1st Engrossment - 91st Legislature (2019 - 2020) Posted on 03/02/2020 04:35pm
A bill for an act
relating to public safety; prohibiting persons from interfering with access to
reproductive health services and facilities; establishing criminal penalties; proposing
coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 609.
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(a) The definitions in this subdivision apply to this section.
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(b) "Interfere with" means to restrict a person's freedom of movement.
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(c) "Intimidate" means to cause fear in another of immediate bodily harm to that person
or another person.
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(d) "Nonviolent" means conduct that does not constitute a violent crime.
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(e) "Physical obstruction" means making entrance to or exit from a reproductive health
services facility impassable to another person, or making entrance to or exit from a
reproductive health services facility unreasonably difficult or hazardous to another person.
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(f) "Reproductive health services" means medical, surgical, counseling, or referral
services related to the human reproductive system, including services related to pregnancy
or the termination of a pregnancy. Reproductive health services may be provided in a hospital
licensed under chapter 144, clinic, physician's office, or other health care facility.
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(g) "Reproductive health services client, provider, or assistant" means a person or entity
involved in obtaining, providing, seeking to obtain or provide, or assisting or seeking to
assist another person at that other person's request to obtain or provide any services in a
reproductive health services facility. This term includes a person or entity involved in
owning, operating, or seeking to own or operate a reproductive health services facility.
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(h) "Reproductive health services facility" means a hospital licensed under chapter 144,
clinic, physician's office, or other health care facility that provides or seeks to provide
reproductive health services. Reproductive health services facility includes the building or
structure in which the facility is located.
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(i) "Violent crime" has the meaning given in section 611A.08, subdivision 6, and also
includes the offense in section 609.224.
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(a) A person who by force,
threat of force, or physical obstruction intentionally injures, intimidates, or interferes with
a person or entity because the person or entity is a reproductive health services client,
provider, or assistant, or in order to intimidate a person, entity, or class of persons or entities
from becoming or remaining a reproductive health services client, provider, or assistant, is
guilty of a gross misdemeanor.
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(b) A person who, by nonviolent physical obstruction, intentionally injures, intimidates,
or interferes with any person or entity because that person or entity is a reproductive health
services client, provider, or assistant, or in order to intimidate a person, entity, or class of
persons or entities from becoming or remaining a reproductive health services client, provider,
or assistant, is guilty of a gross misdemeanor.
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A person who intentionally causes damage to the property
of a person, entity, or facility because the person, entity, or facility is a reproductive health
services client, provider, or assistant or a reproductive health services facility, is guilty of
a misdemeanor, if the damage reduces the value of the property by not more than $500.
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A person who telephones or knowingly
permits a telephone under the person's control to be used to telephone a reproductive health
services facility to intentionally disrupt the normal functioning of a reproductive health
services facility is guilty of a gross misdemeanor.
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A person who intentionally impedes or
interferes with the operation of a motor vehicle that attempts to enter, exit, or park at a
reproductive health services facility is guilty of a gross misdemeanor.
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A presentence investigation must be conducted and a report
submitted to the court by the corrections agency responsible for conducting the investigation
when a defendant is convicted of an offense described in subdivision 2, 3, 4, or 5. The report
must include prior convictions for violations of the federal Freedom of Access to Clinic
Entrances Act, United States Code, title 18, section 248.
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The following individuals may use the procedures in section
609.748 to seek a restraining order against a party to a civil or criminal proceeding related
to a violation of subdivision 2, 3, 4, or 5:
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(1) a reproductive health services client, provider, or assistant who is a party or witness
in the proceeding; or
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(2) a person who is a victim of an act prohibited by subdivision 2, paragraph (a); 3; or
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Nothing in this section shall be construed to:
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(1) impair any constitutionally protected activity or activity protected by other law;
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(2) provide exclusive civil remedies or criminal penalties, preempt any local unit of
government from enacting a law to provide a remedy for the commission of any act prohibited
by this section, or establish criminal penalties for any act prohibited by this section; or
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(3) interfere with the enforcement of any law regulating termination of pregnancies or
the provision of other reproductive health services.
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This section is effective August 1, 2020, and applies to crimes
committed on or after that date.
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