as introduced - 93rd Legislature (2023 - 2024) Posted on 02/29/2024 02:57pm
A bill for an act
relating to transportation; modifying pavement selection guidelines; requiring a
report; amending Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 174.20.
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 174.20, is amended to read:
(a) The commissioner must develop, implement, and adhere to a pavement investment text begin In developing the guide, the commissioner must:
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(1) implement strategies to optimize pavement investment while meeting performance
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(2) implement strategies to minimize environmental impact of pavement investments
for the entire life of the pavement, including operational and user effects;
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(3) enact performance measures that examine effects to users, the costs based on use,
remaining service life, and investment stability; and
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(4) determine the funding needed to meet established performance targets over a 50-year
analysis period.
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(b) The commissioner must review and approve all pavement selections made by district
offices for construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, or preservation projects to ensure
that the pavement selection is consistent with the pavement investment guide. Nothing in
this section allows the commissioner to alter projects selected by district offices, except for
the type of pavement to be used.
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(c) By July 1 each year, the commissioner must submit a report on pavement selection
guidelines to the legislative committees with jurisdiction over transportation finance and
policy. The report must include the following:
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(1) investment strategies used to select the projects in the state transportation improvement
program and the ten-year capital highway investment plan;
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(2) performance measures used to develop the pavement investment guide;
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(3) projected annual pavement budget over each year of the state transportation
improvement program, ten-year capital highway investment plan, and the 50-year analysis
under paragraph (a), clause (4);
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(4) a review of the overall health of the pavement system compared to predicted results;
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(5) analysis of money actually spent on pavement compared to planned spending;
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(6) review of new technologies employed to improve pavement system performance;
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(7) recommendations for changes required to improve pavement system performance
and optimize pavement investment; and
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(8) a review of methods, materials, and procedures used to minimize the overall
environmental impact, including those caused by initial construction efforts, maintenance
activities, recycling, user impacts, and operational effects.
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This section is effective July 1, 2025.
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