as introduced - 79th Legislature (1995 - 1996) Posted on 12/15/2009 12:00am
1.1 A bill for an act 1.2 relating to the state building code; requiring 1.3 temporary restroom facilities at certain construction 1.4 and engineering projects; establishing standards for 1.5 temporary restroom facilities; proposing coding for 1.6 new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 16B. 1.7 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: 1.8 Section 1. [16B.616] [TEMPORARY RESTROOM FACILITIES.] 1.9 Subdivision 1. [DEFINITION.] For purposes of this section, 1.10 "temporary restroom facility" means a portable restroom with an 1.11 enclosed, self-contained waste container that: 1.12 (1) has a capacity of not less than 50 gallons; 1.13 (2) is constructed of non-absorptive, non-corrosive 1.14 materials; and 1.15 (3) is watertight and capable of containing the waste in a 1.16 sanitary manner. 1.17 Subd. 2. [RESTROOM FACILITIES REQUIRED.] For the purposes 1.18 of ensuring public health, safety, and welfare, the code must 1.19 require that no person shall commence or proceed with the 1.20 erection, construction, alteration, repair, raising, adding to, 1.21 removal, or demolition of any building or structure, unless 1.22 adequate, suitable, sanitary restroom facilities, under the 1.23 control of the person, are provided for the use of persons 1.24 employed or working on the building or structure. The restroom 1.25 facilities must be located on or within a reasonable distance 1.26 from the lot, premises, or site on which work is being done. 2.1 The line of travel to a restroom facility may not exceed 200 2.2 feet. No construction project or engineering project may be 2.3 initiated and no building permit may be issued without provision 2.4 for adequate restroom facilities consistent with this section. 2.5 Subd. 3. [RESTROOM STANDARDS.] Each restroom must be 2.6 connected to a public sewer or must be a temporary restroom 2.7 facility. The code must include the standards in this 2.8 subdivision applicable to all temporary restroom facilities: 2.9 (a) Temporary restroom facilities must be provided for 2.10 employees according to the following table: 2.11 Number of Temporary Restrooms 2.12 Employees Required 2.13 1 - 10 1 2.14 11 - 25 2 2.15 26 - 40 3 2.16 Over 40 one additional restroom 2.17 for each additional 20 employees 2.18 or any fraction thereof. 2.19 (b) Temporary restroom facilities must be maintained in a 2.20 clean, sanitary, and functional condition. Internal latches 2.21 must be provided to secure the units from inadvertent entry. If 2.22 there are 20 or more employees consisting of both genders, 2.23 facilities must be provided for each gender. 2.24 (c) Each temporary restroom facility must be cleaned on a 2.25 routine basis. 2.26 (d) Odor-controlling mixture and toilet tissue must be 2.27 maintained in a supply sufficient for use during an entire day. 2.28 (e) Any defective or inadequate unit must be immediately 2.29 removed from service. 2.30 (f) Each temporary restroom facility must be ventilated to 2.31 the outside. 2.32 (g) Each temporary restroom facility must be serviced on a 2.33 regular schedule, including use of a service solution with 2.34 disinfectant for cleaning restroom fixtures, removing waste from 2.35 containers, recharging containers with an odor-controlling 2.36 mixture, and installing an adequate supply of toilet tissue. 2.37 (h) Waste must be disposed of or discharged through the 3.1 sanitary sewer systems. 3.2 (i) Removal of waste must be handled in a clean and 3.3 sanitary manner by means of vacuum hose and received by a 3.4 leak-proof tank truck. All valves on the tank must be 3.5 leak-proof. 3.6 Subd. 4. [MULTI-EMPLOYER WORKSITES.] On multi-employer 3.7 worksites, the prime contractor must ensure that the 3.8 requirements of this section are met for all employees. If 3.9 there is no prime contractor, each employer is responsible for 3.10 seeing that facilities for their own employees are provided. 3.11 Subd. 5. [EXCEPTIONS.] This section does not apply to: 3.12 (1) mobile crews whose job functions require continual or 3.13 frequent movement from jobsite to jobsite on a daily or hourly 3.14 basis; or 3.15 (2) construction or engineering sites located in areas 3.16 where temporary restroom facilities are unavailable. An 3.17 employer must make reasonable efforts to provide temporary 3.18 restroom facilities and is responsible for demonstrating the 3.19 unavailability of facilities. 3.20 Sec. 2. [EFFECTIVE DATE.] 3.21 This act is effective July 1, 1995.