as introduced - 93rd Legislature (2023 - 2024) Posted on 02/10/2023 08:44am
A bill for an act
relating to taxation; proposing a new markets tax credit; providing for
administration of the credit; allowing for disclosure of certain information;
amending Minnesota Statutes 2022, sections 13.4967, by adding a subdivision;
116J.401, subdivision 3; 270B.14, subdivision 2; 297I.20, by adding a subdivision;
proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 290; proposing coding
for new law as Minnesota Statutes, chapter 116X.
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 13.4967, is amended by adding a subdivision
to read:
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Disclosure of information regarding issuance of new
market tax credit certificates is governed under section 270B.14, subdivision 2, paragraph
(a), clause (4).
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This section is effective the day following final enactment.
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Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 116J.401, subdivision 3, is amended to read:
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individuals pursuant to a program operated by the commissioner are private data on
individuals as defined in section 13.02, subdivision 12, unless more restrictively classified
by law.
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(b) The commissioner may release to the Department of Revenue data on individuals to
the extent required to administer the new markets tax credit under chapter 116X and sections
290.0693 and 297I.20, subdivision 6.
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This section is effective the day following final enactment.
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(a) For purposes of this section, the following terms have
the meanings given.
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(b) "Applicable percentage" means zero percent for each of the first two credit allowance
dates and ten percent for each of the final five credit allowance dates.
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(c) "CDFI fund" means the Community Development Financial Institutions fund of the
United States Department of the Treasury.
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(d) "Commissioner" means the commissioner of employment and economic development.
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(e) "Credit allowance date" means:
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(1) the date on which a qualified equity investment is initially made; and
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(2) each of the six anniversary dates thereafter.
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(f) "Greater Minnesota allocation" means $60,000,000 in qualified equity investment
authority to be awarded for investment in qualified active low-income community businesses
with principal business operations in a greater Minnesota county.
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(g) "Greater Minnesota county" means any county located in Minnesota that is not a
metropolitan county.
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(h) "Internal Revenue Code" has the meaning given in section 290.01, subdivision 31.
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(i) "Metropolitan allocation" means $60,000,000 in qualified equity investment authority
to be awarded for investment in qualified active low-income community businesses with
principal business operations in a metropolitan county.
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(j) "Metropolitan county" has the meaning given in section 473.121, subdivision 4.
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(k) "Minnesota qualified community development entity" means a qualified community
development entity that is or whose controlling entity is headquartered in this state.
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(l) "Principal business operations" means the physical location of a business where at
least 60 percent of a qualified active low-income community business' employees work.
An out-of-state business that has agreed to relocate employees or a Minnesota business that
has agreed to hire employees using the proceeds of a qualified low-income community
investment to establish principal business operations in Minnesota is deemed to have principal
business operations in Minnesota if the business satisfies the requirements of this paragraph
within 180 days of receiving the qualified low-income community investment or another
date as agreed by the business and the commissioner.
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(m) "Purchase price" means the amount paid to the qualified community development
entity for a qualified equity investment.
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(n) "Qualified active low-income community business" has the meaning given in section
45D of the Internal Revenue Code, except that any business that derives or projects to derive
15 percent or more of its annual revenue from the rental or sale of real estate is not considered
to be a qualified active low-income community business. This exception does not apply to
a business that is controlled by or under common control with another business if the second
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(1) does not derive or project to derive 15 percent or more of its annual revenue from
the rental or sale of real estate; and
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(2) is the primary tenant of the real estate leased from the initial business.
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A business is deemed a qualified active low-income community business for the duration
of a qualified low-income community investment if the qualified community development
entity reasonably expects, at the time it makes the qualified low-income community
investment, that the business will continue to satisfy the requirements for being a qualified
active low-income community business throughout the entire period of the qualified
low-income community investment.
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(o) "Qualified community development entity" has the meaning given in section 45D
of the Internal Revenue Code, provided that the entity:
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(1) has previously entered into an allocation agreement with the CDFI fund with respect
to credits authorized by section 45D of the Internal Revenue Code; and
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(2) includes the state within the service area set forth in the allocation agreement.
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(p) "Qualified equity investment" means an equity investment in a qualified community
development entity, if the equity investment:
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(1) is acquired after the effective date of this section at its original issuance solely in
exchange for cash;
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(2) has at least 100 percent of its cash purchase price used by the qualified community
development entity to make qualified low-income community investments in qualified
active low-income community businesses that have their principal business operations in
the state of Minnesota; and
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(3) is:
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(i) designated by the qualified community development entity as a qualified equity
investment under this section; and
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(ii) except for a Minnesota qualified community development entity, is at least 50 percent
designated by the qualified community development entity as a qualified equity investment
under section 45D of the Internal Revenue Code.
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An investment that does not qualify under clause (1) is a qualified equity investment if the
investment met the requirements of this paragraph while under possession of a prior holder.
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(q) "Qualified low-income community investment" means any capital or equity investment
in, or loan to, any qualified active low-income community business.
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(r) "Tax credit" or "credit" means a credit against the tax imposed by chapter 290 or
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(s) "Taxpayer" means a taxpayer as defined in section 290.01, subdivision 6, or a taxpayer
as defined in section 297I.01, subdivision 16.
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(a) An entity is eligible for a credit
against the tax imposed under chapter 290 or 297I, subject to the requirements of this section.
The credit may be claimed against the tax imposed by chapter 290 or 297I, but not both.
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(b) The credit equals the applicable percentage for each credit allowance date multiplied
by the purchase price paid to the qualified community development entity for the qualified
equity investment.
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(a) A qualified community development entity that seeks to have
an equity investment designated as a qualified equity investment and eligible for the credit
under this section shall apply to the commissioner on a form provided by the commissioner
that includes:
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(1) the name, address, and tax identification number of the applicant, and evidence of
the applicant's certification as a qualified community development entity by the CDFI fund;
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(2) a copy of the allocation agreement executed by the applicant or its controlling entity,
and the CDFI fund;
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(3) a certificate executed by an executive officer of the applicant attesting that the
allocation agreement remains in effect and has not been revoked or canceled by the CDFI
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(4) a description of the proposed amount, structure, and purchaser of the equity
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(5) the amount of qualified equity investment authority sought under the greater
Minnesota allocation or the metropolitan allocation, as applicable, which collectively may
not exceed the applicant or its controlling entity's available qualified equity investment
authority under section 45D of the Internal Revenue Code multiplied by two, provided this
limitation does not apply to a Minnesota qualified community development entity;
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(6) if required by clause (5), evidence of the applicant or its controlling entity's available
qualified equity investment authority under section 45D of the Internal Revenue Code; and
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(7) a nonrefundable application fee of $5,000 paid to the commissioner to offset costs
associated with personnel and administrative expenses related to administering the credit.
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(b) The commissioner shall set a date to accept applications not less than 30 days but
not more than 45 days after the date the CDFI fund announces allocation awards under a
notice of funding availability that was published in the Federal Register in November 2022.
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(c) A qualified community development entity may apply for both a greater Minnesota
allocation and a metropolitan allocation.
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(a) Within 30 days
after receipt of an application, the commissioner shall grant or deny the application in full
or in part. If the commissioner denies any part of the application, the commissioner shall
inform the applicant of the grounds for the denial. If the applicant provides the information
required by the commissioner or otherwise completes its application within 15 days of the
notice of denial, the application is deemed complete as of the original date of submission.
If the applicant fails to provide the requested information or complete its application within
the 15-day period, the applicant must submit a new application.
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(b) If the application is deemed complete, the commissioner shall certify the proposed
equity investment as a qualified equity investment eligible for a credit under this section.
The commissioner shall provide written notice of the certification to the qualified community
development entity. Once the qualified community development entity identifies the
taxpayers who are allocated credits and their respective credit amounts, the qualified
community development entity shall provide a notice of allocation to the commissioner.
The commissioner shall provide a certification to the qualified community development
entity and each taxpayer containing the credit amount and utilization schedule for which
the taxpayer is eligible. If the taxpayer's eligibility to utilize the credits change due to a
transfer of a qualified equity investment or a change in allocation pursuant to paragraph (c),
the qualified community development entity shall notify the commissioner of the change.
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(c) The aggregate amount of credits allowed to all certified qualified equity investments
in greater Minnesota counties is $30,000,000. The aggregate amount of credits allowed to
all certified qualified equity investments in metropolitan counties is $30,000,000. The
commissioner shall certify applications for the greater Minnesota allocation and the
metropolitan allocation in proportionate percentages based upon the ratio of the amount of
qualified equity investments requested in applications for each allocation to the total amount
of qualified equity investments requested in all applications for each allocation received on
the same day.
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(d) If a pending request cannot be fully certified, the commissioner shall certify the
portion that may be certified unless the qualified community development entity elects to
withdraw its request rather than receive a partial award of qualified equity investment
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(e) A qualified community development entity must make its qualified equity investment
by January 1, 2026.
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(f) An approved applicant may transfer all or a portion of its certified qualified equity
investment authority to its controlling entity or any affiliate or partner of the controlling
entity that is also a qualified community development entity if the applicant provides the
information required in the application with respect to the transferee and the applicant
notifies the commissioner in the notice required by paragraph (g). Within 90 days after
receiving notice of certification under paragraph (b), the applicant or transferee shall:
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(1) issue qualified equity investments in an amount equal to the total amount of certified
qualified equity investment authority;
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(2) receive cash in the amount of the certified qualified equity investment; and
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(3) if the applicant or transferee is not a Minnesota qualified community development
entity, designate 50 percent of the qualified equity investment authority as a qualified equity
investment under section 45D of the Internal Revenue Code.
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The entity to which the certified qualified equity investment authority is transferred is
responsible for any assessment resulting from an audit by the commissioner of revenue.
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(g) The qualified community development entity must provide the commissioner with
evidence of the receipt of the cash investment and, if the qualified community development
entity is not a Minnesota qualified community development entity, the designation of 50
percent of the qualified equity investment as a qualified equity investment under section
45D of the Internal Revenue Code within 95 days after receiving notice of certification. If
the qualified community development entity does not receive the cash investment, issue the
qualified equity investment within 90 days following receipt of the certification notice, and
comply with paragraph (f), clause (3), if applicable, the certification is void. A voided
certification must be returned to the commissioner and must first be awarded pro rata to
applicants that received awards of qualified equity investment authority and complied with
paragraph (f).
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(h) The commissioner shall notify the commissioner of revenue of credits approved
under this subdivision within 15 days of granting an application.
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(a) The commissioner of revenue must recapture credits
should it determine any of the following:
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(1) any amount of the federal tax credit available with respect to a qualified equity
investment that is eligible for a credit under this section is recaptured under section 45D of
the Internal Revenue Code;
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(2) the qualified community development entity redeems or makes principal repayment
with respect to a qualified equity investment prior to seven years after the date of issuance
of the qualified equity investment; or
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(3) the qualified community development entity fails to invest at least 100 percent of
the cash purchase price of the qualified equity investment in qualified low-income community
investments in greater Minnesota counties or metropolitan counties, as applicable, within
12 months of the issuance of the qualified equity investment and maintains the investment
in qualified low-income community investments in greater Minnesota counties or
metropolitan counties, as applicable, until the last credit allowance date for the qualified
equity investment.
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Upon verification of the event indicated in the notification, the commissioner must notify
the entity otherwise eligible for the credit allowed under this section and issue an assessment
for overpayment under the provisions of section 289A.37, subdivision 2, and notify the
entity of ineligibility for future credits with respect to the qualified equity investment.
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The recapture under clause (1) must be proportionate to the federal recapture with respect
to the qualified equity investment. The recapture under clause (2) must be proportionate to
the amount of the redemption or repayment with respect to the qualified equity investment.
The recapture under clause (3) must be proportionate to the amount of qualified equity
investment that was failed to be invested or maintained.
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(b) For purposes of paragraph (a), clause (3), an investment is considered maintained
by a qualified community development entity even if the investment has been sold or repaid,
provided that the qualified community development entity reinvests an amount equal to the
capital returned to or recovered by the qualified community development entity from the
original investment, exclusive of any profits realized, in another qualified low-income
community investment in this state as required under the greater Minnesota allocation or
metropolitan allocation within 12 months after the receipt of that capital. Periodic loan
repayments received by a qualified community development entity from a qualified active
low-income community business within a calendar year must be treated as maintained in
qualified low-income community investments if a qualified community development entity
reinvests the repayments in qualified low-income community investments by the end of the
following calendar year.
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(c) A qualified community development entity is not required to reinvest capital returned
from qualified low-income community investments after the sixth anniversary of the issuance
of the qualified equity investment, the proceeds of which were used to make the qualified
low-income community investment, and the qualified low-income community investment
is considered held by the qualified community development entity through the seventh
anniversary of the qualified equity investment's issuance.
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(d) With respect to any one qualified active low-income community business, the
maximum amount of qualified low-income community investments made in that business
in aggregate with all of its affiliates that may be counted toward the satisfaction of paragraph
(a), clause (3), is $10,000,000, whether made by one or several qualified community
development entities but exclusive of redeemed or repaid qualified low-income community
investment by the qualified active low-income community business.
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(e) The commissioner shall provide notice to the qualified community development
entity of any proposed recapture of credits pursuant to this subdivision. The notice must
specify the conditions under which the deficiency resulting in the proposed recapture occurred
and state that the credits will be recaptured within 90 days unless the qualified community
development entity complies with the conditions identified in the notice. If the entity does
not comply with the conditions identified in the notice within the 90-day period, the
commissioner shall provide the entity and the taxpayer from whom the credit is to be
recaptured with a final order of recapture. Any credit for which a final recapture order has
been issued must be recaptured by the commissioner from the taxpayer who claimed the
credit on a tax return. The qualified equity investment authority of the recaptured credits
must be returned to the commissioner and must first be awarded pro rata to applicants that
have received awards of qualified equity investment authority and complied with this
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(f) If credits are recaptured under this section, any remaining credit is forfeited.
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The commissioner may conduct examinations to verify that the
credits under this section have been received and applied according to the requirements of
this section and to verify that no event has occurred that would result in a recapture of credits
under subdivision 5.
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(a) Each qualified
community development entity shall submit an annual report to the commissioner within
120 days after the beginning of each calendar year during the compliance period. No annual
report is due prior to the first anniversary of the initial credit allowance date. The report
must include but is not limited to information with respect to all qualified low-income
community investments made by the qualified community development entity, including:
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(1) the date and amount of, and bank statements or wire transfer reports documenting,
qualified low-income community investments;
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(2) the name and address of each qualified active low-income community business
funded by the qualified community development entity, the number of persons employed
by the business at the time of the initial qualified low-income community investment, and
a brief description of the business and its financing;
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(3) the number of employment positions maintained by each qualified active low-income
community business as of the date of the report or the end of the preceding calendar year
and the average annual salaries of those positions;
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(4) the total number of employment positions created and retained as a result of qualified
low-income community investments and the average annual salaries of those positions;
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(5) a certification by its chief executive officer or similar officer that no credits have
been subject to recapture under subdivision 5;
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(6) any changes with respect to the taxpayers entitled to claim credits with respect to
qualified equity investments issued by the qualified community development entity since
its last report pursuant to this section; and
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(7) each qualified community development entity shall pay the commissioner an annual
fee of $1,500. The initial annual fee required of the qualified community development entity
is due and payable to the commissioner along with the submission of documentation required
under subdivision 4, paragraph (g). Each subsequent annual fee is required to be submitted
with the annual report under paragraph (a).
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(b) The qualified community development entity is not required to provide the annual
report set forth in this section for qualified low-income community investments that have
been redeemed or repaid.
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If the credit under this section has not been reviewed under
the provisions of section 3.8855 by December 15, 2032, the commissioner, with input from
the commissioner of revenue, shall report to the legislature no later than December 31, 2032,
regarding the implementation of the credit under this section, including an evaluation of
the credit using the components listed in section 3.885, subdivision 5.
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This section expires for taxable years beginning after December
31, 2031, except that the commissioner's authority to allow the credit under subdivision 2
based on certificates that were issued under subdivision 4 before expiration remains in effect
through the year following the year in which all certificates have either been canceled or
resulted in issuance of credit certificates, or 2034, whichever is earlier.
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The Minnesota new markets tax credit
account is created in the special revenue fund in the state treasury. The account is
administered by the commissioner. Application and reporting fees required under subdivision
3, paragraph (a), clause (7), are appropriated to the commissioner for costs associated with
certifying applications and for personnel and administrative expenses related to administering
the credit under this section.
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This section is effective for taxable years beginning after December
31, 2023.
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Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 270B.14, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
Data relating to individuals are treated as follows:
(1) Return information may be disclosed to the Department of Employment and Economic
Development to the extent provided in clause (2) and for the purposes provided in clause
(2) The data that may be disclosed is limited to the amount of gross income earned by
an individual, the total amounts of earnings from each employer, and the employer's name.
(3) Data may be requested pertaining only to individuals who have claimed benefits
under sections 268.03 to 268.23 and only if the individuals are the subject of investigations
based on other information available to the Department of Employment and Economic
Development. Data received may be used only as set forth in section 268.19, subdivision
1, paragraph (b).
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(4) Notwithstanding the limitation in paragraph (a), the commissioner may disclose
return information to the Department of Employment and Economic Development to the
extent required to administer the new markets tax credit in sections 290.0693 and 297I.20.
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(b) Data pertaining to corporations or other employing units may be disclosed to the
Department of Employment and Economic Development to the extent necessary for the
proper enforcement of chapter 268.
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This section is effective the day following final enactment.
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For purposes of this section, terms defined in section 116X.01
have the meanings given in that section.
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(a) An entity that makes a qualified equity investment is
allowed a credit against the tax imposed under this chapter equal to the amount calculated
under section 116X.01, subdivision 2. An entity may claim a credit on each credit allowance
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(b) Tax credits earned by or allocated to a partnership, a limited liability company taxed
as a partnership, or an S corporation are passed through to the partners, members,
shareholders, or owners, respectively, in accordance with the provisions of any agreement
among such partners, members, shareholders, or owners, or, in the absence of such agreement,
pro rata to each partner, member, shareholder, or owner based on their share of the entity's
assets as of the last day of the taxable year. A pass-through of a credit is not considered a
sale for the purposes of section 116X.01.
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(c) If the amount of the credit under this section exceeds the taxpayer's liability for tax
under this chapter, the excess is a credit carryover to each of the five succeeding taxable
years. The entire amount of the excess unused credit for the taxable year must be carried
first to the earliest of the taxable years to which the credit may be carried and then to each
successive year to which the credit may be carried. The amount of the unused credit that
may be added under this paragraph may not exceed the taxpayer's liability for tax, less any
credit for the current taxable year.
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This section expires for taxable years beginning after December 31,
2031, except that the expiration of this section does not affect the commissioner of revenue's
authority to audit or power of examination and assessment for credits claimed under this
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This section is effective for taxable years beginning after December
31, 2023.
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Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 297I.20, is amended by adding a subdivision to
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(a) A taxpayer may claim a credit against the premiums
tax imposed under this chapter equal to the amount calculated under section 116X.01,
subdivision 2. The credit is claimed beginning in the taxable year of the third credit allowance
date. If the amount of the credit exceeds the liability for tax under this chapter, the excess
is a credit carryover to each of the five succeeding taxable years. The entire amount of the
excess unused credit for the taxable year must be carried first to the earliest of the taxable
years to which the credit may be carried and then to each successive year to which the credit
may be carried. This credit does not affect the calculation of fire state aid under section
477B.03 and police state aid under section 477C.03.
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(b) This subdivision expires January 1, 2032, for taxable years beginning after and
premiums received after December 31, 2031.
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This section is effective for taxable years beginning after December
31, 2023.
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