as introduced - 93rd Legislature (2023 - 2024) Posted on 02/03/2023 12:26pm
A bill for an act
relating to commerce; requiring sales reporting for intermediate blends of gasoline
and biofuel; amending Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 239.791, subdivision 8.
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 239.791, subdivision 8, is amended to read:
(a) A refinery or terminal, shall provide, at the time
gasoline is sold or transferred from the refinery or terminal, a bill of lading or shipping
manifest to the person who receives the gasoline. For oxygenated gasoline, the bill of lading
or shipping manifest must include the identity and the volume percentage or gallons of
oxygenate included in the gasoline, and it must state: "This fuel contains an oxygenate. Do
not blend this fuel with ethanol or with any other oxygenate." For nonoxygenated gasoline
deleted text begin sold or transferred after September 30, 1997deleted text end , the bill or manifest must state: "This fuel is
not oxygenated. It must not be sold at retail in Minnesota." This subdivision does not apply
to sales or transfers of gasoline between refineries, between terminals, or between a refinery
and a terminal.
(b) A delivery ticket required under section 239.092 for biofuel blended with gasoline
must state the volume percentage of biofuel blended into gasoline delivered through a meter
into a storage tank used for dispensing by persons not exempt under subdivisions 10 to deleted text begin 14deleted text end new text begin
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(c) On or before the 23rd day of each month, a person responsible for the product must
report to the director, in the form prescribed by the director, the gross number of gallons of
intermediate blends sold at retail by the person during the preceding calendar month. The
report must identify the number of gallons by blend type. For purposes of this subdivision,
"intermediate blends" means blends of gasoline and biofuel in which the biofuel content,
exclusive of denaturants and other permitted components, is greater than ten percent and
no more than 50 percent by volume.
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This section is effective July 1, 2023.
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