as introduced - 93rd Legislature (2023 - 2024) Posted on 06/10/2024 11:10am
A bill for an act
relating to health; modifying required training for staff of licensed assisted living
facilities; amending Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 144G.63, subdivision 4;
proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 144G.
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 144G.63, subdivision 4, is amended to read:
direct care staff and supervisors providing direct services must demonstrate an understanding
of the training specified in deleted text begin sectiondeleted text end new text begin sectionsnew text end 144G.64new text begin and 144G.65new text end .
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This section is effective January 1, 2025.
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(a) Within 120 working hours of the
employment start date, all supervisors of direct care staff must complete at least eight hours
of initial training on the topics specified in subdivision 6.
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(b) New supervisors may satisfy the training required under this subdivision by producing
written proof of previously completed required training within the past 18 months.
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(a) Within 120 working hours of the employment
start date, all direct care staff must complete at least eight hours of initial training on the
topics specified in subdivision 6. Until the initial training is complete, a direct care staff
member must not provide direct care unless someone is available who can act as a resource,
assist if issues arise, and is either another direct care staff member who has completed the
eight hours of required training and is on-site or a supervisor.
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(b) New direct care employees may satisfy the training required under this subdivision
by producing written proof of previously completed required training within the past 18
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(a) Within 160 working
hours of the employment start date, all assisted living facility employees who do not provide
direct care, including maintenance, housekeeping, and food service staff, must complete at
least four hours of initial training on all the topics specified in subdivision 6.
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(b) New staff members may satisfy the training required under this subdivision by
producing written proof of previously completed required training within the past 18 months.
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All assisted living staff required to complete
initial training under subdivisions 1 to 3 must complete at least two hours of additional
training for each year of employment following completion of the initial training. Annual
training must cover some, but not necessarily all, of the topics listed under subdivision 6.
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A supervisor who has completed the training required
under subdivision 1 or a person who conducts the initial training must be available for
consultation with a new staff member on issues related to mental illness and de-escalation
during the first 160 hours of the new staff member's employment start date.
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The initial training on mental illness and de-escalation
required under this section must include:
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(1) an explanation of the principles of trauma-informed care;
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(2) instruction on incorporating knowledge about trauma into care plans, policies,
procedures, and practices to avoid retraumatization;
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(3) de-escalation techniques and communication;
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(4) crisis resolution, including a procedure for contacting county crisis response teams;
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(5) suicide prevention, including use of the 988 suicide and crisis lifeline;
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(6) recognizing symptoms of common mental illness diagnoses, including but not limited
to mood disorders, anxiety disorders, trauma and stressor-related disorders, personality and
psychotic disorders, substance use disorder, and substance misuse;
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(7) creating and executing person-centered care plans for residents with mental illness;
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(8) information on medications and their side effects, the risks of overmedication or
improper use of medications, and nonpharmacological interventions; and
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(9) support strategies, resources, and referral sources for residents experiencing diagnoses
co-occurring with mental illness, including dementia.
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The facility must provide to prospective
residents in written or electronic form a description of its training program on mental illness
and de-escalation, the categories of staff trained, the frequency and amount of training, and
the basic topics covered.
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This section is effective January 1, 2025.
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