3rd Engrossment - 91st Legislature (2019 - 2020) Posted on 08/20/2020 09:17am
A bill for an act
relating to employment; providing for the minimum age for safe amusement ride
operation; allowing 16- and 17-year-olds to be employed to operate certain lawn
care equipment; amending Minnesota Statutes 2018, sections 181A.04, by adding
a subdivision; 184B.021; 184B.03, subdivisions 1, 2; proposing coding for new
law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 181A.
Minnesota Statutes 2018, section 181A.04, is amended by adding a subdivision
to read:
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(a) Minors, 16 or 17 years of age, may be employed in the
operation of amusement rides or loading and unloading of passengers from amusement rides
if all of the requirements of this subdivision are met. For the purposes of this subdivision,
"operation of an amusement ride" does not include maintenance, testing, repair, erection,
or dismantling of an amusement ride.
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(b) The following requirements must be met in order for an employer to employ a minor
under this exception:
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(1) employers shall comply with: (i) all other applicable child labor standards in chapter
181A and Minnesota Rules, chapter 5200; and (ii) all requirements of chapter 184B;
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(2) the amusement ride or rides to be operated by minors 16 or 17 years of age must be
located in a fixed site amusement park;
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(3) the minor shall not operate or load and unload passengers on more than one
amusement ride at a time;
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(4) At any time during which a minor is operating an amusement ride or loading and
unloading passengers on an amusement ride, the employer shall ensure that a supervisor is
present on the employer's premises and is supervising the minor in accordance with the
employer's written supervision policy. Supervision required by the policy shall address, at
a minimum, the type and design of the ride, the location of the ride in the employer's facility,
the location of assigned ride operators on the ride, and the distance between rides in the
facility. Notwithstanding the specific job title assigned by the employer, for purposes of
this subdivision, "supervisor" is defined as any employee, at least 18 years of age, trained
in the operation of the ride being operated by a minor, and who has been assigned by the
employer the responsibility of supervising a ride operator's operation of the amusement ride
or loading and unloading of passengers on the amusement ride; and
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(5) the incident report log and reporting required by section 184B.045 shall apply to
minors allowed to be employed under this subdivision for injuries or illnesses, other than
minor injuries and illnesses, resulting from their operation or loading and unloading
passengers on an amusement ride.
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(a) Notwithstanding section 181A.04, subdivision 5, minors of at least 16 years of age
may be employed to operate lawn care equipment. For the purposes of this section, "lawn
care equipment" means lawn trimmers, weed cutters, and machines designed to cut grass
and weeds that meet safety specifications of the American National Standards
Institute/Outdoor Power Equipment Institute's (ANSI/OPEI) B71.1 2017 definition of
pedestrian-controlled mowers and ride-on mowers.
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(b) A 16- or 17-year-old employed under this section must:
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(1) prior to operating lawn care equipment, be trained in the safe operation of each type
of lawn care equipment listed in paragraph (a) to be operated by the 16- or 17-year-old; and
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(2) wear personal protective equipment, including, but not limited to, safety glasses,
hearing protection, gloves, safety vest, and work boots, as necessary, at all times when
operating the lawn care equipment listed in paragraph (a).
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(c) An employer employing a 16- or 17-year-old under this section shall:
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(1) ensure that lawn care equipment operators that are ages 16 or 17 follow all safety
rules and instructions provided in the equipment's operator manual, including prohibiting
the operation of lawn care equipment on a slope greater than is recommended by the
operator's manual; and
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(2) ensure required safety equipment is in place and operational on all lawn care
equipment, including roll-over protection, seat belts, operator presence control systems,
interlocks, guards, and shields.
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(d) The exception under this section allowing minors 16 and 17 years of age to be
employed to operate lawn care equipment is limited to the following:
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(1) minors who are directly employed by a golf course, resort, or municipality to perform
lawn care on golf courses, resort grounds, and municipal grounds; and
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(2) minors who are directly employed by a rental property owner and the minor performs
lawn care on the owner's rental property.
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This section is effective the day following final enactment.
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Minnesota Statutes 2018, section 184B.021, is amended to read:
new text begin (a) new text end The owner of an amusement ride must have a documented training policy for the
operation of an amusement ride.
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(b) The documented training policy must include, at a minimum:
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(1) training on the amusement ride's operating procedures;
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(2) specific duties of assigned positions;
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(3) general safety procedures, specific procedures to follow in the event of unusual
conditions or an interruption of operations; and
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(4) evacuation plans for the amusement ride.
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new text begin (c)new text end The ride owner must maintain a written certification for each person controlling the
physical operation of an amusement ride that the person has received the training for the
ride that is required by the documented training policy.
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(d) A ride operator shall not operate or load and unload passengers on more than one
amusement ride at a time.
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Minnesota Statutes 2018, section 184B.03, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
(a) An amusement ride must be inspected at least
once annually by a certified amusement ride inspector. The certified amusement ride inspector
must be either:
(1) an employee of the insurance company that insures the amusement ride; or
(2) an independent inspection service provider that the insurance company or owner, or
the State Agricultural Society, has contracted with, or an employee of the independent
inspection service provider. If the certified amusement ride inspector is not an employee or
agent of the insurance company that insures the amusement ride, then the independent
inspection service provider must, before performing the inspection, provide proof of liability
insurance in the amount of $1,000,000 to the insurance company or owner, or the State
Agricultural Society, with whom the independent service provider has contracted.
(b) Amusement rides that are not operated in Minnesota on a continual year-round basis
must be inspected in the same calendar year and prior to July 1, or the first operation in
Minnesota, whichever is deleted text begin laterdeleted text end new text begin earliernew text end . Amusement rides that did not pass an inspection
required by this section in the previous year must be inspected before being operated in
(c) If an inspection reveals that an amusement ride does not meet the current American
Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standards on Amusement Rides and Devices,
F 846-92 and F 893-04, the insurer or independent inspection service provider must notify
the owner of all defects.
(d) No person shall operate an amusement ride unless: (1) the amusement ride passed
the most recent annual inspection required by this section; or (2) all defects identified during
the most recent annual inspection have been corrected and the amusement ride passed a
(e) All inspections and reinspections required by this section must include evaluation
consistent with the current ASTM Standards on Amusement Rides and Devices, F 846-92
and F 893-04. All owners and operators must permit reasonable inspection of an amusement
ride by the certified amusement ride inspector selected by the insurer or independent
inspection service provider.
(f) The inspections required by this section are in addition to any other inspections
required or permitted by law.
(g) Before the amusement ride is operated, an owner of an amusement ride must file
with each sponsor, lessor, landowner, or other person who has contracted for the amusement
ride to be offered to any riders an inspection affidavit attesting that the amusement ride
passed the most recent inspection or reinspection required by this section. The inspection
affidavit shall identify the amusement ride by name, manufacturer, and serial number, the
date inspection was performed, and the inspector's name and certification number.
(h) An owner of an amusement ride, or the State Agricultural Society on its behalf, must
also file the affidavit of inspection with the commissioner not later than ten days after the
completion of each inspection, required by this section, that the amusement ride passes.
Minnesota Statutes 2018, section 184B.03, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
No person shall operate an amusement ride unless a daily
inspection new text begin consistent with the current ASTM Standards on Amusement Rides and Devices,
F 770-93, new text end has been performed according to this section on the day of operation. new text begin At a
minimum, new text end an owner or operator deleted text begin of the amusement ridedeleted text end new text begin who is 18 years of age or older, new text end or
certified amusement ride inspector shall perform the daily deleted text begin inspectiondeleted text end new text begin inspections required
by ASTM Standards on Amusement Rides and Devices, F 770-93, sections and, new text end before the ride is put into operation that day. deleted text begin The daily inspection shall be consistent
with the current ASTM Standards on Amusement Rides and Devices, F 770-93.deleted text end new text begin Other daily
inspections required by ASTM Standards on Amusement Rides and Devices, F 770-93,
sections and, shall be performed by an owner or operator of the amusement
ride or certified amusement ride inspector before the ride is put into operation that day.
new text end Each daily inspection shall be recorded in a daily logbook kept for each amusement ride.
An owner of the amusement ride, or the State Agricultural Society on its behalf, shall
maintain the record of daily inspections for a period of not less than three years, and shall
make the record of daily inspections available to the commissioner upon request. An owner
or operator shall not knowingly operate, or permit to be operated, an amusement ride that
has not passed the most recent daily inspection.