as introduced - 87th Legislature (2011 - 2012) Posted on 02/01/2012 11:38am
A bill for an act
relating to capital investment; appropriating money for design and renovation at
Saint Paul College; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds.
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$2,560,000 is appropriated from the bond proceeds
fund to the Board of Trustees of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities for Saint
Paul College for the following purposes:
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(1) $1,500,000 is to design a Health and Science Allied Center addition and to
design, renovate, furnish, and equip existing classroom and lab space;
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(2) $530,000 is to design, renovate, furnish, and equip culinary arts laboratory
space; and
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(3) $530,000 is to design, renovate, furnish, and equip a machine tool laboratory.
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To provide the money appropriated in this section from the
bond proceeds fund, the commissioner of management and budget shall sell and issue
bonds of the state in an amount up to $2,560,000 in the manner, upon the terms, and with
the effect prescribed by Minnesota Statutes, sections 16A.631 to 16A.675, and by the
Minnesota Constitution, article XI, sections 4 to 7.
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This section is effective the day following final enactment.
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