as introduced - 91st Legislature (2019 - 2020) Posted on 03/05/2019 08:51am
A bill for an act
relating to natural resources; appropriating money to provide state incentives for
conservation reserve program.
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$....... in fiscal year 2020 and $....... in fiscal year 2021 are appropriated from the general
fund to the Board of Water and Soil Resources to provide onetime state incentive payments
to enrollees in the federal Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) and its derivative programs
available in Minnesota. The board may establish payment rates based on land valuation and
on environmental benefit criteria, including but not limited to reducing nutrients in surface
water or groundwater, protecting drinking water, enhancing soil health, and enhancing
pollinator and wildlife habitat. The board may use state funds to implement the program
and to provide technical assistance to landowners or their agents to fulfill enrollment and
contract provisions. The board must consult with the commissioners of agriculture, health,
natural resources, and the Pollution Control Agency and the United States Department of
Agriculture in establishing program criteria. Criteria and payment rates established under
this section are not subject to the rulemaking provisions of Minnesota Statutes, chapter 14,
and Minnesota Statutes, section 14.386, does not apply. This is a onetime appropriation and
is available until June 30, 2023.
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