as introduced - 90th Legislature (2017 - 2018) Posted on 03/31/2017 08:53am
A bill for an act
relating to taxation; property; modifying use of exempt property by a private entity;
adding an exemption for certain conservation purposes; amending Minnesota
Statutes 2016, section 272.01, subdivision 2.
Minnesota Statutes 2016, section 272.01, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
(a) When any real or
personal property which is exempt from ad valorem taxes, and taxes in lieu thereof, is leased,
loaned, or otherwise made available and used by a private individual, association, or
corporation in connection with a business conducted for profit, there shall be imposed a
tax, for the privilege of so using or possessing such real or personal property, in the same
amount and to the same extent as though the lessee or user was the owner of such property.
(b) The tax imposed by this subdivision shall not apply to:
(1) property leased or used as a concession in or relative to the use in whole or part of
a public park, market, fairgrounds, port authority, economic development authority
established under chapter 469, municipal auditorium, municipal parking facility, municipal
museum, or municipal stadium;
(2) property of an airport owned by a city, town, county, or group thereof which is:
(i) leased to or used by any person or entity including a fixed base operator; and
(ii) used as a hangar for the storage or repair of aircraft or to provide aviation goods,
services, or facilities to the airport or general public;
the exception from taxation provided in this clause does not apply to:
(i) property located at an airport owned or operated by the Metropolitan Airports
Commission or by a city of over 50,000 population according to the most recent federal
census or such a city's airport authority; or
(ii) hangars leased by a private individual, association, or corporation in connection with
a business conducted for profit other than an aviation-related business;
(3) property constituting or used as a public pedestrian ramp or concourse in connection
with a public airport;
(4) property constituting or used as a passenger check-in area or ticket sale counter,
boarding area, or luggage claim area in connection with a public airport but not the airports
owned or operated by the Metropolitan Airports Commission or cities of over 50,000
population or an airport authority therein. Real estate owned by a municipality in connection
with the operation of a public airport and leased or used for agricultural purposes is not
(5) property leased, loaned, or otherwise made available to a private individual,
corporation, or association under a cooperative farming agreement made pursuant to section
97A.135; deleted text begin or
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(6) property leased, loaned, or otherwise made available to a private individual,
corporation, or association under section 272.68, subdivision 4deleted text begin .deleted text end new text begin ; or
new text end
new text begin
(7) property owned by a conservation organization that is leased, loaned, or otherwise
made available to a private individual, corporation, or association for activities that further
the conservation organization's conservation objectives for the property.
new text end
(c) Taxes imposed by this subdivision are payable as in the case of personal property
taxes and shall be assessed to the lessees or users of real or personal property in the same
manner as taxes assessed to owners of real or personal property, except that such taxes shall
not become a lien against the property. When due, the taxes shall constitute a debt due from
the lessee or user to the state, township, city, county, and school district for which the taxes
were assessed and shall be collected in the same manner as personal property taxes. If
property subject to the tax imposed by this subdivision is leased or used jointly by two or
more persons, each lessee or user shall be jointly and severally liable for payment of the
(d) The tax on real property of the federal government, the state or any of its political
subdivisions that is leased, loaned, or otherwise made available to a private individual,
association, or corporation and becomes taxable under this subdivision or other provision
of law must be assessed and collected as a personal property assessment. The taxes do not
become a lien against the real property.