as introduced - 90th Legislature (2017 - 2018) Posted on 04/09/2018 04:31pm
Engrossments | ||
Introduction | Posted on 04/09/2018 |
A bill for an act
relating to education finance; requiring school threat assessment teams; proposing
coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 121A.
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A school board must adopt a policy to establish threat assessment
teams, including the assessment of and intervention with individuals whose behavior may
pose a threat to the safety of school staff or students. A threat assessment policy must be
consistent with district policies developed in accordance with sections 121A.031 and
121A.035. A threat assessment policy must include procedures for referrals to community
mental health centers or health care providers for evaluation or treatment, when appropriate.
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The superintendent of a school district must establish
a committee charged with oversight of the threat assessment teams operating within the
district, which may be an existing committee established by the school board.
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(a) The superintendent of a school district must
establish, for each school, a threat assessment team that includes school officials with
expertise in counseling, instruction, school administration, and law enforcement. A threat
assessment team may serve one or more schools, as determined by the superintendent.
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(b) A threat assessment team must:
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(1) provide guidance to students, faculty, and staff regarding recognition of threatening
or aberrant behavior that may represent a threat to the community, school, or self;
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(2) identify members of the school community to whom threatening behavior should be
reported; and
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(3) implement a policy adopted by the school board under subdivision 1.
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(c) Upon a preliminary determination that a student poses a threat of violence or physical
harm to self or others, a threat assessment team must immediately report its determination
to the district superintendent or the superintendent's designee, who must immediately attempt
to notify the student's parent or legal guardian. Nothing in this section precludes school
district personnel from acting immediately to address an imminent threat.
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(d) A threat assessment team established under this section must report summary data
on its activities according to guidance developed by the Minnesota School Safety Center.
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(a) A threat assessment team member must not redisclose
educational records or use any record of an individual beyond the purpose for which the
disclosure was made to the threat assessment team.
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(b) Nothing in this section prohibits the disclosure of educational records in health,
including mental health, and safety emergencies in accordance with state and federal law.
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