as introduced - 92nd Legislature (2021 - 2022) Posted on 03/26/2021 10:10am
A bill for an act
relating to state government; requiring voting instructions and sample ballots to
be printed in languages other than English for certain designated precincts; requiring
multilingual election judges in certain precincts; proposing coding for new law in
Minnesota Statutes, chapter 204B; repealing Minnesota Statutes 2020, section
204B.27, subdivision 11.
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The secretary of state or county auditor must contract with a
translator certified by the American Translators Association to develop voting instructions
and sample ballots in languages other than English, to be made available in polling places
during elections as required by this section. At a minimum, voting instructions and sample
ballots must be prepared and made available in print, electronic, and audio-visual formats
in the Spanish, Hmong, and Somali languages.
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No later than 90 days before an
election, the secretary of state or county auditor, in consultation with the state demographer,
must determine the number of residents of voting age in each precinct who are members of
a language minority and who lack sufficient skills in English to vote without assistance.
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(a) If the number of
residents determined under subdivision 2 equals three percent or more of the voting-age
residents of a precinct, or if interested citizens or organizations provide information that
gives the secretary of state or county auditor sufficient reason to believe a need exists, at
least two copies of the translated voting instructions and sample ballot must be provided to
each precinct.
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(b) If the number of residents determined under subdivision 2 equals 20 percent or more
of the voting-age residents of a particular precinct, or if interested citizens or organizations
provide information that gives the secretary of state or county auditor sufficient reason to
believe a need exists, at least four copies of the translated voting instructions and sample
ballot must be provided to each precinct. In these precincts, at least one election judge
appointed under section 204B.22 must be certified by the American Translators Association
to translate in the applicable language. The election judge must wear a name tag or other
badge indicating the election judge's certification.
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The translated voting instructions and
sample ballots required by this section must be made available for use by voters as a reference
when completing and casting an official ballot. In addition to the number of copies required,
at least one sample ballot and set of instructions in each applicable language, along with a
notice written in that language indicating the availability of those materials, must be posted
in a conspicuous location in each polling place.
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Minnesota Statutes 2020, section 204B.27, subdivision 11,
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is repealed.
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Repealed Minnesota Statutes: 21-00545
The secretary of state may develop voting instructions in languages other than English, to be posted and made available in polling places during elections. The state demographer shall determine and report to the secretary of state the languages that are so common in this state that there is a need for translated voting instructions.