as introduced - 93rd Legislature (2023 - 2024) Posted on 02/27/2024 08:40am
A bill for an act
relating to human services; modifying county-provided adult mental health targeted
case management requirements; amending Minnesota Statutes 2022, section
245.466, subdivision 3.
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 245.466, subdivision 3, is amended to read:
deleted text begin Effective January 1, 1988,deleted text end new text begin (a)new text end The county board shall review
all proposed county agreements, grants, or other contracts related to mental health services
for funding from any local, state, or federal governmental sources. Contracts with service
providers must:
(1) name the commissioner as a third-party beneficiary;
(2) identify monitoring and evaluation procedures not in violation of the Minnesota
Government Data Practices Act, chapter 13, which are necessary to ensure effective delivery
of quality services;
(3) include a provision that makes payments conditional on compliance by the contractor
and all subcontractors with sections 245.461 to 245.486 and all other applicable laws, rules,
and standards; and
(4) require financial controls and auditing procedures.
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(b) If a county board provides case management under contracts with other individuals
or agencies, the county board must initiate a competitive proposal process for the procurement
of contracted case management services at least every two years. The competitive proposal
process must include evaluation criteria to ensure that the county maintains a culturally
specific program for case management services, as defined in section 256B.076, subdivision
3, adequate to meet the needs of the population of the county.
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This section is effective August 1, 2024, and applies to contracts
entered into or renewed on or after that date.
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