as introduced - 91st Legislature, 2020 1st Special Session (2019 - 2020) Posted on 06/16/2020 11:07am
A bill for an act
relating to unemployment insurance; waiving overpayments for applicants acting
in good faith.
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(a) Notwithstanding any contrary provision of Minnesota Statutes, chapter 268, an
applicant for unemployment insurance benefits between March 1, 2020, and December 31,
2020, who receives or is overpaid unemployment benefits to which the applicant was not
entitled during that time: (1) because they are not eligible under Minnesota Statutes, section
268.085, subdivision 2, clause (3); or (2) because they were incorrectly determined to be
eligible for unemployment benefits and a benefit account during that time, shall not be
required to repay the benefits to the trust fund as provided under Minnesota Statutes, section
268.18, if their application was made with a good faith belief as to the correctness of their
statements, representations, and eligibility during that time, and through no intentional
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(b) For an applicant covered by paragraph (a), from March 1, 2020, to December 31,
2020, the commissioner of employment and economic development shall not seek or collect
repayment of amounts accrued or owed under Minnesota Statutes, section 268.18, including
any interest or penalty; shall forever waive, cancel, and forgive amounts accrued or owed
during that time; and shall refund overpayments accrued and already repaid during that
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(c) For an applicant who makes a false statement or representation without a good faith
belief as to the correctness of their statements, representations, or eligibility, nothing in this
section prohibits the commissioner of employment and economic development from seeking
repayment and enforcing collection of overpaid unemployment benefits, as provided under
Minnesota Statutes, section 268.18.
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This section is effective the day following final enactment and
is retroactive to March 1, 2020.
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