Conference Committee Report - 82nd Legislature (2001 - 2002) Posted on 12/15/2009 12:00am
1.1 CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT ON S.F. NO. 174 1.2 A bill for an act 1.3 relating to traffic regulations; allowing gross weight 1.4 seasonal increase for transporting carrots; amending 1.5 Minnesota Statutes 2000, section 169.825, subdivision 1.6 11. 1.7 May 4, 2001 1.8 The Honorable Don Samuelson 1.9 President of the Senate 1.11 The Honorable Steve Sviggum 1.12 Speaker of the House of Representatives 1.14 We, the undersigned conferees for S.F. No. 174, report that 1.15 we have agreed upon the items in dispute and recommend as 1.16 follows: 1.17 1.18 That the House recede from its amendment and that S.F. No. 1.19 174 be further amended as follows: 1.20 Page 2, lines 1 to 3, reinstate the stricken language and 1.21 delete the new language and after the period, insert "Transfer 1.22 of the product from a farm vehicle or small farm trailer, within 1.23 the meaning of chapter 168, to another vehicle is not considered 1.24 to be the first unloading." 2.1 We request adoption of this report and repassage of the 2.2 bill. 2.5 Senate Conferees: 2.8 ......................... ......................... 2.9 Roger D. Moe Keith Langseth 2.12 ......................... 2.13 Claire A. Robling 2.18 House Conferees: 2.21 ......................... ......................... 2.22 Larry Howes Rod Skoe 2.25 ......................... 2.26 William Kuisle