as introduced - 93rd Legislature (2023 - 2024) Posted on 06/21/2023 09:07am
A bill for an act
relating to career preparedness; supporting and strengthening the career pathways
program; appropriating money.
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The career pathways program must encourage,
support, and provide continuity for student participation in structured career pathways.
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(a) $300,000 in fiscal year 2024 is appropriated from the
general fund to the Department of Labor and Industry for a grant to Independent School
District No. 294, Houston, for the Minnesota Virtual Academy's career pathways program
with Operating Engineers Local 49. The program may include up to five semesters of courses
and must lead to eligibility into the Operating Engineers Local 49 apprenticeship program.
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(b) The grant may be used to encourage and support student participation in the career
pathways program through additional academic, counseling, and other support services
provided by the student's enrolling school district. The Minnesota Virtual Academy may
contract with a student's enrolling school district to provide these services.
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(c) This appropriation does not cancel and is available until June 30, 2025.
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The career pathways program must provide
outreach to and encourage participation in its programming by students of color, Indigenous
students, students from families with low income, students located throughout Minnesota,
and underserved students.
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On January 15 of each year following the receipt of a grant,
Independent School District No. 294, Houston, must submit a written report to the legislative
committees having jurisdiction over education and workforce development. A grant award
and report must be in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, sections 3.195
and 127A.20. The report must describe students' experiences with the program. The report
must document the program's spending and the number of students participating in the
program and entering into the apprenticeship program. The report must include geographic
and demographic information on the program participants, make recommendations to
improve the support of career pathways programs statewide, and make recommendations
to improve student participation in career pathways programs.
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