1st Engrossment - 90th Legislature (2017 - 2018) Posted on 03/13/2017 06:04pm
A bill for an act
relating to health; requiring the commissioner of health to establish a working
group and pilot programs to improve the implementation of youth sports concussion
protocols and identify best practices for preventing and treating concussions;
appropriating money.
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(a) The
commissioner of health shall convene a youth sports concussion working group of up to 30
members to:
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(1) develop the report described in subdivision 4 to assess the causes and incidence of
brain injury in Minnesota youth sports; and
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(2) evaluate the implementation of Minnesota Statutes, sections 121A.37 and 121A.38,
regarding concussions in youth athletic activity, and best practices for preventing, identifying,
evaluating, and treating brain injury in youth sports.
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(b) In forming the working group, the commissioner shall solicit nominees from
individuals with expertise and experience in the areas of traumatic brain injury in youth and
sports, neuroscience, law and policy related to brain health, public health, neurotrauma,
provision of care to brain injured youth, and related fields. In selecting members of the
working group, the commissioner shall ensure geographic and professional diversity. The
working group shall elect a chair from among its members. The commissioner shall be
responsible for organizing meetings and preparing a draft report. Members of the working
group shall not receive monetary compensation for their participation in the group.
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(a) The working group shall, at a minimum:
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(1) gather and analyze available data on:
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(i) the prevalence and causes of youth sports-related concussions including where possible
data on the number of officials and coaches receiving concussion training;
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(ii) the number of coaches, officials, youth athletes, and parents or guardians receiving
information about the nature and risks of concussions;
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(iii) the number of youth athletes removed from play and the nature and duration of
treatment before return-to-play; and
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(iv) policies and procedures related to return-to-learn in the classroom;
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(2) review the rules associated with relevant youth athletic activities, and the concussion
education policies currently employed; and
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(3) identify innovative pilot projects in areas such as:
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(i) objectively defining and measuring concussions;
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(ii) rule changes designed to promote brain health;
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(iii) use of technology to identify and treat concussions;
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(iv) recognition of cumulative subconcussive effects; and
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(v) postconcussion treatment, and return-to-learn protocols; and
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(4) identify regulatory and legal barriers and burdens to achieving better brain health
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Participation in the working group study by schools, school districts, school governing
bodies, parents, athletes, and related individuals and organizations shall be voluntary, and
this study shall create no new reporting requirements by schools, school districts, school
governing bodies, parents, athletes, and related individuals and organizations.
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By December 31, 2018, the youth sports concussion working group
shall provide an interim report, and by December 31, 2019, the working group shall provide
a final report to the chairs and ranking minority members of the legislative committees with
jurisdiction over health and education with recommendations and proposals for a Minnesota
model for reducing brain injury in youth sports. The report shall make recommendations
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(1) best practices for reducing and preventing concussions in youth sports;
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(2) best practices for schools to employ in order to identify and respond to occurrences
of concussions, including return-to-play and return-to-learn;
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(3) opportunities to highlight and strengthen best practices with external grant support;
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(4) opportunities to leverage Minnesota's strengths in brain science research and clinical
care for brain injury; and
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(5) proposals to develop an innovative Minnesota model for identifying, evaluating, and
treating youth sports concussions.
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The working group expires the day after submitting the report required
under subdivision 4, or January 15, 2020, whichever is earlier.
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(a) The commissioner shall competitively
award grants for up to five pilot programs to improve brain health in youth sports in
Minnesota.The commissioner shall issue a competitive request for pilot program proposals
by October 31, 2017, based on input from the youth sports concussion working group. The
commissioner shall include members of the working group in the scoring of proposals
received, but shall exclude any member of the working group with a financial interest in a
pilot program proposal.
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(b) Each pilot program selected for a funding award must offer promise for improving
at least one of the following areas:
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(1) objective identification of brain injury;
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(2) assessment and treatment of brain injury;
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(3) coordination of school and medical support services; or
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(4) policy reform to improve brain health outcomes.
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(c) At least one of the programs selected must serve youth in:
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(1) Central or West Central Minnesota;
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(2) Southern or Southwest Minnesota;
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(3) Northwest or Northland Minnesota; and
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(4) the Twin Cities Metro Area.
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Pilot programs selected under this section shall
receive funding for one year beginning January 1, 2018. No later than March 1, 2019, the
commissioner must report on the progress and outcomes of the pilot programs to the
legislative committees with jurisdiction over health policy and finance.
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$450,000 in fiscal year 2018 is appropriated from the general fund to the commissioner
of health for the youth sports concussion working group and brain health pilot programs.
This is a onetime appropriation. Of this appropriation:
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(1) $150,000 is for the youth sports concussion working group, including any required
incidence research, required under section 1; and
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(2) $300,000 is for the brain health pilot programs in section 2.
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