as introduced - 87th Legislature (2011 - 2012) Posted on 02/10/2012 11:58am
A bill for an act
relating to permanent school fund; limiting portion of fire suppression costs that
may be assessed against permanent school trust lands; amending Minnesota
Statutes 2010, section 16A.125, subdivision 5.
Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 16A.125, subdivision 5, is amended to
(a) The term "state forest trust fund lands" as used
in this subdivision, means public land in trust under the Constitution set apart as "forest
lands under the authority of the commissioner" of natural resources as defined by section
89.001, subdivision 13new text begin , and the term "fire suppression" as used in this subdivision means
preventative measures as well as direct costs associated with preventing and extinguishing
firesnew text end .
(b) The commissioner of management and budget shall credit the revenue from the
forest trust fund lands to the forest suspense account. The account must specify the trust
funds interested in the lands and the respective receipts of the lands.
(c) After a fiscal year, the commissioner of management and budget shall certify the
total costs incurred for forestry during that year under appropriations for the protection,
improvement, administration, and management of state forest trust fund lands and
construction and improvement of forest roads to enhance the forest value of the lands.
The certificate must specify the trust funds interested in the landsnew text begin and the costs by
category, including the costs of fire suppression. Beginning July 1, 2013, no costs for fire
suppression may be certified against permanent school trust fund landsnew text end . The commissioner
of natural resources shall supply the commissioner of management and budget with the
information needed for the certificate.
(d) After a fiscal year, the commissioner shall distribute the receipts credited to the
suspense account during that fiscal year as follows:
(1) the amount of the certified costs incurred by the state for forest management,
forest improvement, and road improvement during the fiscal year shall be transferred to
the forest management investment account established under section 89.039;
(2) the balance of the certified costs incurred by the state during the fiscal year
shall be transferred to the general fund; and
(3) the balance of the receipts shall then be returned prorated to the trust funds in
proportion to their respective interests in the lands which produced the receipts.
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This section is effective the day following final enactment.
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