as introduced - 93rd Legislature (2023 - 2024) Posted on 05/18/2024 12:44am
A bill for an act
relating to economic development; modifying the membership of the energy
transition advisory committee; amending Minnesota Statutes 2022, section
116J.5492, subdivision 2.
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 116J.5492, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
(a) The advisory committee consists of 18 voting members and
eight ex officio nonvoting members.
(b) The voting members of the advisory committee are appointed by the commissioner
of employment and economic development, except as specified below:
(1) two members of the senate, one appointed by the majority leader of the senate and
one appointed by the minority leader of the senate;
(2) two members of the house of representatives, one appointed by the speaker of the
house of representatives and one appointed by the minority leader of the house of
(3) one representative of the Prairie Island Indian community;
(4) four representatives of impacted communities, of which two must represent counties
and two must represent municipalities, and, to the extent possible, of the impacted facilities
in those communities, at least one must be a coal plant, at least one must be a nuclear plant,
and at least one must be a natural gas plant;
(5) three representatives of impacted workers at impacted facilities;
(6) one representative of impacted workers employed by companies that, under contract,
regularly perform construction, maintenance, or repair work at an impacted facility;
(7) one representative with professional economic development or workforce retraining
(8) two representatives of utilities that operate an impacted facility;
(9) one representative from a nonprofit organization with expertise and experience
delivering energy efficiency and conservation programs; deleted text begin and
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(10) one representative of a school district facing revenue loss due to energy transition;
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deleted text begin (10)deleted text end new text begin (11)new text end one representative from the Coalition of Utility Cities.
(c) The ex officio nonvoting members of the advisory committee consist of:
(1) the governor or the governor's designee;
(2) the commissioner of employment and economic development or the commissioner's
(3) the commissioner of commerce or the commissioner's designee;
(4) the commissioner of labor and industry or the commissioner's designee;
(5) the commissioner of revenue or the commissioner's designee;
(6) the executive secretary of the Public Utilities Commission or the secretary's designee;
(7) the commissioner of the Pollution Control Agency or the commissioner's designee;
(8) the chancellor of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities or the chancellor's