as introduced - 90th Legislature (2017 - 2018) Posted on 05/07/2018 10:55am
A bill for an act
relating to local government; modifying hospital board terms of office; amending
Minnesota Statutes 2016, section 447.32, subdivision 1.
Minnesota Statutes 2016, section 447.32, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
Each hospital district shall be governed by a hospital
board composed of one member elected from each city and town in the district and one
member elected at large. A member's term of office is four years commencing on the first
Monday in January and until a successor qualifies. At the first election, however, members
must be elected for terms set by the governing body calling the election, so that half the
terms, as nearly as may be, expire on the first Monday in January of the next odd-numbered
year and the remaining terms expire two years from that date. After that, before a member's
term expires, a new member shall be elected for a term of four years from the expiration
If a member dies, resigns, fails to qualify, or moves from the hospital district, a successor
may be appointed by deleted text begin a majority of the remaining members of the boarddeleted text end new text begin the governing body
of the city or town the departing member represents, or if the departing member was elected
at large, by the county board of each county containing territory in the hospital districtnew text end . The
successor shall hold office until the first Monday in January after the next regular hospital
district election. At the election a successor must be elected to fill the unexpired term.
When an additional city or town is annexed to the district, in accordance with section
447.36, its governing body shall by resolution appoint a member to the board. The member
shall hold office until the first Monday in January after the next regular hospital district
election. At the election a successor must be elected for a term of either two or four years,
to be set by the hospital board so that the number of members of the board whose terms
expire in any later year will not exceed one-half of the members plus one.