as introduced - 79th Legislature (1995 - 1996) Posted on 12/15/2009 12:00am
1.1 A bill for an act 1.2 relating to criminal justice; requiring public data 1.3 held by the bureau of criminal apprehension to be made 1.4 available to law enforcement agencies on the Internet; 1.5 requiring the bureau of criminal apprehension to plan 1.6 for law enforcement Internet access to data that is 1.7 not public; providing grants to law enforcement 1.8 agencies to establish connections to the Internet; 1.9 appropriating money; proposing coding for new law in 1.10 Minnesota Statutes, chapter 299C. 1.11 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: 1.12 Section 1. [299C.135] [INTERNET DATA ACCESS FOR LAW 1.13 ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES.] 1.14 The bureau shall make public criminal history data in its 1.15 possession accessible to law enforcement agencies by means of 1.16 the Internet. 1.17 Sec. 2. [DATA ACCESS ON INTERNET.] 1.18 The bureau of criminal apprehension and the department of 1.19 public safety shall develop a plan for providing databases 1.20 containing private or confidential data to law enforcement 1.21 agencies on the Internet with appropriate security provisions. 1.22 Sec. 3. [APPROPRIATION.] 1.23 $....... is appropriated from the general fund to the 1.24 department of public safety to make grants on a one-to-one 1.25 matching basis to local law enforcement agencies for training 1.26 and to pay fees and buy equipment in order to connect to the 1.27 Internet for purposes of sharing information about abducted 1.28 children, and for general criminal apprehension purposes, 2.1 including making connections with the criminal databases created 2.2 by the bureau of criminal apprehension. Whenever possible, 2.3 local law enforcement agencies shall connect to the Internet 2.4 through existing government services. The sum is available 2.5 until June 30, 1997.