as introduced - 90th Legislature (2017 - 2018) Posted on 03/31/2017 08:53am
A bill for an act
relating to public safety; removing switch blade knives from the list of prohibited
dangerous weapons; amending Minnesota Statutes 2016, section 609.66, subdivision
Minnesota Statutes 2016, section 609.66, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
(a) Whoever does any
of the following is guilty of a crime and may be sentenced as provided in paragraph (b):
(1) recklessly handles or uses a gun or other dangerous weapon or explosive so as to
endanger the safety of another; or
(2) intentionally points a gun of any kind, capable of injuring or killing a human being
and whether loaded or unloaded, at or toward another; or
(3) manufactures or sells for any unlawful purpose any weapon known as a slungshot
or sand club; or
(4) manufactures, transfers, or possesses metal knuckles deleted text begin or a switch blade knife opening
automaticallydeleted text end ; or
(5) possesses any other dangerous article or substance for the purpose of being used
unlawfully as a weapon against another; or
(6) outside of a municipality and without the parent's or guardian's consent, furnishes a
child under 14 years of age, or as a parent or guardian permits the child to handle or use,
outside of the parent's or guardian's presence, a firearm or airgun of any kind, or any
ammunition or explosive.
Possession of written evidence of prior consent signed by the minor's parent or guardian
is a complete defense to a charge under clause (6).
(b) A person convicted under paragraph (a) may be sentenced as follows:
(1) if the act was committed in a public housing zone, as defined in section 152.01,
subdivision 19, a school zone, as defined in section 152.01, subdivision 14a, or a park zone,
as defined in section 152.01, subdivision 12a, to imprisonment for not more than one year
or to payment of a fine of not more than $3,000, or both; or
(2) otherwise, including where the act was committed on residential premises within a
zone described in clause (1) if the offender was at the time an owner, tenant, or invitee for
a lawful purpose with respect to those residential premises, to imprisonment for not more
than 90 days or to payment of a fine of not more than $1,000, or both.