1.1A resolution
1.2memorializing the United States Congress to appropriate money for the Lewis &
1.3Clark Regional Water System.
1.4WHEREAS, the Lewis & Clark Regional Water System is a critically needed project to
1.5improve the quality of life for over 300,000 people in the tri-state region, including those served
1.6by the cities of Worthington and Luverne, the Lincoln County Rural Water System, and the Rock
1.7County Rural Water District, by providing quality and plentiful drinking water and by expanding
1.8economic development opportunities; and
1.9WHEREAS, the 20 member cities and rural water systems have shown their strong support
1.10by prepaying 99.6 percent of their cost share of the project, totaling $109.2 million, in several
1.11cases a decade or more before expecting to receive a drop of water; and
1.12WHEREAS, the States of Minnesota, South Dakota, and Iowa have shown their strong
1.13support by prepaying 100 percent of their cost share of the project, totaling $44.3 million; and
1.14WHEREAS, as authorized by Public Law 106-246, the federal government's remaining
1.15cost share currently is $188.6 million, which leaves a remaining cost share of 48.5 percent; and
1.16WHEREAS, Congress appropriated $26.5 million in fiscal year 2008 and $27 million in
1.17fiscal year 2009, but only $10 million in fiscal year 2010 and likely even less in the fiscal year
1.182011 budget; and
1.19WHEREAS, cutting funding for this vital infrastructure means the cost to the taxpayers
1.20increases because of lost economic development opportunities and the federal government's
1.21remaining cost share is indexed annually for inflation; and
2.1WHEREAS, based on $10 million per year in federal funding, it is estimated it could take
2.2until 2048 to complete the project, with Worthington not receiving water until 2030; and
2.3WHEREAS, the prepayment funds by the members and states are either spent or fully
2.4obligated to current contracts, so the construction schedule for 2011 and beyond will be entirely
2.5dependent upon future federal funding; and
2.6WHEREAS, in addition to keeping costs down for the taxpayers, the timely completion
2.7of the project is very important so the member cities and rural water systems have access to a
2.8critically needed water supply that will allow the tri-state region to continue to grow, thereby
2.9benefitting the regional and national economy, as well as creating jobs during construction;
2.11BE IT RESOLVED by the Legislature of the State of Minnesota that it urges the Congress
2.12of the United States to honor its commitment by appropriating $35 million in fiscal year 2012 for
2.13the Lewis & Clark Regional Water System.
2.14BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary of State of the State of Minnesota is
2.15directed to prepare copies of this memorial and transmit them to the President of the United States,
2.16the President and the Secretary of the United States Senate, the Speaker and the Clerk of the
2.17United States House of Representatives, the chair of the Senate Committee on Appropriations, the
2.18chair of the House Committee on Appropriations, and Minnesota's Senators and Representatives
2.19in Congress.