2nd Engrossment - 86th Legislature (2009 - 2010) Posted on 02/09/2010 01:40am
A bill for an act
relating to public safety; authorizing a pilot project to map state expenditures on
children for various purposes; requiring a study on the collection and reporting of
summary data relating to decisions that affect a child's status within the juvenile
justice system; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 16A.
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(a) After soliciting public input as required by
paragraph (b), the commissioner shall use existing resources available to the department to
design and oversee a pilot project to map all state expenditures, regardless of source, that
serve the primary function of supporting the health, safety, stability, growth, development,
and education of children in this state. For purposes of this section, "children" includes
individuals under 21 years of age.
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(b) The commissioner shall solicit public input regarding the resource mapping
required by this section by providing public notice of the mapping project and subsequent
revisions on the Department of Finance Web site. The commissioner shall provide
an opportunity for members of the public to provide suggestions for the design and
development of the project. In particular, the commissioner shall seek suggestions and
comments from individuals who have conducted relevant research at higher education
institutions and from individuals with relevant experience at nonprofit institutions and
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(c) The resource mapping must include, but is not limited to:
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(1) an inventory of all federal and state funding sources that support children in this
state, including prenatal services for pregnant women, grouped in a manner that would
assist the legislature in determining whether there are overlapping programs that lead to
duplication within the state, gaps in service delivery, and any administrative inefficiencies
generally; and
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(2) a description of the manner in which the money is being used within the agencies
or organizations, the performance measures in place to assess the use of the money, and the
intended outcomes of the programs and services, to the extent this information is available.
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As part of the report required under subdivision 4, the
commissioner shall provide a description of the experience gained from the pilot project,
including any necessary draft legislation regarding possible updates and enhancements to
the map of the money used to support children in the state, and an opinion regarding the
potential for expanding resource mapping to other areas of the state budget.
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Upon request, each state department or agency shall
provide assistance to the commissioner for the purposes of this section.
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By January 15, 2010, the commissioner shall report to the
legislative committees and budget divisions with jurisdiction over children, family
security, education, health, human services, housing, public safety, corrections, and the
judiciary by providing an electronic version of the executive summary included in the
report required by this subdivision. The report must be available online.
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This section is effective July 1, 2009.
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(a) The criminal and juvenile justice information
policy group, consistent with the duties described in Minnesota Statutes, section 299C.65,
shall study the feasibility of collecting and reporting summary data relating to the
decisions that affect a child's status within the juvenile justice system. The policy group
shall consult with the Department of Corrections, the Office of Justice Programs, and other
relevant criminal justice agencies, juvenile justice stakeholders, and interested community
groups. The Office of Justice Programs shall provide administrative support to the study.
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(b) At a minimum, the study must consider:
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(1) required data elements to be collected, such as age, gender, race, ethnicity,
criminal charge, county of offense, and county of residence;
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(2) the decision points at which the data must be collected;
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(3) the criminal and juvenile justice agencies required to supply data;
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(4) who the repository entity for collected data should be;
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(5) the frequency of reporting;
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(6) the level of summary analysis;
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(7) a plan to implement the data collection, reporting, and analysis; and
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(8) the cost of implementing the plan.
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The commissioner of public safety shall submit the
study described in subdivision 1 to the chairs and ranking minority members of the senate
and house of representatives committees having jurisdiction over juvenile justice policy
by February 15, 2010.
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