as introduced - 87th Legislature (2011 - 2012) Posted on 05/04/2011 09:30am
A bill for an act
relating to the city of Fergus Falls; authorizing the city of Fergus Falls to establish
and exercise border city development zone powers; appropriating money.
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The governing body of the city of Fergus Falls may
designate all or any part of the city as a border city development zone.
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(a) Minnesota Statutes, sections 469.1731 to
469.1735, apply to the border city development zones designated under this section. The
governing body of the city may exercise the powers granted under Minnesota Statutes,
sections 469.1731 to 469.1735, including powers that apply outside of the zones.
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(b) The allocation under subdivision 3 for purposes of Minnesota Statutes, section
469.1735, subdivision 2, is appropriated to the commissioner of revenue.
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(a) The cumulative total amount of the
state portion of the tax reductions for all years of the program under Minnesota Statutes,
sections 469.1731 to 469.1735, for the city of Fergus Falls, is limited to $ ........
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(b) This allocation may be used for tax reductions provided in Minnesota Statutes,
section 469.1732 or 469.1734, or for reimbursements under Minnesota Statutes, section
469.1735, subdivision 3, but only if the governing body of the city of Fergus Falls
determines that the tax reduction or offset is necessary to enable a business to expand
within the city or to attract a business to the city.
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(c) The commissioner of revenue may waive the limit under this subdivision using
the same rules and standards provided in Minnesota Statutes, section 469.169, subdivision
12, paragraph (b).
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Section 1 is effective upon approval by the governing body of the city of Fergus
Falls and upon timely compliance by the city with Minnesota Statutes, section 645.021.
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