as introduced - 91st Legislature (2019 - 2020) Posted on 02/07/2019 03:23pm
A bill for an act
relating to insurance; regulating certain coverage exclusions; proposing coding
for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 60A.
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(a) For purposes of this section, the following terms have
the meanings given them.
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(b) "Insured" means an insured under a policy specified in subdivisions 2 and 3, including
the named insured and the following persons not identified by name as an insured while
residing in the same household with the named insured:
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(1) a spouse;
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(2) other relative of a named insured residing in the same household; or
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(3) a minor in the custody of a named insured or of a relative residing in the same
household with a named insured.
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A person resides in the same household with the named insured if that person's home is
usually in the same family unit, even if the person is temporarily living elsewhere.
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(c) "Permitted exclusion" means an exclusion of, or limitation on liability for, damages
for bodily injury resulting from fraud, intentional or criminal conduct, and other exclusions
permitted by law.
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(d) "Prohibited exclusion" means an exclusion of, or limitation on, liability for damages
for bodily injury solely because the injured person is a resident or member of the insured's
household, or related to the insured by blood or marriage.
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A boat insurance policy or personal umbrella policy
must not contain a prohibited exclusion. A policy subject to this section containing a
definition of an insured that excludes a resident or member of the insured's household or is
related to the insured by blood or marriage is against public policy and is void.
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A boat insurance policy or personal umbrella policy
may contain a permitted exclusion.
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An insurance company issuing or reissuing a policy
in Minnesota that seeks to increase the premium charged to an insured as a result of this
section must obtain approval from the commissioner of commerce before increasing the
premium. The commissioner must not deny a premium increase request that is supported
by actuarial and claim data. A hearing on a rate increase must be conducted pursuant to
chapters 14, 45, and 70A.
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An endorsement, rider, or contract amendment is
not required for the definitions in this section to be effective.
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This section is effective the day following final enactment and
applies to policies in effect on or after that date.
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Section 1 may be cited as the "Family Protection Act."
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