as introduced - 89th Legislature (2015 - 2016) Posted on 03/23/2015 01:25pm
A bill for an act
proposing an amendment to the Minnesota Constitution, article VII, section 1;
changing the state and local election voting age from 18 to 16.
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An amendment to the Minnesota Constitution is proposed to the people. If the
amendment is adopted, article VII, section 1, will read:
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Every person deleted text begin 18deleted text end new text begin 16new text end years of age or more who has been a citizen of the
United States for three months and who has resided in the precinct for 30 days next
preceding an election shall be entitled to vote in that precinct. The place of voting by one
otherwise qualified who has changed his residence within 30 days preceding the election
shall be prescribed by law. The following persons shall not be entitled or permitted to
vote at any election in this state: A person not meeting the above requirements; a person
who has been convicted of treason or felony, unless restored to civil rights; a person under
guardianship, or a person who is insane or not mentally competent.
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The proposed amendment must be submitted to the people at the 2016 general
election. The question submitted must be:
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"Shall the Minnesota Constitution be amended to allow persons 16 years of age or
more to vote in state and local elections?
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Yes ....... new text end |
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No ......." new text end |