as introduced - 89th Legislature (2015 - 2016) Posted on 03/30/2016 12:43pm
A bill for an act
relating to mass transit; requiring initiation of negotiations to extend and modify
Northstar commuter rail passenger service.
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The Governor's designee (State) must contact Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway
(BNSF) to negotiate an extension of the Northstar Corridor between Big Lake and St.
Cloud, subject to the following conditions:
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(1) the Northstar Corridor will add at least one morning round trip departure
between the St. Cloud Amtrak Depot and Big Lake Station with continuing service to
Target Station each weekday, plus one evening round trip between Big Lake Station and
St. Cloud Amtrak Depot that must begin at Target Station, with the departure and arrival
times set so that approximately ten or more hours elapse between the morning departure
and evening return each day for both round trips. The state may also negotiate weekend
departures and arrivals between St. Cloud and Target Station;
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(2) the state may negotiate for fewer round trip departures from Big Lake to Target
Station each weekday, and fewer round trip departures on weekends;
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(3) BNSF must continue to crew and dispatch all trains and provide other
track-related services;
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(4) the St. Cloud Metropolitan Transit Commission (MTC) must be responsible for
fare collection in St. Cloud and must negotiate with Amtrak for using the Amtrak station.
The MTC must negotiate an agreement with the Metropolitan Council, which must require
approval by the city of St. Cloud, regarding the sharing of revenues and expenses related
to the Amtrak station, fare collection, and advertising. This agreement must not allow
the MTC, city of St. Cloud, or other local government to enter into agreements on any
subject other than the operation of the Northstar Corridor;
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(5) the state may not commit to spend any state funds on capital expenditures;
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(6) the state may not commit to spend any more state funds on operating costs than
the total sum it and the Metropolitan Council have budgeted for the Northstar Corridor; and
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(7) the state may negotiate with the federal government, counties and cities, or the
Northstar Corridor Development Authority to provide additional funding for services
necessary to extend the Northstar Corridor.
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