1st Engrossment - 83rd Legislature (2003 - 2004) Posted on 12/15/2009 12:00am
1.1 A bill for an act 1.2 relating to health; modifying fees for radioactive and 1.3 nuclear material; approving state agreement with the 1.4 Nuclear Regulatory Commission; providing a certain 1.5 effective date; amending Minnesota Statutes 2002, 1.6 section 144.1205, subdivisions 2, 4, 8, 9; repealing 1.7 Minnesota Statutes 2003 Supplement, section 144.1202, 1.8 subdivision 4. 1.9 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: 1.10 Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 2002, section 144.1205, 1.11 subdivision 2, is amended to read: 1.12 Subd. 2. [ANNUAL FEE.] A licensee must pay an annual fee 1.13 at least 60 days before the anniversary date of the issuance of 1.14 the license. The annual fee isan amount equal to 80 percent of1.15the application fee under subdivision 4, rounded to the nearest1.16whole dollar.as follows: 1.17 TYPE ANNUAL FEE 1.18 Academic broad scope - type A $19,920 1.19 Academic broad scope - type B 19,920 1.20 Academic broad scope - type C 19,920 1.21 Medical broad scope - type A 19,920 1.22 Medical institution - diagnostic and therapeutic 3,680 1.23 Medical institution - diagnostic 1.24 (no written directives) 3,680 1.25 Medical private practice - diagnostic and therapeutic 3,680 1.26 Medical private practice - diagnostic (no written 3,680 1.27 directives) 2.1 Eye applicators 3,680 2.2 Nuclear medical vans 3,680 2.3 High dose rate afterloader 3,680 2.4 Mobile high dose rate afterloader 3,680 2.5 Medical therapy - other emerging technology 3,680 2.6 Teletherapy 8,960 2.7 Gamma knife 8,960 2.8 Veterinary medicine 2,000 2.9 In vitro testing lab 2,000 2.10 Nuclear pharmacy 8,800 2.11 Radiopharmaceutical distribution (10 CFR 32.72) 3,840 2.12 Radiopharmaceutical processing and 2.13 distribution (10 CFR 32.72) 8,800 2.14 Medical sealed sources - distribution (10 CFR 32.74) 3,840 2.15 Medical sealed sources - processing and 2.16 distribution (10 CFR 32.74) 8,800 2.17 Well logging - sealed sources 3,760 2.18 Measuring systems - fixed gauge 2,000 2.19 Measuring systems - portable gauge 2,000 2.20 X-ray fluorescent analyzer 1,520 2.21 Measuring systems - gas chromatograph 2,000 2.22 Measuring systems - other 2,000 2.23 Broad scope manufacturing and distribution - type A 19,920 2.24 Broad scope manufacturing and distribution - type B 17,600 2.25 Broad scope manufacturing and distribution - type C 17,600 2.26 Manufacturing and distribution - other 5,280 2.27 Nuclear laundry 18,640 2.28 Decontamination services 4,960 2.29 Leak test services only 2,000 2.30 Instrument calibration service only, 2.31 less than 100 curies 2,000 2.32 Instrument calibration service only, 2.33 100 curies or more 2,000 2.34 Service, maintenance, installation, 2.35 source changes, etc. 4,960 2.36 Waste disposal service, prepackaged only 6,000 3.1 Waste disposal 8,320 3.2 Distribution - general licensed 3.3 devices (sealed sources) 1,760 3.4 Distribution - general licensed 3.5 material (unsealed sources) 1,120 3.6 Industrial radiography - fixed location 9,840 3.7 Industrial radiography - temporary job sites 9,840 3.8 Irradiators, self-shielding, less than 10,000 curies 2,880 3.9 Irradiators, other, less than 10,000 curies 5,360 3.10 Irradiators, self-shielding, 10,000 curies or more 2,880 3.11 Research and development - type A broad scope 9,520 3.12 Research and development - type B broad scope 9,520 3.13 Research and development - type C broad scope 9,520 3.14 Research and development - other 4,480 3.15 Storage - no operations 2,000 3.16 Source material - shielding 584 3.17 Special nuclear material plutonium - 3.18 neutron source in device 3,680 3.19 Pacemaker by-product and/or special nuclear 3.20 material - medical (institution) 3,680 3.21 Pacemaker by-product and/or special nuclear 3.22 material - manufacturing and distribution 5,280 3.23 Accelerator-produced radioactive material 3,840 3.24 Nonprofit educational institutions 300 3.25 General license registration 150 3.26 Sec. 2. Minnesota Statutes 2002, section 144.1205, 3.27 subdivision 4, is amended to read: 3.28 Subd. 4. [APPLICATION FEE.] A licensee must pay an 3.29 application fee as follows: 3.30Radioactive material,ApplicationU.S. Nuclear Regulatory3.31source andfeeCommission licensing3.32special materialcategory as reference3.34Type A broadscope$20,000Medical institution type A3.35Type B broadscope$15,000Research and development3.36type B4.1Type C broadscope$10,000Academic type C4.2Medical use$4,000Medical4.3Medical institution4.4Medical private practice4.5Mobile nuclear4.6medical laboratory$4,000Mobile medical laboratory4.7Medical special use4.8sealed sources$6,000Teletherapy4.9High dose rate remote4.10afterloaders4.11Stereotactic4.12radiosurgery devices4.13In vitro testing$2,300In vitro testing4.14laboratories4.15Measuring gauge,4.16sealed sources$2,000Fixed gauges4.17Portable gauges4.18Analytical instruments4.19Measuring systems - other4.20Gas chromatographs$1,200Gas chromatographs4.21Manufacturing and4.22distribution$14,700Manufacturing and4.23distribution - other4.24Distribution only$8,800Distribution of4.25radioactive material4.26for commercial use only4.27Other services$1,500Other services4.28Nuclear medicine4.29pharmacy$4,100Nuclear pharmacy4.30Waste disposal$9,400Waste disposal service4.31prepackage4.32Waste disposal service4.33processing/repackage4.34Waste storage only$7,000To receive and store4.35radioactive material waste4.36Industrial5.1radiography$8,400Industrial radiography5.2fixed location5.3Industrial radiography5.4portable/temporary sites5.5Irradiator -5.6self-shielded$4,100Irradiators self-shielded5.7less than 10,000 curies5.8Irradiator -5.9less than 10,000 Ci$7,500Irradiators less than5.1010,000 curies5.11Irradiator -5.12more than 10,000 Ci$11,500Irradiators greater than5.1310,000 curies5.14Research and5.15development,5.16no distribution$4,100Research and development5.17Radioactive material5.18possession only$1,000Byproduct possession only5.19Source material$1,000Source material shielding5.20Special nuclear5.21material, less than5.22200 grams$1,000Special nuclear material5.23plutonium-neutron sources5.24less than 200 grams5.25Pacemaker5.26manufacturing$1,000Pacemaker byproduct5.27and/or special nuclear5.28material - medical5.29institution5.30General license5.31distribution$2,100General license5.32distribution5.33General license5.34distribution, exempt$1,500General license5.35distribution -5.36certain exempt items6.1Academic, small$1,000Possession limit of ten6.2radionuclides, not to6.3exceed a total of one curie6.4of activity6.5Veterinary$2,000Veterinary use6.6Well logging$5,000Well logging6.7 TYPE APPLICATION FEE 6.8 Academic broad scope - type A $ 5,920 6.9 Academic broad scope - type B 5,920 6.10 Academic broad scope - type C 5,920 6.11 Medical broad scope - type A 3,920 6.12 Medical institution - diagnostic and therapeutic 1,520 6.13 Medical institution - diagnostic 6.14 (no written directives) 1,520 6.15 Medical private practice - diagnostic and therapeutic 1,520 6.16 Medical private practice - diagnostic (no written 1,520 6.17 directives) 6.18 Eye applicators 1,520 6.19 Nuclear medical vans 1,520 6.20 High dose rate afterloader 1,520 6.21 Mobile high dose rate afterloader 1,520 6.22 Medical therapy - other emerging technology 1,520 6.23 Teletherapy 5,520 6.24 Gamma knife 5,520 6.25 Veterinary medicine 960 6.26 In vitro testing lab 960 6.27 Nuclear pharmacy 4,880 6.28 Radiopharmaceutical distribution (10 CFR 32.72) 2,160 6.29 Radiopharmaceutical processing and 6.30 distribution (10 CFR 32.72) 4,880 6.31 Medical sealed sources - distribution (10 CFR 32.74) 2,160 6.32 Medical sealed sources - processing and 6.33 distribution (10 CFR 32.74) 4,880 6.34 Well logging - sealed sources 1,600 6.35 Measuring systems - fixed gauge 960 6.36 Measuring systems - portable gauge 960 7.1 X-ray fluorescent analyzer 584 7.2 Measuring systems - gas chromatograph 960 7.3 Measuring systems - other 960 7.4 Broad scope manufacturing and distribution - type A 5,920 7.5 Broad scope manufacturing and distribution - type B 5,920 7.6 Broad scope manufacturing and distribution - type C 5,920 7.7 Manufacturing and distribution - other 2,320 7.8 Nuclear laundry 10,080 7.9 Decontamination services 2,640 7.10 Leak test services only 960 7.11 Instrument calibration service only, 7.12 less than 100 curies 960 7.13 Instrument calibration service only, 7.14 100 curies or more 960 7.15 Service, maintenance, installation, 7.16 source changes, etc. 2,640 7.17 Waste disposal service, prepackaged only 2,240 7.18 Waste disposal 1,520 7.19 Distribution - general licensed 7.20 devices (sealed sources) 880 7.21 Distribution - general licensed 7.22 material (unsealed sources) 520 7.23 Industrial radiography - fixed location 2,640 7.24 Industrial radiography - temporary job sites 2,640 7.25 Irradiators, self-shielding, less than 10,000 curies 1,440 7.26 Irradiators, other, less than 10,000 curies 2,960 7.27 Irradiators, self-shielding, 10,000 curies or more 1,440 7.28 Research and development - type A broad scope 4,960 7.29 Research and development - type B broad scope 4,960 7.30 Research and development - type C broad scope 4,960 7.31 Research and development - other 2,400 7.32 Storage - no operations 960 7.33 Source material - shielding 136 7.34 Special nuclear material plutonium - 7.35 neutron source in device 1,200 7.36 Pacemaker by-product and/or special nuclear 8.1 material - medical (institution) 1,200 8.2 Pacemaker by-product and/or special nuclear 8.3 material - manufacturing and distribution 2,320 8.4 Accelerator-produced radioactive material 4,100 8.5 Nonprofit educational institutions 300 8.6 General license registration 0 8.7 Industrial radiographer certification 150 8.8 Sec. 3. Minnesota Statutes 2002, section 144.1205, 8.9 subdivision 8, is amended to read: 8.10 Subd. 8. [RECIPROCITY FEE.] A licensee submitting an 8.11 application for reciprocal recognition of a materials license 8.12 issued by another agreement state or the United States Nuclear 8.13 Regulatory Commission for a period of 180 days or less during a 8.14 calendar year must payone-half of the application fee specified8.15under subdivision 4$1,200. For a period of 181 days or more, 8.16 the licensee mustpay the entire application feeobtain a 8.17 license under subdivision 4. 8.18 Sec. 4. Minnesota Statutes 2002, section 144.1205, 8.19 subdivision 9, is amended to read: 8.20 Subd. 9. [FEES FOR LICENSE AMENDMENTS.] A licensee must 8.21 pay a fee of $300 to amend a license as follows: 8.22 (1)to amend a license requiring no license review8.23including, but not limited to, facility name change or removal8.24of a previously authorized user, no fee;8.25(2)to amend a license requiring review including, but not 8.26 limited to, addition of isotopes, procedure changes, new 8.27 authorized users, or a new radiation safety officer, $200; and 8.28(3)(2) to amend a license requiring review and a site 8.29 visit including, but not limited to, facility move or addition 8.30 of processes, $400. 8.31 Sec. 5. [APPROVAL; AGREEMENT STATE APPLICATION AND RULES.] 8.32 The application for the agreement under Minnesota Statutes, 8.33 section 144.1202, subdivision 1, between the state of Minnesota 8.34 and the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission is approved 8.35 as required under Minnesota Statutes, section 144.1202, 8.36 subdivision 4, paragraph (b), and the agreement may be 9.1 implemented. 9.2 Sec. 6. [HOSPITAL CONSTRUCTION MORATORIUM EXEMPTION; 9.3 EFFECTIVE DATE.] 9.4 Laws 2004, chapter 187, is effective July 1, 2004. 9.5 Sec. 7. [REPEALER.] 9.6 Minnesota Statutes 2003 Supplement, section 144.1202, 9.7 subdivision 4, is repealed. 9.8 Sec. 8. [EFFECTIVE DATE.] 9.9 Sections 1 to 7 are effective the day following final 9.10 enactment.