as introduced - 79th Legislature (1995 - 1996) Posted on 12/15/2009 12:00am
1.1 A bill for an act 1.2 proposing an amendment to the Minnesota Constitution; 1.3 changing article IV, section 4, and article V, section 1.4 1, providing limits for legislative and executive 1.5 service. 1.6 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: 1.7 Section 1. [CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT.] 1.8 An amendment to the Minnesota Constitution is proposed to 1.9 the people. If the amendment is adopted, article IV, section 4, 1.10 will read: 1.11 Sec. 4. Representatives shall be chosen for a term of two 1.12 years, except to fill a vacancy. Senators shall be chosen for a 1.13 term of four years, except to fill a vacancy and except there 1.14 shall be an entire new election of all the senators at the first 1.15 election of representatives after each new legislative 1.16 apportionment provided for in this article. No person may be 1.17 elected to serve a term as senator or representative that, if 1.18 completed, would make the person's total service in the 1.19 legislature exceed 12 years. The governor shall call elections 1.20 to fill vacancies in either house of the legislature. 1.21 and article V, section 1, will read: 1.22 Section 1. The executive department consists of a 1.23 governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state, auditor, 1.24 treasurer and attorney general, who shall be chosen by the 1.25 electors of the state. The governor and lieutenant governor 2.1 shall be chosen jointly by a single vote applying to both 2.2 offices in a manner prescribed by law. No person may be elected 2.3 to serve a term in an executive office that, if completed, would 2.4 make that person's service in the office exceed eight years. 2.5 Sec. 2. [SCHEDULE AND QUESTION.] 2.6 The proposed amendment shall be submitted to the people at 2.7 the 1996 general election. If it is adopted, only legislative 2.8 terms that begin in 1997 and thereafter and executive terms that 2.9 begin in 1999 and thereafter shall be counted in the calculation 2.10 of the limits it provides. The question submitted to the people 2.11 shall be: 2.12 "Shall the Minnesota Constitution be amended to provide 2.13 limits on legislative and executive service? 2.14 Yes ....... 2.15 No ........"