as introduced - 93rd Legislature (2023 - 2024) Posted on 03/30/2023 02:48pm
A bill for an act
relating to human services; directing the commissioner of human services to study
and make recommendations for paperwork reduction relating to child protection
cases; requiring a report.
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(a) The commissioner of human services, in partnership with counties and local social
services agencies and in consultation with Minnesota's Tribal governments; the Indian Child
Welfare Advisory Council established under Minnesota Statutes, section 260.835; and the
judicial branch, shall conduct a study and develop recommendations to streamline and
reduce required paperwork and administrative requirements for child protection cases. The
study must review all input fields required on current reporting forms and determine which
input fields and information are required under state or federal law. The study must also
include a time-motion study from three counties to determine the administrative overhead
costs incurred for child protection worker paperwork completion and administrative
compliance, and must evaluate and make recommendations for reducing court-related
documentation requirements for child protection workers. The commissioner's recommended
case plan and reporting requirements must not exceed two full standard document pages,
and any new recommended data entry requirements must also include recommended
equivalent reductions in data entry requirements within the required administrative processes.
The commissioner must develop and publish the two-page case plan and reporting model
within 60 days.
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(b) By December 15, 2023, the commissioner must provide a report on the study required
under this section to the chairs and ranking minority members of the legislative committees
with jurisdiction over child protection that includes a summary of recommended changes
to current practice, a proposed timeline to implement the changes, and procedures for
soliciting ongoing input regarding implementation from counties, Minnesota's Tribal
governments, the Indian Child Welfare Advisory Council, and the judicial branch. The
procedures for soliciting ongoing input must include a method of incorporating the input
while implementing recommended changes and ensuring that the planned improvements
maximize benefits and utility for children in placement, foster care providers, Tribes,
counties, and private child placing agencies.
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