as introduced - 93rd Legislature (2023 - 2024) Posted on 03/14/2023 08:29am
A bill for an act
relating to game and fish; modifying trapping and snaring provisions; requiring
reporting; requiring license forfeiture for certain violations; providing criminal
penalties; amending Minnesota Statutes 2022, sections 97A.421, subdivision 1;
97B.903; 97B.931, subdivision 2, by adding a subdivision; 97B.951; proposing
coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 97B.
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 97A.421, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
(a) The annual license of a person convicted of a violation of
the game and fish laws relating to the license or wild animals covered by the license is void
(1) a second conviction occurs within three years under a license to trap fur-bearing
animals, take small game, or to take fish by angling or spearing;
(2) a second conviction occurs within three years under a minnow dealer's license;
(3) a second conviction occurs within three years for violations of section 97A.425 that
do not involve falsifications or intentional omissions of information required to be recorded,
or attempts to conceal unlawful acts within the records;
(4) two or more misdemeanor convictions occur within a three-year period under a
private fish hatchery license;
(5) the conviction occurs under a license not described in clause (1), (2), or (4) or is for
a violation of section 97A.425 not described in clause (3); deleted text begin or
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(6) the conviction is related to assisting a person in the illegal taking, transportation, or
possession of wild animals, when acting as a hunting or angling guidedeleted text begin .deleted text end new text begin ; or
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(7) the conviction is for violating one of the following trapping-related sections: 97B.903,
paragraph (a); 97B.93, paragraph (a); 97B.931, subdivision 3; or 97B.951, paragraph (b).
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(b) Except for big-game licenses and as otherwise provided in this section, for one year
after the conviction the person may not obtain the kind of license or take wild animals under
a lifetime license, issued under section 97A.473 or 97A.474, relating to the game and fish
law violation.
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 97B.903, is amended to read:
new text begin (a) new text end A person may not set, place, or operate, except as a new text begin completely submerged new text end water setnew text begin
or as provided in paragraph (b)new text end , a body-gripping deleted text begin or conibear-typedeleted text end trap deleted text begin on public lands and
watersdeleted text end that has a maximum jaw opening when set greater than deleted text begin 6-1/2deleted text end new text begin 4-1/2new text end inches deleted text begin and less
than 7-1/2 inchesdeleted text end measured from the inside edges of the body-gripping portions of the jawsdeleted text begin ,
unless:deleted text end new text begin .
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(b) Body-gripping traps greater than 4-1/2 inches and less than 7-1/2 inches may be used
in the following manner on land:
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(1) the trap is in a baited or unbaited enclosure deleted text begin and the trap trigger is recessed seven
inches or more from the top and frontmost portion of the open enddeleted text end new text begin securely fastened to a
tree or post in an upright position with a single opening on top that is 50 square inches or
less, the top of the enclosure is at least four feet above the ground or snowpack, and the trap
trigger is recessed into the enclosure 12 inches or more from the topnew text end of the enclosure;new text begin or
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(2) no bait, lure, or other attractant is placed within 20 feet of the trap; or
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deleted text begin (3)deleted text end new text begin (2)new text end the trap is elevated at least deleted text begin threedeleted text end new text begin fivenew text end feet above the deleted text begin surface of thedeleted text end ground or text begin The tree or pole upon which the trap is fastened must create at least a 45-degree
angle relative to the ground.
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(c) In addition to other penalties provided under section 97A.421, a person convicted
of violating this section may not obtain a license to trap for two years after the date of a
first conviction and may not obtain a license to trap for five years after the date of each
subsequent conviction.
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A person may set, place, or operate an encapsulated foot trap only when:
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(1) the triggering mechanism can be activated only by a pulling force;
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(2) no animal or fish products are used as bait;
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(3) a removable plug is inserted in the trap a minimum distance of 1-1/2 inches when
set; and
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(4) the plug caps do not exceed the outside diameter of the trap tube by more than one-half
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(a) A person who finds or is notified that a dog or collared animal has been taken in the
person's trap or snare must notify a conservation officer or employee of the Department of
Natural Resources Fish and Wildlife Division within 24 hours after the animal is discovered
by the person or the taking is reported to the person. A person who violates this paragraph
is guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to section 97A.421.
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(b) By March 1 each year, the commissioner must report to the legislature, as provided
in section 3.195, on takings reported under paragraph (a) for the previous calendar year.
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(c) In addition to other penalties provided under this section and section 97A.421, a
person who kills a dog or collared animal in a body-gripping trap or snare may not obtain
a license to trap for five years after the date of conviction.
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Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 97B.931, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
new text begin Except as provided under subdivision 3, new text end a body-grippingdeleted text begin ,
conibear-typedeleted text end trap need not be tended more frequently than once every third calendar day.
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 97B.931, is amended by adding a subdivision to
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A trap capable of capturing a wild
animal and not capable of drowning the animal must be tended at least once each calendar
day, and any animal captured must be removed from the trap. In addition to other penalties
provided under section 97A.421, a person who violates this subdivision may not obtain a
license to trap for two years after the date of a first conviction and may not obtain a license
to trap for five years after the date of each subsequent conviction.
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Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 97B.951, is amended to read:
new text begin (a) new text end A snare set for an unprotected mammal may not be left in place after March 31 except
as authorized by the commissioner for the predator-control program under section 97B.671.
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(b) A person must not place, set, or operate a snare in violation of the following
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(1) for nonrelaxing, spring-powered, or spring-assisted snares, the snare must be
completely submerged in water; and
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(2) for nonlethal cable restraints on land, the snare must:
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(i) not have an entanglement larger than one-half-inch diameter within reach of the cable
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(ii) not have a cable length exceeding seven feet; and
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(iii) include a relaxing reverse-bend washer lock with a minimum outside diameter of
1-1/4 inches.
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(c) In addition to other penalties provided under section 97A.421, a person who violates
paragraph (b) may not obtain a license to trap for two years after the date of a first conviction
and may not obtain a license to trap for five years after the date of each subsequent
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(d) For purposes of this section, "entanglement" means a tree, stump, or other object,
including fences, around which an animal in a cable restraint could tangle the cable and
choke itself.
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