2nd Engrossment - 93rd Legislature (2023 - 2024) Posted on 04/15/2024 10:26pm
A bill for an act
relating to human services; modifying provisions related to disability services,
aging services, and substance use disorder services; modifying the Deaf and
Hard-of-Hearing Services Act; phasing out subminimum wages; expanding
blood-borne pathogen provisions to all state-operated treatment programs; removing
expired reports; amending Minnesota Statutes 2022, sections 144G.45, subdivision
3; 177.24, by adding a subdivision; 245A.11, subdivision 2; 245D.071, subdivisions
3, 4; 245D.081, subdivisions 2, 3; 245D.09, subdivision 3; 245D.10, subdivision
1; 245F.02, subdivisions 17, 21; 245F.08, subdivision 3; 245F.15, subdivision 7;
245G.04, by adding a subdivision; 245G.22, subdivision 6; 246.71, subdivisions
3, 4, 5; 246.711; 246.712, subdivisions 1, 2; 246.713; 246.714; 246.715,
subdivisions 1, 2, 3; 246.716, subdivisions 1, 2; 246.717; 246.72; 246.721; 246.722;
252.44; 254A.03, subdivision 1; 254B.03, subdivision 4; 254B.05, by adding
subdivisions; 254B.12, subdivisions 3, 4; 256.975, subdivision 7e; 256B.0759,
subdivision 4; 256B.0911, subdivision 24; 256B.092, by adding a subdivision;
256B.49, by adding a subdivision; 256B.4905, subdivision 12; 256B.69, subdivision
5k, by adding a subdivision; 256B.85, subdivisions 2, 6, 6a, 11, 17, 20, by adding
a subdivision; 256C.21; 256C.23, subdivisions 1a, 2, 2a, 2b, 2c, 6, 7, by adding a
subdivision; 256C.233, subdivisions 1, 2; 256C.24, subdivisions 1, 2, 3; 256C.26;
256C.261; 256C.28, subdivision 1; 256R.08, subdivision 1, by adding a subdivision;
402A.16, subdivision 2; Minnesota Statutes 2023 Supplement, sections 245G.05,
subdivision 3; 245G.09, subdivision 3; 245G.11, subdivision 10; 245G.22,
subdivisions 2, 17; 245I.04, subdivision 18; 254A.19, subdivision 3; 254B.04,
subdivisions 1a, 2a, 6, by adding a subdivision; 254B.05, subdivisions 1, 5;
254B.181, subdivision 1; 254B.19, subdivision 1; 256B.057, subdivision 9;
256B.0759, subdivision 2; 256B.4906; 256B.4914, subdivisions 4, 10, 10a;
256B.85, subdivision 13a; Laws 2021, First Special Session chapter 7, article 11,
section 38, as amended; Laws 2023, chapter 61, article 8, section 13, subdivision
2; repealing Minnesota Statutes 2022, sections 245G.011, subdivision 5; 245G.22,
subdivisions 4, 7; 252.34; 256.01, subdivisions 39, 41; 256.975, subdivisions 7f,
7g; 256B.79, subdivision 6; 256K.45, subdivision 2; 256R.18.
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 144G.45, subdivision 3, is amended to read:
Assisted living facilities shall comply with all applicable
state and local governing laws, regulations, standards, ordinances, and codes for fire safety,
building, and zoning requirementsnew text begin , except a facility with a licensed resident capacity of six
or fewer is exempt from rental licensing regulations imposed by any town, municipality,
or countynew text end .
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 245A.11, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
(a) Residential programs with a
licensed capacity of six or fewer persons shall be considered a permitted single-family
residential use of property for the purposes of zoning and other land use regulations, except
that a residential program whose primary purpose is to treat juveniles who have violated
criminal statutes relating to sex offenses or have been adjudicated delinquent on the basis
of conduct in violation of criminal statutes relating to sex offenses shall not be considered
a permitted use. This exception shall not apply to residential programs licensed before July
1, 1995. Programs otherwise allowed under this subdivision shall not be prohibited by
operation of restrictive covenants or similar restrictions, regardless of when entered into,
which cannot be met because of the nature of the licensed program, including provisions
which require the home's occupants be related, and that the home must be occupied by the
owner, or similar provisions.
deleted text begin
(b) Unless otherwise provided in any town, municipal, or county zoning regulation,
licensed residential services provided to more than four persons with developmental
disabilities in a supervised living facility, including intermediate care facilities for persons
with developmental disabilities, with a licensed capacity of seven to eight persons shall be
considered a permitted single-family residential use of property for the purposes of zoning
and other land use regulations. A town, municipal, or county zoning authority may require
a conditional use or special use permit to assure proper maintenance and operation of the
residential program. Conditions imposed on the residential program must not be more
restrictive than those imposed on other conditional uses or special uses of residential property
in the same zones, unless the additional conditions are necessary to protect the health and
safety of the persons being served by the program. This paragraph expires July 1, 2023.
deleted text end
new text begin
(b) A community residential setting as defined in section 245D.02, subdivision 4a, with
a licensed capacity of six or fewer persons that is actively serving residents for which it is
licensed is exempt from rental licensing regulations imposed by any town, municipality, or
new text end
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 245D.071, subdivision 3, is amended to read:
(a) Within 15 days of service initiation
the license holder must complete a preliminary support plan addendum based on the support
(b) Within the scope of services, the license holder must, at a minimum, complete
assessments in the following areas before deleted text begin the 45-day planning meetingdeleted text end new text begin providing 45 days
of service or within 60 calendar days of service initiation, whichever is shorternew text end :
(1) the person's ability to self-manage health and medical needs to maintain or improve
physical, mental, and emotional well-being, including, when applicable, allergies, seizures,
choking, special dietary needs, chronic medical conditions, self-administration of medication
or treatment orders, preventative screening, and medical and dental appointments;
(2) the person's ability to self-manage personal safety to avoid injury or accident in the
service setting, including, when applicable, risk of falling, mobility, regulating water
temperature, community survival skills, water safety skills, and sensory disabilities; and
(3) the person's ability to self-manage symptoms or behavior that may otherwise result
in an incident as defined in section 245D.02, subdivision 11, clauses (4) to (7), suspension
or termination of services by the license holder, or other symptoms or behaviors that may
jeopardize the health and welfare of the person or others.
Assessments must produce information about the person that describes the person's overall
strengths, functional skills and abilities, and behaviors or symptoms. Assessments must be
based on the person's status within the last 12 months at the time of service initiation.
Assessments based on older information must be documented and justified. Assessments
must be conducted annually at a minimum or within 30 days of a written request from the
person or the person's legal representative or case manager. The results must be reviewed
by the support team or expanded support team as part of a service plan review.
(c) Before providing 45 days of service or within 60 calendar days of service initiation,
whichever is shorter, the license holder must deleted text begin meetdeleted text end new text begin hold an initial planning meetingnew text end with the
person, the person's legal representative, the case manager, other members of the support
team or expanded support team, and other people as identified by the person or the person's
legal representative to determine the following based on information obtained from the
assessments identified in paragraph (b), the person's identified needs in the support plan,
and the requirements in subdivision 4 and section 245D.07, subdivision 1a:
(1) the scope of the services to be provided to support the person's daily needs and
(2) the person's desired outcomes and the supports necessary to accomplish the person's
desired outcomes;
(3) the person's preferences for how services and supports are provided, including how
the provider will support the person to have control of the person's schedule;
(4) whether the current service setting is the most integrated setting available and
appropriate for the person;
(5) opportunities to develop and maintain essential and life-enriching skills, abilities,
strengths, interests, and preferences;
(6) opportunities for community access, participation, and inclusion in preferred
community activities;
(7) opportunities to develop and strengthen personal relationships with other persons of
the person's choice in the community;
(8) opportunities to seek competitive employment and work at competitively paying
jobs in the community; and
(9) how services must be coordinated across other providers licensed under this chapter
serving the person and members of the support team or expanded support team to ensure
continuity of care and coordination of services for the person.
(d) A discussion of how technology might be used to meet the person's desired outcomes
must be included in the deleted text begin 45-daydeleted text end new text begin initialnew text end planning meeting. The support plan or support plan
addendum must include a summary of this discussion. The summary must include a statement
regarding any decision that is made regarding the use of technology and a description of
any further research that needs to be completed before a decision regarding the use of
technology can be made. Nothing in this paragraph requires that the support plan include
the use of technology for the provision of services.
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 245D.071, subdivision 4, is amended to read:
(a) Within ten working days of the deleted text begin 45-daydeleted text end new text begin
initialnew text end planning meeting, the license holder must develop a service plan that documents the
service outcomes and supports based on the assessments completed under subdivision 3
and the requirements in section 245D.07, subdivision 1a. The outcomes and supports must
be included in the support plan addendum.
(b) The license holder must document the supports and methods to be implemented to
support the person and accomplish outcomes related to acquiring, retaining, or improving
skills and physical, mental, and emotional health and well-being. The documentation must
(1) the methods or actions that will be used to support the person and to accomplish the
service outcomes, including information about:
(i) any changes or modifications to the physical and social environments necessary when
the service supports are provided;
(ii) any equipment and materials required; and
(iii) techniques that are consistent with the person's communication mode and learning
(2) the measurable and observable criteria for identifying when the desired outcome has
been achieved and how data will be collected;
(3) the projected starting date for implementing the supports and methods and the date
by which progress towards accomplishing the outcomes will be reviewed and evaluated;
(4) the names of the staff or position responsible for implementing the supports and
(c) Within 20 working days of the deleted text begin 45-daydeleted text end new text begin initial planningnew text end meeting, the license holder
must submit to and obtain dated signatures from the person or the person's legal representative
and case manager to document completion and approval of the assessment and support plan
addendum. If, within ten working days of the submission of the assessment or support plan
addendum, the person or the person's legal representative or case manager has not signed
and returned to the license holder the assessment and support plan addendum or has not
proposed written modifications to the license holder's submission, the submission is deemed
approved and the assessment and support plan addendum become effective and remain in
effect until the legal representative or case manager submits a written request to revise the
assessment or support plan addendum.
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 245D.081, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
(a) Delivery
and evaluation of services provided by the license holder must be coordinated by a designated
staff person. Except as provided in clause (3), the designated coordinator must provide
supervision, support, and evaluation of activities that include:
(1) oversight of the license holder's responsibilities assigned in the person's support plan
and the support plan addendum;
(2) taking the action necessary to facilitate the accomplishment of the outcomes according
to the requirements in section 245D.07;
(3) instruction and assistance to direct support staff implementing the support plan and
the service outcomes, including direct observation of service delivery sufficient to assess
staff competency. The designated coordinator may delegate the direct observation and
competency assessment of the service delivery activities of direct support staff to an
individual whom the designated coordinator has previously deemed competent in those
activities; and
(4) evaluation of the effectiveness of service delivery, methodologies, and progress on
the person's outcomes based on the measurable and observable criteria for identifying when
the desired outcome has been achieved according to the requirements in section 245D.07.
(b) The license holder must ensure that the designated coordinator is competent to
perform the required duties identified in paragraph (a) through education, training, and work
experience relevant to the primary disability of persons served by the license holder and
the individual persons for whom the designated coordinator is responsible. The designated
coordinator must have the skills and ability necessary to develop effective plans and to
design and use data systems to measure effectiveness of services and supports. The license
holder must verify and document competence according to the requirements in section
245D.09, subdivision 3. The designated coordinator must minimally have:
(1) a baccalaureate degree deleted text begin in a field related to human services,deleted text end and one year of full-time
work experience providing direct care services to persons with disabilities or persons age
65 and older;
(2) an associate degree deleted text begin in a field related to human services,deleted text end and two years of full-time
work experience providing direct care services to persons with disabilities or persons age
65 and older;
(3) a diploma deleted text begin in a field related to human servicesdeleted text end from an accredited postsecondary
institution and three years of full-time work experience providing direct care services to
persons with disabilities or persons age 65 and older; or
(4) a minimum of 50 hours of education and training related to human services and
disabilities; and
(5) four years of deleted text begin full-time workdeleted text end experience providing direct care services to persons
with disabilities or persons age 65 and older deleted text begin under the supervision of a staff person who
meets the qualifications identified in clauses (1) to (3)deleted text end .
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 245D.081, subdivision 3, is amended to read:
(a) The license holder must designate
a managerial staff person or persons to provide program management and oversight of the
services provided by the license holder. The designated manager is responsible for the
(1) maintaining a current understanding of the licensing requirements sufficient to ensure
compliance throughout the program as identified in section 245A.04, subdivision 1, paragraph
(e), and when applicable, as identified in section 256B.04, subdivision 21, paragraph (g);
(2) ensuring the duties of the designated coordinator are fulfilled according to the
requirements in subdivision 2;
(3) ensuring the program implements corrective action identified as necessary by the
program following review of incident and emergency reports according to the requirements
in section 245D.11, subdivision 2, clause (7). An internal review of incident reports of
alleged or suspected maltreatment must be conducted according to the requirements in
section 245A.65, subdivision 1, paragraph (b);
(4) evaluation of satisfaction of persons served by the program, the person's legal
representative, if any, and the case manager, with the service delivery and progress toward
accomplishing outcomes identified in sections 245D.07 and 245D.071, and ensuring and
protecting each person's rights as identified in section 245D.04;
(5) ensuring staff competency requirements are met according to the requirements in
section 245D.09, subdivision 3, and ensuring staff orientation and training is provided
according to the requirements in section 245D.09, subdivisions 4, 4a, and 5;
(6) ensuring corrective action is taken when ordered by the commissioner and that the
terms and conditions of the license and any variances are met; and
(7) evaluating the information identified in clauses (1) to (6) to develop, document, and
implement ongoing program improvements.
(b) The designated manager must be competent to perform the duties as required and
must minimally meet the education and training requirements identified in subdivision 2,
paragraph (b), and have a minimum of three years of supervisory level experience deleted text begin in a
program providing direct support services to persons with disabilities or persons age 65 and
olderdeleted text end .
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 245D.09, subdivision 3, is amended to read:
(a) The license holder must ensure that staff providing
direct support, or staff who have responsibilities related to supervising or managing the
provision of direct support service, are competent as demonstrated through skills and
knowledge training, experience, and education relevant to the primary disability of the
person and to meet the person's needs and additional requirements as written in the support
plan or support plan addendum, or when otherwise required by the case manager or the
federal waiver plan. The license holder must verify and maintain evidence of staff
competency, including documentation of:
(1) education and experience qualifications relevant to the job responsibilities assigned
to the staff and to the primary disability of persons served by the program, including a valid
degree and transcript, or a current license, registration, or certification, when a degree or
licensure, registration, or certification is required by this chapter or in the support plan or
support plan addendum;
(2) demonstrated competency in the orientation and training areas required under this
chapter, and when applicable, completion of continuing education required to maintain
professional licensure, registration, or certification requirements. Competency in these areas
is determined by the license holder through knowledge testing or observed skill assessment
conducted by the trainer or instructor or by an individual who has been previously deemed
competent by the trainer or instructor in the area being assessed; and
(3) except for a license holder who is the sole direct support staff, periodic performance
evaluations completed by the license holder of the direct support staff person's ability to
perform the job functions based on direct observation.
(b) Staff under 18 years of age may not perform overnight duties deleted text begin or administer
medicationdeleted text end .
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 245D.10, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
A license holder providing either
basic or intensive supports and services must establish, enforce, and maintain policies and
procedures as required in this chapter, chapter 245A, and other applicable state and federal
laws and regulations governing the provision of home and community-based services
licensed according to this chapter.new text begin A license holder must use forms provided by the
commissioner to report service suspensions and service terminations under subdivisions 3
and 3a.
new text end
new text begin
This section is effective August 1, 2024.
new text end
Minnesota Statutes 2023 Supplement, section 256B.057, subdivision 9, is amended
to read:
(a) Medical assistance may be paid for
a person who is employed and who:
(1) but for excess earnings or assets meets the definition of disabled under the
Supplemental Security Income program; and
(2) pays a premium and other obligations under paragraph deleted text begin (e)deleted text end new text begin (d)new text end .
(b) For purposes of eligibility, there is a $65 earned income disregard. To be eligible
for medical assistance under this subdivision, a person must have more than $65 of earned
income, be receiving an unemployment insurance benefit under chapter 268 that the person
began receiving while eligible under this subdivision, or be receiving family and medical
leave benefits under chapter 268B that the person began receiving while eligible under this
subdivision. deleted text begin Earned income must have Medicare, Social Security, and applicable state and
deleted text end deleted text begin federal taxes withheld. The person must document earned income tax withholding.deleted text end new text begin A person
who is self-employed must file and pay all applicable taxes.new text end Any spousal income shall be
disregarded for purposes of eligibility and premium determinations.
(c) After the month of enrollment, a person enrolled in medical assistance under this
subdivision who would otherwise be ineligible and be disenrolled due to one of the following
circumstances may retain eligibility for up to four consecutive months after a month of job
loss if the person:
(1) is temporarily unable to work and without receipt of earned income due to a medical
condition, as verified by a physician, advanced practice registered nurse, or physician
assistant; or
(2) loses employment for reasons not attributable to the enrollee, and is without receipt
of earned income.
To receive a four-month extension of continued eligibility under this paragraph, enrollees
must verify the medical condition or provide notification of job loss, continue to meet all
other eligibility requirements, and continue to pay all calculated premium costs.
(d) All enrollees must pay a premium to be eligible for medical assistance under this
subdivision, except as provided under clause (5).
(1) An enrollee must pay the greater of a $35 premium or the premium calculated based
on the person's gross earned and unearned income and the applicable family size using a
sliding fee scale established by the commissioner, which begins at one percent of income
at 100 percent of the federal poverty guidelines and increases to 7.5 percent of income for
those with incomes at or above 300 percent of the federal poverty guidelines.
(2) Annual adjustments in the premium schedule based upon changes in the federal
poverty guidelines shall be effective for premiums due in July of each year.
(3) All enrollees who receive unearned income must pay one-half of one percent of
unearned income in addition to the premium amount, except as provided under clause (5).
(4) Increases in benefits under title II of the Social Security Act shall not be counted as
income for purposes of this subdivision until July 1 of each year.
(5) Effective July 1, 2009, American Indians are exempt from paying premiums as
required by section 5006 of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Public
Law 111-5. For purposes of this clause, an American Indian is any person who meets the
definition of Indian according to Code of Federal Regulations, title 42, section 447.50.
(e) A person's eligibility and premium shall be determined by the local county agency.
Premiums must be paid to the commissioner. All premiums are dedicated to the
(f) Any required premium shall be determined at application and redetermined at the
enrollee's deleted text begin six-monthdeleted text end new text begin 12-monthnew text end income review or when a change in income or household
size is reported. Enrollees must report any change in income or household size within deleted text begin tendeleted text end new text begin
30new text end days of when the change occurs. A decreased premium resulting from a reported change
in income or household size shall be effective the first day of the next available billing
month after the change is reported. Except for changes occurring from annual cost-of-living
increases, a change resulting in an increased premium shall not affect the premium amount
until the next deleted text begin six-monthdeleted text end new text begin 12-monthnew text end review.
(g) Premium payment is due upon notification from the commissioner of the premium
amount required. Premiums may be paid in installments at the discretion of the commissioner.
(h) Nonpayment of the premium shall result in denial or termination of medical assistance
unless the person demonstrates good cause for nonpayment. "Good cause" means an excuse
for the enrollee's failure to pay the required premium when due because the circumstances
were beyond the enrollee's control or not reasonably foreseeable. The commissioner shall
determine whether good cause exists based on the weight of the supporting evidence
submitted by the enrollee to demonstrate good cause. Except when an installment agreement
is accepted by the commissioner, all persons disenrolled for nonpayment of a premium must
pay any past due premiums as well as current premiums due prior to being reenrolled.
Nonpayment shall include payment with a returned, refused, or dishonored instrument. The
commissioner may require a guaranteed form of payment as the only means to replace a
returned, refused, or dishonored instrument.
(i) For enrollees whose income does not exceed 200 percent of the federal poverty
guidelines and who are also enrolled in Medicare, the commissioner shall reimburse the
enrollee for Medicare part B premiums under section 256B.0625, subdivision 15, paragraph
(j) The commissioner is authorized to determine that a premium amount was calculated
or billed in error, make corrections to financial records and billing systems, and refund
premiums collected in error.
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 256B.0911, subdivision 24, is amended to read:
(a) Assessments performed according to subdivisions
17 to 20 and 23 must be in person unless the assessment is a reassessment meeting the
requirements of this subdivision. Remote reassessments conducted by interactive video or
telephone may substitute for in-person reassessments.
(b) For services provided by the developmental disabilities waiver under section
256B.092, and the community access for disability inclusion, community alternative care,
and brain injury waiver programs under section 256B.49, remote reassessments may be
substituted for two consecutive reassessments if followed by an in-person reassessment.
(c) For services provided by alternative care under section 256B.0913, essential
community supports under section 256B.0922, and the elderly waiver under chapter 256S,
remote reassessments may be substituted for one reassessment if followed by an in-person
new text begin
(d) For personal care assistance provided under section 256B.0659 and community first
services and supports provided under section 256B.85, remote reassessments may be
substituted for two consecutive reassessments if followed by an in-person reassessment.
new text end
deleted text begin (d)deleted text end new text begin (e)new text end A remote reassessment is permitted only if the lead agency provides informed
choice and the person being reassessed or the person's legal representative provides informed
consent for a remote assessment. Lead agencies must document that informed choice was
deleted text begin (e)deleted text end new text begin (f)new text end The person being reassessed, or the person's legal representative, may refuse a
remote reassessment at any time.
deleted text begin (f)deleted text end new text begin (g)new text end During a remote reassessment, if the certified assessor determines an in-person
reassessment is necessary in order to complete the assessment, the lead agency shall schedule
an in-person reassessment.
deleted text begin (g)deleted text end new text begin (h)new text end All other requirements of an in-person reassessment apply to a remote
reassessment, including updates to a person's support plan.
new text begin
This section is effective upon federal approval. The commissioner
of human services shall notify the revisor of statutes when federal approval is obtained.
new text end
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 256B.092, is amended by adding a subdivision
to read:
new text begin
(a) Lead agencies must not implement
additional requirements, in addition to those required by the commissioner, that could result
in the delay of approval or implementation of technology.
new text end
new text begin
(b) For individuals receiving waiver services under this section, approval or denial of
technology must occur within 30 business days of the receipt of the initial request. If denied,
the lead agency must submit a notice of action form clearly stating the reason for the denial,
including information describing why the technology is not appropriate to meet the
individual's assessed need.
new text end
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 256B.49, is amended by adding a subdivision
to read:
new text begin
(a) Lead agencies must not implement
additional requirements, in addition to those required by the commissioner, that could result
in the delay of approval or implementation of technology.
new text end
new text begin
(b) For individuals receiving waiver services under this section, approval or denial of
technology must occur within 30 business days of the receipt of the initial request. If denied,
the lead agency must submit a notice of action form clearly stating the reason for the denial,
including information describing why the technology is not appropriate to meet the
individual's assessed need.
new text end
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 256B.4905, subdivision 12, is amended to read:
The commissioner of human services shall ensure that:
(1) disability waivers under sections 256B.092 and 256B.49 support the presumption
that all adults who have disabilities and children who have disabilities may use assistive
technology, remote supports, or both to enhance the adult's or child's independence and
quality of life; and
(2) each individual accessing waiver services is offered, after an informed
decision-making process and during a person-centered planning process, the opportunity
to choose assistive technology, remote support, or both new text begin prior to the commissioner offering
or reauthorizing services that utilize direct support staff new text end to ensure equitable access.
Minnesota Statutes 2023 Supplement, section 256B.4914, subdivision 4, is
amended to read:
(a) Rates for applicable home and
community-based waivered services, including customized rates under subdivision 12, are
set by the rates management system.
(b) Data and information in the rates management system must be used to calculate an
individual's rate.
(c) Service providers, with information from the support plan and oversight by lead
agencies, shall provide values and information needed to calculate an individual's rate in
the rates management system.new text begin Lead agencies must use forms provided by the commissioner
to collect this information.new text end The determination of service levels must be part of a discussion
with members of the support team as defined in section 245D.02, subdivision 34. This
discussion must occur prior to the final establishment of each individual's rate. The values
and information include:
(1) shared staffing hours;
(2) individual staffing hours;
(3) direct registered nurse hours;
(4) direct licensed practical nurse hours;
(5) staffing ratios;
(6) information to document variable levels of service qualification for variable levels
of reimbursement in each framework;
(7) shared or individualized arrangements for unit-based services, including the staffing
(8) number of trips and miles for transportation services; and
(9) service hours provided through monitoring technology.
(d) Updates to individual data must include:
(1) data for each individual that is updated annually when renewing service plans; and
(2) requests by individuals or lead agencies to update a rate whenever there is a change
in an individual's service needs, with accompanying documentation.
(e) Lead agencies shall review and approve all services reflecting each individual's needs,
and the values to calculate the final payment rate for services with variables under
subdivisions 6 to 9 for each individual. Lead agencies must notify the individual and the
service provider of the final agreed-upon values and rate, and provide information that is
identical to what was entered into the rates management system. If a value used was
mistakenly or erroneously entered and used to calculate a rate, a provider may petition lead
agencies to correct it. Lead agencies must respond to these requests. When responding to
the request, the lead agency must consider:
(1) meeting the health and welfare needs of the individual or individuals receiving
services by service site, identified in their support plan under section 245D.02, subdivision
4b, and any addendum under section 245D.02, subdivision 4c;
(2) meeting the requirements for staffing under subdivision 2, paragraphs (h), (n), and
(o); and meeting or exceeding the licensing standards for staffing required under section
245D.09, subdivision 1; and
(3) meeting the staffing ratio requirements under subdivision 2, paragraph (o), and
meeting or exceeding the licensing standards for staffing required under section 245D.31.
new text begin
This section is effective January 1, 2025.
new text end
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 256B.85, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
(a) For the purposes of this section and section 256B.851, the terms
defined in this subdivision have the meanings given.
(b) "Activities of daily living" or "ADLs" means:
(1) dressing, including assistance with choosing, applying, and changing clothing and
applying special appliances, wraps, or clothing;
(2) grooming, including assistance with basic hair care, oral care, shaving, applying
cosmetics and deodorant, and care of eyeglasses and hearing aids. Grooming includes nail
care, except for recipients who are diabetic or have poor circulation;
(3) bathing, including assistance with basic personal hygiene and skin care;
(4) eating, including assistance with hand washing and applying orthotics required for
eatingdeleted text begin , transfers,deleted text end or feeding;
(5) transfers, including assistance with transferring the participant from one seating or
reclining area to another;
(6) mobility, including assistance with ambulation and use of a wheelchair. Mobility
does not include providing transportation for a participant;
(7) positioning, including assistance with positioning or turning a participant for necessary
care and comfort; and
(8) toileting, including assistance with bowel or bladder elimination and care, transfers,
mobility, positioning, feminine hygiene, use of toileting equipment or supplies, cleansing
the perineal area, inspection of the skin, and adjusting clothing.
(c) "Agency-provider model" means a method of CFSS under which a qualified agency
provides services and supports through the agency's own employees and policies. The agency
must allow the participant to have a significant role in the selection and dismissal of support
workers of their choice for the delivery of their specific services and supports.
(d) "Behavior" means a description of a need for services and supports used to determine
the home care rating and additional service units. The presence of Level I behavior is used
to determine the home care rating.
(e) "Budget model" means a service delivery method of CFSS that allows the use of a
service budget and assistance from a financial management services (FMS) provider for a
participant to directly employ support workers and purchase supports and goods.
(f) "Complex health-related needs" means an intervention listed in clauses (1) to (8) that
has been ordered by a physician, advanced practice registered nurse, or physician's assistant
and is specified in an assessment summary, including:
(1) tube feedings requiring:
(i) a gastrojejunostomy tube; or
(ii) continuous tube feeding lasting longer than 12 hours per day;
(2) wounds described as:
(i) stage III or stage IV;
(ii) multiple wounds;
(iii) requiring sterile or clean dressing changes or a wound vac; or
(iv) open lesions such as burns, fistulas, tube sites, or ostomy sites that require specialized
(3) parenteral therapy described as:
(i) IV therapy more than two times per week lasting longer than four hours for each
treatment; or
(ii) total parenteral nutrition (TPN) daily;
(4) respiratory interventions, including:
(i) oxygen required more than eight hours per day;
(ii) respiratory vest more than one time per day;
(iii) bronchial drainage treatments more than two times per day;
(iv) sterile or clean suctioning more than six times per day;
(v) dependence on another to apply respiratory ventilation augmentation devices such
as BiPAP and CPAP; and
(vi) ventilator dependence under section 256B.0651;
(5) insertion and maintenance of catheter, including:
(i) sterile catheter changes more than one time per month;
(ii) clean intermittent catheterization, and including self-catheterization more than six
times per day; or
(iii) bladder irrigations;
(6) bowel program more than two times per week requiring more than 30 minutes to
perform each time;
(7) neurological intervention, including:
(i) seizures more than two times per week and requiring significant physical assistance
to maintain safety; or
(ii) swallowing disorders diagnosed by a physician, advanced practice registered nurse,
or physician's assistant and requiring specialized assistance from another on a daily basis;
(8) other congenital or acquired diseases creating a need for significantly increased direct
hands-on assistance and interventions in six to eight activities of daily living.
(g) "Community first services and supports" or "CFSS" means the assistance and supports
program under this section needed for accomplishing activities of daily living, instrumental
activities of daily living, and health-related tasks through hands-on assistance to accomplish
the task or constant supervision and cueing to accomplish the task, or the purchase of goods
as defined in subdivision 7, clause (3), that replace the need for human assistance.
(h) "Community first services and supports service delivery plan" or "CFSS service
delivery plan" means a written document detailing the services and supports chosen by the
participant to meet assessed needs that are within the approved CFSS service authorization,
as determined in subdivision 8. Services and supports are based on the support plan identified
in sections 256B.092, subdivision 1b, and 256S.10.
(i) "Consultation services" means a Minnesota health care program enrolled provider
organization that provides assistance to the participant in making informed choices about
CFSS services in general and self-directed tasks in particular, and in developing a
person-centered CFSS service delivery plan to achieve quality service outcomes.
(j) "Critical activities of daily living" means transferring, mobility, eating, and toileting.
(k) "Dependency" in activities of daily living means a person requires hands-on assistance
or constant supervision and cueing to accomplish one or more of the activities of daily living
every day or on the days during the week that the activity is performed; however, a child
must not be found to be dependent in an activity of daily living if, because of the child's
age, an adult would either perform the activity for the child or assist the child with the
activity and the assistance needed is the assistance appropriate for a typical child of the
same age.
(l) "Extended CFSS" means CFSS services and supports provided under CFSS that are
included in the CFSS service delivery plan through one of the home and community-based
services waivers and as approved and authorized under chapter 256S and sections 256B.092,
subdivision 5, and 256B.49, which exceed the amount, duration, and frequency of the state
plan CFSS services for participants. Extended CFSS excludes the purchase of goods.
(m) "Financial management services provider" or "FMS provider" means a qualified
organization required for participants using the budget model under subdivision 13 that is
an enrolled provider with the department to provide vendor fiscal/employer agent financial
management services (FMS).
(n) "Health-related procedures and tasks" means procedures and tasks related to the
specific assessed health needs of a participant that can be taught or assigned by a
state-licensed health care or mental health professional and performed by a support worker.
(o) "Instrumental activities of daily living" means activities related to living independently
in the community, including but not limited to: meal planning, preparation, and cooking;
shopping for food, clothing, or other essential items; laundry; housecleaning; assistance
with medications; managing finances; communicating needs and preferences during activities;
arranging supports; and assistance with traveling around and participating in the community,
including traveling to medical appointments. For purposes of this paragraph, traveling
includes driving and accompanying the recipient in the recipient's chosen mode of
transportation and according to the individual CFSS service delivery plan.
(p) "Lead agency" has the meaning given in section 256B.0911, subdivision 10.
(q) "Legal representative" means parent of a minor, a court-appointed guardian, or
another representative with legal authority to make decisions about services and supports
for the participant. Other representatives with legal authority to make decisions include but
are not limited to a health care agent or an attorney-in-fact authorized through a health care
directive or power of attorney.
(r) "Level I behavior" means physical aggression toward self or others or destruction of
property that requires the immediate response of another person.
(s) "Medication assistance" means providing verbal or visual reminders to take regularly
scheduled medication, and includes any of the following supports listed in clauses (1) to
(3) and other types of assistance, except that a support worker must not determine medication
dose or time for medication or inject medications into veins, muscles, or skin:
(1) under the direction of the participant or the participant's representative, bringing
medications to the participant including medications given through a nebulizer, opening a
container of previously set-up medications, emptying the container into the participant's
hand, opening and giving the medication in the original container to the participant, or
bringing to the participant liquids or food to accompany the medication;
(2) organizing medications as directed by the participant or the participant's representative;
(3) providing verbal or visual reminders to perform regularly scheduled medications.
(t) "Participant" means a person who is eligible for CFSS.
(u) "Participant's representative" means a parent, family member, advocate, or other
adult authorized by the participant or participant's legal representative, if any, to serve as a
representative in connection with the provision of CFSS. If the participant is unable to assist
in the selection of a participant's representative, the legal representative shall appoint one.
(v) "Person-centered planning process" means a process that is directed by the participant
to plan for CFSS services and supports.
(w) "Service budget" means the authorized dollar amount used for the budget model or
for the purchase of goods.
(x) "Shared services" means the provision of CFSS services by the same CFSS support
worker to two or three participants who voluntarily enter into a written agreement to receive
services at the same time, in the same setting, and through the same agency-provider or
FMS provider.
(y) "Support worker" means a qualified and trained employee of the agency-provider
as required by subdivision 11b or of the participant employer under the budget model as
required by subdivision 14 who has direct contact with the participant and provides services
as specified within the participant's CFSS service delivery plan.
(z) "Unit" means the increment of service based on hours or minutes identified in the
service agreement.
(aa) "Vendor fiscal employer agent" means an agency that provides financial management
(bb) "Wages and benefits" means the hourly wages and salaries, the employer's share
of FICA taxes, Medicare taxes, state and federal unemployment taxes, workers' compensation,
mileage reimbursement, health and dental insurance, life insurance, disability insurance,
long-term care insurance, uniform allowance, contributions to employee retirement accounts,
or other forms of employee compensation and benefits.
(cc) "Worker training and development" means services provided according to subdivision
18a for developing workers' skills as required by the participant's individual CFSS service
delivery plan that are arranged for or provided by the agency-provider or purchased by the
participant employer. These services include training, education, direct observation and
supervision, and evaluation and coaching of job skills and tasks, including supervision of
health-related tasks or behavioral supports.
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 256B.85, subdivision 6, is amended to read:
(a) The CFSS
service delivery plan must be developed and evaluated through a person-centered planning
process by the participant, or the participant's representative or legal representative who
may be assisted by a consultation services provider. The CFSS service delivery plan must
reflect the services and supports that are important to the participant and for the participant
to meet the needs assessed by the certified assessor and identified in the support plan
identified in sections 256B.092, subdivision 1b, and 256S.10. The CFSS service delivery
plan must be reviewed by the participant, the consultation services provider, and the
agency-provider or FMS provider prior to starting services and at least annually upon
reassessment, or when there is a significant change in the participant's condition, or a change
in the need for services and supports.
(b) The commissioner shall establish the format and criteria for the CFSS service delivery
(c) The CFSS service delivery plan must be person-centered and:
(1) specify the consultation services provider, agency-provider, or FMS provider selected
by the participant;
(2) reflect the setting in which the participant resides that is chosen by the participant;
(3) reflect the participant's strengths and preferences;
(4) include the methods and supports used to address the needs as identified through an
assessment of functional needs;
(5) include the participant's identified goals and desired outcomes;
(6) reflect the services and supports, paid and unpaid, that will assist the participant to
achieve identified goals, including the costs of the services and supports, and the providers
of those services and supports, including natural supports;
(7) identify the amount and frequency of face-to-face supports and amount and frequency
of remote supports and technology that will be used;
(8) identify risk factors and measures in place to minimize them, including individualized
backup plans;
(9) be understandable to the participant and the individuals providing support;
(10) identify the individual or entity responsible for monitoring the plan;
(11) be finalized and agreed to in writing by the participant and signed by individuals
and providers responsible for its implementation;
(12) be distributed to the participant and other people involved in the plan;
(13) prevent the provision of unnecessary or inappropriate care;
(14) include a detailed budget for expenditures for budget model participants or
participants under the agency-provider model if purchasing goods; and
(15) include a plan for worker training and development provided according to
subdivision 18a detailing what service components will be used, when the service components
will be used, how they will be provided, and how these service components relate to the
participant's individual needs and CFSS support worker services.
(d) The CFSS service delivery plan must describe the units or dollar amount available
to the participant. The total units of agency-provider services or the service budget amount
for the budget model include both annual totals and a monthly average amount that cover
the number of months of the service agreement. The amount used each month may vary,
but additional funds must not be provided above the annual service authorization amount,
determined according to subdivision 8, unless a change in condition is assessed and
authorized by the certified assessor and documented in the support plan and CFSS service
delivery plan.
(e) In assisting with the development or modification of the CFSS service delivery plan
during the authorization time period, the consultation services provider shall:
(1) consult with the FMS provider on the spending budget when applicable; and
(2) consult with the participant or participant's representative, agency-provider, and case
manager or care coordinator.
(f) The CFSS service delivery plan must be approved by the deleted text begin consultation services providerdeleted text end new text begin
lead agencynew text end for participants without a case manager or care coordinator who is responsible
for authorizing services. A case manager or care coordinator must approve the plan for a
waiver or alternative care program participant.
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 256B.85, subdivision 6a, is amended to read:
The person-centered planning process
(1) include people chosen by the participant;
(2) provide necessary information and support to ensure that the participant directs the
process to the maximum extent possible, and is enabled to make informed choices and
(3) be timely and occur at times and locations convenient to the participant;
(4) reflect cultural considerations of the participant;
(5) include within the process strategies for solving conflict or disagreement, including
clear conflict-of-interest guidelines as identified in Code of Federal Regulations, title 42,
section deleted text begin 441.500deleted text end new text begin 441.540new text end , for all planning;
(6) provide the participant choices of the services and supports the participant receives
and the staff providing those services and supports;
(7) include a method for the participant to request updates to the plan; and
(8) record the alternative home and community-based settings that were considered by
the participant.
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 256B.85, subdivision 11, is amended to read:
(a) The agency-provider model includes services
provided by support workers and staff providing worker training and development services
who are employed by an agency-provider that meets the criteria established by the
commissioner, including required training.
(b) The agency-provider shall allow the participant to have a significant role in the
selection and dismissal of the support workers for the delivery of the services and supports
specified in the participant's CFSS service delivery plan. The agency must make a reasonable
effort to fulfill the participant's request for the participant's preferred support worker.
(c) A participant may use authorized units of CFSS services as needed within a service
agreement that is not greater than 12 months. Using authorized units in a flexible manner
in either the agency-provider model or the budget model does not increase the total amount
of services and supports authorized for a participant or included in the participant's CFSS
service delivery plan.
(d) A participant may share CFSS services. Two or three CFSS participants may share
services at the same time provided by the same support worker.
(e) The agency-provider must use a minimum of 72.5 percent of the revenue generated
by the medical assistance payment for CFSS for support worker wages and benefits, except
all of the revenue generated by a medical assistance rate increase due to a collective
bargaining agreement under section 179A.54 must be used for support worker wages and
benefits. The agency-provider must document how this requirement is being met. The
revenue generated by the worker training and development services and the reasonable costs
associated with the worker training and development services must not be used in making
this calculation.
(f) The agency-provider model must be used by participants who are restricted by the
Minnesota restricted recipient program under Minnesota Rules, parts 9505.2160 to
(g) Participants purchasing goods under this model, along with support worker services,
(1) specify the goods in the CFSS service delivery plan and detailed budget for
expenditures that must be approved by the deleted text begin consultation services providerdeleted text end new text begin lead agencynew text end , case
manager, or care coordinator; and
(2) use the FMS provider for the billing and payment of such goods.
(h) The agency provider is responsible for ensuring that any worker driving a participant
under subdivision 2, paragraph (o), has a valid driver's license and the vehicle used is
registered and insured according to Minnesota law.
Minnesota Statutes 2023 Supplement, section 256B.85, subdivision 13a, is
amended to read:
(a) Services provided by an FMS provider
include but are not limited to: filing and payment of federal and state payroll taxes and
premiums on behalf of the participant; initiating and complying with background study
requirements under chapter 245C and maintaining documentation of background study
requests and results; billing for approved CFSS services with authorized funds; monitoring
expenditures; accounting for and disbursing CFSS funds; providing assistance in obtaining
and filing for liability, workers' compensation, family and medical benefit insurance, and
unemployment coverage; and providing participant instruction and technical assistance to
the participant in fulfilling employer-related requirements in accordance with section 3504
of the Internal Revenue Code and related regulations and interpretations, including Code
of Federal Regulations, title 26, section 31.3504-1.
(b) Agency-provider services shall not be provided by the FMS provider.
(c) The FMS provider shall provide service functions as determined by the commissioner
for budget model participants that include but are not limited to:
(1) assistance with the development of the detailed budget for expenditures portion of
the CFSS service delivery plan as requested by the consultation services provider or
(2) data recording and reporting of participant spending;
(3) other duties established by the department, including with respect to providing
assistance to the participant, participant's representative, or legal representative in performing
employer responsibilities regarding support workers. The support worker shall not be
considered the employee of the FMS provider; and
(4) billing, payment, and accounting of approved expenditures for goods.
(d) The FMS provider shall obtain an assurance statement from the participant employer
agreeing to follow state and federal regulations and CFSS policies regarding employment
of support workers.
(e) The FMS provider shall:
(1) not limit or restrict the participant's choice of service or support providers or service
delivery models consistent with any applicable state and federal requirements;
(2) provide the participant, consultation services provider, and case manager or care
coordinator, if applicable, with a monthly written summary of the spending for services and
supports that were billed against the spending budget;
(3) be knowledgeable of state and federal employment regulations, including those under
the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, and comply with the requirements under chapter
268B and section 3504 of the Internal Revenue Code and related regulations and
interpretations, including Code of Federal Regulations, title 26, section 31.3504-1, regarding
agency employer tax liability for vendor fiscal/employer agent, and any requirements
necessary to process employer and employee deductions, provide appropriate and timely
submission of employer tax liabilities, and maintain documentation to support medical
assistance claims;
(4) have current and adequate liability insurance and bonding and sufficient cash flow
as determined by the commissioner and have on staff or under contract a certified public
accountant or an individual with a baccalaureate degree in accounting;
(5) assume fiscal accountability for state funds designated for the program and be held
liable for any overpayments or violations of applicable statutes or rules, including but not
limited to the Minnesota False Claims Act, chapter 15C;
(6) maintain documentation of receipts, invoices, and bills to track all services and
supports expenditures for any goods purchased and maintain time records of support workers.
The documentation and time records must be maintained for a minimum of five years from
the claim date and be available for audit or review upon request by the commissioner. Claims
submitted by the FMS provider to the commissioner for payment must correspond with
services, amounts, and time periods as authorized in the participant's service budget and
service plan and must contain specific identifying information as determined by the
commissioner; and
(7) provide written notice to the participant or the participant's representative at least 30
calendar days before a proposed service termination becomes effectivedeleted text begin .deleted text end new text begin , except in cases
new text end
new text begin
(i) the participant engages in conduct that significantly alters the terms of the CFSS
service delivery plan with the FMS;
new text end
new text begin
(ii) the participant or other persons at the setting where services are being provided
engage in conduct that creates an imminent risk of harm to the support worker or other staff;
new text end
new text begin
(iii) an emergency or a significant change in the participant's condition occurs within a
24-hour period that results in the participant's service needs exceeding the participant's
identified needs in the current CFSS service delivery plan so that the plan cannot safely
meet the participant's needs.
new text end
(f) The commissioner shall:
(1) establish rates and payment methodology for the FMS provider;
(2) identify a process to ensure quality and performance standards for the FMS provider
and ensure statewide access to FMS providers; and
(3) establish a uniform protocol for delivering and administering CFSS services to be
used by eligible FMS providers.
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 256B.85, subdivision 17, is amended to read:
Consultation services is a required service that
(1) entering into a written agreement with the participant, participant's representative,
or legal representative that includes but is not limited to the details of services, service
delivery methods, dates of services, and contact information;
(2) providing an initial and annual orientation to CFSS information and policies, including
selecting a service model;
(3) assisting with accessing FMS providers or agency-providers;
(4) providing assistance with the development, implementation, management,
documentation, and evaluation of the person-centered CFSS service delivery plan;
deleted text begin
(5) approving the CFSS service delivery plan for a participant without a case manager
or care coordinator who is responsible for authorizing services;
deleted text end
deleted text begin (6)deleted text end new text begin (5)new text end maintaining documentation of the approved CFSS service delivery plan;
deleted text begin (7)deleted text end new text begin (6)new text end distributing copies of the final CFSS service delivery plan to the participant and
to the agency-provider or FMS provider, case manager or care coordinator, and other
designated parties;
deleted text begin (8)deleted text end new text begin (7)new text end assisting to fulfill responsibilities and requirements of CFSS, including modifying
CFSS service delivery plans and changing service models;
deleted text begin (9)deleted text end new text begin (8)new text end if requested, providing consultation on recruiting, selecting, training, managing,
directing, supervising, and evaluating support workers;
deleted text begin (10)deleted text end new text begin (9)new text end evaluating services upon receiving information from an FMS provider indicating
spending or participant employer concerns;
deleted text begin (11)deleted text end new text begin (10)new text end reviewing the use of and access to informal and community supports, goods,
or resources;
deleted text begin (12)deleted text end new text begin (11)new text end a semiannual review of services if the participant does not have a case manager
or care coordinator and when the support worker is a paid parent of a minor participant or
the participant's spouse;
deleted text begin (13)deleted text end new text begin (12)new text end collecting and reporting of data as required by the department;
deleted text begin (14)deleted text end new text begin (13)new text end providing the participant with a copy of the participant protections under
subdivision 20 at the start of consultation services;
deleted text begin (15)deleted text end new text begin (14)new text end providing assistance to resolve issues of noncompliance with the requirements
of CFSS;
deleted text begin (16)deleted text end new text begin (15)new text end providing recommendations to the commissioner for changes to services when
support to participants to resolve issues of noncompliance have been unsuccessful; and
deleted text begin (17)deleted text end new text begin (16)new text end other duties as assigned by the commissioner.
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 256B.85, is amended by adding a subdivision
to read:
new text begin
(a) Except as
provided in paragraph (b), the worker training and development services specified in
subdivision 18a, paragraph (c), clauses (3) and (4), may be provided to recipients with
chronic health conditions or severely compromised immune systems via two-way interactive
audio and visual telecommunications if, at the recipient's request, the recipient's primary
health care provider:
new text end
new text begin
(1) determines that remote worker training and development services are appropriate;
new text end
new text begin
(2) documents the determination under clause (1) in a statement of need or other document
that is subsequently included in the recipient's CFSS service delivery plan.
new text end
new text begin
(b) The worker training and development services specified in subdivision 18a, paragraph
(c), clause (3), provided at the start of services or the start of employment of a new support
worker must not be conducted via two-way interactive audio and visual telecommunications.
new text end
new text begin
(c) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a CFSS service delivery plan developed
or amended via remote worker training and development services may be executed by
electronic signature.
new text end
new text begin
(d) A recipient may request to return to in-person worker training and development
services at any time.
new text end
new text begin
This section is effective upon community first services and
supports implementation. The commissioner of human services shall notify the revisor of
statutes upon CFSS implementation.
new text end
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 256B.85, subdivision 20, is amended to read:
(a) All CFSS participants have the protections
identified in this subdivision.
(b) Participants or participant's representatives must be provided with adequate
information, counseling, training, and assistance, as needed, to ensure that the participant
is able to choose and manage services, models, and budgets. This information must be
provided by the consultation services provider at the time of the initial or annual orientation
to CFSS, at the time of reassessment, or when requested by the participant or participant's
representative. This information must explain:
(1) person-centered planning;
(2) the range and scope of participant choices, including the differences between the
agency-provider model and the budget model, available CFSS providers, and other services
available in the community to meet the participant's needs;
(3) the process for changing plans, services, and budgets;
(4) identifying and assessing appropriate services; and
(5) risks to and responsibilities of the participant under the budget model.
(c) The consultation services provider must ensure that the participant chooses freely
between the agency-provider model and the budget model and among available
agency-providers and that the participant may change agency-providers after services have
(d) A participant who appeals a reduction in previously authorized CFSS services may
continue previously authorized services pending an appeal in accordance with section
(e) If the units of service or budget allocation for CFSS are reduced, denied, or terminated,
the commissioner must provide notice of the reasons for the reduction in the participant's
notice of denial, termination, or reduction.
(f) If all or part of a CFSS service delivery plan is denied approval by the deleted text begin consultation
services providerdeleted text end new text begin lead agencynew text end , the deleted text begin consultation services providerdeleted text end new text begin lead agencynew text end must provide
a notice that describes the basis of the denial.
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 256C.21, is amended to read:
Sections 256C.21 to deleted text begin 256C.26deleted text end new text begin 256C.261new text end may be cited as the "Deafnew text begin , DeafBlind,new text end and
Hard-of-Hearing Services Act."
new text begin
This section is effective August 1, 2024.
new text end
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 256C.23, subdivision 1a, is amended to read:
"Culturally affirmative" describes services that are
designed and delivered within the context of the culture, new text begin identity, new text end language, new text begin communication,
new text end and life experiences of deleted text begin a persondeleted text end new text begin personsnew text end who deleted text begin isdeleted text end new text begin are new text end deaf, deleted text begin a persondeleted text end new text begin personsnew text end who deleted text begin isdeleted text end new text begin are
new text end deafblind, and deleted text begin a persondeleted text end new text begin personsnew text end who deleted text begin isdeleted text end new text begin arenew text end hard-of-hearing.
new text begin
This section is effective August 1, 2024.
new text end
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 256C.23, is amended by adding a subdivision to
new text begin
"Linguistically affirmative" describes services
that are designed and delivered within the context of the language and communication
experiences of persons who are deaf, persons who are deafblind, and persons who are
new text end
new text begin
This section is effective August 1, 2024.
new text end
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 256C.23, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
"Deaf" means a hearing loss deleted text begin of such severity that the individual must
dependdeleted text end new text begin where the person communicatesnew text end primarily deleted text begin on visual communication such asdeleted text end new text begin throughnew text end
American Sign Language or deleted text begin otherdeleted text end new text begin anothernew text end signed language, deleted text begin visual and manual means of
communication such asdeleted text end signing systems in English deleted text begin ordeleted text end new text begin ,new text end Cued Speech, new text begin reading and new text end writing,
speech reading, deleted text begin and gesturesdeleted text end new text begin or other visual communicationnew text end .
new text begin
This section is effective August 1, 2024.
new text end
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 256C.23, subdivision 2a, is amended to read:
"Hard-of-hearing" means a hearing loss deleted text begin resulting in a
functional loss of hearing, but not to the extent that the individual must dependdeleted text end new text begin where the
person does not communicatenew text end primarily deleted text begin upondeleted text end new text begin throughnew text end visual communication.
new text begin
This section is effective August 1, 2024.
new text end
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 256C.23, subdivision 2b, is amended to read:
"Deafblind" means any combination of vision and hearing loss
deleted text begin which interferes with acquiring information from the environment to the extent that
compensatorydeleted text end new text begin where the person uses visual, auditory, or tactilenew text end strategies and skills deleted text begin are
necessarydeleted text end new text begin such as the use of a tactile form of a visual or spoken languagenew text end to access deleted text begin thatdeleted text end new text begin
communication, information from the environment,new text end or other information.
new text begin
This section is effective August 1, 2024.
new text end
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 256C.23, subdivision 2c, is amended to read:
"Interpreting services" means services that include:
(1) interpreting between a spoken language, such as English, and a visual language, such
as American Sign Languagenew text begin or another signed languagenew text end ;
(2) interpreting between a spoken language and a visual representation of a spoken
language, such as Cued Speech deleted text begin anddeleted text end new text begin ornew text end signing systems in English;
(3) interpreting within one language where the interpreter deleted text begin uses natural gestures anddeleted text end
silently repeats the spoken message, replacing some words or phrases to deleted text begin give higher visibility
on the lipsdeleted text end new text begin make the message more readablenew text end ;
(4) interpreting using low vision or tactile methodsnew text begin , signing systems, or signed languagesnew text end
for persons who deleted text begin have a combined hearing and vision loss ordeleted text end are deafblind; and
(5) interpreting from one communication mode or language into another communication
mode or language that is linguistically and culturally appropriate for the participants in the
communication exchange.
new text begin
This section is effective August 1, 2024.
new text end
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 256C.23, subdivision 6, is amended to read:
"Real-time captioning" means a method of captioning
in which deleted text begin a caption isdeleted text end new text begin captions arenew text end simultaneously prepared and displayed or transmitted at
the time of origination by specially trained real-time captioners.
new text begin
This section is effective August 1, 2024.
new text end
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 256C.23, subdivision 7, is amended to read:
"Family and community intervener"
means a deleted text begin paraprofessional,deleted text end new text begin person who is new text end specifically trained in deafblindnessdeleted text begin , whodeleted text end new text begin andnew text end
works one-on-one with a child who is deafblind to provide critical deleted text begin connectionsdeleted text end new text begin accessnew text end to
new text begin language, communication, new text end peoplenew text begin ,new text end and the environment.
new text begin
This section is effective August 1, 2024.
new text end
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 256C.233, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
The commissioners of new text begin commerce, new text end education, employment and economic
development, and health shall deleted text begin advisedeleted text end new text begin partner withnew text end the commissioner of human services on
the new text begin interagency new text end activities of the Deafnew text begin , DeafBlind,new text end and deleted text begin Hard-of-Hearingdeleted text end new text begin Hard of Hearing
Statenew text end Services Division. This division deleted text begin addresses the developmental and social-emotional
needs ofdeleted text end new text begin provides services fornew text end persons who are deaf, persons who are deafblind, and persons
who are hard-of-hearing through a statewide network of new text begin programs, new text end servicesnew text begin ,new text end andnew text begin supports.
This division alsonew text end advocates on behalf of and provides information and training about how
to best serve persons who are deaf, persons who are deafblind, and persons who are
hard-of-hearing. The commissioner of human services shall coordinate the work of the
interagency deleted text begin advisers anddeleted text end new text begin partners,new text end receive legislative appropriations for the divisionnew text begin , and
provide grants through the division for programs, services, and supports for persons who
are deaf, persons who are deafblind, and persons who are hard-of-hearing in identified areas
of need such as deafblind services, family services, interpreting services, and mental health
servicesnew text end .
new text begin
This section is effective August 1, 2024.
new text end
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 256C.233, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
The Deafnew text begin , DeafBlind,new text end and deleted text begin Hard-of-Hearingdeleted text end new text begin Hard of Hearing
Statenew text end Services Division shall:
(1) establish and maintain a statewide network of regional culturally new text begin and linguistically
new text end affirmative services for Minnesotans who are deaf, Minnesotans who are deafblind, and
Minnesotans who are hard-of-hearing;
(2) work across divisions within the Department of Human Services, as well as with
other agencies and counties, to ensure that there is an understanding of:
(i) the communication new text begin access new text end challenges faced by persons who are deaf, persons who
are deafblind, and persons who are hard-of-hearing;
(ii) the best practices for accommodating and deleted text begin mitigatingdeleted text end new text begin addressingnew text end communication
new text begin access new text end challenges; and
(iii) the legal requirements for providing access to and effective communication with
persons who are deaf, persons who are deafblind, and persons who are hard-of-hearing;
(3) assess the supply and demand statewide for deleted text begin interpreterdeleted text end new text begin interpretingnew text end services and
real-time captioning services, implement strategies to provide greater access to these services
in areas without sufficient supply, and deleted text begin build the base ofdeleted text end new text begin partner with interpretingnew text end service
providers new text begin and real-time captioning service providers new text end across the state;
(4) maintain a statewide information resource that includes contact information and
professional deleted text begin certification credentialsdeleted text end new text begin certificationsnew text end of interpreting service providers and
real-time captioning service providers;
(5) provide culturally new text begin and linguistically new text end affirmative mental health services to persons
who are deaf, persons who are deafblind, and persons who are hard-of-hearing who:
(i) use a visual language such as American Sign Languagenew text begin , another sign language,new text end or a
tactile form of a new text begin visual new text end language; or
(ii) otherwise need culturally new text begin and linguistically new text end affirmative deleted text begin therapeuticdeleted text end new text begin mental healthnew text end
(6) research and develop best practices and recommendations for emerging issues;new text begin and
new text end
(7) provide as much information as practicable on the division's stand-alone website in
American Sign Languagedeleted text begin ; anddeleted text end new text begin .
new text end
deleted text begin
(8) report to the chairs and ranking minority members of the legislative committees with
jurisdiction over human services biennially, beginning on January 1, 2019, on the following:
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(i) the number of regional service center staff, the location of the office of each staff
person, other service providers with which they are colocated, the number of people served
by each staff person and a breakdown of whether each person was served on-site or off-site,
and for those served off-site, a list of locations where services were delivered and the number
who were served in-person and the number who were served via technology;
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(ii) the amount and percentage of the division budget spent on reasonable
accommodations for staff;
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(iii) the number of people who use demonstration equipment and consumer evaluations
of the experience;
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(iv) the number of training sessions provided by division staff, the topics covered, the
number of participants, and consumer evaluations, including a breakdown by delivery
method such as in-person or via technology;
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(v) the number of training sessions hosted at a division location provided by another
service provider, the topics covered, the number of participants, and consumer evaluations,
including a breakdown by delivery method such as in-person or via technology;
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(vi) for each grant awarded, the amount awarded to the grantee and a summary of the
grantee's results, including consumer evaluations of the services or products provided;
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(vii) the number of people on waiting lists for any services provided by division staff
or for services or equipment funded through grants awarded by the division;
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(viii) the amount of time staff spent driving to appointments to deliver direct one-to-one
client services in locations outside of the regional service centers; and
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(ix) the regional needs and feedback on addressing service gaps identified by the advisory
deleted text end
new text begin
This section is effective August 1, 2024.
new text end
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 256C.24, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
The Deafnew text begin , DeafBlind,new text end and deleted text begin Hard-of-Hearingdeleted text end new text begin Hard of Hearing
Statenew text end Services Division shall establish at least six regional service centers for persons who
are deafnew text begin , persons who are deafblind,new text end and persons who are hard-of-hearing. The centers shall
be distributed regionally to provide access for persons who are deaf, persons who are
deafblind, and persons who are hard-of-hearing in all parts of the state.
new text begin
This section is effective August 1, 2024.
new text end
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 256C.24, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
Each regional service center shall:
new text begin
(1) employ qualified staff to work with persons who are deaf, persons who are deafblind,
and persons who are hard-of-hearing;
new text end
deleted text begin (1)deleted text end new text begin (2)new text end establish connections and collaborations deleted text begin and explore colocatingdeleted text end with other public
and private entities providing services to persons who are deaf, persons who are deafblind,
and persons who are hard-of-hearing in the region;
deleted text begin (2)deleted text end new text begin (3)new text end for those in need of services, assist in coordinating services between service
providers and persons who are deaf, persons who are deafblind, and persons who are
hard-of-hearing, and the persons' families, and make referrals to the services needed;
deleted text begin
(3) employ staff trained to work with persons who are deaf, persons who are deafblind,
and persons who are hard-of-hearing;
deleted text end
(4) if adequate new text begin or accessible new text end services are not available from another public or private
service provider in the region, provide individual new text begin culturally and linguistically affirmative
new text end assistancenew text begin with service supports and solutionsnew text end to persons who are deaf, persons who are
deafblind, and persons who are hard-of-hearing, and the persons' familiesdeleted text begin . Individual
culturally affirmative assistance may be provided using technology only in areas of the state
where a person has access to sufficient quality telecommunications or broadband services
to allow effective communication. When a person who is deaf, a person who is deafblind,
or a person who is hard-of-hearing does not have access to sufficient telecommunications
or broadband service, individual assistance shall be available in persondeleted text end ;
(5) identify regional training new text begin and resource new text end needsdeleted text begin , work with deaf and hard-of-hearing
services training staff, and collaborate with others todeleted text end new text begin andnew text end deliver training new text begin and resources new text end for
persons who are deaf, persons who are deafblind, and persons who are hard-of-hearing, and
the persons' families, and other service providers about subjects including the persons' rights
under the law, American Sign Language, and the impact of hearing loss and options for
accommodating it;
(6) have a mobile or permanent lab where persons who are deaf, persons who are
deafblind, and persons who are hard-of-hearing can try a selection of deleted text begin moderndeleted text end assistive
technologynew text begin , telecommunications equipment,new text end and new text begin other technology and new text end equipment to
determine what would best meet the persons' needs;
(7) collaborate with deleted text begin the Resource Center for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Persons,
other divisions ofdeleted text end the Department of Education and local school districts to deleted text begin develop and
deliver programs and services fordeleted text end new text begin provide information and resources tonew text end families with children
who are deaf, children who are deafblind, or children who are hard-of-hearing and to deleted text begin supportdeleted text end
school personnel serving these children;
(8) provide trainingnew text begin , resources, and consultationnew text end to deleted text begin the social service or income
maintenance staff employed by counties or by organizations with whom counties contract
for services to ensure thatdeleted text end new text begin human services providers aboutnew text end communication deleted text begin barriers which
preventdeleted text end new text begin access and other needs ofnew text end persons who are deaf, persons who are deafblind, and
persons who are hard-of-hearing deleted text begin from using services are removeddeleted text end ;
deleted text begin
(9) provide training to human service agencies in the region regarding program access
for persons who are deaf, persons who are deafblind, and persons who are hard-of-hearing;
deleted text end
deleted text begin (10)deleted text end new text begin (9)new text end assess the ongoing need and supply of services for persons who are deaf, persons
who are deafblind, and persons who are hard-of-hearing in all parts of the statedeleted text begin ,deleted text end new text begin ;new text end annually
consult with the division's advisory committees to identify regional needs and solicit feedback
on addressing service gapsdeleted text begin ,deleted text end new text begin ;new text end and deleted text begin cooperatedeleted text end new text begin collaboratenew text end with public and private service
providers deleted text begin to develop these servicesdeleted text end new text begin on service solutionsnew text end ;
deleted text begin (11)deleted text end new text begin (10)new text end provide culturally new text begin and linguistically new text end affirmative mental health services to
persons who are deaf, persons who are deafblind, and persons who are hard-of-hearing who:
(i) use a visual language such as American Sign Languagenew text begin , another sign language,new text end or a
tactile form of a new text begin visual new text end language; or
(ii) otherwise need culturally new text begin and linguistically new text end affirmative deleted text begin therapeuticdeleted text end new text begin mental healthnew text end
services; and
deleted text begin (12)deleted text end new text begin (11)new text end establish partnerships with state and regional entities statewide deleted text begin that have the
technological capacitydeleted text end to provide Minnesotans with virtual access to the division's services
and deleted text begin division-sponsoreddeleted text end training deleted text begin viadeleted text end new text begin throughnew text end technology.
new text begin
This section is effective August 1, 2024.
new text end
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 256C.24, subdivision 3, is amended to read:
The director of the Deafnew text begin , DeafBlind,new text end and deleted text begin Hard-of-Hearingdeleted text end new text begin
Hard of Hearing Statenew text end Services Division shall appoint eight advisory committees of up to
nine persons per advisory committee. Each committee shall represent a specific region of
the state. The director shall determine the boundaries of each advisory committee region.
The committees shall advise the director on the needs of persons who are deaf, persons who
are deafblind, and persons who are hard-of-hearing and service gaps in the region of the
state the committee represents. Members shall include persons who are deaf, persons who
are deafblind, and persons who are hard-of-hearing, persons who have communication
disabilities, parents of children who are deafnew text begin , parents of children who are deafblind,new text end and
parents of children who are hard-of-hearing, parents of children who have communication
disabilities, and representatives of county and regional human services, including
representatives of private service providers. At least 50 percent of the members must be
deaf or deafblind or hard-of-hearing or have a communication disability. Committee members
shall serve for a three-year termdeleted text begin , and may be appointed todeleted text end new text begin . Committee members shall serve
no more than threenew text end consecutive termsnew text begin and no more than nine years in totalnew text end . Each advisory
committee shall elect a chair. The director of the Deafnew text begin , DeafBlind,new text end and deleted text begin Hard-of-Hearingdeleted text end new text begin
Hard of Hearing Statenew text end Services Division deleted text begin shalldeleted text end new text begin maynew text end assign staff to serve as nonvoting members
of the committee. Members shall not receive a per diem. Otherwise, the compensation,
removal of members, and filling of vacancies on the committee shall be as provided in
section 15.0575.
new text begin
This section is effective August 1, 2024.
new text end
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 256C.26, is amended to read:
The commissioner of employment and economic development shall work with the Deafnew text begin ,
DeafBlind,new text end and deleted text begin Hard-of-Hearingdeleted text end new text begin Hard of Hearing Statenew text end Services Division to develop and
implement a plan to deal with the underemployment of new text begin persons who are new text end deaf,new text begin persons who
arenew text end deafblind, and new text begin persons who are new text end hard-of-hearing deleted text begin personsdeleted text end .
new text begin
This section is effective August 1, 2024.
new text end
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 256C.261, is amended to read:
(a) The commissioner of human services shall use at least deleted text begin 35deleted text end new text begin 60new text end percent of the deafblind
services biennial base level grant funding for new text begin programs, new text end servicesnew text begin ,new text end and deleted text begin otherdeleted text end supports for deleted text begin a
childdeleted text end new text begin adults who are deafblind and for childrennew text end who deleted text begin isdeleted text end new text begin arenew text end deafblind and the deleted text begin child's familydeleted text end new text begin
children's familiesnew text end . deleted text begin The commissioner shall use at least 25 percent of the deafblind services
biennial base level grant funding for services and other supports for an adult who is deafblind.
deleted text end
new text begin (b) new text end The commissioner shall award grants for the purposes ofdeleted text begin :
deleted text end
deleted text begin (1)deleted text end providing new text begin programs, new text end servicesnew text begin ,new text end and supports to persons who are deafblinddeleted text begin ; anddeleted text end new text begin .
new text end
deleted text begin
(2) developing and providing training to counties and the network of senior citizen
service providers. The purpose of the training grants is to teach counties how to use existing
programs that capture federal financial participation to meet the needs of eligible persons
who are deafblind and to build capacity of senior service programs to meet the needs of
seniors with a dual sensory hearing and vision loss.
deleted text end
deleted text begin (b)deleted text end new text begin (c)new text end The commissioner may make grants:
(1) for services and training provided by organizationsnew text begin to persons who are deafblindnew text end ;
deleted text begin and
deleted text end
(2) to develop and administer consumer-directed servicesdeleted text begin .deleted text end new text begin for persons who are deafblind;
new text end
new text begin
(3) to develop and provide training to counties and service providers on how to meet
the needs of persons who are deafblind.
new text end
deleted text begin (c)deleted text end new text begin (d)new text end Consumer-directed services deleted text begin shalldeleted text end new text begin mustnew text end be provided in whole by grant-funded
providers. deleted text begin The Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Services Division's regional service centers shall
not provide any aspect of a grant-funded consumer-directed services program.
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(d) Any entity that is able to satisfy the grant criteria is eligible to receive a grant under
paragraph (a).
deleted text end
(e) Deafblind service providers may, but are not required to, provide deleted text begin intervenordeleted text end new text begin intervenernew text end
services as part of the service package provided with grant funds under this section. Intervener
services include services provided by a family and community intervener as described in
paragraph (f).
(f) The family and community intervener, as defined in section 256C.23, subdivision 7,
provides services to open channels of communication between the child and others; facilitates
the development or use of receptive and expressive communication skills by the child; and
develops and maintains a trusting, interactive relationship that promotes social and emotional
well-being. The family and community intervener also provides access to information and
the environmentdeleted text begin ,deleted text end and facilitates opportunities for learning and development. A family and
community intervener must have specific training in deafblindness, building language and
communication skills, and intervention strategies.
new text begin
This section is effective August 1, 2024.
new text end
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 256C.28, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
new text begin (a) new text end The Commission of the Deaf, DeafBlind and Hard of
Hearing consists of deleted text begin sevendeleted text end new text begin tennew text end members appointed at large and one membernew text begin eachnew text end from deleted text begin eachdeleted text end new text begin
up to fivenew text end advisory deleted text begin committeedeleted text end new text begin committeesnew text end established under section 256C.24, subdivision
3. At least 50 percent of thenew text begin votingnew text end members must be deaf or deafblind or hard-of-hearing.
Members shall include deleted text begin persons who are deaf, deafblind, and hard-of-hearing, parentsdeleted text end new text begin at
least one parent or guardiannew text end of deleted text begin childrendeleted text end new text begin a personnew text end who deleted text begin aredeleted text end new text begin isnew text end deaf, deafblind, deleted text begin anddeleted text end new text begin ornew text end
hard-of-hearingdeleted text begin , and representatives of county and regional human services, including
representatives of private service providersdeleted text end . new text begin The commissioners of education, health, and
employment and economic development and the director of the Deaf, DeafBlind, and Hard
of Hearing State Services Division in the Department of Human Services, or their designees,
shall serve as ex officio, nonvoting members of the commission. The commission may
appoint additional ex officio members from other bureaus, divisions, or sections of state
departments directly concerned with the provision of services to persons who are deaf,
deafblind, or hard-of-hearing.
new text end
deleted text begin Commissiondeleted text end new text begin (b) Votingnew text end membersnew text begin of the commissionnew text end are appointed by the governor for
a four-year term and until successors are appointed and qualify. deleted text begin Commissiondeleted text end new text begin Votingnew text end membersnew text begin
of the commissionnew text end shall serve no more than three consecutivenew text begin fullnew text end termsdeleted text begin , and no more than
12 years in totaldeleted text end .
new text begin (c)new text end Annually, by January 31, the commission shall select one member as chair and one
member as vice-chair to serve until January 31 of the following year or until the commission
selects a new chair or vice-chair, whichever occurs later.
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 177.24, is amended by adding a subdivision
to read:
new text begin
(a) On or after August 1, 2026, an employer
must not hire a new employee with a disability at a wage that is less than the highest
applicable minimum wage, regardless of whether the employer holds a special certificate
from the United States Department of Labor under section 14(c) of the federal Fair Labor
Standards Act.
new text end
new text begin
(b) On or after August 1, 2028, an employer must not pay an employee with a disability
less than the highest applicable minimum wage, regardless of whether the employer holds
a special certificate from the United States Department of Labor under section 14(c) of the
federal Fair Labor Standards Act.
new text end
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 252.44, is amended to read:
When the need for day services in a county or Tribe has been determined under section
252.28, the board of commissioners for that lead agency shall:
(1) authorize the delivery of services according to the support plans and support plan
addendums required as part of the lead agency's provision of case management services
under sections 256B.0913, subdivision 8; 256B.092, subdivision 1b; 256B.49, subdivision
15; and 256S.10 and Minnesota Rules, parts 9525.0004 to 9525.0036;
(2) ensure that transportation is provided or arranged by the vendor in the most efficient
and reasonable way possible; deleted text begin and
deleted text end
(3) monitor and evaluate the cost and effectiveness of the servicesdeleted text begin .deleted text end new text begin ;
new text end
new text begin
(4) ensure that on or after August 1, 2026, an employer does not hire a new employee
at a wage that is less than the highest applicable minimum wage, regardless of whether the
employer holds a special certificate from the United States Department of Labor under
section 14(c) of the federal Fair Labor Standards Act; and
new text end
new text begin
(5) ensure that on or after August 1, 2028, a day service program, including county,
Tribal, or privately funded day services, pays employees with disabilities the highest
applicable minimum wage, regardless of whether the employer holds a special certificate
from the United States Department of Labor under section 14(c) of the federal Fair Labor
Standards Act.
new text end
Minnesota Statutes 2023 Supplement, section 256B.4906, is amended to read:
(a) A provider of home and community-based services
for people with developmental disabilities under section 256B.092 or home and
community-based services for people with disabilities under section 256B.49 that holds a
credential listed in clause (1) or (2) as of August 1, 2023, must submit to the commissioner
of human services data on individuals who are currently being paid subminimum wages or
were being paid subminimum wages by the provider organization as of August 1, 2023:
(1) a certificate through the United States Department of Labor under United States
Code, title 29, section 214(c), of the Fair Labor Standards Act authorizing the payment of
subminimum wages to workers with disabilities; or
(2) a permit by the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry under section 177.28.
(b) The report required under paragraph (a) must include the following data about each
individual being paid subminimum wages:
(1) name;
(2) date of birth;
(3) identified race and ethnicity;
(4) disability type;
(5) key employment status measures as determined by the commissioner; and
(6) key community-life engagement measures as determined by the commissioner.
(c) The information in paragraph (b) must be submitted in a format determined by the
(d) A provider must submit the data required under this section annually on a date
specified by the commissioner. The commissioner must give a provider at least 30 calendar
days to submit the data following notice of the due date. If a provider fails to submit the
requested data by the date specified by the commissioner, the commissioner may delay
medical assistance reimbursement until the requested data is submitted.
(e) Individually identifiable data submitted to the commissioner under this section are
considered private data on individuals as defined by section 13.02, subdivision 12.
(f) The commissioner must analyze data annually for tracking employment and
community-life engagement outcomes.
new text begin
A provider of home and community-based
services must not pay a person with a disability a wage below the highest applicable minimum
wage on the basis of the person's disability. A special certificate authorizing the payment
of less than the highest applicable minimum wage to a person with a disability issued
pursuant to a law of this state or to a federal law is without effect as of August 1, 2028.
new text end
new text begin
The commissioner must seek all necessary amendments to Minnesota's federally approved
disability waiver plans to require an individual receiving prevocational or employment
support services be compensated at or above the highest applicable minimum wage no later
than August 1, 2028.
new text end
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 256.975, subdivision 7e, is amended to read:
(a) The purpose of long-term care options counseling deleted text begin for assisted livingdeleted text end is to
support persons with current or anticipated long-term care needs in making informed choices
among options that include the most cost-effective and least restrictive settings. deleted text begin Prospective
residents maintain the right to choose assisted living if that option is their preference.deleted text end new text begin
Reaching people before a crisis and during care transitions is important to ensure quality
of care and life, prevent unnecessary hospitalizations and readmissions, reduce the burden
on the health care system, reduce costs, and support personal preferences.
new text end
(b) deleted text begin Licensed assisted living facilities shall inform each prospective resident or the
prospective resident's designated or legal representative of the availability of long-term care
options counseling for assisted living and the need to receive and verify the counseling prior
to signing a contract. Long-term care options counseling for assisted living is provided as
determined by the commissioner of human services. The service is delivered under a
partnership between lead agencies as defined in subdivision 10, paragraph (g), and the Area
Agencies on Aging, and is a point of entry to a combination of telephone-based long-term
care options counseling provided by Senior LinkAge Line and in-person long-term care
consultation provided by lead agencies. The point of entry service must be provided within
five working days of the request of the prospective resident as followsdeleted text end new text begin Counseling must be
delivered by Senior LinkAge Line either by telephone or in person. Counseling mustnew text end :
deleted text begin
(1) the counseling shall be conducted with the prospective resident, or in the alternative,
the resident's designated or legal representative, if:
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(i) the resident verbally requests; or
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(ii) the assisted living facility has documentation of the designated or legal representative's
authority to enter into a lease or contract on behalf of the prospective resident and accepts
the documentation in good faith;
deleted text end
deleted text begin (2) the counseling shalldeleted text end new text begin (1)new text end be performed in a manner that provides objective and complete
deleted text begin (3) the counseling mustdeleted text end new text begin (2)new text end include a review of the deleted text begin prospective resident's reasons for
considering assisted living services, the prospective resident'sdeleted text end new text begin person'snew text end personal goals, deleted text begin adeleted text end
discussion of the deleted text begin prospective resident'sdeleted text end new text begin person'snew text end immediate and projected long-term care
needs, and alternative community services or settings that may meet the deleted text begin prospective resident'sdeleted text end new text begin
person'snew text end needs;new text begin and
new text end
deleted text begin
(4) the prospective resident must be informed of the availability of an in-person visit
from a long-term care consultation team member at no charge to the prospective resident
to assist the prospective resident in assessment and planning to meet the prospective resident's
long-term care needs; and
deleted text end
deleted text begin (5) verification of counseling shall be generated and provided to the prospective resident
by Senior LinkAge Line upon completion of the telephone-based counselingdeleted text end new text begin (3) include
the counseling and referral protocols in subdivision 7, paragraph (b), clauses (11) to (13)new text end .
(c) An assisted living facility licensed under chapter 144G deleted text begin shall:
deleted text end
deleted text begin (1)deleted text end new text begin mustnew text end inform each prospective resident or the prospective resident's designated or
legal representative of the availability of and contact information for new text begin long-term care new text end options
counseling services under this subdivisiondeleted text begin ;deleted text end new text begin by providing Senior LinkAge Line information
at the facility tour.
new text end
deleted text begin
(2) receive a copy of the verification of counseling prior to executing a contract with
the prospective resident; and
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(3) retain a copy of the verification of counseling as part of the resident's file.
deleted text end
(d) deleted text begin Emergency admissions to licensed assisted living facilities prior to consultation under
paragraph (b) are permitted according to policies established by the commissioner.deleted text end new text begin Prior to
discharge, hospitals must refer older adults who are at risk of nursing home placement to
the Senior LinkAge Line for long-term care options counseling. Hospitals must make these
referrals using referral protocols and processes developed under subdivision 7.
new text end
new text begin
This section is effective August 1, 2024.
new text end
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 256B.69, is amended by adding a subdivision to
new text begin
(a) If an
individual 65 years of age or older is receiving personal assistance from the same agency
continuously during the six months prior to being newly enrolled with any managed care
or county-based purchasing plan, the managed care or county-based purchasing plan with
which the individual is newly enrolled must offer the agency a contract for the purposes of
allowing the enrollee to receive any personal assistance covered under the terms of the plan
from the enrollee's current agency, provided the enrollee continues to live in the service
area of the enrollee's current agency.
new text end
new text begin
(b) For the purposes of this subdivision, the following terms have the meanings given:
new text end
new text begin
(1) "agency" means any of the following:
new text end
new text begin
(i) a personal care assistance provider agency as defined under section 256B.0659,
subdivision 1, paragraph (l);
new text end
new text begin
(ii) an agency provider as described in section 256B.85, subdivision 2, paragraph (c);
new text end
new text begin
(iii) a financial management services provider for an enrollee who directly employs
direct care staff through the community first services and supports budget model or through
the consumer-directed community supports option available under the elderly waiver; and
new text end
new text begin
(2) "personal assistance" means any of the following:
new text end
new text begin
(i) personal care assistance services, extended personal care assistance services, or
enhanced rate personal care assistance services under section 256B.0659;
new text end
new text begin
(ii) community first services and supports, extended community first services and
supports, or enhanced rate community first services and supports under section 256B.85;
new text end
new text begin
(iii) personal assistance provided through the consumer-directed community supports
option available under the elderly waiver.
new text end
new text begin
(c) This subdivision applies only if the enrollee's current agency agrees to accept as
payment in full the managed care plan's or county-based purchasing plan's in-network
reimbursement rate for the same covered service at the time the service is provided, and
agrees to enter into a managed care plan's or county-based purchasing plan's contract for
services of like kind.
new text end
new text begin
This section is effective January 1, 2025.
new text end
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 256R.08, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
(a) No later than February 1 of each
year, a nursing facility must:
(1) provide the state agency with a copy of its deleted text begin audited financial statements or itsdeleted text end working
trial balance;
new text begin
(2) provide the state agency with a copy of its audited financial statements for each year
an audit is conducted;
new text end
deleted text begin (2)deleted text end new text begin (3)new text end provide the state agency with a statement of ownership for the facility;
deleted text begin (3)deleted text end new text begin (4)new text end provide the state agency with separate, audited financial statements deleted text begin ordeleted text end new text begin andnew text end working
trial balances for every other facility owned in whole or in part by an individual or entity
that has an ownership interest in the facility;
new text begin
(5) provide the state agency with information regarding whether the licensee or a general
partner, director, or officer of the licensee controls or has an ownership interest of five
percent or more in a related organization that provides any services, facilities, or supplies
to the nursing facility;
new text end
deleted text begin (4)deleted text end new text begin (6)new text end upon request, provide the state agency with separate, audited financial statements
deleted text begin ordeleted text end new text begin andnew text end working trial balances for every organization with which the facility conducts business
and which is owned in whole or in part by an individual or entity which has an ownership
interest in the facility;
deleted text begin (5)deleted text end new text begin (7)new text end provide the state agency with copies of leases, purchase agreements, and other
documents related to the lease or purchase of the nursing facility; and
deleted text begin (6)deleted text end new text begin (8)new text end upon request, provide the state agency with copies of leases, purchase agreements,
and other documents related to the acquisition of equipment, goods, and services which are
claimed as allowable costs.
new text begin
(b) If the licensee or the general partner, director, or officer of the licensee controls or
has an interest as described in paragraph (a), clause (5), the licensee must disclose all services,
facilities, or supplies provided to the nursing facility; the number of individuals who provide
services, facilities, or supplies at the nursing facility; and any other information requested
by the state agency.
new text end
deleted text begin (b)deleted text end new text begin (c)new text end Audited financial statements submitted under deleted text begin paragraphdeleted text end new text begin paragraphsnew text end (a) new text begin and (b)
new text end must include a balance sheet, income statement, statement of the rate or rates charged to
private paying residents, statement of retained earnings, statement of cash flows, notes to
the financial statements, audited applicable supplemental information, and the public
accountant's report. Public accountants must conduct audits in accordance with chapter
326A. The cost of an audit must not be an allowable cost unless the nursing facility submits
its audited financial statements in the manner otherwise specified in this subdivision. A
nursing facility must permit access by the state agency to the public accountant's audit work
papers that support the audited financial statements submitted under deleted text begin paragraphdeleted text end new text begin paragraphsnew text end
(a)new text begin and (b)new text end .
deleted text begin (c)deleted text end new text begin (d)new text end Documents or information provided to the state agency pursuant to this subdivision
must be public unless prohibited by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability
Act or any other federal or state regulation. Data, notes, and preliminary drafts of reports
created, collected, and maintained by the audit offices of government entities, or persons
performing audits for government entities, and relating to an audit or investigation are
confidential data on individuals or protected nonpublic data until the final report has been
published or the audit or investigation is no longer being pursued actively, except that the
data must be disclosed as required to comply with section 6.67 or 609.456.
deleted text begin (d)deleted text end new text begin (e)new text end If the requirements of paragraphs (a) deleted text begin anddeleted text end new text begin ,new text end (b)new text begin , and (c)new text end are not met, the
reimbursement rate may be reduced to 80 percent of the rate in effect on the first day of the
fourth calendar month after the close of the reporting period and the reduction must continue
until the requirements are met.
new text begin
(f) Licensees must provide the information required in this section to the commissioner
in a manner prescribed by the commissioner.
new text end
new text begin
(g) For purposes of this section, "related organization" and "control" have the meaning
given in section 256R.02, subdivision 43.
new text end
new text begin
This section is effective August 1, 2024.
new text end
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 256R.08, is amended by adding a subdivision to
new text begin
(a) Nursing homes must annually report to the commissioner,
in a manner determined by the commissioner, their cost associated with leases, rent, and
use of land or other real property and any other related information requested by the state
new text end
new text begin
(b) A nursing facility that violates this subdivision is subject to the penalties and
procedures under section 256R.04, subdivision 7.
new text end
new text begin
This section is effective August 1, 2024.
new text end
new text begin
new text end
new text begin
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 256.975, subdivisions 7f and 7g,
new text end
new text begin
are repealed.
new text end
new text begin
new text end
new text begin
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 256R.18,
new text end
new text begin
is repealed.
new text end
new text begin
Paragraph (a) is effective August 1, 2024. Paragraph (b) is effective
July 1, 2024.
new text end
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 245F.02, subdivision 17, is amended to read:
"Peer recovery support services" means
deleted text begin mentoring and education, advocacy, and nonclinical recovery support provided by a recovery
peerdeleted text end new text begin services provided according to section 245F.08, subdivision 3new text end .
new text begin
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
new text end
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 245F.02, subdivision 21, is amended to read:
"Recovery peer" means a person who has progressed in the
person's own recovery from substance use disorder and is willing to serve as a peer to assist
others in their recoverynew text begin and is qualified according to section 245F.15, subdivision 7new text end .
new text begin
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
new text end
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 245F.08, subdivision 3, is amended to read:
deleted text begin
(a) Peers in recovery serve as mentors or
recovery-support partners for individuals in recovery, and may provide encouragement,
self-disclosure of recovery experiences, transportation to appointments, assistance with
finding resources that will help locate housing, job search resources, and assistance finding
and participating in support groups.
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(b) Peer recovery support services are provided by a recovery peer and must be supervised
by the responsible staff person.
deleted text end
new text begin
Peer recovery support services must meet the requirements in section 245G.07,
subdivision 2, clause (8), and must be provided by a person who is qualified according to
the requirements in section 245F.15, subdivision 7.
new text end
new text begin
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
new text end
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 245F.15, subdivision 7, is amended to read:
Recovery peers must:
deleted text begin
(1) be at least 21 years of age and have a high school diploma or its equivalent;
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(2) have a minimum of one year in recovery from substance use disorder;
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(3) have completed a curriculum designated by the commissioner that teaches specific
skills and training in the domains of ethics and boundaries, advocacy, mentoring and
education, and recovery and wellness support; and
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(4) receive supervision in areas specific to the domains of their role by qualified
supervisory staff.
deleted text end
new text begin
(1) meet the qualifications in section 245I.04, subdivision 18; and
new text end
new text begin
(2) provide services according to the scope of practice established in section 245I.04,
subdivision 19, under the supervision of an alcohol and drug counselor.
new text end
new text begin
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
new text end
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 245G.04, is amended by adding a subdivision to
new text begin
(a) If a client is identified as having opioid use
issues, the license holder must provide opioid educational material to the client on the day
of service initiation. The license holder must use the opioid educational material approved
by the commissioner that contains information on:
new text end
new text begin
(1) risks for opioid use disorder and dependence;
new text end
new text begin
(2) treatment options, including the use of a medication for opioid use disorder;
new text end
new text begin
(3) the risk and recognition of opioid overdose; and
new text end
new text begin
(4) the use, availability, and administration of an opiate antagonist to respond to opioid
new text end
new text begin
(b) If the client is identified as having opioid use issues at a later date, the required
educational material must be provided at that time.
new text end
new text begin
This section is effective January 1, 2025.
new text end
Minnesota Statutes 2023 Supplement, section 245G.05, subdivision 3, is amended
to read:
deleted text begin (a)deleted text end A comprehensive assessment
must meet the requirements under section 245I.10, subdivision 6, paragraphs (b) and (c).
It must also include:
(1) a diagnosis of a substance use disorder or a finding that the client does not meet the
criteria for a substance use disorder;
(2) a determination of whether the individual screens positive for co-occurring mental
health disorders using a screening tool approved by the commissioner pursuant to section
(3) a risk rating and summary to support the risk ratings within each of the dimensions
listed in section 254B.04, subdivision 4; and
(4) a recommendation for the ASAM level of care identified in section 254B.19,
subdivision 1.
deleted text begin
(b) If the individual is assessed for opioid use disorder, the program must provide
educational material to the client within 24 hours of service initiation on:
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(1) risks for opioid use disorder and dependence;
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(2) treatment options, including the use of a medication for opioid use disorder;
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(3) the risk and recognition of opioid overdose; and
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(4) the use, availability, and administration of an opiate antagonist to respond to opioid
deleted text end
deleted text begin
If the client is identified as having opioid use disorder at a later point, the required educational
material must be provided at that point. The license holder must use the educational materials
that are approved by the commissioner to comply with this requirement.
deleted text end
new text begin
This section is effective January 1, 2025.
new text end
Minnesota Statutes 2023 Supplement, section 245G.09, subdivision 3, is amended
to read:
Client records must contain the following:
(1) documentation that the client was given information on client rights and
responsibilities, grievance procedures, tuberculosis, and HIV, and that the client was provided
an orientation to the program abuse prevention plan required under section 245A.65,
subdivision 2, paragraph (a), clause (4). If the client has an opioid use disorder, the record
must contain documentation that the client was provided educational information according
to section deleted text begin 245G.05deleted text end new text begin 245G.04new text end , subdivision 3deleted text begin , paragraph (b)deleted text end ;
(2) an initial services plan completed according to section 245G.04;
(3) a comprehensive assessment completed according to section 245G.05;
(4) an individual abuse prevention plan according to sections 245A.65, subdivision 2,
and 626.557, subdivision 14, when applicable;
(5) an individual treatment plan according to section 245G.06, subdivisions 1 and 1a;
(6) documentation of treatment services, significant events, appointments, concerns, and
treatment plan reviews according to section 245G.06, subdivisions 2a, 2b, 3, and 3a; and
(7) a summary at the time of service termination according to section 245G.06,
subdivision 4.
new text begin
This section is effective January 1, 2025.
new text end
Minnesota Statutes 2023 Supplement, section 245G.11, subdivision 10, is amended
to read:
(a) A qualified staff member must
supervise and be responsible for a treatment service performed by a student intern and must
review and sign each assessment, individual treatment plan, and treatment plan review
prepared by a student intern.
(b) An alcohol and drug counselor must supervise and be responsible for a treatment
service performed by a former student and must review and sign each assessment, individual
treatment plan, and treatment plan review prepared by the former student.
(c) A student intern or former student must receive the orientation and training required
in section 245G.13, subdivisions 1, clause (7), and 2. No more than 50 percent of the
treatment staff may be deleted text begin studentsdeleted text end deleted text begin ,deleted text end new text begin student interns ornew text end former studentsdeleted text begin , or licensing candidatesdeleted text end
with time documented to be directly related to the provision of treatment services for which
the staff are authorized.
Minnesota Statutes 2023 Supplement, section 245G.22, subdivision 2, is amended
to read:
(a) For purposes of this section, the terms defined in this subdivision
have the meanings given them.
(b) "Diversion" means the use of a medication for the treatment of opioid addiction being
diverted from intended use of the medication.
(c) "Guest dose" means administration of a medication used for the treatment of opioid
addiction to a person who is not a client of the program that is administering or dispensing
the medication.
(d) "Medical director" means a practitioner licensed to practice medicine in the
jurisdiction that the opioid treatment program is located who assumes responsibility for
administering all medical services performed by the program, either by performing the
services directly or by delegating specific responsibility to a practitioner of the opioid
treatment program.
(e) "Medication used for the treatment of opioid use disorder" means a medication
approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of opioid use disorder.
(f) "Minnesota health care programs" has the meaning given in section 256B.0636.
(g) "Opioid treatment program" has the meaning given in Code of Federal Regulations,
title 42, section 8.12, and includes programs licensed under this chapter.
(h) "Practitioner" means a staff member holding a current, unrestricted license to practice
medicine issued by the Board of Medical Practice or nursing issued by the Board of Nursing
and is currently registered with the Drug Enforcement Administration to order or dispense
controlled substances in Schedules II to V under the Controlled Substances Act, United
States Code, title 21, part B, section 821. deleted text begin Practitioner includes an advanced practice registered
nurse and physician assistant if the staff member receives a variance by the state opioid
treatment authority under section 254A.03 and the federal Substance Abuse and Mental
Health Services Administration.
deleted text end
(i) "Unsupervised use" means the use of a medication for the treatment of opioid use
disorder dispensed for use by a client outside of the program setting.
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 245G.22, subdivision 6, is amended to read:
(a) To limit the potential for diversion of
medication used for the treatment of opioid use disorder to the illicit market, medication
dispensed to a client for unsupervised use shall be subject to the requirements of this
subdivision. Any client in an opioid treatment program may receive deleted text begin a single unsupervised
use dose for a day that the clinic is closed for business, including Sundays and state and
federal holidaysdeleted text end new text begin individualized unsupervised use doses as ordered for days that the clinic
is closed for business, including one weekend day and state and federal holidays, no matter
the client's length of time in treatment, as allowed under Code of Federal Regulations, title
42, section 8.12(i)(1)new text end .
(b)new text begin For unsupervised use doses beyond those allowed in paragraph (a),new text end a practitioner
with authority to prescribe must review and document the criteria in deleted text begin this paragraph and
paragraph (c)deleted text end new text begin Code of Federal Regulations, title 42, section 8.12(i)(2), new text end when determining
whether dispensing medication for a client's unsupervised use is new text begin safe and when it is
new text end appropriate to implement, increase, or extend the amount of time between visits to the
program. deleted text begin The criteria are:
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(1) absence of recent abuse of drugs including but not limited to opioids, non-narcotics,
and alcohol;
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(2) regularity of program attendance;
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(3) absence of serious behavioral problems at the program;
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(4) absence of known recent criminal activity such as drug dealing;
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(5) stability of the client's home environment and social relationships;
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(6) length of time in comprehensive maintenance treatment;
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(7) reasonable assurance that unsupervised use medication will be safely stored within
the client's home; and
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(8) whether the rehabilitative benefit the client derived from decreasing the frequency
of program attendance outweighs the potential risks of diversion or unsupervised use.
deleted text end
(c) The determination, including the basis of the determination must be documented in
the client's medical record.
Minnesota Statutes 2023 Supplement, section 245G.22, subdivision 17, is amended
to read:
(a) A license holder must develop and maintain the
policies and procedures required in this subdivision.
(b) For a program that is not open every day of the year, the license holder must maintain
a policy and procedure that covers requirements under deleted text begin section deleted text begin 245G.22,deleted text end subdivisions 6 and
7deleted text end new text begin subdivision 6new text end . Unsupervised use of medication used for the treatment of opioid use disorder
for days that the program is closed for business, including deleted text begin but not limited to Sundaysdeleted text end new text begin one
weekend daynew text end and state and federal holidays, must meet the requirements under deleted text begin sectiondeleted text end
deleted text begin deleted text begin 245G.22,deleted text end subdivisions 6 and 7deleted text end new text begin subdivision 6new text end .
(c) The license holder must maintain a policy and procedure that includes specific
measures to reduce the possibility of diversion. The policy and procedure must:
(1) specifically identify and define the responsibilities of the medical and administrative
staff for performing diversion control measures; and
(2) include a process for contacting no less than five percent of clients who have
unsupervised use of medication, excluding clients approved solely under subdivision 6,
paragraph (a), to require clients to physically return to the program each month. The system
must require clients to return to the program within a stipulated time frame and turn in all
unused medication containers related to opioid use disorder treatment. The license holder
must document all related contacts on a central log and the outcome of the contact for each
client in the client's record. The medical director must be informed of each outcome that
results in a situation in which a possible diversion issue was identified.
(d) Medication used for the treatment of opioid use disorder must be ordered,
administered, and dispensed according to applicable state and federal regulations and the
standards set by applicable accreditation entities. If a medication order requires assessment
by the person administering or dispensing the medication to determine the amount to be
administered or dispensed, the assessment must be completed by an individual whose
professional scope of practice permits an assessment. For the purposes of enforcement of
this paragraph, the commissioner has the authority to monitor the person administering or
dispensing the medication for compliance with state and federal regulations and the relevant
standards of the license holder's accreditation agency and may issue licensing actions
according to sections 245A.05, 245A.06, and 245A.07, based on the commissioner's
determination of noncompliance.
(e) deleted text begin A counselor in an opioid treatment program must not supervise more than 50 clients.deleted text end
new text begin The license holder must maintain a ratio of one full-time equivalent alcohol and drug
counselor for every 60 clients enrolled in the program. The license holder must determine
the appropriate number of clients for which each counselor is responsible based on the needs
of each client. The license holder must maintain documentation of the clients assigned to
each counselor to demonstrate compliance with this paragraph. For the purpose of this
paragraph, "full-time equivalent" means working at least 32 hours each week.
new text end
deleted text begin
(f) Notwithstanding paragraph (e), From July 1, 2023, to June 30, 2024, a counselor in
an opioid treatment program may supervise up to 60 clients. The license holder may continue
to serve a client who was receiving services at the program on June 30, 2024, at a counselor
to client ratio of up to one to 60 and is not required to discharge any clients in order to return
to the counselor to client ratio of one to 50. The license holder may not, however, serve a
new client after June 30, 2024, unless the counselor who would supervise the new client is
supervising fewer than 50 existing clients.
deleted text end
new text begin
This section is effective July 1, 2024.
new text end
Minnesota Statutes 2023 Supplement, section 245I.04, subdivision 18, is amended
to read:
(a) A recovery peer must:
(1) have a minimum of one year in recovery from substance use disorder; and
(2) hold a current credential from the Minnesota Certification Board, the Upper Midwest
Indian Council on Addictive Disorders, or the National Association for Alcoholism and
Drug Abuse Counselors that demonstrates skills and training in the domains of ethics and
boundaries, advocacy, mentoring and education, and recovery and wellness support.
(b) A recovery peer who receives a credential from a Tribal Nation when providing peer
recovery support services in a tribally licensed program satisfies the requirement in paragraph
(a), clause (2).
new text begin
(c) A recovery peer must not be classified as an independent contractor.
new text end
Minnesota Statutes 2023 Supplement, section 254A.19, subdivision 3, is amended
to read:
new text begin (a)new text end An eligible vendor under section 254B.05
conducting a comprehensive assessment for an individual seeking treatment shall deleted text begin approvedeleted text end new text begin
recommendnew text end the nature, intensity level, and duration of treatment service if a need for services
is indicated, but the individual assessed can access any enrolled provider that is licensed to
provide the level of service authorized, including the provider or program that completed
the assessment. If an individual is enrolled in a prepaid health plan, the individual must
comply with any provider network requirements or limitations.
new text begin
(b) When a comprehensive assessment is completed while the individual is in a substance
use disorder treatment program, the comprehensive assessment must meet the requirements
of section 245G.05.
new text end
new text begin
(c) When a comprehensive assessment is completed for purposes of payment under
section 254B.05, subdivision 1, paragraph (b), (c), or (h), or if the assessment is completed
prior to service initiation by a licensed substance use disorder treatment program licensed
under chapter 245G or applicable Tribal license, the assessor must:
new text end
new text begin
(1) include all components under section 245G.05, subdivision 3;
new text end
new text begin
(2) provide the assessment within five days of request or refer the individual to other
locations where they may access this service sooner;
new text end
new text begin
(3) provide information on payment options for substance use disorder services when
the individual is uninsured or underinsured;
new text end
new text begin
(4) provide the individual with a notice of privacy practices;
new text end
new text begin
(5) provide a copy of the completed comprehensive assessment, upon request;
new text end
new text begin
(6) provide resources and contact information for the level of care being recommended;
new text end
new text begin
(7) provide an individual diagnosed with an opioid use disorder with educational material
approved by the commissioner that contains information on:
new text end
new text begin
(i) risks for opioid use disorder and opioid dependence;
new text end
new text begin
(ii) treatment options, including the use of a medication for opioid use disorder;
new text end
new text begin
(iii) the risk and recognition of opioid overdose; and
new text end
new text begin
(iv) the use, availability, and administration of an opiate antagonist to respond to opioid
new text end
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 254B.03, subdivision 4, is amended to read:
(a) Except for services provided by a county under section
254B.09, subdivision 1, or services provided under section 256B.69, the county shall, out
of local money, pay the state for 22.95 percent of the cost of substance use disorder services,
except for those services provided to persons enrolled in medical assistance under chapter
256B and room and board services under section 254B.05, subdivision 5, paragraph (b)deleted text begin ,
clause (12)deleted text end . Counties may use the indigent hospitalization levy for treatment and hospital
payments made under this section.
(b) 22.95 percent of any state collections from private or third-party pay, less 15 percent
for the cost of payment and collections, must be distributed to the county that paid for a
portion of the treatment under this section.
Minnesota Statutes 2023 Supplement, section 254B.04, subdivision 1a, is amended
to read:
(a) Persons eligible for benefits under Code of Federal
Regulations, title 25, part 20, who meet the income standards of section 256B.056,
subdivision 4, and are not enrolled in medical assistance, are entitled to behavioral health
fund services. State money appropriated for this paragraph must be placed in a separate
account established for this purpose.
(b) Persons with dependent children who are determined to be in need of substance use
disorder treatment pursuant to an assessment under section 260E.20, subdivision 1, or in
need of chemical dependency treatment pursuant to a case plan under section 260C.201,
subdivision 6, or 260C.212, shall be assisted by the local agency to access needed treatment
services. Treatment services must be appropriate for the individual or family, which may
include long-term care treatment or treatment in a facility that allows the dependent children
to stay in the treatment facility. The county shall pay for out-of-home placement costs, if
(c) Notwithstanding paragraph (a), persons enrolled in medical assistance are eligible
for room and board services under section 254B.05, subdivision 5, paragraph (b)deleted text begin , clause
(12)deleted text end .
(d) A client is eligible to have substance use disorder treatment paid for with funds from
the behavioral health fund when the client:
(1) is eligible for MFIP as determined under chapter 256J;
(2) is eligible for medical assistance as determined under Minnesota Rules, parts
9505.0010 to 9505.0150;
(3) is eligible for general assistance, general assistance medical care, or work readiness
as determined under Minnesota Rules, parts 9500.1200 to 9500.1318; or
(4) has income that is within current household size and income guidelines for entitled
persons, as defined in this subdivision and subdivision 7.
(e) Clients who meet the financial eligibility requirement in paragraph (a) and who have
a third-party payment source are eligible for the behavioral health fund if the third-party
payment source pays less than 100 percent of the cost of treatment services for eligible
(f) A client is ineligible to have substance use disorder treatment services paid for with
behavioral health fund money if the client:
(1) has an income that exceeds current household size and income guidelines for entitled
persons as defined in this subdivision and subdivision 7; or
(2) has an available third-party payment source that will pay the total cost of the client's
(g) A client who is disenrolled from a state prepaid health plan during a treatment episode
is eligible for continued treatment service that is paid for by the behavioral health fund until
the treatment episode is completed or the client is re-enrolled in a state prepaid health plan
if the client:
(1) continues to be enrolled in MinnesotaCare, medical assistance, or general assistance
medical care; or
(2) is eligible according to paragraphs (a) and (b) and is determined eligible by a local
agency under section 254B.04.
(h) When a county commits a client under chapter 253B to a regional treatment center
for substance use disorder services and the client is ineligible for the behavioral health fund,
the county is responsible for the payment to the regional treatment center according to
section 254B.05, subdivision 4.
Minnesota Statutes 2023 Supplement, section 254B.04, subdivision 2a, is amended
to read:
A person eligible for room and board services under section
254B.05, subdivision 5, paragraph (b)deleted text begin , clause (12)deleted text end , must score at level 4 on assessment
dimensions related to readiness to change, relapse, continued use, or recovery environment
in order to be assigned to services with a room and board component reimbursed under this
section. Whether a treatment facility has been designated an institution for mental diseases
under United States Code, title 42, section 1396d, shall not be a factor in making placements.
Minnesota Statutes 2023 Supplement, section 254B.04, subdivision 6, is amended
to read:
(a) The local agency
shall determine a client's financial eligibility for the behavioral health fund according to
section 254B.04, subdivision 1a, with the income calculated prospectively for one year from
the date of deleted text begin comprehensive assessmentdeleted text end new text begin requestnew text end . The local agency shall pay for eligible clients
according to chapter 256G. deleted text begin The local agency shall enter the financial eligibility span within
ten calendar days of request.deleted text end Client eligibility must be determined using new text begin onlynew text end forms prescribed
by the deleted text begin departmentdeleted text end new text begin commissioner unless the local agency has a reasonable basis for believing
that the information submitted on a form is falsenew text end . To determine a client's eligibility, the local
agency must determine the client's income, the size of the client's household, the availability
of a third-party payment source, and a responsible relative's ability to pay for the client's
substance use disorder treatment.
(b) A client who is a minor child must not be deemed to have income available to pay
for substance use disorder treatment, unless the minor child is responsible for payment under
section 144.347 for substance use disorder treatment services sought under section 144.343,
subdivision 1.
(c) The local agency must determine the client's household size as follows:
(1) if the client is a minor child, the household size includes the following persons living
in the same dwelling unit:
(i) the client;
(ii) the client's birth or adoptive parents; and
(iii) the client's siblings who are minors; and
(2) if the client is an adult, the household size includes the following persons living in
the same dwelling unit:
(i) the client;
(ii) the client's spouse;
(iii) the client's minor children; and
(iv) the client's spouse's minor children.
For purposes of this paragraph, household size includes a person listed in clauses (1) and
(2) who is in an out-of-home placement if a person listed in clause (1) or (2) is contributing
to the cost of care of the person in out-of-home placement.
(d) The local agency must determine the client's current prepaid health plan enrollment,
the availability of a third-party payment source, including the availability of total payment,
partial payment, and amount of co-payment.
(e) The local agency must provide the required eligibility information to the department
in the manner specified by the department.
(f) The local agency shall require the client and policyholder to conditionally assign to
the department the client and policyholder's rights and the rights of minor children to benefits
or services provided to the client if the department is required to collect from a third-party
pay source.
(g) The local agency must redetermine a client's eligibility for the behavioral health fund
every 12 months.
(h) A client, responsible relative, and policyholder must provide income or wage
verification, household size verification, and must make an assignment of third-party payment
rights under paragraph (f). If a client, responsible relative, or policyholder does not comply
with the provisions of this subdivision, the client is ineligible for behavioral health fund
payment for substance use disorder treatment, and the client and responsible relative must
be obligated to pay for the full cost of substance use disorder treatment services provided
to the client.
Minnesota Statutes 2023 Supplement, section 254B.04, is amended by adding a
subdivision to read:
new text begin
The local agency must enter the financial eligibility span
within five business days of a request. If the comprehensive assessment is completed within
the timelines required under chapter 245G, then the span of eligibility must begin on the
date services were initiated. If the comprehensive assessment is not completed within the
timelines required under chapter 245G, then the span of eligibility must begin on the date
the comprehensive assessment was completed.
new text end
Minnesota Statutes 2023 Supplement, section 254B.05, subdivision 1, is amended
to read:
(a) Programs licensed by the
commissioner are eligible vendors. Hospitals may apply for and receive licenses to be
eligible vendors, notwithstanding the provisions of section 245A.03. American Indian
programs that provide substance use disorder treatment, extended care, transitional residence,
or outpatient treatment services, and are licensed by Tribal government are eligible vendors.
(b) A licensed professional in private practice as defined in section 245G.01, subdivision
17, who meets the requirements of section 245G.11, subdivisions 1 and 4, is an eligible
vendor of a comprehensive assessment and assessment summary provided according to
section 245G.05, and treatment services provided according to sections 245G.06 and
245G.07, subdivision 1, paragraphs (a), clauses (1) to (5), and (b); and subdivision 2, clauses
(1) to (6).
(c) A county is an eligible vendor for a comprehensive assessment and assessment
summary when provided by an individual who meets the staffing credentials of section
245G.11, subdivisions 1 and 5, and completed according to the requirements of section
245G.05. A county is an eligible vendor of care coordination services when provided by an
individual who meets the staffing credentials of section 245G.11, subdivisions 1 and 7, and
provided according to the requirements of section 245G.07, subdivision 1, paragraph (a),
clause (5). A county is an eligible vendor of peer recovery services when the services are
provided by an individual who meets the requirements of section 245G.11, subdivision 8.
(d) A recovery community organization that meets the requirements of clauses (1) to
(10) and meets deleted text begin membershipdeleted text end new text begin certificationnew text end or accreditation requirements of the deleted text begin Association
of Recovery Community Organizations,deleted text end new text begin Alliance for Recovery Centered Organizations, new text end the
Council on Accreditation of Peer Recovery Support Services, or a Minnesota statewide
recovery community organization identified by the commissioner is an eligible vendor of
peer support services. Eligible vendors under this paragraph must:
(1) be nonprofit organizations;
(2) be led and governed by individuals in the recovery community, with more than 50
percent of the board of directors or advisory board members self-identifying as people in
personal recovery from substance use disorders;
(3) primarily focus on recovery from substance use disorders, with missions and visions
that support this primary focus;
(4) be grassroots and reflective of and engaged with the community served;
(5) be accountable to the recovery community through processes that promote the
involvement and engagement of, and consultation with, people in recovery and their families,
friends, and recovery allies;
(6) provide nonclinical peer recovery support services, including but not limited to
recovery support groups, recovery coaching, telephone recovery support, skill-building
groups, and harm-reduction activities;
(7) allow for and support opportunities for all paths toward recovery and refrain from
excluding anyone based on their chosen recovery path, which may include but is not limited
to harm reduction paths, faith-based paths, and nonfaith-based paths;
(8) be purposeful in meeting the diverse needs of Black, Indigenous, and people of color
communities, including board and staff development activities, organizational practices,
service offerings, advocacy efforts, and culturally informed outreach and service plans;
(9) be stewards of recovery-friendly language that is supportive of and promotes recovery
across diverse geographical and cultural contexts and reduces stigma; deleted text begin and
deleted text end
(10) maintain an employee and volunteer code of ethics and easily accessible grievance
procedures posted in physical spaces, on websites, or on program policies or formsnew text begin ; and
new text end
new text begin (11) not classify any recovery peer as an independent contractornew text end .
(e) Recovery community organizations approved by the commissioner before June 30,
2023, shall retain their designation as recovery community organizations.
(f) A recovery community organization that is aggrieved by an accreditation or
membership determination and believes it meets the requirements under paragraph (d) may
appeal the determination under section 256.045, subdivision 3, paragraph (a), clause (15),
for reconsideration as an eligible vendor.
new text begin
(g) All recovery community organizations must be certified or accredited by an entity
listed in paragraph (d) by January 1, 2025.
new text end
deleted text begin (g)deleted text end new text begin (h)new text end Detoxification programs licensed under Minnesota Rules, parts 9530.6510 to
9530.6590, are not eligible vendors. Programs that are not licensed as a residential or
nonresidential substance use disorder treatment or withdrawal management program by the
commissioner or by Tribal government or do not meet the requirements of subdivisions 1a
and 1b are not eligible vendors.
deleted text begin (h)deleted text end new text begin (i)new text end Hospitals, federally qualified health centers, and rural health clinics are eligible
vendors of a comprehensive assessment when the comprehensive assessment is completed
according to section 245G.05 and by an individual who meets the criteria of an alcohol and
drug counselor according to section 245G.11, subdivision 5. The alcohol and drug counselor
must be individually enrolled with the commissioner and reported on the claim as the
individual who provided the service.
Minnesota Statutes 2023 Supplement, section 254B.05, subdivision 5, is amended
to read:
(a) The commissioner shall establish
rates for substance use disorder services and service enhancements funded under this chapter.
(b) Eligible substance use disorder treatment services include:
(1) those licensed, as applicable, according to chapter 245G or applicable Tribal license
deleted text begin and provided according to the following ASAM levels of care:deleted text end new text begin . This clause expires when
the services listed in subdivision 6 become eligible substance use disorder treatment services;
new text end
deleted text begin
(i) ASAM level 0.5 early intervention services provided according to section 254B.19,
subdivision 1, clause (1);
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(ii) ASAM level 1.0 outpatient services provided according to section 254B.19,
subdivision 1, clause (2);
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(iii) ASAM level 2.1 intensive outpatient services provided according to section 254B.19,
subdivision 1, clause (3);
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(iv) ASAM level 2.5 partial hospitalization services provided according to section
254B.19, subdivision 1, clause (4);
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(v) ASAM level 3.1 clinically managed low-intensity residential services provided
according to section 254B.19, subdivision 1, clause (5);
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(vi) ASAM level 3.3 clinically managed population-specific high-intensity residential
services provided according to section 254B.19, subdivision 1, clause (6); and
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(vii) ASAM level 3.5 clinically managed high-intensity residential services provided
according to section 254B.19, subdivision 1, clause (7);
deleted text end
(2) comprehensive assessments provided according to deleted text begin sections 245.4863, paragraph (a),
and 245G.05deleted text end new text begin section 254A.19, subdivision 3new text end ;
(3) treatment coordination services provided according to section 245G.07, subdivision
1, paragraph (a), clause (5);
(4) peer recovery support services provided according to section 245G.07, subdivision
2, clause (8);
(5) withdrawal management services provided according to chapter 245F;
(6) hospital-based treatment services that are licensed according to sections 245G.01 to
245G.17 or applicable tribal license and licensed as a hospital under sections 144.50 to
new text begin
(7) substance use disorder treatment services with medications for opioid use disorder
provided in an opioid treatment program licensed according to sections 245G.01 to 245G.17
and 245G.22, or under an applicable Tribal license;
new text end
new text begin
(8) high, medium, and low intensity residential treatment services that are licensed
according to sections 245G.01 to 245G.17 and 245G.21 or applicable Tribal license which
provide, respectively, 30, 15, and five hours of clinical services each week. This clause
expires when the services listed in subdivision 7 become eligible substance use disorder
treatment services;
new text end
deleted text begin (7)deleted text end new text begin (9)new text end adolescent treatment programs that are licensed as outpatient treatment programs
according to sections 245G.01 to 245G.18 or as residential treatment programs according
to Minnesota Rules, parts 2960.0010 to 2960.0220, and 2960.0430 to 2960.0490, or
applicable tribal license;
deleted text begin (8)deleted text end new text begin (10)new text end ASAM 3.5 clinically managed high-intensity residential services that are licensed
according to sections 245G.01 to 245G.17 and 245G.21 or applicable tribal license, which
provide ASAM level of care 3.5 according to section 254B.19, subdivision 1, clause (7),
and are provided by a state-operated vendor or to clients who have been civilly committed
to the commissioner, present the most complex and difficult care needs, and are a potential
threat to the community; and
deleted text begin (9)deleted text end new text begin (11)new text end room and board facilities that meet the requirements of subdivision 1a.
new text begin
(c) Beginning January 1, 2025, or upon federal approval, whichever is later, in addition
to the services listed in paragraph (b), clauses (2) to (11), services licensed, as applicable,
according to chapter 245G or applicable Tribal license and provided according to the
following ASAM levels of care are eligible substance use disorder services:
new text end
new text begin
(1) ASAM level 0.5 early intervention services provided according to section 254B.19,
subdivision 1, clause (1);
new text end
new text begin
(2) ASAM level 1.0 outpatient services provided according to section 254B.19,
subdivision 1, clause (2);
new text end
new text begin
(3) ASAM level 2.1 intensive outpatient services provided according to section 254B.19,
subdivision 1, clause (3); and
new text end
new text begin
(4) ASAM level 2.5 partial hospitalization services provided according to section
254B.19, subdivision 1, clause (4).
new text end
new text begin
(d) Beginning January 1, 2026, or upon federal approval, whichever is later, in addition
to the services listed in paragraph (b), clauses (2) to (11), and paragraph (c), services licensed,
as applicable, according to chapter 245G or applicable Tribal license and provided according
to the following ASAM levels of care are eligible substance use disorder services:
new text end
new text begin
(1) ASAM level 3.1 clinically managed low-intensity residential services provided
according to section 254B.19, subdivision 1, clause (5);
new text end
new text begin
(2) ASAM level 3.3 clinically managed population-specific high-intensity residential
services provided according to section 254B.19, subdivision 1, clause (6); and
new text end
new text begin
(3) ASAM level 3.5 clinically managed high-intensity residential services provided
according to section 254B.19, subdivision 1, clause (7).
new text end
deleted text begin
(c) The commissioner shall establish higher rates for programs that meet the requirements
of paragraph (b) and one of the following additional requirements:
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(1) programs that serve parents with their children if the program:
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(i) provides on-site child care during the hours of treatment activity that:
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(A) is licensed under chapter
deleted text end
deleted text begin
deleted text end
deleted text begin
as a child care center under Minnesota Rules, chapter
deleted text end
deleted text begin
deleted text end
deleted text begin
; or
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(B) is licensed under chapter
deleted text end
deleted text begin
deleted text end
deleted text begin
and sections 245G.01 to 245G.19; or
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(ii) arranges for off-site child care during hours of treatment activity at a facility that is
licensed under chapter 245A as:
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(A) a child care center under Minnesota Rules, chapter
deleted text end
deleted text begin
deleted text end
deleted text begin
; or
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(B) a family child care home under Minnesota Rules, chapter
deleted text end
deleted text begin
deleted text end
deleted text begin
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(2) culturally specific or culturally responsive programs as defined in section 254B.01,
subdivision 4a;
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(3) disability responsive programs as defined in section 254B.01, subdivision 4b;
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(4) programs that offer medical services delivered by appropriately credentialed health
care staff in an amount equal to two hours per client per week if the medical needs of the
client and the nature and provision of any medical services provided are documented in the
client file; or
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(5) programs that offer services to individuals with co-occurring mental health and
substance use disorder problems if:
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(i) the program meets the co-occurring requirements in section 245G.20;
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(ii) 25 percent of the counseling staff are licensed mental health professionals under
section 245I.04, subdivision 2, or are students or licensing candidates under the supervision
of a licensed alcohol and drug counselor supervisor and mental health professional under
section 245I.04, subdivision 2, except that no more than 50 percent of the mental health
staff may be students or licensing candidates with time documented to be directly related
to provisions of co-occurring services;
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(iii) clients scoring positive on a standardized mental health screen receive a mental
health diagnostic assessment within ten days of admission;
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(iv) the program has standards for multidisciplinary case review that include a monthly
review for each client that, at a minimum, includes a licensed mental health professional
and licensed alcohol and drug counselor, and their involvement in the review is documented;
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(v) family education is offered that addresses mental health and substance use disorder
and the interaction between the two; and
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(vi) co-occurring counseling staff shall receive eight hours of co-occurring disorder
training annually.
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(d) In order to be eligible for a higher rate under paragraph (c), clause (1), a program
that provides arrangements for off-site child care must maintain current documentation at
the substance use disorder facility of the child care provider's current licensure to provide
child care services.
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(e) Adolescent residential programs that meet the requirements of Minnesota Rules,
parts 2960.0430 to 2960.0490 and 2960.0580 to 2960.0690, are exempt from the requirements
in paragraph (c), clause (4), items (i) to (iv).
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(f) Subject to federal approval, substance use disorder services that are otherwise covered
as direct face-to-face services may be provided via telehealth as defined in section 256B.0625,
subdivision 3b. The use of telehealth to deliver services must be medically appropriate to
deleted text end
deleted text begin
the condition and needs of the person being served. Reimbursement shall be at the same
rates and under the same conditions that would otherwise apply to direct face-to-face services.
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(g) For the purpose of reimbursement under this section, substance use disorder treatment
services provided in a group setting without a group participant maximum or maximum
client to staff ratio under chapter
deleted text end
deleted text begin
deleted text end
deleted text begin
shall not exceed a client to staff ratio of 48 to one.
At least one of the attending staff must meet the qualifications as established under this
chapter for the type of treatment service provided. A recovery peer may not be included as
part of the staff ratio.
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(h) Payment for outpatient substance use disorder services that are licensed according
to sections 245G.01 to 245G.17 is limited to six hours per day or 30 hours per week unless
prior authorization of a greater number of hours is obtained from the commissioner.
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(i) Payment for substance use disorder services under this section must start from the
day of service initiation, when the comprehensive assessment is completed within the
required timelines.
deleted text end
new text begin
This section is effective August 1, 2024, except the amendments
to paragraph (b), clause (1), and the amendment adding paragraphs (c) and (d) are effective
the day following final enactment and the amendment adding paragraph (b), clause (8), is
effective retroactively from January 1, 2024, with federal approval. The commissioner of
human services shall notify the revisor of statutes when federal approval is obtained.
new text end
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 254B.05, is amended by adding a subdivision
to read:
new text begin
The commissioner shall establish higher rates
for programs that meet the requirements of subdivision 5, paragraphs (b) to (d), and one of
the following additional requirements:
new text end
new text begin
(1) programs that serve parents with their children if the program:
new text end
new text begin
(i) provides on-site child care during the hours of treatment activity that:
new text end
new text begin
(A) is licensed under chapter 245A as a child care center under Minnesota Rules, chapter
9503; or
new text end
new text begin
(B) is licensed under chapter 245A and sections 245G.01 to 245G.19; or
new text end
new text begin
(ii) arranges for off-site child care during hours of treatment activity at a facility that is
licensed under chapter 245A as:
new text end
new text begin
(A) a child care center under Minnesota Rules, chapter 9503; or
new text end
new text begin
(B) a family child care home under Minnesota Rules, chapter 9502;
new text end
new text begin
(2) culturally specific or culturally responsive programs as defined in section 254B.01,
subdivision 4a;
new text end
new text begin
(3) disability responsive programs as defined in section 254B.01, subdivision 4b;
new text end
new text begin
(4) programs that offer medical services delivered by appropriately credentialed health
care staff in an amount equal to two hours per client per week if the medical needs of the
client and the nature and provision of any medical services provided are documented in the
client file; or
new text end
new text begin
(5) programs that offer services to individuals with co-occurring mental health and
substance use disorder problems if:
new text end
new text begin
(i) the program meets the co-occurring requirements in section 245G.20;
new text end
new text begin
(ii) 25 percent of the counseling staff are licensed mental health professionals under
section 245I.04, subdivision 2, or are students or licensing candidates under the supervision
of a licensed alcohol and drug counselor supervisor and mental health professional under
section 245I.04, subdivision 2, except that no more than 50 percent of the mental health
staff may be students or licensing candidates with time documented to be directly related
to provisions of co-occurring services;
new text end
new text begin
(iii) clients scoring positive on a standardized mental health screen receive a mental
health diagnostic assessment within ten days of admission;
new text end
new text begin
(iv) the program has standards for multidisciplinary case review that include a monthly
review for each client that, at a minimum, includes a licensed mental health professional
and licensed alcohol and drug counselor, and their involvement in the review is documented;
new text end
new text begin
(v) family education is offered that addresses mental health and substance use disorder
and the interaction between the two; and
new text end
new text begin
(vi) co-occurring counseling staff shall receive eight hours of co-occurring disorder
training annually.
new text end
new text begin
This section is effective August 1, 2024.
new text end
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 254B.05, is amended by adding a subdivision
to read:
new text begin
(a) In order to be eligible for a higher rate under
subdivision 6, clause (1), a program that provides arrangements for off-site child care must
maintain current documentation at the substance use disorder facility of the child care
provider's current licensure to provide child care services.
new text end
new text begin
(b) Adolescent residential programs that meet the requirements of Minnesota Rules,
parts 2960.0430 to 2960.0490 and 2960.0580 to 2960.0690, are exempt from the requirements
in subdivision 6, clause (5), items (i) to (iv).
new text end
new text begin
(c) Subject to federal approval, substance use disorder services that are otherwise covered
as direct face-to-face services may be provided via telehealth as defined in section 256B.0625,
subdivision 3b. The use of telehealth to deliver services must be medically appropriate to
the condition and needs of the person being served. Reimbursement shall be at the same
rates and under the same conditions that would otherwise apply to direct face-to-face services.
new text end
new text begin
(d) For the purpose of reimbursement under this section, substance use disorder treatment
services provided in a group setting without a group participant maximum or maximum
client to staff ratio under chapter 245G shall not exceed a client to staff ratio of 48 to one.
At least one of the attending staff must meet the qualifications as established under this
chapter for the type of treatment service provided. A recovery peer may not be included as
part of the staff ratio.
new text end
new text begin
(e) Payment for outpatient substance use disorder services that are licensed according
to sections 245G.01 to 245G.17 is limited to six hours per day or 30 hours per week unless
prior authorization of a greater number of hours is obtained from the commissioner.
new text end
new text begin
(f) Payment for substance use disorder services under this section must start from the
day of service initiation, when the comprehensive assessment is completed within the
required timelines.
new text end
new text begin
This section is effective August 1, 2024.
new text end
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 254B.12, subdivision 3, is amended to read:
For the new text begin eligible new text end substance
use disorder services listed in section 254B.05, subdivision 5, and provided on or after July
1, 2017, payment rates shall be increased by one percent over the rates in effect on January
1, 2017, for vendors who meet the requirements of section 254B.05.
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 254B.12, subdivision 4, is amended to read:
For the new text begin eligible new text end substance use disorder services
listed in section 254B.05, subdivision 5, provided by programs that meet the requirements
of section 254B.05, subdivision deleted text begin 5deleted text end deleted text begin , paragraph (c)deleted text end new text begin 6new text end , clauses (1), (2), and (3), on or after
January 1, 2022, payment rates shall increase by five percent over the rates in effect on
January 1, 2021. The commissioner shall increase prepaid medical assistance capitation
rates as appropriate to reflect this increase.
Minnesota Statutes 2023 Supplement, section 254B.181, subdivision 1, is amended
to read:
All sober homes must comply with applicable state laws
and regulations and local ordinances related to maximum occupancy, fire safety, and
sanitation. In addition, all sober homes must:
(1) maintain a supply of an opiate antagonist in the homenew text begin in a conspicuous locationnew text end and
post information on proper use;
(2) have written policies regarding access to all prescribed medications;
(3) have written policies regarding evictions;
(4) return all property and medications to a person discharged from the home and retain
the items for a minimum of 60 days if the person did not collect them upon discharge. The
owner must make an effort to contact persons listed as emergency contacts for the discharged
person so that the items are returned;
(5) document the names and contact information for persons to contact in case of an
emergency or upon discharge and notification of a family member, or other emergency
contact designated by the resident under certain circumstances, including but not limited to
death due to an overdose;
(6) maintain contact information for emergency resources in the community to address
mental health and health emergencies;
(7) have policies on staff qualifications and prohibition against fraternization;
(8) deleted text begin have a policy on whether the use of medications for opioid use disorder is permissibledeleted text end new text begin
permit residents to use, as directed by a licensed prescriber, legally prescribed and dispensed
or administered pharmacotherapies approved by the United States Food and Drug
Administration for the treatment of opioid use disorder and other medications approved by
the United States Food and Drug Administration to treat co-occurring substance use disorders
and mental health conditionsnew text end ;
(9) have a fee schedule and refund policy;
(10) have rules for residents;
(11) have policies that promote resident participation in treatment, self-help groups, or
other recovery supports;
(12) have policies requiring abstinence from alcohol and illicit drugs; and
(13) distribute the sober home bill of rights.
new text begin
This section is effective January 1, 2025.
new text end
Minnesota Statutes 2023 Supplement, section 254B.19, subdivision 1, is amended
to read:
For each client assigned an ASAM level
of care, eligible vendors must implement the standards set by the ASAM for the respective
level of care. Additionally, vendors must meet the following requirements:
(1) For ASAM level 0.5 early intervention targeting individuals who are at risk of
developing a substance-related problem but may not have a diagnosed substance use disorder,
early intervention services may include individual or group counseling, treatment
coordination, peer recovery support, screening brief intervention, and referral to treatment
provided according to section 254A.03, subdivision 3, paragraph (c).
(2) For ASAM level 1.0 outpatient clients, adults must receive up to eight hours per
week of skilled treatment services and adolescents must receive up to five hours per week.
Services must be licensed according to section 245G.20 and meet requirements under section
256B.0759. Peer recovery and treatment coordination may be provided beyond the hourly
skilled treatment service hours allowable per week.
(3) For ASAM level 2.1 intensive outpatient clients, adults must receive nine to 19 hours
per week of skilled treatment services and adolescents must receive six or more hours per
week. Vendors must be licensed according to section 245G.20 and must meet requirements
under section 256B.0759. Peer recovery services and treatment coordination may be provided
beyond the hourly skilled treatment service hours allowable per week. If clinically indicated
on the client's treatment plan, this service may be provided in conjunction with room and
board according to section 254B.05, subdivision 1a.
(4) For ASAM level 2.5 partial hospitalization clients, adults must receive 20 hours or
more of skilled treatment services. Services must be licensed according to section 245G.20
and must meet requirements under section 256B.0759. Level 2.5 is for clients who need
daily monitoring in a structured setting, as directed by the individual treatment plan and in
accordance with the limitations in section 254B.05, subdivision 5, paragraph (h). If clinically
indicated on the client's treatment plan, this service may be provided in conjunction with
room and board according to section 254B.05, subdivision 1a.
(5) For ASAM level 3.1 clinically managed low-intensity residential clients, programs
must provide deleted text begin at least 5deleted text end new text begin between nine and 19new text end hours of skilled treatment services per week
according to each client's specific treatment schedule, as directed by the individual treatment
plan. Programs must be licensed according to section 245G.20 and must meet requirements
under section 256B.0759.
(6) For ASAM level 3.3 clinically managed population-specific high-intensity residential
clients, programs must be licensed according to section 245G.20 and must meet requirements
under section 256B.0759. Programs must have 24-hour staffing coverage. Programs must
be enrolled as a disability responsive program as described in section 254B.01, subdivision
4b, and must specialize in serving persons with a traumatic brain injury or a cognitive
impairment so significant, and the resulting level of impairment so great, that outpatient or
other levels of residential care would not be feasible or effective. Programs must providedeleted text begin ,
at a minimum, daily skilled treatment services seven days adeleted text end new text begin 20 or more hours of skilled
treatment services pernew text end week according to each client's specific treatment schedule, as directed
by the individual treatment plan.
(7) For ASAM level 3.5 clinically managed high-intensity residential clients, services
must be licensed according to section 245G.20 and must meet requirements under section
256B.0759. Programs must have 24-hour staffing coverage and providedeleted text begin , at a minimum,
daily skilled treatment services seven days adeleted text end new text begin 20 or more hours of skilled treatment services
pernew text end week according to each client's specific treatment schedule, as directed by the individual
treatment plan.
(8) For ASAM level withdrawal management 3.2 clinically managed clients, withdrawal
management must be provided according to chapter 245F.
(9) For ASAM level withdrawal management 3.7 medically monitored clients, withdrawal
management must be provided according to chapter 245F.
new text begin
This section is effective upon federal approval. The commissioner
of human services shall notify the revisor of statutes when federal approval has been obtained.
new text end
Minnesota Statutes 2023 Supplement, section 256B.0759, subdivision 2, is
amended to read:
(a) Programs licensed by the Department of Human
Services as nonresidential substance use disorder treatment programs that receive payment
under this chapter must enroll as demonstration project providers and meet the requirements
of subdivision 3 by January 1, 2025. Programs that do not meet the requirements of this
paragraph are ineligible for payment for services provided under section 256B.0625.
(b) Programs licensed by the Department of Human Services as residential treatment
programs according to section 245G.21 that receive payment under this chapter must enroll
as demonstration project providers and meet the requirements of subdivision 3 by January
1, 2024. Programs that do not meet the requirements of this paragraph are ineligible for
payment for services provided under section 256B.0625.
(c) Programs licensed by the Department of Human Services as residential treatment
programs according to section 245G.21 that receive payment under this chapter deleted text begin anddeleted text end new text begin ,new text end are
licensed as a hospital under sections 144.50 to 144.581 deleted text begin mustdeleted text end new text begin , and provide only ASAM 3.7
medically monitored inpatient level of care are not required tonew text end enroll as demonstration
project providers deleted text begin and meet the requirements of subdivision 3 by January 1, 2025deleted text end .new text begin Programs
meeting these criteria must submit evidence of providing the required level of care to the
commissioner to be exempt from enrolling in the demonstration.
new text end
(d) Programs licensed by the Department of Human Services as withdrawal management
programs according to chapter 245F that receive payment under this chapter must enroll as
demonstration project providers and meet the requirements of subdivision 3 by January 1,
2024. Programs that do not meet the requirements of this paragraph are ineligible for payment
for services provided under section 256B.0625.
(e) Out-of-state residential substance use disorder treatment programs that receive
payment under this chapter must enroll as demonstration project providers and meet the
requirements of subdivision 3 by January 1, 2024. Programs that do not meet the requirements
of this paragraph are ineligible for payment for services provided under section 256B.0625.
(f) Tribally licensed programs may elect to participate in the demonstration project and
meet the requirements of subdivision 3. The Department of Human Services must consult
with Tribal Nations to discuss participation in the substance use disorder demonstration
(g) The commissioner shall allow providers enrolled in the demonstration project before
July 1, 2021, to receive applicable rate enhancements authorized under subdivision 4 for
all services provided on or after the date of enrollment, except that the commissioner shall
allow a provider to receive applicable rate enhancements authorized under subdivision 4
for services provided on or after July 22, 2020, to fee-for-service enrollees, and on or after
January 1, 2021, to managed care enrollees, if the provider meets all of the following
(1) the provider attests that during the time period for which the provider is seeking the
rate enhancement, the provider took meaningful steps in their plan approved by the
commissioner to meet the demonstration project requirements in subdivision 3; and
(2) the provider submits attestation and evidence, including all information requested
by the commissioner, of meeting the requirements of subdivision 3 to the commissioner in
a format required by the commissioner.
(h) The commissioner may recoup any rate enhancements paid under paragraph (g) to
a provider that does not meet the requirements of subdivision 3 by July 1, 2021.
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 256B.0759, subdivision 4, is amended to read:
(a) Payment rates for participating providers must
be increased for services provided to medical assistance enrollees. To receive a rate increase,
participating providers must meet demonstration project requirements and provide evidence
of formal referral arrangements with providers delivering step-up or step-down levels of
care. Providers that have enrolled in the demonstration project but have not met the provider
standards under subdivision 3 as of July 1, 2022, are not eligible for a rate increase under
this subdivision until the date that the provider meets the provider standards in subdivision
3. Services provided from July 1, 2022, to the date that the provider meets the provider
standards under subdivision 3 shall be reimbursed at rates according to section 254B.05,
subdivision 5, deleted text begin paragraphdeleted text end new text begin paragraphsnew text end (b)new text begin to (d)new text end . Rate increases paid under this subdivision
to a provider for services provided between July 1, 2021, and July 1, 2022, are not subject
to recoupment when the provider is taking meaningful steps to meet demonstration project
requirements that are not otherwise required by law, and the provider provides documentation
to the commissioner, upon request, of the steps being taken.
(b) The commissioner may temporarily suspend payments to the provider according to
section 256B.04, subdivision 21, paragraph (d), if the provider does not meet the requirements
in paragraph (a). Payments withheld from the provider must be made once the commissioner
determines that the requirements in paragraph (a) are met.
(c) For substance use disorder services under section 254B.05, subdivision 5, paragraph
(b), clause deleted text begin (8)deleted text end new text begin (10)new text end , provided on or after July 1, 2020, payment rates must be increased by
25 percent over the rates in effect on December 31, 2019.
(d) For substance use disorder services under section 254B.05, subdivision 5, paragraph
(b), clauses (1), (6), and (7)new text begin , and paragraphs (c) and (d)new text end , and adolescent treatment programs
that are licensed as outpatient treatment programs according to sections 245G.01 to 245G.18,
provided on or after January 1, 2021, payment rates must be increased by 20 percent over
the rates in effect on December 31, 2020.
(e) Effective January 1, 2021, and contingent on annual federal approval, managed care
plans and county-based purchasing plans must reimburse providers of the substance use
disorder services meeting the criteria described in paragraph (a) who are employed by or
under contract with the plan an amount that is at least equal to the fee-for-service base rate
payment for the substance use disorder services described in paragraphs (c) and (d). The
commissioner must monitor the effect of this requirement on the rate of access to substance
use disorder services and residential substance use disorder rates. Capitation rates paid to
managed care organizations and county-based purchasing plans must reflect the impact of
this requirement. This paragraph expires if federal approval is not received at any time as
required under this paragraph.
(f) Effective July 1, 2021, contracts between managed care plans and county-based
purchasing plans and providers to whom paragraph (e) applies must allow recovery of
payments from those providers if, for any contract year, federal approval for the provisions
of paragraph (e) is not received, and capitation rates are adjusted as a result. Payment
recoveries must not exceed the amount equal to any decrease in rates that results from this
Laws 2021, First Special Session chapter 7, article 11, section 38, as amended
by Laws 2022, chapter 98, article 4, section 50, is amended to read:
(a) The commissioner of human services, in consultation with counties, tribes, managed
care organizations, substance use disorder treatment professional associations, and other
relevant stakeholders, shall develop, assess, and recommend systems improvements to
minimize regulatory paperwork and improve systems for substance use disorder programs
licensed under Minnesota Statutes, chapter 245A, and regulated under Minnesota Statutes,
chapters 245F and 245G, and Minnesota Rules, chapters 2960 and 9530. The commissioner
of human services shall make available any resources needed from other divisions within
the department to implement systems improvements.
(b) The commissioner of health shall make available needed information and resources
from the Division of Health Policy.
(c) The Office of MN.IT Services shall provide advance consultation and implementation
of the changes needed in data systems.
(d) The commissioner of human services shall contract with a vendor that has experience
with developing statewide system changes for multiple states at the payer and provider
levels. If the commissioner, after exercising reasonable diligence, is unable to secure a
vendor with the requisite qualifications, the commissioner may select the best qualified
vendor available. When developing recommendations, the commissioner shall consider
input from all stakeholders. The commissioner's recommendations shall maximize benefits
for clients and utility for providers, regulatory agencies, and payers.
(e) The commissioner of human services and the contracted vendor shall follow the
recommendations from the report issued in response to Laws 2019, First Special Session
chapter 9, article 6, section 76.
(f) deleted text begin Within two years of contracting with a qualified vendor according to paragraph (d)deleted text end new text begin
By December 15, 2024new text end , the commissioner of human services shall take steps to implement
paperwork reductions and systems improvements within the commissioner's authority and
submit to the chairs and ranking minority members of the legislative committees with
jurisdiction over health and human services a report that includes recommendations for
changes in statutes that would further enhance systems improvements to reduce paperwork.
The report shall include a summary of the approaches developed and assessed by the
commissioner of human services and stakeholders and the results of any assessments
new text begin
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 245G.22, subdivisions 4 and 7,
new text end
new text begin
are repealed.
new text end
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 246.71, subdivision 3, is amended to read:
"Patient" means any person who is receiving treatment from or
committed to a deleted text begin securedeleted text end new text begin state-operatednew text end treatment deleted text begin facilitydeleted text end new text begin program, including the Minnesota
Sex Offender Programnew text end .
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 246.71, subdivision 4, is amended to read:
"Employee of a deleted text begin secure treatment facilitydeleted text end new text begin state-operated treatment programnew text end "
or "employee" means an employee of deleted text begin the Minnesota Security Hospital or a secure treatment
facility operated by the Minnesota Sex Offender Programdeleted text end new text begin any state-operated treatment
programnew text end .
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 246.71, subdivision 5, is amended to read:
deleted text begin "Secure
treatment facility"deleted text end new text begin "State-operated treatment program"new text end means deleted text begin the Minnesota Security
Hospital and the Minnesota Sex Offender Program facility in Moose Lake and any portion
of the Minnesota Sex Offender Program operated by the Minnesota Sex Offender Program
at the Minnesota Security Hospitaldeleted text end new text begin any state-operated treatment program under the
jurisdiction of the executive board, including the Minnesota Sex Offender Program,
community behavioral health hospitals, crisis centers, residential facilities, outpatient
services, and other community-based services under the executive board's controlnew text end .
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 246.711, is amended to read:
An employee of a deleted text begin secure treatment facilitydeleted text end new text begin
state-operated treatment programnew text end may request that the procedures of sections 246.71 to
246.722 be followed when the employee may have experienced a significant exposure to a
The deleted text begin secure treatment facilitydeleted text end new text begin state-operated treatment programnew text end
shall follow the procedures in sections 246.71 to 246.722 when all of the following conditions
are met:
(1) a licensed physician, advanced practice registered nurse, or physician assistant
determines that a significant exposure has occurred following the protocol under section
(2) the licensed physician, advanced practice registered nurse, or physician assistant for
the employee needs the patient's blood-borne pathogens test results to begin, continue,
modify, or discontinue treatment in accordance with the most current guidelines of the
United States Public Health Service, because of possible exposure to a blood-borne pathogen;
(3) the employee consents to providing a blood sample for testing for a blood-borne
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 246.712, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
(a) Before seeking any consent required by the
procedures under sections 246.71 to 246.722, a deleted text begin secure treatment facilitydeleted text end new text begin state-operated
treatment programnew text end shall inform the patient that the patient's blood-borne pathogen test
results, without the patient's name or other uniquely identifying information, shall be reported
to the employee if requested and that test results collected under sections 246.71 to 246.722
are for medical purposes as set forth in section 246.718 and may not be used as evidence
in any criminal proceedings or civil proceedings, except for procedures under sections
144.4171 to 144.4186.
(b) The deleted text begin secure treatment facilitydeleted text end new text begin state-operated treatment programnew text end shall inform the patient
of the insurance protections in section 72A.20, subdivision 29.
(c) The deleted text begin secure treatment facilitydeleted text end new text begin state-operated treatment programnew text end shall inform the patient
that the patient may refuse to provide a blood sample and that the patient's refusal may result
in a request for a court order to require the patient to provide a blood sample.
(d) The deleted text begin secure treatment facilitydeleted text end new text begin state-operated treatment programnew text end shall inform the patient
that the deleted text begin secure treatment facilitydeleted text end new text begin state-operated treatment programnew text end will advise the employee
of a deleted text begin secure treatment facilitydeleted text end new text begin state-operated treatment programnew text end of the confidentiality
requirements and penalties before the employee's health care provider discloses any test
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 246.712, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
(a) Before disclosing any information about the patient, the deleted text begin secure treatment
facilitydeleted text end new text begin state-operated treatment programnew text end shall inform the employee of a deleted text begin secure treatment
facilitydeleted text end new text begin state-operated treatment programnew text end of the confidentiality requirements of section
246.719 and that the person may be subject to penalties for unauthorized release of test
results about the patient under section 246.72.
(b) The deleted text begin secure treatment facilitydeleted text end new text begin state-operated treatment programnew text end shall inform the
employee of the insurance protections in section 72A.20, subdivision 29.
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 246.713, is amended to read:
If the conditions of sections 246.711 and 246.712 are met, the deleted text begin secure treatment facilitydeleted text end new text begin
state-operated treatment programnew text end shall ask the patient if the patient has ever had a positive
test for a blood-borne pathogen. The deleted text begin secure treatment facilitydeleted text end new text begin state-operated treatment
programnew text end must attempt to get existing test results under this section before taking any steps
to obtain a blood sample or to test for blood-borne pathogens. The deleted text begin secure treatment facilitydeleted text end new text begin
state-operated treatment programnew text end shall disclose the patient's blood-borne pathogen test
results to the employee without the patient's name or other uniquely identifying information.
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 246.714, is amended to read:
(a) For purposes of sections 246.71 to 246.722, whenever the deleted text begin secure treatment facilitydeleted text end new text begin
state-operated treatment programnew text end is required to seek consent, the deleted text begin secure treatment facilitydeleted text end new text begin
state-operated treatment programnew text end shall obtain consent from a patient or a patient's
representative consistent with other law applicable to consent.
(b) Consent is not required if the deleted text begin secure treatment facilitydeleted text end new text begin state-operated treatment
programnew text end has made reasonable efforts to obtain the representative's consent and consent
cannot be obtained within 24 hours of a significant exposure.
(c) If testing of available blood occurs without consent because the patient is unconscious
or unable to provide consent, and a representative cannot be located, the deleted text begin secure treatment
facilitydeleted text end new text begin state-operated treatment programnew text end shall provide the information required in section
246.712 to the patient or representative whenever it is possible to do so.
(d) If a patient dies before an opportunity to consent to blood collection or testing under
sections 246.71 to 246.722, the deleted text begin secure treatment facilitydeleted text end new text begin state-operated treatment programnew text end
does not need consent of the patient's representative for purposes of sections 246.71 to
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 246.715, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
If a sample of the patient's blood is available,
the deleted text begin secure treatment facilitydeleted text end new text begin state-operated treatment programnew text end shall ensure that blood is
tested for blood-borne pathogens with the consent of the patient, provided the conditions
in sections 246.711 and 246.712 are met.
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 246.715, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
If the patient has provided a blood sample, but
does not consent to blood-borne pathogens testing, the deleted text begin secure treatment facilitydeleted text end new text begin state-operated
treatment programnew text end shall ensure that the blood is tested for blood-borne pathogens if the
employee requests the test, provided all of the following criteria are met:
(1) the employee and deleted text begin secure treatment facilitydeleted text end new text begin state-operated treatment programnew text end have
documented exposure to blood or body fluids during performance of the employee's work
(2) a licensed physician, advanced practice registered nurse, or physician assistant has
determined that a significant exposure has occurred under section 246.711 and has
documented that blood-borne pathogen test results are needed for beginning, modifying,
continuing, or discontinuing medical treatment for the employee as recommended by the
most current guidelines of the United States Public Health Service;
(3) the employee provides a blood sample for testing for blood-borne pathogens as soon
as feasible;
(4) the deleted text begin secure treatment facilitydeleted text end new text begin state-operated treatment programnew text end asks the patient to
consent to a test for blood-borne pathogens and the patient does not consent;
(5) the deleted text begin secure treatment facilitydeleted text end new text begin state-operated treatment programnew text end has provided the patient
and the employee with all of the information required by section 246.712; and
(6) the deleted text begin secure treatment facilitydeleted text end new text begin state-operated treatment programnew text end has informed the
employee of the confidentiality requirements of section 246.719 and the penalties for
unauthorized release of patient information under section 246.72.
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 246.715, subdivision 3, is amended to read:
The deleted text begin secure treatment facilitydeleted text end new text begin state-operated treatment programnew text end shall
inform the patient whose blood was tested of the results. The deleted text begin secure treatment facilitydeleted text end new text begin
state-operated treatment programnew text end shall inform the employee's health care provider of the
patient's test results without the patient's name or other uniquely identifying information.
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 246.716, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
(a) If a blood sample is not otherwise available,
the deleted text begin secure treatment facilitydeleted text end new text begin state-operated treatment programnew text end shall obtain consent from the
patient before collecting a blood sample for testing for blood-borne pathogens. The consent
process shall include informing the patient that the patient may refuse to provide a blood
sample and that the patient's refusal may result in a request for a court order under subdivision
2 to require the patient to provide a blood sample.
(b) If the patient consents to provide a blood sample, the deleted text begin secure treatment facilitydeleted text end new text begin
state-operated treatment programnew text end shall collect a blood sample and ensure that the sample
is tested for blood-borne pathogens.
(c) The deleted text begin secure treatment facilitydeleted text end new text begin state-operated treatment programnew text end shall inform the
employee's health care provider about the patient's test results without the patient's name
or other uniquely identifying information. The deleted text begin secure treatment facilitydeleted text end new text begin state-operated
treatment programnew text end shall inform the patient of the test results.
(d) If the patient refuses to provide a blood sample for testing, the deleted text begin secure treatment
facilitydeleted text end new text begin state-operated treatment programnew text end shall inform the employee of the patient's refusal.
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 246.716, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
(a) A deleted text begin secure treatment facilitydeleted text end new text begin state-operated
treatment programnew text end or an employee of a deleted text begin secure treatment facilitydeleted text end new text begin state-operated treatment
programnew text end may bring a petition for a court order to require a patient to provide a blood sample
for testing for blood-borne pathogens. The petition shall be filed in the district court in the
county where the patient is receiving treatment from the deleted text begin secure treatment facilitydeleted text end new text begin
state-operated treatment programnew text end . The deleted text begin secure treatment facilitydeleted text end new text begin state-operated treatment
programnew text end shall serve the petition on the patient three days before a hearing on the petition.
The petition shall include one or more affidavits attesting that:
(1) the deleted text begin secure treatment facilitydeleted text end new text begin state-operated treatment programnew text end followed the procedures
in sections 246.71 to 246.722 and attempted to obtain blood-borne pathogen test results
according to those sections;
(2) a licensed physician, advanced practice registered nurse, or physician assistant
knowledgeable about the most current recommendations of the United States Public Health
Service has determined that a significant exposure has occurred to the employee of a deleted text begin secure
treatment facilitydeleted text end new text begin state-operated treatment programnew text end under section 246.721; and
(3) a physician, advanced practice registered nurse, or physician assistant has documented
that the employee has provided a blood sample and consented to testing for blood-borne
pathogens and blood-borne pathogen test results are needed for beginning, continuing,
modifying, or discontinuing medical treatment for the employee under section 246.721.
(b) Facilities shall cooperate with petitioners in providing any necessary affidavits to
the extent that facility staff can attest under oath to the facts in the affidavits.
(c) The court may order the patient to provide a blood sample for blood-borne pathogen
testing if:
(1) there is probable cause to believe the employee of a deleted text begin secure treatment facilitydeleted text end new text begin
state-operated treatment programnew text end has experienced a significant exposure to the patient;
(2) the court imposes appropriate safeguards against unauthorized disclosure that must
specify the persons who have access to the test results and the purposes for which the test
results may be used;
(3) a licensed physician, advanced practice registered nurse, or physician assistant for
the employee of a deleted text begin secure treatment facilitydeleted text end new text begin state-operated treatment programnew text end needs the test
results for beginning, continuing, modifying, or discontinuing medical treatment for the
employee; and
(4) the court finds a compelling need for the test results. In assessing compelling need,
the court shall weigh the need for the court-ordered blood collection and test results against
the interests of the patient, including, but not limited to, privacy, health, safety, or economic
interests. The court shall also consider whether involuntary blood collection and testing
would serve the public interests.
(d) The court shall conduct the proceeding in camera unless the petitioner or the patient
requests a hearing in open court and the court determines that a public hearing is necessary
to the public interest and the proper administration of justice.
(e) The patient may arrange for counsel in any proceeding brought under this subdivision.
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 246.717, is amended to read:
A deleted text begin secure treatment facilitydeleted text end new text begin state-operated treatment programnew text end shall not withhold care or
treatment on the requirement that the patient consent to blood-borne pathogen testing under
sections 246.71 to 246.722.
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 246.72, is amended to read:
Unauthorized release of the patient's name or other uniquely identifying information
under sections 246.71 to 246.722 is subject to the remedies and penalties under sections
13.08 and 13.09. This section does not preclude private causes of action against an individual,
state agency, statewide system, political subdivision, or person responsible for releasing
private data, or confidential or private information on the deleted text begin inmatedeleted text end new text begin patientnew text end .
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 246.721, is amended to read:
(a) A deleted text begin secure treatment facilitydeleted text end new text begin state-operated treatment programnew text end shall follow applicable
Occupational Safety and Health Administration guidelines under Code of Federal
Regulations, title 29, part 1910.1030, for blood-borne pathogens.
(b) Every deleted text begin secure treatment facilitydeleted text end new text begin state-operated treatment programnew text end shall adopt and
follow a postexposure protocol for employees at a deleted text begin secure treatment facilitydeleted text end new text begin state-operated
treatment programnew text end who have experienced a significant exposure. The postexposure protocol
must adhere to the most current recommendations of the United States Public Health Service
and include, at a minimum, the following:
(1) a process for employees to report an exposure in a timely fashion;
(2) a process for an infectious disease specialist, or a licensed physician, advanced
practice registered nurse, or physician assistant who is knowledgeable about the most current
recommendations of the United States Public Health Service in consultation with an infectious
disease specialist, (i) to determine whether a significant exposure to one or more blood-borne
pathogens has occurred, and (ii) to provide, under the direction of a licensed physician,
advanced practice registered nurse, or physician assistant, a recommendation or
recommendations for follow-up treatment appropriate to the particular blood-borne pathogen
or pathogens for which a significant exposure has been determined;
(3) if there has been a significant exposure, a process to determine whether the patient
has a blood-borne pathogen through disclosure of test results, or through blood collection
and testing as required by sections 246.71 to 246.722;
(4) a process for providing appropriate counseling prior to and following testing for a
blood-borne pathogen regarding the likelihood of blood-borne pathogen transmission and
follow-up recommendations according to the most current recommendations of the United
States Public Health Service, recommendations for testing, and treatment;
(5) a process for providing appropriate counseling under clause (4) to the employee of
a deleted text begin secure treatment facilitydeleted text end new text begin state-operated treatment programnew text end and to the patient; and
(6) compliance with applicable state and federal laws relating to data practices,
confidentiality, informed consent, and the patient bill of rights.
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 246.722, is amended to read:
A deleted text begin secure treatment facilitydeleted text end new text begin state-operated treatment programnew text end , licensed physician, advanced
practice registered nurse, physician assistant, and designated health care personnel are
immune from liability in any civil, administrative, or criminal action relating to the disclosure
of test results of a patient to an employee of a deleted text begin secure treatment facilitydeleted text end new text begin state-operated
treatment programnew text end and the testing of a blood sample from the patient for blood-borne
pathogens if a good faith effort has been made to comply with sections 246.71 to 246.722.
Laws 2023, chapter 61, article 8, section 13, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
(a) The task force shall consist of the following members,
appointed as follows:
(1) a member appointed by the governor;
(2) the commissioner of human services, or a designee;
(3) a member representing Department of Human Services direct care and treatment
services who has experience with civil commitments, appointed by the commissioner of
human services;
(4) the ombudsman for mental health and developmental disabilities;
(5) a hospital representative, appointed by the Minnesota Hospital Association;
(6) a county representative, appointed by the Association of Minnesota Counties;
(7) a county social services representative, appointed by the Minnesota Association of
County Social Service Administrators;
(8) a member appointed by the deleted text begin Minnesota Civil Commitment Defense Paneldeleted text end new text begin Hennepin
County Commitment Defense Projectnew text end ;
(9) a county attorney, appointed by the Minnesota County Attorneys Association;
(10) a county sheriff, appointed by the Minnesota Sheriffs' Association;
(11) a member appointed by the Minnesota Psychiatric Society;
(12) a member appointed by the Minnesota Association of Community Mental Health
(13) a member appointed by the National Alliance on Mental Illness Minnesota;
(14) the Minnesota Attorney General;
(15) three individuals from organizations representing racial and ethnic groups that are
overrepresented in the criminal justice system, appointed by the commissioner of corrections;
(16) one member of the public with lived experience directly related to the task force's
purposes, appointed by the governor.
(b) Appointments must be made no later than July 15, 2023.
(c) Member compensation and reimbursement for expenses are governed by Minnesota
Statutes, section 15.059, subdivision 3.
(d) A member of the legislature may not serve as a member of the task force.
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 254A.03, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
There is hereby created an
Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Section in the Department of Human Services. This section
shall be headed by a director. The commissioner may place the director's position in the
unclassified service if the position meets the criteria established in section 43A.08,
subdivision 1a. The section shall:
(1) conduct and foster basic research relating to the cause, prevention and methods of
diagnosis, treatment and recovery of persons with substance misuse and substance use
(2) coordinate and review all activities and programs of all the various state departments
as they relate to problems associated with substance misuse and substance use disorder;
(3) develop, demonstrate, and disseminate new methods and techniques for prevention,
early intervention, treatment and recovery support for substance misuse and substance use
(4) gather facts and information about substance misuse and substance use disorder, and
about the efficiency and effectiveness of prevention, treatment, and recovery support services
from all comprehensive programs, including programs approved or licensed by the
commissioner of human services or the commissioner of health or accredited by the Joint
Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals. The state authority is authorized to require
information from comprehensive programs which is reasonable and necessary to fulfill
these duties. When required information has been previously furnished to a state or local
governmental agency, the state authority shall collect the information from the governmental
agency. The state authority shall disseminate facts and summary information about problems
associated with substance misuse and substance use disorder to public and private agencies,
local governments, local and regional planning agencies, and the courts for guidance to and
assistance in prevention, treatment and recovery support;
(5) inform and educate the general public on substance misuse and substance use disorder;
(6) serve as the state authority concerning substance misuse and substance use disorder
by monitoring the conduct of diagnosis and referral services, research and comprehensive
programs. The state authority shall submit a biennial report to the governor deleted text begin and the legislaturedeleted text end
containing a description of public services delivery and recommendations concerning
increase of coordination and quality of services, and decrease of service duplication and
(7) establish a state plan which shall set forth goals and priorities for a comprehensive
continuum of care for substance misuse and substance use disorder for Minnesota. All state
agencies operating substance misuse or substance use disorder programs or administering
state or federal funds for such programs shall annually set their program goals and priorities
in accordance with the state plan. Each state agency shall annually submit its plans and
budgets to the state authority for review. The state authority shall certify whether proposed
services comply with the comprehensive state plan and advise each state agency of review
(8) make contracts with and grants to public and private agencies and organizations,
both profit and nonprofit, and individuals, using federal funds, and state funds as authorized
to pay for costs of state administration, including evaluation, statewide programs and services,
research and demonstration projects, and American Indian programs;
(9) receive and administer money available for substance misuse and substance use
disorder programs under the alcohol, drug abuse, and mental health services block grant,
United States Code, title 42, sections 300X to 300X-9;
(10) solicit and accept any gift of money or property for purposes of Laws 1973, chapter
572, and any grant of money, services, or property from the federal government, the state,
any political subdivision thereof, or any private source;
(11) with respect to substance misuse and substance use disorder programs serving the
American Indian community, establish guidelines for the employment of personnel with
considerable practical experience in substance misuse and substance use disorder, and
understanding of social and cultural problems related to substance misuse and substance
use disorder, in the American Indian community.
Minnesota Statutes 2023 Supplement, section 256B.4914, subdivision 10, is
amended to read:
(a) The commissioner shall, within
available resources, conduct research and gather data and information from existing state
systems or other outside sources on the following items:
(1) differences in the underlying cost to provide services and care across the state;
(2) mileage, vehicle type, lift requirements, incidents of individual and shared rides, and
units of transportation for all day services, which must be collected from providers using
the rate management worksheet and entered into the rates management system; and
(3) the distinct underlying costs for services provided by a license holder under sections
245D.05, 245D.06, 245D.07, 245D.071, 245D.081, and 245D.09, and for services provided
by a license holder certified under section 245D.33.
(b) The commissioner, in consultation with stakeholders, shall review and evaluate the
following values already in subdivisions 6 to 9, or issues that impact all services, including,
but not limited to:
(1) values for transportation rates;
(2) values for services where monitoring technology replaces staff time;
(3) values for indirect services;
(4) values for nursing;
(5) values for the facility use rate in day services, and the weightings used in the day
service ratios and adjustments to those weightings;
(6) values for workers' compensation as part of employee-related expenses;
(7) values for unemployment insurance as part of employee-related expenses;
(8) direct care workforce labor market measures;
(9) any changes in state or federal law with a direct impact on the underlying cost of
providing home and community-based services;
(10) outcome measures, determined by the commissioner, for home and community-based
services rates determined under this section; and
(11) different competitive workforce factors by service, as determined under subdivision
deleted text begin
(c) The commissioner shall report to the chairs and the ranking minority members of
the legislative committees and divisions with jurisdiction over health and human services
policy and finance with the information and data gathered under paragraphs (a) and (b) on
January 15, 2021, with a full report, and a full report once every four years thereafter.
deleted text end
deleted text begin (d)deleted text end new text begin (c)new text end Beginning July 1, 2022, the commissioner shall renew analysis and implement
changes to the regional adjustment factors once every six years. Prior to implementation,
the commissioner shall consult with stakeholders on the methodology to calculate the
Minnesota Statutes 2023 Supplement, section 256B.4914, subdivision 10a, is
amended to read:
(a) The commissioner must ensure
that wage values and component values in subdivisions 5 to 9 reflect the cost to provide the
service. As determined by the commissioner, in consultation with stakeholders identified
in subdivision 17, a provider enrolled to provide services with rates determined under this
section must submit requested cost data to the commissioner to support research on the cost
of providing services that have rates determined by the disability waiver rates system.
Requested cost data may include, but is not limited to:
(1) worker wage costs;
(2) benefits paid;
(3) supervisor wage costs;
(4) executive wage costs;
(5) vacation, sick, and training time paid;
(6) taxes, workers' compensation, and unemployment insurance costs paid;
(7) administrative costs paid;
(8) program costs paid;
(9) transportation costs paid;
(10) vacancy rates; and
(11) other data relating to costs required to provide services requested by the
(b) At least once in any five-year period, a provider must submit cost data for a fiscal
year that ended not more than 18 months prior to the submission date. The commissioner
shall provide each provider a 90-day notice prior to its submission due date. If a provider
fails to submit required reporting data, the commissioner shall provide notice to providers
that have not provided required data 30 days after the required submission date, and a second
notice for providers who have not provided required data 60 days after the required
submission date. The commissioner shall temporarily suspend payments to the provider if
cost data is not received 90 days after the required submission date. Withheld payments
shall be made once data is received by the commissioner.
(c) The commissioner shall conduct a random validation of data submitted under
paragraph (a) to ensure data accuracy. The commissioner shall analyze cost documentation
in paragraph (a) and provide recommendations for adjustments to cost components.
(d) The commissioner shall analyze cost data submitted under paragraph (a) deleted text begin and, in
consultation with stakeholders identified in subdivision 17, may submit recommendations
on component values and inflationary factor adjustments to the chairs and ranking minority
members of the legislative committees with jurisdiction over human services once every
four years beginning January 1, 2021. The commissioner shall make recommendations in
conjunction with reports submitted to the legislature according to subdivision 10, paragraph
(c)deleted text end . The commissioner shall release cost data in an aggregate form. Cost data from individual
providers must not be released except as provided for in current law.
(e) The commissioner shall use data collected in paragraph (a) to determine the
compliance with requirements identified under subdivision 10d. The commissioner shall
identify providers who have not met the thresholds identified under subdivision 10d on the
Department of Human Services website for the year for which the providers reported their
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 256B.69, subdivision 5k, is amended to read:
deleted text begin (a)deleted text end Rates paid to managed care plans and county-based
purchasing plans shall satisfy requirements for actuarial soundness. In order to comply with
this subdivision, the rates must:
(1) be neither inadequate nor excessive;
(2) satisfy federal requirements;
(3) in the case of contracts with incentive arrangements, not exceed 105 percent of the
approved capitation payments attributable to the enrollees or services covered by the incentive
(4) be developed in accordance with generally accepted actuarial principles and practices;
(5) be appropriate for the populations to be covered and the services to be furnished
under the contract; and
(6) be certified as meeting the requirements of federal regulations by actuaries who meet
the qualification standards established by the American Academy of Actuaries and follow
the practice standards established by the Actuarial Standards Board.
deleted text begin
(b) Each year within 30 days of the establishment of plan rates the commissioner shall
report to the chairs and ranking minority members of the senate Health and Human Services
Budget Division and the house of representatives Health Care and Human Services Finance
Division to certify how each of these conditions have been met by the new payment rates.
deleted text end
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 402A.16, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
The Human Services Performance Council shall:
(1) hold meetings at least quarterly that are in compliance with Minnesota's Open Meeting
Law under chapter 13D;
(2) annually review the annual performance data submitted by counties or service delivery
(3) review and advise the commissioner on department procedures related to the
implementation of the performance management system and system process requirements
and on barriers to process improvement in human services delivery;
(4) advise the commissioner on the training and technical assistance needs of county or
service delivery authority and department personnel;
(5) review instances in which a county or service delivery authority has not made adequate
progress on a performance improvement plan and make recommendations to the
commissioner under section 402A.18;
(6) consider appeals from counties or service delivery authorities that are in the remedies
process and make recommendations to the commissioner on resolving the issue;
(7) convene working groups to update and develop outcomes, measures, and performance
thresholds for the performance management system and, on an annual basis, present these
recommendations to the commissioner, including recommendations on when a particular
essential human services program has a balanced set of program measures in place;
(8) make recommendations on human services administrative rules or statutes that could
be repealed in order to improve service delivery;new text begin and
new text end
(9) provide information to stakeholders on the council's role and regularly collect
stakeholder input on performance management system performancedeleted text begin ; anddeleted text end new text begin .
new text end
deleted text begin
(10) submit an annual report to the legislature and the commissioner, which includes a
comprehensive report on the performance of individual counties or service delivery
authorities as it relates to system measures; a list of counties or service delivery authorities
that have been required to create performance improvement plans and the areas identified
for improvement as part of the remedies process; a summary of performance improvement
training and technical assistance activities offered to the county personnel by the department;
recommendations on administrative rules or state statutes that could be repealed in order to
improve service delivery; recommendations for system improvements, including updates
to system outcomes, measures, and thresholds; and a response from the commissioner.
deleted text end
new text begin
Minnesota Statutes 2022, sections 245G.011, subdivision 5; 252.34; 256.01, subdivisions
39 and 41; 256B.79, subdivision 6; and 256K.45, subdivision 2,
new text end
new text begin
are repealed.
new text end
Repealed Minnesota Statutes: H4392-2
The commissioner shall report to the legislative committees with jurisdiction over mental health issues and capital investment. The report is due by February 15 of each odd-numbered year and must include information on the projects funded and the programs and services provided in those facilities.
A client being administered or dispensed a dose beyond that set forth in subdivision 6, paragraph (a), that exceeds 150 milligrams of methadone or 24 milligrams of buprenorphine daily, and for each subsequent increase, must meet face-to-face with a prescribing practitioner. The meeting must occur before the administration or dispensing of the increased medication dose.
(a) If a medical director or prescribing practitioner assesses and determines that a client meets the criteria in subdivision 6 and may be dispensed a medication used for the treatment of opioid addiction, the restrictions in this subdivision must be followed when the medication to be dispensed is methadone hydrochloride. The results of the assessment must be contained in the client file. The number of unsupervised use medication doses per week in paragraphs (b) to (d) is in addition to the number of unsupervised use medication doses a client may receive for days the clinic is closed for business as allowed by subdivision 6, paragraph (a).
(b) During the first 90 days of treatment, the unsupervised use medication supply must be limited to a maximum of a single dose each week and the client shall ingest all other doses under direct supervision.
(c) In the second 90 days of treatment, the unsupervised use medication supply must be limited to two doses per week.
(d) In the third 90 days of treatment, the unsupervised use medication supply must not exceed three doses per week.
(e) In the remaining months of the first year, a client may be given a maximum six-day unsupervised use medication supply.
(f) After one year of continuous treatment, a client may be given a maximum two-week unsupervised use medication supply.
(g) After two years of continuous treatment, a client may be given a maximum one-month unsupervised use medication supply, but must make monthly visits to the program.
Beginning January 1, 2013, the commissioner of human services shall provide a biennial report to the chairs and ranking minority members of the legislative committees with jurisdiction over health and human services policy and funding. The report must provide a summary of overarching goals and priorities for persons with disabilities, including the status of how each of the following programs administered by the commissioner is supporting the overarching goals and priorities:
(1) home and community-based services waivers for persons with disabilities under sections 256B.092 and 256B.49;
(2) home care services under section 256B.0652; and
(3) other relevant programs and services as determined by the commissioner.
By October 1, 2014, and with each February forecast thereafter, the commissioner of human services must provide to the chairs and ranking minority members of the house of representatives and senate committees with jurisdiction over health and human services finance a report of all dedicated funds and accounts. The report must include the name of the dedicated fund or account; a description of its purpose, and the legal citation for its creation; the beginning balance, projected receipts, and expenditures; and the ending balance for each fund and account.
The commissioner of human services shall provide quarterly reports to the chairs and ranking minority members of the legislative committees with jurisdiction over health and human services policy and finance on:
(1) interagency agreements or service-level agreements and any renewals or extensions of existing interagency or service-level agreements with a state department under section 15.01, state agency under section 15.012, or the Department of Information Technology Services, with a value of more than $100,000, or related agreements with the same department or agency with a cumulative value of more than $100,000; and
(2) transfers of appropriations of more than $100,000 between accounts within or between agencies.
The report must include the statutory citation authorizing the agreement, transfer or dollar amount, purpose, and effective date of the agreement, the duration of the agreement, and a copy of the agreement.
Individuals shall be exempt from the requirements outlined in subdivision 7e in the following circumstances:
(1) the individual is seeking a lease-only arrangement in a subsidized housing setting;
(2) the individual has previously received a long-term care consultation assessment under section 256B.0911. In this instance, the assessor who completes the long-term care consultation assessment will issue a verification code and provide it to the individual;
(3) the individual is receiving or is being evaluated for hospice services from a hospice provider licensed under sections 144A.75 to 144A.755; or
(4) the individual has used financial planning services and created a long-term care plan as defined by the commissioner in the 12 months prior to signing a lease or contract with a licensed assisted living facility.
(a) Hospitals shall refer all individuals described in paragraph (b) prior to discharge from an inpatient hospital stay to the Senior LinkAge Line for long-term care options counseling. Hospitals shall make these referrals using referral protocols and processes developed under subdivision 7. The purpose of the counseling is to support persons with current or anticipated long-term care needs in making informed choices among options that include the most cost-effective and least restrictive setting.
(b) The individuals who shall be referred under paragraph (a) include older adults who are at risk of nursing home placement. Protocols for identifying at-risk individuals shall be developed under subdivision 7, paragraph (b), clause (12).
(c) Counseling provided under this subdivision shall meet the requirements for the consultation required under subdivision 7e.
By January 31, 2021, and every two years thereafter, the commissioner shall report to the chairs and ranking minority members of the legislative committees with jurisdiction over health and human services policy and finance on the status and outcomes of the grant program. The report must:
(1) describe the capacity of collaboratives receiving grants under this section;
(2) contain aggregate information about enrollees served within targeted populations;
(3) describe the utilization of enhanced prenatal services;
(4) for enrollees identified with maternal substance use disorders, describe the utilization of substance use treatment and dispositions of any child protection cases;
(5) contain data on outcomes within targeted populations and compare these outcomes to outcomes statewide, using standard categories of race and ethnicity; and
(6) include recommendations for continuing the program or sustaining improvements through other means.
The commissioner shall prepare a biennial report, beginning in February 2015, which provides meaningful information to the legislative committees having jurisdiction over the issue of homeless youth, that includes, but is not limited to: (1) a list of the areas of the state with the greatest need for services and housing for homeless youth, and the level and nature of the needs identified; (2) details about grants made, including shelter-linked youth mental health grants under section 256K.46; (3) the distribution of funds throughout the state based on population need; (4) follow-up information, if available, on the status of homeless youth and whether they have stable housing two years after services are provided; and (5) any other outcomes for populations served to determine the effectiveness of the programs and use of funding.
(a) Beginning January 1, 2019, the commissioner shall provide to the house of representatives and senate committees with jurisdiction over nursing facility payment rates a biennial report on the effectiveness of the reimbursement system in improving quality, restraining costs, and any other features of the system as determined by the commissioner.
(b) This section expires January 1, 2026.