as introduced - 92nd Legislature (2021 - 2022) Posted on 02/10/2021 06:44pm
A bill for an act
relating to human services; establishing the Direct Care Service Corps; requiring
a report; appropriating money.
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HealthForce Minnesota at Winona State University must
develop a pilot project establishing the Minnesota Direct Care Service Corps. The pilot
program must utilize financial incentives to attract postsecondary students to work as personal
care assistants or direct support professionals. HealthForce Minnesota must establish the
financial incentives and minimum work requirements to be eligible for incentive payments.
The financial incentive must increase with each semester that the student participates in the
Minnesota Direct Care Service Corps.
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(a) Pilot sites must include one postsecondary institution in the
seven-county metropolitan area and at least one postsecondary institution outside of the
seven-county metropolitan area. If more than one postsecondary institution outside the
metropolitan area is selected, one must be located in northern Minnesota and the other must
be located in southern Minnesota.
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(b) After satisfactorily completing the work requirements for a semester, the pilot site
or its fiscal agent must pay students the financial incentive developed for the pilot project.
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(a) HealthForce Minnesota must contract with a third
party to evaluate the pilot project's impact on health care costs, retention of personal care
assistants, and patients' and providers' satisfaction of care. The evaluation must include the
number of participants, the hours of care provided by participants, and the retention of
participants from semester to semester.
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(b) By January 4, 2023, HealthForce Minnesota must report the findings under paragraph
(a) to the chairs and ranking members of the legislative committees with jurisdiction over
human services policy and finance.
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$500,000 is appropriated in fiscal year 2022 from the general fund to the commissioner
of human services for a grant to HealthForce Minnesota at Winona State University for
purposes of section 1. Up to $25,000 may be used by HealthForce Minnesota for
administrative costs. This is a onetime appropriation.
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