as introduced - 93rd Legislature (2023 - 2024) Posted on 03/07/2024 02:43pm
A bill for an act
relating to labor; regulating transportation network companies; providing a civil
cause of action; imposing criminal penalties; amending Minnesota Statutes 2022,
section 65B.472; proposing coding for new law as Minnesota Statutes, chapter
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 65B.472, is amended to read:
(a) Unless a different meaning is expressly made applicable,
the terms defined in paragraphs (b) through deleted text begin (g)deleted text end new text begin (p)new text end have the meanings given them for the
purposes of this deleted text begin chapterdeleted text end new text begin sectionnew text end .
(b) deleted text begin Adeleted text end "Digital network" means any online-enabled application, software, website, or
system offered or utilized by a transportation network company that enables the
prearrangement of rides with transportation network company drivers.
new text begin
(c) "Disability and income loss benefits" means compensation for 85 percent of the
injured person's loss of present and future gross income from inability to work proximately
caused by the nonfatal personal injury sustained.
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(d) "P1," "P2," and "P3" have the meanings given in section 181C.01, subdivision 4.
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(e) "Funeral and burial expenses" has the meaning given in section 65B.44, subdivision
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(f) "Medical expense benefit" has the meaning given in section 65B.44, subdivision 2,
except that medical expenses for rehabilitative services are not subject to section 65B.45.
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new text begin
(g) "Personal injury" means a physical injury or mental impairment arising out of and
in the course of work and includes personal injury caused by occupational disease. A personal
injury is only covered if the injury occurs to a driver during the driver time periods. Physical
stimulus resulting in mental injury and mental stimulus resulting in physical injury shall
remain compensable.
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deleted text begin (c) Adeleted text end new text begin (h)new text end "Personal vehicle" means a vehicle that is used by a deleted text begin transportation network
companydeleted text end new text begin TNCnew text end driver in connection with providing a prearranged ride and is:
(1) owned, leased, or otherwise authorized for use by the deleted text begin transportation network companydeleted text end
driver; and
(2) not a taxicab, limousine, for-hire vehicle, or a private passenger vehicle driven by a
volunteer driver.
deleted text begin (d) Adeleted text end new text begin (i)new text end "Prearranged ride" means the provision of transportation by a driver to a rider,
beginning when a driver accepts a ride requested by a rider through a digital network
controlled by a transportation network company, continuing while the driver transports a
requesting rider, and ending when the last requesting rider departs from the personal vehicle.
A prearranged ride does not include transportation provided using a taxicab, limousine, or
other for-hire vehicle.
new text begin
(j) "Replacement services loss benefits" means all expenses reasonably incurred by or
on behalf of the nonfatally injured person in obtaining usual and necessary substitute services
in lieu of those that, had the injured person not been injured, the injured person would have
performed not for income but for direct personal benefit or for the benefit of the injured
person's household. If the nonfatally injured person normally, as a full-time responsibility,
provides care and maintenance of a home with or without children, the benefit to be provided
under this subdivision shall be the reasonable value of such care and maintenance or the
reasonable expenses incurred in obtaining usual and necessary substitute care and
maintenance of the home, whichever is greater.
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(k) "Survivors economic loss benefits" has the meaning given in section 65B.44,
subdivision 6, except that these benefits are not subject to the weekly maximum amount.
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(l) "Survivor replacement services loss benefits" has the meaning given in section 65B.44,
subdivision 7, except that these benefits are not subject to the weekly maximum amount.
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deleted text begin (e) Adeleted text end new text begin (m)new text end "Transportation network company"new text begin or "TNC"new text end means a corporation, partnership,
sole proprietorship, or other entity that is operating in Minnesota that uses a digital network
to connect transportation network company riders to transportation network company drivers
who provide prearranged rides.
deleted text begin (f) Adeleted text end new text begin (n)new text end "Transportation network company drivernew text begin ,new text end "new text begin "TNC driver,"new text end or "driver" means
an individual who:
(1) receives connections to potential riders and related services from a transportation
network company in exchange for payment of a fee to the transportation network company;
(2) uses a personal vehicle to provide a prearranged ride to riders upon connection
through a digital network controlled by a transportation network company in return for
compensation or payment of a fee.
deleted text begin (g) Adeleted text end new text begin (o)new text end "Transportation network company ridernew text begin ,new text end " new text begin "TNC rider," new text end or "rider" means an
individual or persons who use a transportation network company's digital network to connect
with a transportation network driver who provides prearranged rides to the rider in the
driver's personal vehicle between points chosen by the rider.
deleted text begin (h) Adeleted text end new text begin (p)new text end "Volunteer driver" means an individual who transports persons or goods on
behalf of a nonprofit entity or governmental unit in a private passenger vehicle and receives
no compensation for services provided other than the reimbursement of actual expenses.
(a) A
transportation network company driver or transportation network company on the driver's
behalf shall maintain primary automobile insurance that recognizes that the driver is a
transportation network company driver or otherwise uses a vehicle to transport passengers
for compensation and covers the driverdeleted text begin :deleted text end new text begin during P1, P2, and P3.
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(1) while the driver is logged on to the transportation network company's digital network;
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(2) while the driver is engaged in a prearranged ride.
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(b) new text begin During P1, new text end the following automobile insurance requirements apply deleted text begin while a
participating transportation network company driver is logged on to the transportation
network company's digital network and is available to receive transportation requests but
is not engaged in a prearranged ridedeleted text end :
(1) primary coverage insuring against loss resulting from liability imposed by law for
injury and property damage, including the requirements of section 65B.49, subdivision 3,
in the amount of not less than $50,000 because of death or bodily injury to one person in
any accident, $100,000 because of death or bodily injury to two or more persons in any
accident, and $30,000 for injury to or destruction of property of others in any one accident;
(2) security for the payment of basic economic loss benefits where required by section
65B.44 pursuant to the priority requirements of section 65B.47. A transportation network
company and a deleted text begin transportation network companydeleted text end driver, during the period set forth in this
paragraph, are deemed to be in the business of transporting persons for purposes of section
65B.47, subdivision 1, and the insurance required under this subdivision shall be deemed
to cover the vehicle during the period set forth in this paragraph;
(3) primary uninsured motorist coverage and primary underinsured motorist coverage
where required by section 65B.49, subdivisions 3a and 4a; and
(4) the coverage requirements of this subdivision deleted text begin may be satisfied by any of the following:deleted text end new text begin
must be satisfied by the transportation network company.
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(i) automobile insurance maintained by the transportation network company driver;
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(ii) automobile insurance maintained by the transportation network company; or
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(iii) any combination of items (i) and (ii).
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(c) new text begin During P2 and P3, new text end the following automobile insurance requirements apply deleted text begin while a
transportation network company driver is engaged in a prearranged ridedeleted text end :
(1) primary coverage insuring against loss resulting from liability imposed by law for
injury and property damage, including the requirements of section 65B.49, in the amount
of not less than $1,500,000 for death, injury, or destruction of property of others;
(2) security for the payment of basic economic loss benefits where required by section
65B.44 pursuant to the priority requirements of section 65B.47. A transportation network
company and a transportation network company driver, during the period set forth in this
paragraph, are deemed to be in the business of transporting persons for purposes of section
65B.47, subdivision 1, and the insurance required under this subdivision shall be deemed
to cover the vehicle during the period set forth in this paragraph;
(3) primary uninsured motorist coverage and primary underinsured motorist coverage
where required by section 65B.49, subdivisions 3a and 4a; and
(4) the coverage requirements of this subdivision deleted text begin may be satisfied by any of the following:deleted text end new text begin
must be satisfied by the transportation network company.
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(i) automobile insurance maintained by the transportation network company driver;
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(ii) automobile insurance maintained by the transportation network company; or
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(iii) any combination of items (i) and (ii).
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(d) During P2 and P3, a TNC must keep in place, at no cost to a driver, insurance that
provides reimbursement for all loss suffered through injury arising from the driver's work
for the TNC that is not otherwise covered by the insurance required under paragraphs (b)
and (c). The insurance coverage shall be in the amount of not less than $1,000,000 per
incident due to personal injury and includes medical expense benefits, disability and income
loss benefits, funeral and burial expenses, replacement services loss benefits, survivor's
economic loss benefits, and survivor's replacement services loss benefits.
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(e) Any insurer authorized to write accident and sickness insurance in this state shall
have the power to issue the blanket accident and sickness policy described in paragraph (d).
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(f) A policy of blanket accident and sickness insurance as described in paragraph (d)
must not be issued or delivered in this state unless a copy of the form has been approved
by the commissioner. The form must include in substance the provisions required for
individual policies that are applicable to blanket accident and sickness insurance and the
following provisions:
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(1) a provision that the policy and the application of the policyholder constitutes the
entire contract between the parties, and that, in the absence of fraud, all statements made
by the policyholder are deemed representations and not warranties, and that a statement
made for the purpose of affecting insurance does not avoid insurance or reduce benefits
unless the statement is contained in a written instrument signed by the policyholder, a copy
of which has been furnished to such policyholder; and
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(2) a provision that to the group or class originally insured shall be added from time to
time all new persons eligible for coverage.
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deleted text begin (d)deleted text end new text begin (g)new text end If insurance maintained by the driver in paragraph (b) or (c) has lapsed or does
not provide the required coverage, insurance maintained by a transportation network company
shall provide the coverage required by this subdivision beginning with the first dollar of a
claim and have the duty to defend the claim.
deleted text begin (e)deleted text end new text begin (h)new text end Coverage under an automobile insurance policy maintained by the transportation
network company shall not be dependent on a personal automobile insurer first denying a
claim nor shall a personal automobile insurance policy be required to first deny a claim.
deleted text begin (f)deleted text end new text begin (i)new text end Insurance required by this subdivision must satisfy the requirements of chapter
deleted text begin (g)deleted text end new text begin (j)new text end Insurance satisfying the requirements of this subdivision shall be deemed to satisfy
the financial responsibility requirements under the Minnesota No-Fault Automobile Insurance
Act, sections 65B.41 to 65B.71.
deleted text begin (h)deleted text end new text begin (k)new text end A transportation network company driver shall carry proof of coverage satisfying
paragraphs (b) and (c) at all times during the driver's use of a vehicle in connection with a
transportation network company's digital network. In the event of an accident, a transportation
network company driver shall provide this insurance coverage information to the directly
interested parties, automobile insurers, and investigating police officers upon request pursuant
to section 65B.482, subdivision 1. Upon such request, a transportation network company
driver shall also disclose to directly interested parties, automobile insurers, and investigating
police officers whether the driver was logged on to the transportation network company's
digital network or on a prearranged ride at the time of an accident.
The transportation
network company shall disclose in writing to transportation network company drivers the
following before they are allowed to accept a request for a prearranged ride on the
transportation network company's digital network:
(1) the insurance coverage, including the types of coverage and the limits for each
coveragenew text begin under subdivision 2, paragraphs (b), (c), and (d)new text end , that the transportation network
company provides while the transportation network company driver uses a personal vehicle
in connection with a transportation network company's digital network;
(2) that the transportation network company driver's own automobile insurance policy
might not provide any coverage while the driver is logged on to the transportation network
company's digital network and is available to receive transportation requests or is engaged
in a prearranged ride depending on its terms; and
(3) that using a vehicle with a lien against the vehicle to provide transportation network
services may violate the transportation network driver's contract with the lienholder.
(a) Insurers that write automobile insurance
in Minnesota may exclude any and all coverage afforded under the owner's insurance policy
for any loss or injury that occurs deleted text begin while a driver is logged on to a transportation network
company's digital network or while a driver provides a prearranged ridedeleted text end new text begin during P1, P2, and
P3new text end . This right to exclude all coverage may apply to any coverage included in an automobile
insurance policy including, but not limited to:
(1) liability coverage for bodily injury and property damage;
(2) uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage;
(3) basic economic loss benefits as defined under section 65B.44;
(4) medical payments coverage;
(5) comprehensive physical damage coverage; and
(6) collision physical damage coverage.
These exclusions apply notwithstanding any requirement under the Minnesota No-Fault
Automobile Insurance Act, sections 65B.41 to 65B.71. Nothing in this section implies or
requires that a personal automobile insurance policy provide coverage deleted text begin while the driver is
logged on to the transportation network company's digital network, while the driver is
engaged in a prearranged ride, or while the driver otherwise uses a vehicle to transport
passengers for compensationdeleted text end new text begin during P1, P2, or P3new text end .
Nothing in this section shall be deemed to preclude an insurer from providing coverage
for the transportation network company driver's vehicle, if it so chooses to do so by contract
or endorsement.
(b) Automobile insurers that exclude coverage as permitted in paragraph (a) shall have
no duty to defend or indemnify any claim expressly excluded thereunder. Nothing in this
section shall be deemed to invalidate or limit an exclusion contained in a policy, including
any policy in use or approved for use in Minnesota prior to May 19, 2015, that excludes
coverage for vehicles used to carry persons or property for a charge or available for hire by
the public.
(c) An automobile insurer that defends or indemnifies a claim against a driver that is
excluded under the terms of its policy as permitted in paragraph (a) shall have a right of
contribution against other insurers that provide automobile insurance to the same driver in
satisfaction of the coverage requirements of subdivision 2 at the time of loss.
(d) In a claims coverage investigation, transportation network companies and any insurer
potentially providing coverage under subdivision 2 shall cooperate to facilitate the exchange
of relevant information with directly involved parties and any insurer of the transportation
network company driver if applicable, including the precise times that a transportation
network company driver logged on and off of the transportation network company's digital
network in the 12-hour period immediately preceding and in the 12-hour period immediately
following the accident and disclose to one another a clear description of the coverage,
exclusions, and limits provided under any automobile insurance maintained under subdivision
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For purposes of this chapter, the terms defined in this section
have the meanings given.
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"Deactivation" means the suspension or termination of a driver's
ability to receive connections to potential riders from a transportation network company.
Deactivation also means an account being "on hold" or "waitlisting," if applicable to a TNC.
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"Digital network" has the meaning given in section 65B.472,
subdivision 1.
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"Driver time periods" are divided into three exclusive
segments which have the following meanings:
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(1) "period 1" or "P1" means the time when a driver is logged into a TNC application,
but has not accepted a ride offer;
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(2) "period 2" or "P2" means the time when a driver is proceeding to pick up a rider
after choosing to accept a ride offer; and
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(3) "period 3" or "P3" means the time when a driver is transporting a rider from a pickup
location to a dropoff location.
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"Personal vehicle" has the meaning given in section 65B.472,
subdivision 1.
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"Seven-county metropolitan area" means
Anoka, Carver, Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey, Scott, and Washington Counties.
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"Transportation network company" or
"TNC" has the meaning given in section 65B.472, subdivision 1.
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"Transportation network company
driver," "TNC driver," or "driver" has the meaning given in section 65B.472, subdivision
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"Transportation network company
rider," "TNC rider," or "rider" has the meaning given in section 65B.472, subdivision 1.
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(a) Upon initial or subsequent account activation,
and annually each year while a driver continues to maintain an account with the TNC, a
TNC must provide written notice of compensation to each driver containing the following
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(1) the right to legally required minimum compensation under section 181C.03;
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(2) the frequency and manner of a driver's pay, including any policies covering driver
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(3) the rights and remedies available to a driver for a TNC's failure to comply with legal
obligations related to minimum compensation; and
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(4) the driver's right to elect coverage of paid family and medical leave benefits, as
provided under chapter 268B.
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(b) Written notice under this subdivision must be provided in understandable plain
language and made available in English, Amharic, Arabic, Hmong, Oromo, Somali, and
Spanish. TNCs operating in Minnesota must consider updating the languages in which they
offer the notice each year.
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(c) The TNC must provide notice to a driver in writing or electronically of any changes
to the driver's compensation policy at least 48 hours before the date the changes take effect.
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When a TNC alerts a driver of a possible assignment to
transport a rider, the ride offer must be available for sufficient time for the driver to review,
and the TNC must indicate:
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(1) the estimated travel time and number of miles from the driver's current location to
the pickup location for P2;
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(2) the estimated travel time and number of miles for the trip for P3; and
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(3) the estimated total compensation.
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Within 24 hours of each trip completion, the TNC must
transmit a detailed electronic receipt to the driver containing the following information for
each unique trip or portion of a unique trip:
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(1) the date, pickup, and dropoff locations;
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(2) the time and total mileage traveled from pick up to drop off of a rider or riders for
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(3) the time and total mileage traveled from acceptance of the assignment to completion
for P2 and P3;
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(4) total fare or fee paid by the rider or riders; and
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(5) total compensation to the driver, specifying:
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(i) the rate or rates of pay, any applicable price multiplier, or variable pricing policy in
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(ii) any gratuity; and
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(iii) an itemized list of all costs and reimbursements to, or charged to, the driver.
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Each week, a TNC must transmit a weekly summary to a
driver in writing or electronically containing the following information for the preceding
calendar week:
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(1) total time the driver logged into the TNC application;
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(2) total time and mileage for P2 and P3 segments;
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(3) total fares or fees paid by riders; and
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(4) total compensation to the driver, including any gratuities.
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TNCs must maintain the trip receipts and weekly summaries
required under this section for at least three years.
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(a) Minimum compensation of a TNC driver under this section must be paid in a per
minute, per mile format, as follows:
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(1) for each trip that starts in the seven-county metropolitan area, and subject to an annual
adjustment as provided under paragraph (f):
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(i) $....... per mile and $....... per minute for any transportation of a rider by a driver; and
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(ii) an additional $....... per mile and $....... per minute for any transportation of a rider
by a driver in a vehicle operated under the requirements in sections 299A.11 to 299A.17,
if applicable;
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(iii) if a cancellation occurs after the driver has already departed to pick up a rider, 80
percent of the cancellation fee; and
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(iv) at minimum, compensation of $5.00 for any transportation of a rider by a driver; or
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(2) for each trip that starts outside of the seven-county metropolitan area, and subject to
an annual adjustment as provided under paragraph (f):
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(i) $....... per mile and $....... per minute for any transportation of a rider by a driver;
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new text begin
(ii) an additional $....... per mile and $....... per minute for any transportation of a rider
by a driver in a vehicle operated under the requirements in sections 299A.11 to 299A.17,
if applicable;
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(iii) if a cancellation occurs after the driver has already departed to pick up a rider, 80
percent of the cancellation fee; and
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(iv) at minimum, compensation of $5.00 for any transportation of a rider by a driver.
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(b) A TNC must pay a driver the minimum compensation required under this section
over a reasonable earnings period not to exceed 14 calendar days. The minimum
compensation required under this section guarantees a driver a certain level of compensation
in an earnings period that cannot be reduced. Nothing in this section prevents a driver from
earning, or a TNC from paying, a higher level of compensation.
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(c) Any gratuities received by a driver from a rider or riders are the property of the driver
and are not included as part of the minimum compensation required by this section. A TNC
must pay the applicable driver all gratuities received by the driver in an earnings period no
later than the driver's next scheduled payment.
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(d) For each earnings period, a TNC shall compare a driver's earnings, excluding
gratuities, against the required minimum compensation for that driver during the earnings
period. If the driver's earnings, excluding gratuities, in the earnings period are less than the
required minimum compensation for that earnings period, the TNC shall include an additional
sum accounting for the difference in the driver's earnings and the minimum compensation
no later than during the next earnings period.
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(e) A TNC that uses software or collection technology to collect fees or fares must pay
a driver the compensation earned by the driver, regardless of whether the fees or fares are
actually collected.
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(f) Beginning January 1, 2026, and each January 1 thereafter, the minimum compensation
required under paragraph (a) must be adjusted annually by the same process as the statewide
minimum wage under section 177.24, subdivision 1.
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(a) A TNC must maintain a written
plain-language deactivation policy that provides the policies and procedures for the
suspension or termination of a driver's ability to receive connection to riders from the TNC.
Drivers must be provided a copy of the deactivation policy upon initial or subsequent account
activation and annually each year while the driver continues to maintain an account with
the TNC. The TNC must make the policies under this paragraph and any updates available
both online and in written form to the drivers at least 30 days before they are in effect.
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(b) The deactivation policy must be provided in English, Amharic, Arabic, Hmong,
Oromo, Somali, and Spanish. TNCs operating in Minnesota must consider updating the
languages in which they offer the deactivation policy each year.
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(c) Serious misconduct must be clearly defined in the TNC deactivation policy.
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A TNC must not deactivate a driver for:
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(1) a violation not explicitly part of a TNC's written deactivation policy;
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(2) a driver's ability to work a minimum number of hours;
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(3) a driver's acceptance or rejection of a ride, as long as the acceptance or rejection is
not for a discriminatory purpose;
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(4) a driver's good faith statement regarding compensation or working conditions made
publicly or privately; or
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(5) a driver asserting their legal rights under any local, state, or federal law.
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Except in cases of serious misconduct under subdivision 1,
paragraph (c), the TNC must provide written notice of deactivation three business days
before deactivation occurs. In cases of serious misconduct, the TNC must provide the driver
with written notice within three business days following deactivation. A written notice must
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(1) the reason for deactivation;
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(2) anticipated length of the deactivation;
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(3) when the deactivation will go into effect;
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(4) an explanation of whether or not the deactivation can be reversed and clear steps for
the driver to take to reverse a deactivation;
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(5) instructions for a driver to challenge the deactivation and information on their rights
under the appeals process provided under paragraph (f); and
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(6) a notice that the driver has a right to assistance and information on how to contact a
driver advocacy group to assist in the deactivation appeal process, including the telephone
number and website information for one or more driver advocacy groups.
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A driver advocacy group identified in the
notice must be an independent organization operating without influence from the TNC, and
a TNC may not have any control or influence over the day-to-day operations of the
organization's staff or management.
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(a) The deactivation policy must provide the driver with
an immediate opportunity to appeal the deactivation upon receipt of the written notice and
an opportunity to provide information to support the request. An appeal process must provide
the driver with no less than 30 days to appeal the deactivation, allow the driver to have an
advocate or attorney present, and allow for an initial meeting no later than seven days after
the deactivation, unless the driver requests or agrees to a later date.
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(b) A decision on the appeal must not take more than 15 days from the receipt of the
requested appeal and information to support the request. A TNC may use a third party to
assist with appeals.
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(c) Except for allegations of serious misconduct under subdivision 1, paragraph (c), if
a decision on the appeal is not made within the time provided in this subdivision, unless the
driver requests or agrees to a continuance the alleged violation must be dismissed and cannot
form the basis of any further deactivation or other sanction.
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(d) If the basis of a deactivation is an allegation of serious misconduct, the TNC must:
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(1)(i) make a decision within 15 days from the receipt of the requested appeal and after
information to support the request has been provided, or (ii) provide the driver with a written
notice describing the reason the TNC is unable to provide a timely decision on the appeal;
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(2) issue a decision on the appeal within 30 days of the request for the appeal when the
notice in item (i) has been provided or dismiss the allegation if the TNC fails to issue a
decision within this time period.
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(e) The TNC must consider any information presented by the driver under the appeal
process. For a deactivation to be upheld, there must be evidence under the totality of the
circumstances to find that it is more likely than not that a rule violation subjecting the driver
to deactivation has occurred. A traffic ticket or other traffic or criminal charge alone is not
conclusive of a rule violation unless there has been a conviction.
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(f) This section does not affect deactivations for economic reasons that are not targeted
at a particular driver or drivers.
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(g) When a deactivation occurs due to a technical issue, the driver must be provided
reasonable compensation for the period of time the driver was not able to accept rides
through the TNC. For the purposes of this paragraph, "reasonable compensation" means
compensation for each day the driver was deactivated using the driver's daily average in
earnings from the TNC for the 90 days prior to the deactivation.
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(a) Consistent with the deactivation policy created under
this section, a driver who was deactivated after January 1, 2021, but before August 1, 2024,
may request an appeal of the deactivation under this section, if the driver provides notice
of the appeal within 90 days of the date of enactment and the deactivation was not due to
serious misconduct under subdivision 1, paragraph (c).
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(b) By September 1, 2024, a TNC must provide notice of a right to appeal a deactivation
and a copy of the deactivation policy to all drivers deactivated after January 1, 2021. A
TNC must contact a deactivated driver using the following means, in the order listed:
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(1) emailing notice to the last known email address;
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(2) texting notice to the last known cell phone number;
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(3) mailing written notice to the last known home address; and
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(4) calling the last known phone number of the deactivated driver.
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A TNC is not required to use all the contact methods in clauses (1) to (4) if the deactivated
driver confirms receipt of the notice. A TNC is not required to contact a previously
deactivated driver who is no longer deactivated.
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(c) A deactivated driver notified under paragraph (d) has 90 days to appeal a deactivation.
If a driver appeals a deactivation, the procedures provided in this section apply, except that
the TNC may take up to 30 days to conduct an initial meeting and may take up to 45 days
to issue a final decision.
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This section is effective August 1, 2024, and applies to
deactivations that occur on or after that date except as provided in subdivision 6, paragraph
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(a) As provided under section 181.171, a driver or a driver's beneficiary may bring a
civil action seeking redress for violations of paragraph (d) and sections 181C.02, 181C.03,
and 181C.04 directly to district court. An action brought under this section must be
commenced within two years.
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(b) The commissioner may issue an order under section 177.27, subdivision 4, requiring
an employer to comply with sections 181C.02 and 181C.03 under section 177.27, subdivision
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(c) As provided under section 181.1721, and in addition to enforcement by the department
under paragraph (a), the attorney general may enforce sections 181C.02 and 181C.03 under
section 181.1721.
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(d) A TNC must not retaliate against or discipline a driver for (1) raising a complaint
under this chapter, or (2) pursuing enactment or enforcement of this chapter. A TNC must
not give less favorable or more favorable rides to a driver for making public or private
comments supporting or opposing working conditions or compensation at a TNC.
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(a) A TNC may not discriminate against a TNC driver or a qualified applicant to become
a driver, due to race, national origin, color, creed, religion, sex, disability, sexual orientation,
marital status, or gender identity. Nothing in this section prohibits providing a reasonable
accommodation to a person with a disability, for religious reasons, due to pregnancy, or to
remedy previous discriminatory behavior.
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(b) A TNC driver injured by a violation of this section is entitled to the remedies under
sections 363A.28 to 363A.35.
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Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, nothing in this chapter prohibits collective
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The rights and remedies established in this chapter are not required to be pursued through
arbitration and shall only be pursued through arbitration at the election of the driver. Contracts
that have already been executed must have an addendum provided to each driver that includes
a copy of this chapter and notice that a driver may elect to pursue the remedies provided in
this chapter, rather than through arbitration. For cases that go to arbitration, the rights and
damages that drivers are entitled to in an arbitration proceeding shall be as provided in this
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A local unit of government may refuse to issue a license or may revoke a license and
right to operate issued to a TNC by the local unit of government for a TNC's failure to
comply with the requirements of this chapter.
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