as introduced - 90th Legislature (2017 - 2018) Posted on 03/31/2017 08:53am
A bill for an act
relating to child protection; modifying agency responsibility for assessing and
investigating child maltreatment allegations; appropriating money; amending
Minnesota Statutes 2016, section 626.556, subdivision 3c.
Minnesota Statutes 2016, section 626.556, subdivision 3c, is amended to read:
(a) The county
local welfare agency is the agency responsible for assessing or investigating allegations of
maltreatment in child foster care, family child care, legally unlicensed child care, deleted text begin juvenile
correctional facilities licensed under section 241.021 located in the local welfare agency's
county,deleted text end and reports involving children served by an unlicensed personal care provider
organization under section 256B.0659. Copies of findings related to personal care provider
organizations under section 256B.0659 must be forwarded to the Department of Human
Services provider enrollment.
(b) The Department of Human Services is the agency responsible for assessing or
investigating allegations of maltreatmentnew text begin in juvenile correctional facilities licensed by the
Department of Corrections under section 241.021 andnew text end in facilities licensed under chapters
245A and 245D, except for child foster care and family child care.
(c) The Department of Health is the agency responsible for assessing or investigating
allegations of child maltreatment in facilities licensed under sections 144.50 to 144.58 and
144A.43 to 144A.482.
new text begin
$79,000 in fiscal year 2018 and $68,000 in fiscal year 2019 are appropriated from the
general fund to the commissioner of human services to conduct assessments and
investigations of allegations of child maltreatment occurring in children's residential facilities
licensed by the Department of Corrections under Minnesota Statutes, section 241.021, and
governed by Minnesota Rules, chapter 2960. The commissioner shall collaborate with
counties to ensure that all allegations of maltreatment are communicated to the Department
of Human Services.
new text end