural heritage;
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(ii) connect business owners, community institutions, and community members in the
corridor to other commercial nodes;
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(iii) improve the business climate before, during, and after construction in the corridor;
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(iv) prioritize the development of spaces for small businesses;
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(v) support opportunities for existing businesses to stay in place and feel supported; and
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(vi) create opportunities for further community ownership in the corridor while preserving
existing levels of ownership;
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(3) public space infrastructure enhancements to:
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(i) improve infrastructure around the project and corridor;
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(ii) enhance community connections to the corridor; and
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(iii) preserve cultural heritage in the corridor; and
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(4) job training and placement to increase corridor resident participation in the Blue
Line transit extension project and program initiatives.
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Expenditures funded under this section must be reviewed
and approved by the Antidisplacement Community Prosperity Program Board established
in section 2. The board's review must determine whether a prospective expenditure is for a
qualifying purpose as provided in subdivision 3. The board must not approve an expenditure
for any purpose unless the purpose has received an equal amount of funding from nonstate
sources, including federal, local, Metropolitan Council, or philanthropic funding. The board
is responsible for administering the program expenditure to the approved entity or individual.
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By February 1 of each year, the Antidisplacement Community
Prosperity Program Board must submit a report to the chairs, ranking minority members,
and staff of the legislative committees with jurisdiction over transportation finance and
policy. At a minimum, the report must include a summary of antidisplacement community
programming; a complete fiscal review of all expenditures, including a report on expenditures
not approved by the board; and an analysis of programming impacts and outcomes.
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The antidisplacement community prosperity program expires on
June 30, 2030.
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This section is effective the day following final enactment.
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(a) The Antidisplacement Community Prosperity Program
Board is established to implement the requirements of Minnesota Statutes, section 473.4058.
The board consists of the following members:
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(1) two Hennepin County commissioners or appointed officials representing Hennepin
County, appointed by the governor;
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(2) two elected or appointed officials representing the city of Minneapolis, appointed
by the governor;
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(3) one elected or appointed official representing the city of Robbinsdale, appointed by
the governor;
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(4) one elected or appointed official representing the city of Crystal, appointed by the
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(5) one elected or appointed official representing the city of Brooklyn Park, appointed
by the governor;
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(6) two representatives appointed by the Blue Line Coalition;
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(7) one representative appointed by the Blue Line Extension Community Advisory
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(8) one representative appointed by the Blue Line Extension Business Advisory
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(9) two representatives who live in the corridor and represent either the community or
a philanthropic organization, appointed by the senate majority leader; and
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(10) two representatives who live in the corridor and represent either the community or
a philanthropic organization, appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives.
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(b) Appointments to the board must be completed by July 1, 2024. Terms and vacancies
for members of the board are as specified in Minnesota Statutes, section 15.0575.
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The chair of the Metropolitan Council, or their designee,
is responsible for chairing the first meeting of the board. The board must elect from among
its members a chair and vice-chair at the first meeting.
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(a) The board must establish an application process to review and
approve proposed expenditures for the antidisplacement community prosperity program.
An application for a proposed expenditure must receive approval from a majority of board
members. The board may request information on financial disclosures from any entity or
individual seeking program expenditure funds under Minnesota Statutes, section 473.4058,
including a complete independent financial audit of the entity.
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(b) The application process must evaluate proposed expenditures to determine whether
the expenditure is for a qualifying purpose under Minnesota Statutes, section 473.4058,
subdivision 3, whether an equal amount of funds have been secured from nonstate sources
as required in Minnesota Statutes, section 473.4058, subdivision 4, and whether the
expenditure benefits the people along the Blue Line light rail transit extension corridor.
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(c) The Metropolitan Council and state and metropolitan agencies must cooperate with
the board and provide information on the Blue Line light rail transit extension project in a
timely manner to assist the board in conducting its business and reviewing applications for
program expenditures.
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The Antidisplacement Community Prosperity Program Board
expires on June 30, 2030.
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(a) By August 1, 2024, the board must be convened and meet
a minimum of three times. On or after January 1, 2025, the board must meet at least quarterly
to consider, review, and approve proposed expenditures.
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(b) Appointments to the board must not include a member of the legislature.
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The board may adopt rules to carry out the requirements of
Minnesota Statutes, section 473.4058, and as needed to review, approve, and facilitate
applications for program expenditures.
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Board member compensation and reimbursement for expenses
are governed by Minnesota Statutes, section 15.0575, subdivision 3.
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Hennepin County must provide meeting space,
administrative support, and staff support for the board. The board must hold its meetings
within one mile of the Blue Line light rail transit extension project corridor.
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Meetings of the board are subject to Minnesota Statutes,
chapter 13D.
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This section is effective the day following final enactment.
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$10,000,000 in fiscal year 2024 and $10,000,000 in fiscal year 2025 are appropriated
from the general fund to the commissioner of transportation for a grant to Hennepin County
to administer the Blue Line light rail transit extension antidisplacement community prosperity
program under Minnesota Statutes, section 473.4058. The appropriation for fiscal year 2024
is available until June 30, 2025. The base for fiscal year 2026 and each year thereafter is
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This section is effective the day following final enactment.
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