as introduced - 91st Legislature (2019 - 2020) Posted on 03/18/2019 04:27pm
A bill for an act
relating to education; modifying school administrator licensure fee; creating an
administrator licensure account in the special revenue fund; appropriating money;
amending Minnesota Statutes 2018, sections 122A.14, subdivision 9; 122A.175,
subdivision 1; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 122A.
Minnesota Statutes 2018, section 122A.14, subdivision 9, is amended to read:
Each person licensed by the Board of School Administrators shall pay the
board a fee of deleted text begin $75deleted text end new text begin $100new text end , collected each fiscal year. When transmitting notice of the license
fee, the board also must notify the licensee of the penalty for failing to pay the fee within
the time specified by the board. The board may provide a lower fee for persons on retired
or inactive status. After receiving notice from the board, any licensed school administrator
who does not pay the fee in the given fiscal year shall have all administrative licenses held
by the person automatically suspended, without the right to a hearing, until the fee has been
paid to the board. If the board suspends a licensed school administrator for failing to pay
the fee, it must immediately notify the district currently employing the school administrator
of the school administrator's suspension. The executive deleted text begin secretarydeleted text end new text begin director new text end shall deposit the
fees in the deleted text begin educatordeleted text end new text begin administrator new text end licensure account in the special revenue fund in the state
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This section is effective July 1, 2019.
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An administrator licensure account is created in the special revenue fund. Fees received
by the Board of School Administrators under section 122A.14, subdivision 9, and Minnesota
Rules, chapter 3512, must be deposited in the administrator licensure account. Any funds
appropriated from this account that remain unexpended at the end of the biennium cancel
to the administrator licensure account in the special revenue fund.
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This section is effective July 1, 2019.
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Minnesota Statutes 2018, section 122A.175, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
An educator licensure account is created
in the special revenue fund. Applicant licensure fees received by the Department of
Educationdeleted text begin ,deleted text end new text begin or new text end the Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Boarddeleted text begin , or the Board of
School Administratorsdeleted text end must be deposited in the educator licensure account. Any funds
appropriated from this account that remain unexpended at the end of the biennium cancel
to the educator licensure account in the special revenue fund.
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This section is effective July 1, 2019.
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(a) The sums indicated in this section are appropriated from the administrator licensure
account in the special revenue fund to the commissioner of education for the Board of School
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387,000 new text end |
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2020 new text end |
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347,000 new text end |
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2021 new text end |
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(b) For fiscal year 2020 only, if the amount in the administrator licensure account is
insufficient, the remainder of the appropriation must be made from the general fund.
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(c) Any balance in the first year does not cancel but is available in the second year.
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(d) The base for fiscal year 2022 is $347,000.
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This section is effective the day following final enactment.
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(a) The sums indicated in this section are appropriated from the educator licensure
account in the special revenue fund to the commissioner of education for the Professional
Educator Licensing and Standards Board for the fiscal years designated:
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2,743,000 new text end |
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2020 new text end |
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2,718,000 new text end |
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2021 new text end |
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(b) This appropriation includes funds for information technology project services and
support subject to Minnesota Statutes, section 16E.0466. Any ongoing information
technology costs will be incorporated into an interagency agreement and will be paid to the
Office of MN.IT Services by the Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board
under the mechanism specified in that agreement.
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(c) Any balance in the first year does not cancel but is available in the second year.
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(d) If the amount in the educator licensure account is insufficient, the remainder of the
appropriation must be made from the general fund.
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(e) The base for fiscal year 2022 and later is $2,718,000.
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This section is effective the day following final enactment.
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