as introduced - 93rd Legislature (2023 - 2024) Posted on 04/19/2023 08:35am
A bill for an act
relating to public safety; requiring the commissioner of public safety to review the
process for driving privilege reinstatement following a driving while impaired
incident and make recommendations for changes; authorizing the commissioner
to amend rules or policies in certain cases.
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(a) The commissioner of public safety shall conduct a review
of the statutes and the department's administrative rules and policies governing the process
by which a person's driving privileges are reinstated, in whole or in part, following a driving
while impaired incident.
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(b) At a minimum, the review must focus on identifying requirements that needlessly
impede a person's ability to reacquire driving privileges, such as requiring documents or
other items from sufficiently far in the past that would prove unduly cumbersome or
impossible for the average person to procure.
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If the commissioner identifies a requirement of the
type described in subdivision 1, paragraph (b), that is contained in a Department of Public
Safety rule or internal policy and that is not required by statute, the commissioner shall
amend or update the rule or policy to facilitate driving privilege reinstatement if doing so
is consistent with public safety.
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By February 15, 2024, the commissioner shall report to the chairs and
ranking minority members of the legislative committees on public safety and transportation
on any recommended changes to statute, rule, or policy identified under the review required
in subdivision 1. In addition, the report must identify any actions taken or commenced under
subdivision 2.
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