1st Engrossment - 91st Legislature (2019 - 2020) Posted on 03/13/2019 04:52pm
A bill for an act
relating to state government; requiring multiunit residential facilities to provide
access to employees of the United States Census; establishing a Census 2020
Mobilization Partnership program; appropriating money to support certain outreach
initiatives to encourage participation in the 2020 federal census.
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It is unlawful for a person, either directly or indirectly,
to deny access to an apartment house, dormitory, nursing home, manufactured home park,
other multiple unit facility used as a residence, or an area in which two or more single-family
dwellings are located on private roadways, to an employee of the United States Census who
displays a current, valid census credential and who is engaged in official census business.
An employee granted access under this section must be permitted to leave census materials
for residents at their doors, except that the manager of a nursing home may direct that the
materials be left at a central location within the facility. The materials must be left in an
orderly manner.
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This section does not prohibit:
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(1) denial of admittance into a particular apartment, room, manufactured home, or
personal residential unit;
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(2) in the case of a nursing home or a registered housing with services establishment
providing assisted living services meeting the requirements of Minnesota Statutes, section
144G.03, subdivision 2, denial of permission to visit certain persons for valid health reasons;
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(3) limiting visits to a reasonable number of census employees or reasonable hours;
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(4) requiring a prior appointment to gain access to the facility; or
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(5) denial of admittance to or expulsion of an individual employee from a multiple unit
dwelling for good cause.
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A person in compliance with United States
Code, title 13, section 223, and any guidance or rules adopted by the United States
Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, governing access to a facility described
in subdivision 1 is considered to be in compliance with the requirements of this section.
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This section is effective from January 1 to July 1 in any year
during which a decennial census is conducted under the authority of the United States
Constitution, article 1, section 2.
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The commissioner of administration must, in collaboration with the Minnesota Census 2020
Mobilization Partnership, facilitate the administration of a census mobilization program.
The purpose of the program must be to increase the participation of Minnesotans in the
2020 United States Census by implementing the outreach and mobilization activities
described in subdivisions 2 to 5.
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(b) At least 45 percent of any appropriation provided to the commissioner for the program
required by this section must be allocated for grants to local governments and nonpartisan,
nonprofit community organizations engaged in census mobilization work. Any appropriations
not allocated for grants may be used by the commissioner to further implement the outreach
and mobilization activities described in subdivisions 2 to 5 by contract or by directing the
work of the office of the state demographer.
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(c) The commissioner of administration may waive application of all or any portion of
Minnesota Statutes, sections 16B.978 to 16B.991, in awarding grants, Minnesota Statutes,
chapter 16C, in entering contracts, and Minnesota Statutes, chapter 16E, in purchasing
technology systems and software under this section to facilitate the timely distribution of
funds and to maximize the impact of the outreach and mobilization activities.
Notwithstanding the waivers authorized by this paragraph, the commissioner may not waive
application of policies or procedures designed to ensure diversity and the inclusion of
traditionally underrepresented groups among grant recipients and contract vendors.
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The census mobilization partnership
program must support:
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(1) initiatives to increase census response rates among households outside of the
11-county metropolitan area who receive mail through a post office box; and
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(2) initiatives to increase awareness among census employees, multiunit apartment
managers and owners, and renters on the laws governing access to multiunit apartment
buildings by census employees.
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The census mobilization partnership program
must support:
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(1) opportunities for Minnesotans to submit their census response electronically through
online portals provided in common gathering spaces within a community; and
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(2) commit-to-the-census initiatives that organize Minnesotans to commit to participate
in the census and include electronic reminders to facilitate their participation.
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The census mobilization
partnership program must support:
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(1) job sourcing initiatives that encourage a sufficient pool of qualified candidates to
apply for positions with the Census Bureau, and efforts to ensure that the pool of candidates
reflects the diversity of Minnesota's communities, including those communities historically
undercounted in census reports; and
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(2) initiatives that engage historically undercounted communities, and reduce census
participation gaps in these communities compared to Minnesota's historically high overall
census response rate.
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The census mobilization partnership program must support
efficiency in census mobilization efforts by providing shared services to support local and
community census outreach, including development of multilingual educational and
promotional materials and tools to reach respondents through a variety of communication
platforms and services.
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$....... in fiscal year 2020 is appropriated from the general fund to the commissioner of
administration for the census mobilization program described in section 2. This appropriation
is available until June 30, 2021.
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