3rd Engrossment - 87th Legislature (2011 - 2012) Posted on 05/24/2011 03:36pm
A bill for an act
relating to state government; modifying provisions relating to courts and
common interest ownership; amending Minnesota Statutes 2010, sections 279.37,
subdivision 8; 359.061, subdivisions 1, 2; 484.68, subdivision 3; 514.69; 514.70;
515B.1-102; 515B.1-103; 515B.1-116; 515B.2-109; 515B.2-110; 515B.2-121;
515B.2-124; 515B.3-102; 515B.3-104; 515B.3-105; 515B.3-114; 515B.3-115;
515B.4-102; 515B.4-115; 518B.01, subdivision 8; 525.091, subdivisions 1, 3;
proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapters 5B; 515B.
new text begin
If a program participant is involved in a legal proceeding as a party or witness, the
court or other tribunal may issue a protective order to prevent disclosure of information
that could reasonably lead to the discovery of the program participant's location.
new text end
Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 279.37, subdivision 8, is amended to read:
The party or parties making such confession of judgment shall pay
the county auditor a fee as set by the county board to defray the costs of processing the
confession of judgment and making the annual billings required. Fees as set by the county
board shall be deleted text begin paid to the court administrator of the court for entry of judgment and for
the entry of each full or partial release thereof. The fees paid to the court administrator
under this section aredeleted text end in lieu of the fees provided for in section 357.021deleted text begin . Fees collected
under this sectiondeleted text end new text begin and new text end shall be new text begin processed by the county and new text end credited to the general revenue
fund of the county.
Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 359.061, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
The commission of every notary commissioned
under section 359.01, together with: (1) a signature that matches the first, middle, and
last name as listed on the notary's commission and shown on the notarial stamp, and (2) a
sample signature in the style in which the notary will actually execute notarial acts, shall
be recorded in the office of the deleted text begin court administrator of the district courtdeleted text end new text begin local registrar new text end of
the notary's county of residence or in the county department to which duties relating to
notaries public have been assigned under section 485.27, in a record kept for that purpose.
Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 359.061, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
The commission of a nonresident notary must
be recorded in the Minnesota county the notary designates pursuant to section 359.01,
subdivision 2, clause (3), deleted text begin in the office of the court administrator of the district court of that
county ordeleted text end in the county department to which duties relating to notaries public have been
assigned under section 485.27.
Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 484.68, subdivision 3, is amended to read:
The district administrator shall:
(1) assist the chief judge in the performance of administrative duties;
(2) manage the administrative affairs of the courts of the judicial district;
(3) supervise the court administrators and other support personneldeleted text begin , except court
reporters,deleted text end who serve in the courts of the judicial districtnew text begin and court reporters as agreed upon
with the collective bargaining representative. Court reporters who serve in the courts
of the judicial district and are appointed by individual judges shall remain under the
supervision of the judge who appointed them and serve at their pleasurenew text end ;
(4) comply with the requests of the state court administrator for statistical or other
information relating to the courts of the judicial district;
(5) with the approval of the chief judge, determine the needs of the judges of the
district for office equipment necessary for the effective administration of justice and
develop a plan to make the equipment available to the judges of the district; the plan must
be submitted to the state court administrator for approval and determination of eligibility
for state funding under section 480.15, subdivision 12; and
(6) perform any additional duties that are assigned by law or by the rules of court.
Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 514.69, is amended to read:
In order to perfect such lien, the
operator of such hospital, before, or within ten days after, such person shall have been
discharged therefrom, shall file in the office of the deleted text begin court administrator of the district courtdeleted text end
new text begin county office assigned this duty by the county board pursuant to section 485.27 new text end of the
county in which such hospital shall be located a verified statement in writing setting forth
the name and address of such patient, as it shall appear on the records of such hospital,
the name and location of such hospital and the name and address of the operator thereof,
the dates of admission to and discharge of such patient therefrom, the amount claimed
to be due for such hospital care, and, to the best of claimant's knowledge, the names and
addresses of all persons, firms, or corporations claimed by such injured person, or the
legal representatives of such person, to be liable for damages arising from such injuries;
such claimant shall also, within one day after the filing of such claim or lien, mail a copy
thereof, by certified mail, to each person, firm, or corporation so claimed to be liable for
such damages to the address so given in such statement. The filing of such claim or
lien shall be notice thereof to all persons, firms, or corporations liable for such damages
whether or not they are named in such claim or lien.
In the case of public assistance liens
filed under section 256.015 or 256B.042, the state agency may perfect its lien by filing its
verified statement in the office of the deleted text begin court administratordeleted text end new text begin county office assigned this duty
by the county board pursuant to section 485.27 new text end in the county of financial responsibility for
the public assistance paid. The deleted text begin court administratordeleted text end new text begin county office new text end shall record the lien in
the same manner as provided in section 514.70.
Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 514.70, is amended to read:
The deleted text begin court administratordeleted text end new text begin county office assigned this duty by the county board
pursuant to section 485.27 new text end shall endorse thereon the date and hour of filing and, at the
expense of the county, shall provide a hospital lien book with proper index in which the
deleted text begin court administratordeleted text end new text begin county office new text end shall enter the date and hour of such filing, the names
and addresses of such hospital, the operators thereof and of such patient, the amount
claimed and the names and addresses of those claimed to be liable for damages. The
deleted text begin court administratordeleted text end new text begin county office new text end shall be paid $5 as a fee for such filing and $5 as a fee
for filing each lien satisfaction.
Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 518B.01, subdivision 8, is amended to read:
(a) The petition and any
order issued under this section new text begin other than orders for dismissal new text end shall be served on the
respondent personally. new text begin Orders for dismissal may be served personally or by certified mail.
new text end In lieu of personal service of an order for protection, a law enforcement officer may serve
a person with a short form notification as provided in subdivision 8a.
(b) When service is made out of this state and in the United States, it may be proved
by the affidavit of the person making the service. When service is made outside the United
States, it may be proved by the affidavit of the person making the service, taken before
and certified by any United States minister, charge d'affaires, commissioner, consul, or
commercial agent, or other consular or diplomatic officer of the United States appointed to
reside in the other country, including all deputies or other representatives of the officer
authorized to perform their duties; or before an office authorized to administer an oath
with the certificate of an officer of a court of record of the country in which the affidavit is
taken as to the identity and authority of the officer taking the affidavit.
(c) If personal service cannot be made, the court may order service of the petition
and any order issued under this section by alternate means, or by publication, which
publication must be made as in other actions. The application for alternate service must
include the last known location of the respondent; the petitioner's most recent contacts
with the respondent; the last known location of the respondent's employment; the names
and locations of the respondent's parents, siblings, children, and other close relatives;
the names and locations of other persons who are likely to know the respondent's
whereabouts; and a description of efforts to locate those persons.
The court shall consider the length of time the respondent's location has been
unknown, the likelihood that the respondent's location will become known, the nature
of the relief sought, and the nature of efforts made to locate the respondent. The court
shall order service by first class mail, forwarding address requested, to any addresses
where there is a reasonable possibility that mail or information will be forwarded or
communicated to the respondent.
The court may also order publication, within or without the state, but only if it might
reasonably succeed in notifying the respondent of the proceeding. Service shall be deemed
complete 14 days after mailing or 14 days after court-ordered publication.
(d) A petition and any order issued under this section, including the short form
notification, must include a notice to the respondent that if an order for protection is issued
to protect the petitioner or a child of the parties, upon request of the petitioner in any
parenting time proceeding, the court shall consider the order for protection in making a
decision regarding parenting time.
Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 525.091, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
new text begin (a) new text end The court administrator of any county upon
order of the judge exercising probate jurisdiction may destroy all the original documents
in any probate proceeding of record in the office deleted text begin after the file in such proceeding has
been closeddeleted text end provided deleted text begin the original ordeleted text end a Minnesota state archives commission approved
photographic, photostatic, microphotographic, microfilmed, new text begin digitally imaged, electronic,
new text end or similarly reproduced copy of the original deleted text begin of the following enumerated documents in the
proceedingdeleted text end are on file in the office.new text begin After the file in the proceeding has been closed, only
the following enumerated documents need to be retained:
new text end
deleted text begin
Enumerated original documents:
deleted text end
deleted text begin (a)deleted text end new text begin (1)new text end in estates, the jurisdictional petition and proof of publication of the notice
of hearing thereof; will and certificate of probate; letters; inventory and appraisal; orders
directing and confirming sale, mortgage, lease, or for conveyance of real estate; order
setting apart statutory selection; receipts for federal estate taxes and state estate taxes;
orders of distribution and general protection; decrees of distribution; federal estate tax
closing letter, consent to discharge by commissioner of revenue and order discharging
representative; and any amendment of the listed documents. When an estate is deemed
closed as provided in deleted text begin clause (d)deleted text end new text begin paragraph (b)new text end , the enumerated documents shall include
all claims of creditorsdeleted text begin .deleted text end new text begin ;
new text end
deleted text begin (b)deleted text end new text begin (2)new text end in guardianships or conservatorships, the jurisdictional petition and order
for hearing thereof with proof of service; letters; orders directing and confirming sale,
mortgage, lease or for conveyance of real estate; order for restoration to capacity and order
discharging guardian; and any amendment of the listed documentsdeleted text begin .deleted text end new text begin ; and
new text end
deleted text begin (c)deleted text end new text begin (3)new text end in mental, inebriety, and indigent matters, the jurisdictional petition; report of
examination; warrant of commitment; notice of discharge from institution, or notice of
death and order for restoration to capacity; and any amendment of the listed documents.
deleted text begin (d)deleted text end new text begin (b)new text end Except for the enumerated documents described in this subdivision, the
court administrator may destroy all other deleted text begin originaldeleted text end documents in any probate proceeding
without retaining any reproduction of the document. For the purpose of this subdivision,
a proceeding is deemed closed if no document has been filed in the proceeding for a
period of 15 years, except in the cases of wills filed for safekeeping and those containing
wills of decedents not adjudicated upon.
Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 525.091, subdivision 3, is amended to read:
A photographic, photostatic, microphotographic,
microfilmed, new text begin digitally imaged, electronic, new text end or similarly reproduced record is of the same
force and effect as the original and may be used as the original document or book of
record in all proceedings.
Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 515B.1-102, is amended to read:
(a) Except as provided in this section, this chapter, and not chapters 515 and 515A,
applies to all common interest communities created within this state on and after June
1, 1994.
(b) The applicability of this chapter to common interest communities created prior to
June 1, 1994, shall be as follows:
(1) This chapter shall apply to condominiums created under chapter 515A with
respect to events and circumstances occurring on and after June 1, 1994; provided (i) that
this chapter shall not invalidate the declarations, bylaws or condominium plats of those
condominiums, and (ii) that chapter 515A, and not this chapter, shall govern all rights and
obligations of a declarant of a condominium created under chapter 515A, and the rights
and claims of unit owners against that declarant.
(2) The following sections in this chapter apply to condominiums created under
chapter 515: 515B.1-104 (Variation by Agreement); 515B.1-105 (Separate Titles and
Taxation); 515B.1-106 (Applicability of Local Requirements); 515B.1-107 (Eminent
Domain); 515B.1-108 (This Chapter Prevails; Supplemental Law); 515B.1-109
(Construction Against Implicit Repeal); 515B.1-110 (Vacation of Abutting Publicly
Dedicated Property); 515B.1-112 (Unconscionable Agreement or Term of Contract);
515B.1-113 (Obligation of Good Faith); 515B.1-114 (Remedies to be Liberally
Administered); 515B.1-115 (Notice); 515B.1-116 (Recording); 515B.2-103 (Construction
and Validity of Declaration and Bylaws); 515B.2-104 (Description of Units);
515B.2-108(d) (Allocation of Interests); 515B.2-109(c) (Common Elements and Limited
Common Elements); 515B.2-112 (Subdivision, Combination, or Conversion of Units);
515B.2-113 (Alteration of Units); 515B.2-114 (Relocation of Boundaries Between
Adjoining Units); 515B.2-115 (Minor Variations in Boundaries); 515B.2-118 (Amendment
of Declaration); 515B.2-119 (Termination of Common Interest Community); 515B.3-102
(Powers of Unit Owners' Association); 515B.3-103(a), (b), and (g) (Board of Directors,
Officers, and Declarant Control); 515B.3-107 (Upkeep of Common Interest Community);
515B.3-108 (Meetings); 515B.3-109 (Quorums); 515B.3-110 (Voting; Proxies);
515B.3-111 (Tort and Contract Liability); 515B.3-112 (Conveyance of, or Creation
of Security Interests in, Common Elements); 515B.3-113 (Insurance); 515B.3-114
(Replacement Reserves); 515B.3-115 (c), (e), (f), (g), (h), and (i) (Assessments for
Common Expenses); 515B.3-116 (Lien for Assessments); 515B.3-117 (Other Liens);
515B.3-118 (Association Records); 515B.3-119 (Association as Trustee); 515B.3-121
(Accounting Controls); 515B.4-107 (Resale of Units); 515B.4-108 (Purchaser's Right to
Cancel Resale); and 515B.4-116 (Rights of Action; Attorney's Fees). Section 515B.1-103
(Definitions) shall apply to the extent necessary in construing any of the sections
referenced in this section. Sections 515B.1-105, 515B.1-106, 515B.1-107, 515B.1-116,
515B.2-103, 515B.2-104, 515B.2-118, 515B.3-102, 515B.3-110, 515B.3-111, 515B.3-113,
515B.3-116, 515B.3-117, 515B.3-118, 515B.3-121, 515B.4-107, 515B.4-108, and
515B.4-116 apply only with respect to events and circumstances occurring on and after
June 1, 1994. All other sections referenced in this section apply only with respect to events
and circumstances occurring after July 31, 1999. A section referenced in this section
does not invalidate the declarations, bylaws or condominium plats of condominiums
created before August 1, 1999. But all sections referenced in this section prevail over the
declarations, bylaws, CIC plats, rules and regulations under them, of condominiums
created before August 1, 1999, except to the extent that this chapter defers to the
declarations, bylaws, CIC plats, or rules and regulations issued under them.
(3) This chapter shall not apply to cooperatives and planned communities created
prior to June 1, 1994, or to planned communities that were created on or after June 1,
1994, and before August 1, 2006, and that consist of more than two but fewer than 13
units; except by election pursuant to subsection (d), and except that sections 515B.1-116,
subsections (a), (c), (d), and (e), 515B.4-107, and 515B.4-108, apply to all planned
communities and cooperatives regardless of when they are created, unless they are exempt
under subsection (e).
(c) This chapter shall not invalidate any amendment to the declaration, bylaws
or condominium plat of any condominium created under chapter 515 or 515A if the
amendment was recorded before June 1, 1994. Any amendment recorded on or after June
1, 1994, shall be adopted in conformity with the procedures and requirements specified by
those instruments and by this chapter. If the amendment grants to any person any rights,
powers or privileges permitted by this chapter, all correlative obligations, liabilities and
restrictions contained in this chapter shall also apply to that person.
(d) Any condominium created under chapter 515, any planned community or
cooperative which would be exempt from this chapter under subsection (e), or any planned
community or cooperative created prior to June 1, 1994, or any planned community that
was created on or after June 1, 1994, and prior to August 1, 2006, and that consists of
more than two but fewer than 13 units, may elect to be subject to this chapter, as follows:
(1) The election shall be accomplished by recording a declaration or amended
declaration, and a new or amended CIC plat where required, and by approving bylaws or
amended bylaws, which conform to the requirements of this chapter, and which, in the
case of amendments, are adopted in conformity with the procedures and requirements
specified by the existing declaration and bylaws of the common interest community,
and by any applicable statutes.
(2) In a condominium, the preexisting condominium plat shall be the CIC plat and
an amended CIC plat shall be required only if the amended declaration or bylaws contain
provisions inconsistent with the preexisting condominium plat. The condominium's CIC
number shall be the apartment ownership number or condominium number originally
assigned to it by the recording officer. In a cooperative in which the unit owners' interests
are characterized as real estate, a CIC plat shall be required. In a planned community,
the preexisting plat or registered land survey recorded pursuant to chapter 505, 508, or
508A, or the part of the plat or registered land survey upon which the common interest
community is located, shall be the CIC plat.
(3) The amendment shall comply with section 515B.2-118(a)(3) and (c); except that
the unanimous consent of the unit owners shall not be required for (i) a clarification of the
unit boundary description if the clarified boundary description is substantially consistent
with the preexisting CIC plat, or (ii) changes from common elements to limited common
elements that occur by operation of section 515B.2-109(c) and (d).
(4) Except as permitted by paragraph (3), no declarant, affiliate of declarant,
association, master association nor unit owner may acquire, increase, waive, reduce or
revoke any previously existing warranty rights or causes of action that one of said persons
has against any other of said persons by reason of exercising the right of election under
this subsection.
(5) A common interest community which elects to be subject to this chapter may, as
a part of the election process, change its form of ownership by complying with section
(e) Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, this chapter shall not apply,
except by election pursuant to subsection (d), to the following:
(1) a planned community which consists of two units, which utilizes a CIC plat
complying with section 515B.2-110(d)(1) and (2), which is not subject to any rights to
subdivide or convert units or to add additional real estate, and which is not subject to a
master association;
(2) a common interest community that consists solely of platted lots or other
separate parcels of real estate designed or utilized for detached single family dwellings or
agricultural purposes, with or without common property, where no association or master
association has an obligation to maintain any building containing a dwelling or any
agricultural building located or to be located on such platted lots or parcels; except that
section 515B.4-101(e) shall apply to the sale of such platted lots or parcels of real estate if
the common interest community is or will be subject to a master declaration;
(3) a cooperative where, at the time of creation of the cooperative, the unit owners'
interests in the dwellings as described in the declaration consist solely of proprietary
leases having an unexpired term of fewer than 20 years, including renewal options;
(4) planned communities utilizing a CIC plat complying with section
515B.2-110(d)(1) and (2) and cooperatives, which are limited by the declaration to
nonresidential uses alone or in combination with residential rental uses in which individual
dwellings do not constitute units or other separate parcels of real estate; or
(5) real estate subject only to an instrument or instruments filed primarily for the
purpose of creating or modifying rights with respect to access, utilities, parking, ditches,
drainage, or irrigation.
(f) Section 515B.4-101(e) applies to any platted lot or other parcel of real estate that
is subject to a master declaration and is not subject to or is exempt from this chapter.
(g) Section 515B.1-106 shall apply to all common interest communities.
(h) deleted text begin The amendments in Laws 2010, chapter 267, to the followingdeleted text end Sections deleted text begin apply
only to common interest communities created on or after August 1, 2010: section
deleted text end deleted text begin 515B.1-103(33) and sectionsdeleted text end new text begin 515B.1-103(33a), new text end 515B.2-110, 515B.3-105, 515B.3-115,
515B.3-116, 515B.4-102, and 515B.4-115deleted text begin .deleted text end new text begin apply only to common interest communities
created before August 1, 2010. Sections 515B.1-103(33b), 515B.2-1101, 515B.3-1051,
515B.3-1151, 515B.4-1021, and 515B.4-1151 apply only to common interest communities
created on or after August 1, 2010.
new text end
(i) Section 515B.3-114deleted text begin , as amended by Laws 2010, chapter 267,deleted text end applies to common
interest communities only for the association's fiscal years commencing deleted text begin on or afterdeleted text end new text begin beforenew text end
January 1, 2012.new text begin Section 515B.3-1141 applies to common interest communities only for
the association's fiscal years commencing on or after January 1, 2012.
new text end
(j) Section 515B.3-104deleted text begin , as amended by Laws 2010, chapter 267, is effective August
1, 2010, and applies to transfers of special declarant rights that are effective on or after that
datedeleted text end new text begin applies only to transfers of special declarant rights that are effective before August
1, 2010. Section 515B.3-1041, subsections (a) through (i), apply only to transfers of
special declarant rights that are effective on or after August 1, 2010. Section 515B.3-1041,
subsections (j) and (k), apply only to special declarant rights reserved in a declaration that
is first recorded on or after August 1, 2010new text end .
new text begin
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
new text end
Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 515B.1-103, is amended to read:
In the declaration and bylaws, unless specifically provided otherwise or the context
otherwise requires, and in this chapter:
(1) "Additional real estate" means real estate that may be added to a flexible
common interest community.
(2) "Affiliate of a declarant" means any person who controls, is controlled by, or is
under common control with a declarant.
(A) A person "controls" a declarant if the person (i) is a general partner, officer,
director, or employer of the declarant, (ii) directly or indirectly or acting in concert with
one or more other persons, or through one or more subsidiaries, owns, controls, holds with
power to vote, or holds proxies representing, more than 20 percent of the voting interest in
the declarant, (iii) controls in any manner the election of a majority of the directors of the
declarant, or (iv) has contributed more than 20 percent of the capital of the declarant.
(B) A person "is controlled by" a declarant if the declarant (i) is a general partner,
officer, director, or employer of the person, (ii) directly or indirectly or acting in concert
with one or more other persons, or through one or more subsidiaries, owns, controls, holds
with power to vote, or holds proxies representing, more than 20 percent of the voting
interest in the person, (iii) controls in any manner the election of a majority of the directors
of the person, or (iv) has contributed more than 20 percent of the capital of the person.
(C) Control does not exist if the powers described in this subsection are held solely
as a security interest and have not been exercised.
(3) "Allocated interests" means the following interests allocated to each unit: (i) in
a condominium, the undivided interest in the common elements, the common expense
liability, and votes in the association; (ii) in a cooperative, the common expense liability
and the ownership interest and votes in the association; and (iii) in a planned community,
the common expense liability and votes in the association.
(4) "Association" means the unit owners' association organized under section
(5) "Board" means the body, regardless of name, designated in the articles of
incorporation, bylaws or declaration to act on behalf of the association, or on behalf of
a master association when so identified.
(6) "CIC plat" means a common interest community plat described in section
(7) "Common elements" means all portions of the common interest community
other than the units.
(8) "Common expenses" means expenditures made or liabilities incurred by or on
behalf of the association, or master association when so identified, together with any
allocations to reserves.
(9) "Common expense liability" means the liability for common expenses allocated
to each unit pursuant to section 515B.2-108.
(10) "Common interest community" or "CIC" means contiguous or noncontiguous
real estate within Minnesota that is subject to an instrument which obligates persons
owning a separately described parcel of the real estate, or occupying a part of the real
estate pursuant to a proprietary lease, by reason of their ownership or occupancy, to pay
for (i) real estate taxes levied against; (ii) insurance premiums payable with respect to; (iii)
maintenance of; or (iv) construction, maintenance, repair or replacement of improvements
located on, one or more parcels or parts of the real estate other than the parcel or part that
the person owns or occupies. Real estate which satisfies the definition of a common
interest community is a common interest community whether or not it is subject to
this chapter. Real estate subject to a master declaration, regardless of when the master
declaration was recorded, shall not collectively constitute a separate common interest
community unless so stated in the master declaration.
(11) "Condominium" means a common interest community in which (i) portions of
the real estate are designated as units, (ii) the remainder of the real estate is designated for
common ownership solely by the owners of the units, and (iii) undivided interests in the
common elements are vested in the unit owners.
(12) "Conversion property" means real estate on which is located a building that
at any time within two years before creation of the common interest community was
occupied for residential use wholly or partially by persons other than purchasers and
persons who occupy with the consent of purchasers.
(13) "Cooperative" means a common interest community in which the real estate
is owned by an association, each of whose members is entitled to a proprietary lease by
virtue of the member's ownership interest in the association.
(14) "Dealer" means a person in the business of selling units for the person's own
(15) "Declarant" means:
(i) if the common interest community has been created, (A) any person who has
executed a declaration, or a supplemental declaration or amendment to a declaration
adding additional real estate, except secured parties, a spouse holding only an inchoate
interest, persons whose interests in the real estate will not be transferred to unit owners,
or, in the case of a leasehold common interest community, a lessor who possesses no
special declarant rights and who is not an affiliate of a declarant who possesses special
declarant rights, or (B) any person who reserves, or succeeds under section 515B.3-104 to
any special declarant rights; or
(ii) any person or persons acting in concert who have offered prior to creation of
the common interest community to transfer their interest in a unit to be created and not
previously transferred.
(16) "Declaration" means any instrument, however denominated, that creates a
common interest community.
(17) "Dispose" or "disposition" means a voluntary transfer to a purchaser of any
legal or equitable interest in the common interest community, but the term does not include
the transfer or release of a security interest.
(18) "Flexible common interest community" means a common interest community
to which additional real estate may be added.
(19) "Leasehold common interest community" means a common interest community
in which all or a portion of the real estate is subject to a lease the expiration or termination
of which will terminate the common interest community or reduce its size.
(20) "Limited common element" means a portion of the common elements allocated
by the declaration or by operation of section 515B.2-109(c)or (d) for the exclusive use of
one or more but fewer than all of the units.
(21) "Master association" means an entity created on or after June 1, 1994, that
directly or indirectly exercises any of the powers set forth in section 515B.3-102 on behalf
of one or more members described in section 515B.2-121(b), (i), (ii) or (iii), whether or
not it also exercises those powers on behalf of one or more property owners' associations
described in section 515B.2-121(b)(iv). A person (i) hired by an association to perform
maintenance, repair, accounting, bookkeeping or management services, or (ii) granted
authority under an instrument recorded primarily for the purpose of creating rights or
obligations with respect to utilities, access, drainage, or recreational amenities, is not,
solely by reason of that relationship, a master association.
(22) "Master declaration" means a written instrument, however named, (i) recorded
on or after June 1, 1994, and (ii) complying with section 515B.2-121, subsection (e).
(23) "Master developer" means a person who is designated in the master declaration
as a master developer or, in the absence of such a designation, the owner or owners of
the real estate subject to the master declaration at the time the master declaration is
recorded, except (i) secured parties and (ii) a spouse holding only an inchoate interest.
A master developer is not a declarant unless the master declaration states that the real
estate subject to the master declaration collectively is or collectively will be a separate
common interest community.
(24) "Period of declarant control" means the time period provided for in section
515B.3-103(c) during which the declarant may appoint and remove officers and directors
of the association.
(25) "Person" means an individual, corporation, limited liability company,
partnership, trustee under a trust, personal representative, guardian, conservator,
government, governmental subdivision or agency, or other legal or commercial entity
capable of holding title to real estate.
(26) "Planned community" means a common interest community that is not a
condominium or a cooperative. A condominium or cooperative may be a part of a planned
(27) "Proprietary lease" means an agreement with a cooperative association whereby
a member of the association is entitled to exclusive possession of a unit in the cooperative.
(28) "Purchaser" means a person, other than a declarant, who by means of a
voluntary transfer acquires a legal or equitable interest in a unit other than (i) a leasehold
interest of less than 20 years, including renewal options, or (ii) a security interest.
(29) "Real estate" means any fee simple, leasehold or other estate or interest in, over,
or under land, including structures, fixtures, and other improvements and interests that by
custom, usage, or law pass with a conveyance of land though not described in the contract
of sale or instrument of conveyance. "Real estate" may include spaces with or without
upper or lower boundaries, or spaces without physical boundaries.
(30) "Residential use" means use as a dwelling, whether primary, secondary or
seasonal, but not transient use such as hotels or motels.
(31) "Secured party" means the person owning a security interest as defined in
paragraph (32).
(32) "Security interest" means a perfected interest in real estate or personal
property, created by contract or conveyance, which secures payment or performance of an
obligation. The term includes a mortgagee's interest in a mortgage, a vendor's interest in
a contract for deed, a lessor's interest in a lease intended as security, a holder's interest
in a sheriff's certificate of sale during the period of redemption, an assignee's interest in
an assignment of leases or rents intended as security, in a cooperative, a lender's interest
in a member's ownership interest in the association, a pledgee's interest in the pledge of
an ownership interest, or any other interest intended as security for an obligation under a
written agreement.
new text begin
(33a) This definition of special declarant rights applies only to common interest
communities created before August 1, 2010. "Special declarant rights" means rights
reserved in the declaration for the benefit of a declarant to:
new text end
new text begin
(i) complete improvements indicated on the CIC plat, planned by the declarant
consistent with the disclosure statement or authorized by the municipality in which the
CIC is located;
new text end
new text begin
(ii) add additional real estate to a common interest community;
new text end
new text begin
(iii) subdivide or combine units, or convert units into common elements, limited
common elements, or units;
new text end
new text begin
(iv) maintain sales offices, management offices, signs advertising the common
interest community, and models;
new text end
new text begin
(v) use easements through the common elements for the purpose of making
improvements within the common interest community or any additional real estate;
new text end
new text begin
(vi) create a master association and provide for the exercise of authority by the
master association over the common interest community or its unit owners;
new text end
new text begin
(vii) merge or consolidate a common interest community with another common
interest community of the same form of ownership; or
new text end
new text begin
(viii) appoint or remove any officer or director of the association, or the master
association where applicable, during any period of declarant control.
new text end
deleted text begin (33)deleted text end new text begin (33b) This definition of special declarant rights applies only to common interest
communities created on or after August 1, 2010. new text end "Special declarant rights" means rights
reserved in the declaration for the benefit of a declarant and expressly identified in the
declaration as special declarant rights. Such special declarant rights may include but
are not limited to the following:
(i) to complete improvements indicated on the CIC plat, planned by the declarant
consistent with the disclosure statement or authorized by the municipality in which the
common interest community is located, and to have and use easements for itself and its
employees, agents, and contractors through the common elements for such purposes;
(ii) to add additional real estate to a common interest community;
(iii) to subdivide or combine units, or convert units into common elements, limited
common elements and/or units, pursuant to section 515B.2-112;
(iv) to maintain and use sales offices, management offices, signs advertising the
common interest community, and models, and to have and use easements for itself and its
employees, agents, and invitees through the common elements for such purposes;
(v) to appoint or remove any officer or director of the association during any period
of declarant control;
(vi) to utilize an alternate common expense plan as provided in section
(vii) to grant common element licenses as provided in section 515B.2-109(e); or
(viii) to review, and approve or disapprove, the exterior design, materials, size,
site location, and other exterior features of buildings and other structures, landscaping
and other exterior improvements, located within the common interest community, and
any modifications or alterations thereto.
Special declarant rights shall not be reserved or utilized for the purpose of evading
any limitation or obligation imposed on declarants by this chapter.
(34) "Time share" means a right to occupy a unit or any of several units during three
or more separate time periods over a period of at least three years, including renewal
options, whether or not coupled with a fee title interest in the common interest community
or a specified portion thereof.
(35) "Unit" means a portion of a common interest community the boundaries
of which are described in the common interest community's declaration and which is
intended for separate ownership, or separate occupancy pursuant to a proprietary lease.
(36) "Unit identifier" means English letters or Arabic numerals, or a combination
thereof, which identify only one unit in a common interest community and which meet
the requirements of section 515B.2-104.
(37) "Unit owner" means a declarant or other person who owns a unit, a lessee under
a proprietary lease, or a lessee of a unit in a leasehold common interest community whose
lease expires simultaneously with any lease the expiration or termination of which will
remove the unit from the common interest community, but does not include a secured
party. In a common interest community, the declarant is the unit owner of a unit until that
unit has been conveyed to another person.
new text begin
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
new text end
Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 515B.1-116, is amended to read:
(a) A declaration, bylaws, a supplemental declaration, any amendment to a
declaration, supplemental declaration, or bylaws, and any other instrument affecting
a common interest community shall be entitled to be recorded. In those counties which
have a tract index, the county recorder shall enter the declaration in the tract index for
each unit or other tract affected. The county recorder shall not enter the declaration in
the tract index for lands described as additional real estate, unless such lands are added
to the common interest community pursuant to section 515B.2-111. The registrar of
titles shall file the declaration in accordance with section 508.351 or 508A.351. The
registrar of titles shall not file the declaration upon certificates of title for lands described
as additional real estate, unless such lands are added to the common interest community
pursuant to section 515B.2-111.
(b) The recording officer shall upon request promptly assign a number (CIC number)
to a common interest community to be formed or to a common interest community
resulting from the merger of two or more common interest communities.
(c) Documents recorded pursuant to this chapter shall in the case of registered
land be filed, and references to the recording of documents shall mean filed in the case
of registered land.
(d) Except as provided in section 515B.2-109, 515B.2-112, 515B.2-114, or
515B.2-124, if a recorded document relating to a common interest community or a master
association purports to require a certain vote or signatures approving any restatement
or amendment of the document by a certain number or percentage of unit owners or
secured parties, and if the amendment or restatement is to be recorded, an affidavit of the
president or secretary of the association stating that the required vote or signatures have
been obtained shall be attached to the document to be recorded and shall constitute prima
facie evidence of the representations contained therein.
(e) Except as permitted under this subsection, a recording officer shall not file or
record a declaration creating a new common interest community, unless the county
treasurer has certified that the property taxes payable in the current year for the real estate
included in the proposed common interest community have been paid. This certification
is in addition to the certification for delinquent taxes required by section 272.12. In the
case of preexisting common interest communities, the recording officer shall accept, file,
and record the following instruments, without requiring a certification as to the current or
delinquent taxes on any of the units in the common interest community: (i) a declaration
new text begin or amended declaration new text end subjecting the common interest community to this chapter; (ii)
a declaration changing the form of a common interest community pursuant to section
515B.2-123; or (iii) an amendment to or restatement of the declaration, bylaws, or CIC
platnew text begin ; provided, that if the declaration, amendment, or restatement changes the boundaries
of an existing tax parcel, then the recording officer shall require a certification as to the
payment of current and delinquent taxes on any tax parcel the boundaries of which are
changednew text end . deleted text begin In order for an instrument to be accepted and recorded under the preceding
sentence, the instrument must not create or change unit or common area boundaries.
deleted text end
new text begin
This section is effective August 1, 2011.
new text end
Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 515B.2-109, is amended to read:
(a) Except as limited by the declaration or this chapter, common elements other than
limited common elements may be used in common by all unit owners. Limited common
elements are designated for the exclusive use of the unit owners of the unit or units to
which the limited common elements are allocated, subject to subsection (b) and the rights
of the association as set forth in the declaration, the bylaws or this chapter.
(b) Except for the limited common elements described in subsections (c) and (d), the
declaration shall specify to which unit or units each limited common element is allocated.
(c) Unless otherwise provided in the declaration, if any chute, flue, duct, wire, pipe,
conduit, bearing wall, bearing column, or other fixture or improvement: (i) serves one or
more but fewer than all units and is located wholly or partially outside the unit boundaries,
it is a limited common element allocated solely to the unit or units served; (ii) serves all
units or any portion of the common elements, it is a part of the common elements; or (iii)
serves only the unit and is located wholly within the unit boundaries, it is a part of the unit.
(d) Unless otherwise provided in the declaration, improvements such as shutters,
awnings, window boxes, doorsteps, stoops, porches, balconies, decks, patios, perimeter
doors and windows, and their frames, constructed as part of the original construction to
serve a single unit or units, and authorized replacements and modifications thereof, if
located wholly or partially outside the unit boundaries, are limited common elements
allocated solely to the unit or units served.
(e) If the declaration so provides, and subject to any different licensing provisions in
a declaration recorded before August 1, 2010, the declarant may grant to a unit owner an
exclusive license for the use of a common element originally designed and constructed to
serve as a garage stall, storage locker, or other similar common element space, in which
case the common element license shall be deemed to be appurtenant to the unit owner's
unit, subject to transfer if so provided by the declaration. The declarant shall, at the time
the license is granted, provide to the deleted text begin associationdeleted text end new text begin unit ownernew text end a common element license
evidenced by a separate instrument signed by the declarantdeleted text begin , thatdeleted text end new text begin and provide a copy of the
instrument to the association. The instrument shallnew text end , at a minimum, deleted text begin identifiesdeleted text end new text begin identifynew text end the
licensed common element, the unit identifier of the unit to which it is appurtenant, and
deleted text begin a reference todeleted text end the section of the declaration governing common element licenses. If the
declaration so provides, the declarant may require the onetime payment to the declarant of
a consideration for the grant of a license.
(1) new text begin A common element license may be held only by a unit owner, and the purported
transfer of a license to a person other than a unit owner shall be void. new text end Except as provided
in the declaration or this subsection, no interest in the common element license may be
held or transferred separate from the unitdeleted text begin , and the purported transfer of any interest in the
license other than to another unit owner shall be voiddeleted text end .
(2) The right of any declarant to grant a common element license shall terminate at
the earlier of (i) the conveyance of all units to persons other than a declarant or (ii) ten
years after the recording of the declaration.
(3) The document granting the common element license shall not be recorded. The
association shall maintain records of all common element licenses including originals
or copies of the common element licenses and transfers of common element licenses
authorized by the declaration.
(4) A common element license granted pursuant to this subsection shall not be
subject to the approval requirements set forth in section 515B.3-102(a)(9).
(f) An allocation of limited common elements may be changed by an amendment
to the declaration executed by the unit owners between or among whose units the
reallocation is made and the association. The amendment shall be approved by the board
of directors of the association as to form, and compliance with the declaration and this
chapter. The association shall establish fair and reasonable procedures and time frames for
the submission and processing of the reallocations, and shall maintain records thereof.
If approved, the association shall cause the amendment to be recorded promptly. The
amendment shall be effective when recorded. The association may require the unit owners
requesting the reallocation to pay all fees and costs for reviewing, preparing and recording
the amendment and any amended CIC plat.
new text begin
This section is effective August 1, 2011.
new text end
Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 515B.2-110, is amended to read:
deleted text begin
(a) A CIC plat is required for condominiums and planned communities, and
cooperatives in which the unit owners' interests are characterized as real estate. The CIC
plat is a part of the declaration in condominiums, in planned communities utilizing a CIC
plat complying with subsection (c), and in cooperatives in which the unit owners' interests
are characterized as real estate, but need not be physically attached to the declaration.
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(1) In a condominium, a planned community not utilizing a subdivision plat or
registered land survey under subsection (d)(1), or a cooperative in which the unit owners'
interests are characterized as real estate, the CIC plat shall comply with subsection (c).
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(2) In a planned community, a CIC plat which does not comply with subsection (c)
shall consist of all or part of a subdivision plat or registered land survey complying with
subsection (d), or any combination thereof. The subdivision plat or registered land survey
need not contain the number of the common interest community and may be recorded at
any time before the recording of the declaration; provided, that if the CIC plat complies
with subsection (c), the number of the common interest community shall be included and
the CIC plat shall be recorded at the time of recording of the declaration.
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(3) In a cooperative in which the unit owners' interests are characterized as personal
property, a CIC plat shall not be required. In lieu of a CIC plat, the declaration, or any
amendment or supplemental declaration creating, converting, or subdividing units, shall
include an exhibit containing a dimensioned, scale drawing showing (i) the boundaries
of the land constituting the cooperative property, (ii) the location and dimensions of the
front, rear, and side boundaries of each unit, and (iii) the unit's unit identifier and location
within the cooperative property.
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(b) The CIC plat, or supplemental or amended CIC plat, for condominiums, for
planned communities using a plat complying with subsection (c), and for cooperatives in
which the unit owners' interests are characterized as real estate, shall contain certifications
by a licensed professional land surveyor and licensed professional architect, as to the parts
of the CIC plat prepared by each, that (i) the CIC plat accurately depicts all information
required by this section, and (ii) the work was undertaken by, or reviewed and approved
by, the certifying land surveyor or architect. The portions of the CIC plat depicting the
dimensions of the portions of the common interest community described in subsections
(c)(8), (9), and (10), may be prepared by either a land surveyor or an architect. The other
portions of the CIC plat shall be prepared only by a land surveyor. A certification of the
CIC plat or supplemental CIC plat, or an amendment to it, under this subsection by an
architect is not required if all parts of the CIC plat, supplemental CIC plat, or amendment
are prepared by a land surveyor. Certification by the land surveyor or architect does not
constitute a guaranty or warranty of the nature, suitability, or quality of construction of
any improvements located or to be located in the common interest community.
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(c) A CIC plat for a condominium, a planned community not utilizing a subdivision
plat or registered land survey under subsection (d)(1), or a cooperative in which the unit
owners' interests are characterized as real estate, shall show:
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(1) the number of the common interest community, and the boundaries, dimensions
and a legally sufficient description of the land included therein;
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(2) the dimensions and location of all existing roadways and material structural
improvements that are part of the common elements;
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(3) the intended location and dimensions of all roadways and material structural
improvements that may be constructed by the declarant within the common elements after
the filing of the CIC plat, labeled either "MUST BE BUILT" or "NEED NOT BE BUILT";
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(4) the location and dimensions of any additional real estate, labeled as such, and a
legally sufficient description of the additional real estate;
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(5) the extent of any encroachments by or upon any portion of the common interest
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(6) the location and dimensions of all recorded easements within the land included
in the common interest community burdening any portion of the land;
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(7) the distance and direction between noncontiguous parcels of real estate;
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(8) the location and dimensions of limited common elements, except that with
respect to limited common elements described in section 515B.2-109, subsections (c)
and (d), only such material limited common elements as porches, balconies, decks, and
patios, shall be shown;
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(9) the location and dimensions of the front, rear, and side boundaries of each unit
and that unit's unit identifier;
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(10) the location and dimensions of the upper and lower boundaries of each unit
with reference to an established or assumed datum and that unit's unit identifier; and
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(11) a legally sufficient description of any real estate in which the unit owners will
own only an estate for years, labeled as "leasehold real estate."
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(d) A CIC plat for a planned community either shall comply with subsection (c),
or it shall:
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(1) comply with chapter 505, 508, or 508A, as applicable; and
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(2) comply with the applicable subdivision requirements of any governmental
authority within whose jurisdiction the planned community is located, subject to the
limitations set forth in section 515B.1-106.
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(e) If a declarant adds additional real estate, the declarant shall record a supplemental
CIC plat or plats for the real estate being added, conforming to the requirements of this
section which apply to the type of common interest community in question. If less than
all additional real estate is being added, the supplemental CIC plat for a condominium,
a planned community whose CIC plat complies with subsection (c), or a cooperative
in which the unit owners' interests are characterized as real estate, shall also show the
location and dimensions of the remaining portion.
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(f) A CIC plat which complies with subsection (c) is not subject to chapter 505.
deleted text end
new text begin
(a) A CIC plat is required for condominiums and planned communities, and
cooperatives in which the unit owners' interests are characterized as real estate. The CIC
plat is a part of the declaration in condominiums, in planned communities utilizing a CIC
plat complying with subsection (c), and in cooperatives in which the unit owners' interests
are characterized as real estate, but need not be physically attached to the declaration.
new text end
new text begin
(1) In a condominium, or a cooperative in which the unit owners' interests are
characterized as real estate, the CIC plat shall comply with subsection (c).
new text end
new text begin
(2) In a planned community, a CIC plat that does not comply with subsection (c)
shall consist of all or part of a subdivision plat or registered land survey complying with
subsection (d), or any combination thereof. The CIC plat or registered land survey need
not contain the number of the common interest community and may be recorded at any
time before the recording of the declaration; provided that if the CIC plat complies with
subsection (c), the number of the common interest community shall be included and the
CIC plat shall be recorded at the time of recording of the declaration.
new text end
new text begin
(3) In a cooperative in which the unit owners' interests are characterized as personal
property, a CIC plat shall not be required. In lieu of a CIC plat, the declaration or
any amendment to it creating, converting, or subdividing units in a personal property
cooperative shall include an exhibit containing a scale drawing of each building,
identifying each building, and showing the perimeter walls of each unit created or changed
by the declaration or any amendment to it, including the unit's unit identifier, and its
location within the building if the building contains more than one unit.
new text end
new text begin
(b) The CIC plat, or supplemental or amended CIC plat, for condominiums, for
planned communities using a plat complying with subsection (c), and for cooperatives in
which the unit owners' interests are characterized as real estate, shall contain certifications
by a licensed professional land surveyor and licensed professional architect, as to the parts
of the CIC plat prepared by each, that (i) the CIC plat accurately depicts all information
required by this section, and (ii) the work was undertaken by, or reviewed and approved
by, the certifying land surveyor or architect. The portions of the CIC plat depicting the
dimensions of the portions of the common interest community described in subsection
(c), clauses (8), (9), (10), and (12), may be prepared by either a land surveyor or an
architect. The other portions of the CIC plat shall be prepared only by a land surveyor.
A certification of the CIC plat or supplemental CIC plat, or an amendment to it, under
this subsection by an architect is not required if all parts of the CIC plat, supplemental
CIC plat, or amendment are prepared by a land surveyor. Certification by the land
surveyor or architect does not constitute a guaranty or warranty of the nature, suitability,
or quality of construction of any improvements located or to be located in the common
interest community.
new text end
new text begin
(c) A CIC plat for a condominium, or a cooperative in which the unit owners'
interests are characterized as real estate, shall show:
new text end
new text begin
(1) the number of the common interest community, and the boundaries, dimensions,
and legally sufficient description of the land included therein;
new text end
new text begin
(2) the dimensions and location of all existing material structural improvements
and roadways;
new text end
new text begin
(3) the intended location and dimensions of any contemplated common element
improvements to be constructed within the common interest community after the filing of
the CIC plat, labeled either "MUST BE BUILT" or "NEED NOT BE BUILT";
new text end
new text begin
(4) the location and dimensions of any additional real estate, labeled as such, and a
legally sufficient description of the additional real estate;
new text end
new text begin
(5) the extent of any encroachments by or upon any portion of the common interest
new text end
new text begin
(6) the location and dimensions of all recorded easements within the land included
in the common interest community burdening any portion of the land;
new text end
new text begin
(7) the distance and direction between noncontiguous parcels of real estate;
new text end
new text begin
(8) the location and dimensions of limited common elements, except that with
respect to limited common elements described in section 515B.2-102, subsections (d) and
(f), only such material limited common elements as porches, balconies, decks, patios, and
garages shall be shown;
new text end
new text begin
(9) the location and dimensions of the front, rear, and side boundaries of each unit
and that unit's unit identifier;
new text end
new text begin
(10) the location and dimensions of the upper and lower boundaries of each unit
with reference to an established or assumed datum and that unit's unit identifier;
new text end
new text begin
(11) a legally sufficient description of any real estate in which the unit owners will
own only an estate for years, labeled as "leasehold real estate"; and
new text end
new text begin
(12) any units which may be converted by the declarant to create additional units or
common elements identified separately.
new text end
new text begin
(d) A CIC plat for a planned community either shall comply with subsection (c),
or it shall:
new text end
new text begin
(1) comply with chapter 505, 508, or 508A, as applicable; and
new text end
new text begin
(2) comply with the applicable subdivision requirements of any governmental
authority within whose jurisdiction the planned community is located, subject to the
limitations set forth in section 515B.1-106.
new text end
new text begin
(e) If a declarant adds additional real estate, the declarant shall record a supplemental
CIC plat or plats for the real estate being added, conforming to the requirements of this
section which apply to the type of common interest community in question. If less than
all additional real estate is being added, the supplemental CIC plat for a condominium,
a planned community whose CIC plat complies with subsection (c), or a cooperative in
which the unit owners' interests are characterized as real estate shall also show the location
and dimensions of the remaining portion.
new text end
new text begin
(f) If, pursuant to section 515B.2-112, a declarant subdivides or converts any unit
into two or more units, common elements, or limited common elements, or combines
two or more units, the declarant shall record an amendment to the CIC plat showing
the location and dimensions of any new units, common elements, or limited common
elements thus created.
new text end
new text begin
(g) A CIC plat that complies with subsection (c) is not subject to chapter 505.
new text end
new text begin
(h) This section applies only to common interest communities created before August
1, 2010.
new text end
new text begin
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
new text end
new text begin
(a) A CIC plat is required for condominiums and planned communities, and
cooperatives in which the unit owners' interests are characterized as real estate. The CIC
plat is a part of the declaration in condominiums, in planned communities utilizing a CIC
plat complying with subsection (c), and in cooperatives in which the unit owners' interests
are characterized as real estate, but need not be physically attached to the declaration.
new text end
new text begin
(1) In a condominium, a planned community not utilizing a subdivision plat or
registered land survey under subsection (d), clause (1), or a cooperative in which the
unit owners' interests are characterized as real estate, the CIC plat shall comply with
subsection (c).
new text end
new text begin
(2) In a planned community, a CIC plat that does not comply with subsection (c)
shall consist of all or part of a subdivision plat or registered land survey complying with
subsection (d), or any combination thereof. The CIC subdivision plat or registered land
survey need not contain the number of the common interest community and may be
recorded at any time before the recording of the declaration; provided that if the CIC plat
complies with subsection (c), the number of the common interest community shall be
included and the CIC plat shall be recorded at the time of recording of the declaration.
new text end
new text begin
(3) In a cooperative in which the unit owners' interests are characterized as personal
property, a CIC plat shall not be required. In lieu of a CIC plat, the declaration, or any
amendment or supplemental declaration creating, converting, or subdividing units shall
include an exhibit containing a dimensioned, scale drawing showing (i) the boundaries
of the land constituting the cooperative property, (ii) the location and dimensions of the
front, rear, and side boundaries of each unit, and (iii) the unit's unit identifier and its
location within the cooperative property.
new text end
new text begin
(b) The CIC plat or supplemental or amended CIC plat for condominiums, for
planned communities using a plat complying with subsection (c), and for cooperatives in
which the unit owners' interests are characterized as real estate shall contain certifications
by a licensed professional land surveyor and licensed professional architect, as to the parts
of the CIC plat prepared by each, that (i) the CIC plat accurately depicts all information
required by this section, and (ii) the work was undertaken by, or reviewed and approved
by, the certifying land surveyor or architect. The portions of the CIC plat depicting the
dimensions of the portions of the common interest community described in subsection (c),
clauses (8), (9), and (10), may be prepared by either a land surveyor or an architect. The
other portions of the CIC plat shall be prepared only by a land surveyor. A certification of
the CIC plat or supplemental CIC plat, or an amendment to it, under this subsection by an
architect is not required if all parts of the CIC plat, supplemental CIC plat, or amendment
are prepared by a land surveyor. Certification by the land surveyor or architect does not
constitute a guaranty or warranty of the nature, suitability, or quality of construction of
any improvements located or to be located in the common interest community.
new text end
new text begin
(c) A CIC plat for a condominium, a planned community not utilizing a subdivision
plat or registered land survey under subsection (d), clause (1), or a cooperative in which
the unit owners' interests are characterized as real estate shall show:
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new text begin
(1) the number of the common interest community, and the boundaries, dimensions,
and a legally sufficient description of the land included therein;
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(2) the dimensions and location of all existing roadways and material structural
improvements that are part of the common elements;
new text end
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(3) the intended location and dimensions of all roadways and material structural
improvements that may be constructed by the declarant within the common elements after
the filing of the CIC plat, labeled either "MUST BE BUILT" or "NEED NOT BE BUILT";
new text end
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(4) the location and dimensions of any additional real estate, labeled as such, and a
legally sufficient description of the additional real estate;
new text end
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(5) the extent of any encroachments by or upon any portion of the common interest
new text end
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(6) the location and dimensions of all recorded easements within the land included
in the common interest community burdening any portion of the land;
new text end
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(7) the distance and direction between noncontiguous parcels of real estate;
new text end
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(8) the location and dimensions of limited common elements, except that with
respect to limited common elements described in section 515B.2-109, subsections (c)
and (d), only such material limited common elements as porches, balconies, decks, and
patios shall be shown;
new text end
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(9) the location and dimensions of the front, rear, and side boundaries of each unit
and that unit's unit identifier;
new text end
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(10) the location and dimensions of the upper and lower boundaries of each unit
with reference to an established or assumed datum and that unit's unit identifier; and
new text end
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(11) a legally sufficient description of any real estate in which the unit owners will
own only an estate for years, labeled as "leasehold real estate."
new text end
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(d) A CIC plat for a planned community either shall comply with subsection (c),
or it shall:
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(1) comply with chapter 505, 508, or 508A, as applicable; and
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(2) comply with the applicable subdivision requirements of any governmental
authority within whose jurisdiction the planned community is located, subject to the
limitations set forth in section 515B.1-106.
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new text begin
(e) If a declarant adds additional real estate, the declarant shall record a supplemental
CIC plat or plats for the real estate being added, conforming to the requirements of this
section which apply to the type of common interest community in question. If less than all
additional real estate is being added, the supplemental CIC plat complies with subsection
(c), or a cooperative in which the unit owners' interests are characterized as real estate,
shall also show the location and dimensions of the remaining portion.
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(f) A CIC plat which complies with subsection (c) is not subject to chapter 505.
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(g) This section applies only to common interest communities created on or after
August 1, 2010.
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This section is effective the day following final enactment.
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Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 515B.2-121, is amended to read:
(a) A master association formed after June 1, 1994, shall be organized as a Minnesota
profit, nonprofit or cooperative corporation. A master association shall be incorporated
prior to the delegation to it of any powers under this chapter.
(b) The members of the master association shall be any combination of (i) unit
owners, (ii) associations, (iii) master associations, or (iv) owners of real estate or property
owners' associations not subject to this chapter but only in combination with at least one
other category of member. An association or its members may be members of an entity
created before June 1, 1994, which performs functions similar to those performed by a
master association regardless of whether the entity is subject to this chapter.
(c) A master association shall be governed by a master board. Except as expressly
prohibited by the master declaration, the master association's articles of incorporation or
bylaws, or other provisions of this chapter, the master board may act in all instances on
behalf of the master association. The directors of a master association shall be elected or, if
a nonprofit corporation, elected or appointed, in a manner consistent with the requirements
of the statute under which the master association is formed and of the master association's
articles of incorporation and bylaws, and subject to the following:
(1) The master declaration may provide for a period of master developer control
of the master association during which a master developer or a person designated by
the master developer may appoint and remove the officers and directors of the master
association. The period of master developer control begins on the date of the recording of
the master declaration and terminates upon the earliest of the following events:
(i) the voluntary surrender of the right to appoint directors;
(ii) the date ten years after the date the master declaration is recorded, unless
extended by an amendment to the master declaration approved in writing by the master
developer, and by 67 percent of the votes of members other than the master developer;
(iii) the termination date, if any, in the master declaration; or
(iv) the date when at least 75 percent of the total units and other parcels of real estate
referred to in subsection (e)(1)(vii) have been conveyed to persons other than a master
developer, master association, declarant, or association.
(2) Upon the termination of the period of master developer control, the master board
shall cause a meeting of the members of the master association to be called and held
within 60 days after said termination, at which time the directors shall be elected by all
members, including the master developer if a member. If the master board fails or refuses
to call a meeting of the unit owners required to be called by this subsection, then the
members other than the master developer and its affiliates, if they are members, may cause
the meeting to be called pursuant to the applicable provisions of the statute under which
the master association was created. If the master developer or its affiliates are members,
they shall be deemed to be present at the meeting for purposes of establishing a quorum
regardless of their failure to attend the meeting. The master board shall thereafter be
subject to the following:
(i) unless otherwise approved by a vote of members other than the master developer
or an affiliate of the master developer, a majority of the directors shall be members, or a
natural person designated by a member that is not a natural person, other than the master
developer or an affiliate of the master developer;
(ii) subject to the requirements of subsection (c)(2)(i), the articles of incorporation or
bylaws may authorize the master developer or a person designated by the master developer
to appoint one director, who need not be a member. The articles of incorporation or
bylaws shall not be amended to change or terminate the authorization to appoint one
director without the written consent of the master developer or other person possessing
the power to appoint; and
(iii) subject to the requirements of subsection (c)(2)(i), the articles of incorporation
or bylaws may authorize special classes of directors and director voting rights, as follows:
(A) classes of directors, (B) the appointment or election of directors in certain classes by
certain classes of members, or (C) class voting by classes of directors on issues affecting
only a certain class or classes of members, units, or other parcels of real estate, or to
otherwise protect the legitimate interests of such class or classes. No person may utilize
such special classes or class voting for the purpose of evading any limitation imposed by
this chapter on master developers or declarants.
(d) Subject to subsection (c)(1), the officers of a master association shall be elected,
appointed, or designated in a manner consistent with the statute under which the master
association is formed and consistent with the master association articles of incorporation
and bylaws.
(e) The creation and authority of a master association shall be governed by the
following requirements:
(1) A master declaration shall be recorded in connection with the creation of a
master association. The master declaration shall be executed by the owners of the real
estate subjected to the master declaration and by the master developer if not an owner.
The master declaration shall contain, at a minimum:
(i) the name of the master association;
(ii) a legally sufficient description of the real estate which is subject to the master
declaration, identifying any interest in the real estate which will be owned by the master
association, and a legally sufficient description of any other real estate which may be
subjected to the master declaration pursuant to subsection (f);
(iii) a statement as to whether the real estate subject to, and which may be subjected
to, the master declaration collectively is or collectively will be a separate common interest
(iv) a description of the members of the master association;
(v) a description of the master association's powers. To the extent described in
the master declaration, a master association has the powers with respect to the master
association's members and the property subject to the master declaration that section
515B.3-102 grants to an association with respect to the association's members and the
property subject to the declaration. A master association also has the powers delegated to
it by an association pursuant to subsection (e)(2) or by a property owners' association not
subject to the chapter; provided (A) that the master declaration identifies the powers and
authorizes the delegation either expressly or by a grant of authority to the master board
of the association or property owners' association and (B) that the master association
board has not refused the delegation pursuant to subsection (e)(4). The provisions of
the declarations of the common interest communities, or the provisions of recorded
instruments governing other property subject to the master declaration, that delegate
powers to the master association shall be consistent with the provisions of the master
declaration that govern the delegation of the powers;
(vi) a description of the formulas governing the allocation of assessments and
member voting rights, including any special classes or class voting referred to in
subsection (c);
(vii) a statement, based upon the master developer's good faith estimate, of the
total number of units and other parcels of real estate intended for ownership by persons
other than a master developer, master association, declarant, or association that are (A)
subject to the master declaration as initially recorded and (B) intended to be created by the
addition of real estate or by the subdivision of units or other parcels of real estate; and
(viii) the requirements for amendment of the master declaration, other than an
amendment under subsection (f).
(2) The declaration of a common interest community located on property subject to
a master declaration may:
(i) delegate any of the powers described in section 515B.3-102 to the
master association; provided, that a delegation of the powers described in section
515B.3-102(a)(2) is effective only if expressly stated in the declaration; and
(ii) authorize the deleted text begin masterdeleted text end board to delegate any of the powers described in section
515B.3-102, except for the powers described in section 515B.3-102(a)(2), to the master
(3) With respect to any other property subject to a master association, there need
not be an instrument other than the master declaration recorded against the property to
empower the master association to exercise powers with respect to the property.
(4) If a declaration or other recorded instrument authorizes the master board or
the board of a property owners' association to delegate powers to a master association,
the master board may refuse any delegation of powers that does not comply with (i)
this chapter, (ii) the declaration or other recorded instrument, or (iii) the organizational
documents of the master association.
(5) The failure of a declaration, a master board, or an owner of property subject
to a master association to properly delegate some or all of the powers to the master
association does not affect the authority of the master association to exercise those and
other powers with respect to other common interest communities or owners of properties
that are subject to the master association.
(6) Any interest in the real estate subject to a master declaration that subsection
(e)(1)(ii) or (f) indicates will be owned by the master association shall be conveyed
to the master association immediately after the recording of the master declaration or
amendment to the master declaration, as applicable.
(f) If the master declaration so provides, other real estate may be subjected to the
master declaration. The other real estate shall be subjected to the master declaration by an
amendment executed (i) by the master developer and (ii) by the owner of the other real
estate. The amendment shall identify any ownership interest in the other real estate that
will be owned by the master association.
(g) Sections 515B.3-103(a), (b), and (g), 515B.3-108, 515B.3-109, 515B.3-110, and
515B.3-112 shall apply in the conduct of the affairs of a master association. But the rights
of voting, notice, and other rights enumerated in those sections apply to persons who elect
or appoint the directors of a master board, whether or not those persons are otherwise unit
owners within the meaning of this chapter.
(h) If so provided in the master declaration, a master association may levy
assessments for common expenses of the master association against its members and the
property subject to the master declaration, and have and foreclose liens securing the
assessments. The assessment liens shall have the same priority against secured parties,
shall include the same fees and charges, and may be foreclosed in the same manner,
as assessment liens under section 515B.3-116. The master association's lien shall have
priority as against the lien of an association or property owners' association subject to the
master association, regardless of when the lien arose or was perfected.
(1) Master association common expenses shall be allocated among the members of
the master association in a fair and equitable manner. If the members include associations
or property owners' associations, then the master assessments may be allocated among
and levied against the associations or property owners' associations, or allocated among
and levied against the units or other parcels of real estate owned by the members of the
association or property owners' association. If so provided in the master declaration,
master assessments levied against a member association or property owners' association
are allocated among and levied against the units or other parcels of real estate owned
by the members of the association or property owners' association. If applicable and
appropriate, the formulas and principles described in section 515B.2-108, subsections (b),
(c), (d), and (e), shall be used in making the allocations. The assessment formulas and
procedures described in the declarations of any common interest communities or any
instruments governing other real estate subject to the master association shall not conflict
with the formulas and procedures described in the master declaration.
(2) Subject to subsection (i), the master declaration may exempt from liability for all
or a portion of master association assessments any person authorized by subsection (c)(1)
to appoint the members of the master board, or any other person, and exempt any unit or
other parcel of real estate owned by the person from a lien for such assessments, until the
building containing the unit, or located within the boundaries of the unit or other parcel
of real estate, is substantially completed. Substantial completion shall be evidenced by a
certificate of occupancy in a jurisdiction that issues that certificate.
(i) A master association shall not be used, directly or indirectly, to avoid or nullify
any warranties or other obligations for which a declarant of a common interest community
subject to the master association is responsible, or to otherwise avoid the requirements
of this chapter.
new text begin
This section is effective August 1, 2011.
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Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 515B.2-124, is amended to read:
(a) Unless the declaration provides otherwise, a part of a common interest
community containing one or more units, with or without common elements, may be
severed from the common interest community, subject to the requirements of this section.
Subject to any additional requirements contained in the declaration, the severance shall be
approved in a written severance agreement complying with this section, executed by:
(1) unit owners entitled to cast at least 67 percent of the votes in the association,
which approval shall include the approval of unit owners entitled to cast a majority of the
votes allocated to units in the remaining common interest community and the approval
of unit owners entitled to cast a majority of the votes allocated to units in the part of the
common interest community being severed;
(2) declarant until the earlier of five years after the recording of the declaration or
the time at which declarant no longer owns an unsold unit; and
(3) in the case of a cooperative, all holders of mortgages or contracts for deed on the
entire real estate constituting the cooperative.
(b) The declaration may specify a smaller percentage for unit owner approval only if
all of the units are restricted to nonresidential use.
(c) The severance agreement shall specify a severance date by which the severance
of the common interest community shall be accomplished, after which the severance
agreement is void. The severance agreement shall be deemed to grant to the association a
power of attorney coupled with an interest to effect the severance of the common interest
community on behalf of the unit owners and the holders of all other interests in the units,
including without limitations the power to execute the amendment to the declaration, any
instruments of conveyance, and all related instruments.
(d) The severance agreement shall:
(1) Approve an amendment to the declaration complying with this chapter, in
substantially the same form to be recorded, and an amendment to the CIC plat if
required. The declaration amendment shall, at a minimum, (i) legally describe the real
estate constituting the remaining common interest community and the real estate being
severed, (ii) restate the number of units in the remaining common interest community, (iii)
reallocate the interests of the unit owners in the remaining common interest community
among the remaining units in accordance with the allocation formula set forth in the
declaration, and (iv) recite any easements to which the severed portion of the common
interest community remains subject.
(2) Approve an amendment to the articles of incorporation and bylaws of the
remaining common interest community, if necessary.
(3) Authorize the association to execute and record the amended declaration, articles
of incorporation or bylaws on behalf of the unit owners and all other persons holding an
interest in the remaining common interest community, and to take other actions necessary
to accomplish the severance of the common interest community.
(4) Allocate the assets and liabilities of the association between the association and
(i) a new association formed pursuant to subsection (g), or (ii) the owners of the units being
severed, subject to a lien against their interest in the severed real estate or their share in the
assets of the association in favor of any person that held a security interest in their unit.
(5) If the units that are being severed from the common interest community will not
be included in a new common interest community that is (i) formed simultaneously with
the severance of the common interest community, and (ii) includes all of the units and
substantially all of the common elements being severed, then the agreement shall contain
the written consent of holders of first mortgages on all units that are being severed, and
shall describe in detail the proposed disposition of all real estate to be severed and all
assets of the association allocated to the severed units, and the distribution of the proceeds
of the disposition, if any, consistent with subsection (i).
(e) The severance agreement or a memorandum of it shall be recorded in every
county in which a part of the common interest community is located. The recording of the
severance agreement or memorandum of it shall, from the date of recording, constitute
notice to all persons subsequently acquiring an interest in the common interest community
that the common interest community is being severed, and that those persons acquire their
interests subject to the terms and conditions contained in the severance agreement and
the amendment to the declaration.
(f) The amendment to the declaration of the remaining common interest community
shall be recorded on or before the severance date or the severance agreement and the
amendment to the declaration are void as of the day after the severance date. The recording
of the amendment to the declaration shall complete the severance of the common interest
community and release the severed part of the common interest community from the
declaration without further action by any person.
(g) If the deleted text begin unit owners whosedeleted text end units new text begin that new text end are being severed from the common interest
community deleted text begin intend to formdeleted text end new text begin will be included innew text end a new common interest community, then
deleted text begin saiddeleted text end unit owners deleted text begin shall, bydeleted text end new text begin entitled to castnew text end at least 80 percent of the votes allocated by
the existing declaration to deleted text begin saiddeleted text end new text begin thesenew text end unitsdeleted text begin ,deleted text end new text begin shallnew text end approve a new declaration, articles of
incorporation and bylaws to govern the new common interest community no later than deleted text begin 60
days before deleted text end the deleted text begin effectivedeleted text end date of the severancenew text begin agreement. However, the new declaration
shall not create, increase, or extend special declarant rights, increase the number of units,
change unit boundaries, change the formula for allocations of interests, change the use of
a unit from residential to nonresidential or conversely, or change the form of common
interest community, unless agreed to in writing by all owners whose units are being
severednew text end . The new declaration shall be recorded simultaneously with the amendment to
the existing declaration. deleted text begin No later than 30 days after the date of the severance agreement,deleted text end
The articles of incorporation creating the association intended to govern the new common
interest community shall be filed with the secretary of state and deleted text begin promptly thereafterdeleted text end the
unit owners whose units are being severed shall elect a board of directors to act on behalf
of the new associationnew text begin before the recording of the new declaration. The new association
shall have a power of attorney coupled with an interest to execute and record the new
declaration, any instruments of conveyance, and all related instruments on behalf of the
unit owners whose units are being severed from the common interest community, but shall
not thereby acquire any rights or obligations of a declarantnew text end . The board of directors of the
new association shall cooperate with the board of directors of the existing association to
complete the severance. The existing association shall retain all authority to act on behalf
of the common interest community until the amendment to the existing declaration and
the new declaration are recorded.
(h) The legal descriptions of the real estate constituting (i) the remaining common
interest community, and (ii) the severed portion of the common interest community shall,
at the time of recording of the amendment to the declaration referred to in subsection
(e), be as follows:
(1) In a planned community using a CIC plat that complies with section 515B.2-110,
subsection (d), the lot and block descriptions contained in the CIC plat, and any
amendments to it, with respect to (i) the remaining common interest community, and (ii)
the severed portion of the common interest community.
(2) In a condominium, or cooperative or planned community using a CIC plat that
complies with section 515B.2-110, subsection (c), (i) the CIC plat description relating
to the remaining common interest community, and (ii) the part of the underlying legal
description of the real estate in the declaration creating the common interest community,
and any amendments to it, relating to the severed part of the common interest community.
(3) The recording officer for each county in which the common interest community
is located shall index the property located in that county in its records under the legal
descriptions required by this subsection as of the date of recording of the amendment to the
declaration. In the case of registered property, the registrar of titles shall cancel the existing
certificates of title for the severed part of the common interest community and issue
certificates of title for the property using the legal descriptions required by this subsection.
(i) In a condominium or planned community, if the severed part of the common
interest community is not to be reconstituted as a new common interest community
following severance, title to all the real estate in the severed part of the common interest
community vests in the unit owners of the units being severed, upon severance, as
provided in the severance agreement.
(j) No common interest community shall be severed in such a manner as to
materially impair access, utility services, communication services, or other essential
services with respect to either the remaining common interest community or the severed
part of the common interest community.
new text begin
This section is effective August 1, 2011.
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Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 515B.3-102, is amended to read:
(a) Except as provided in subsections (b) and (c), and subject to the provisions of the
declaration or bylaws, the association shall have the power to:
(1) adopt, amend and revoke rules and regulations not inconsistent with the articles
of incorporation, bylaws and declaration, as follows: (i) regulating the use of the common
elements; (ii) regulating the use of the units, and conduct of unit occupants, which may
jeopardize the health, safety or welfare of other occupants, which involves noise or
other disturbing activity, or which may damage the common elements or other units;
(iii) regulating or prohibiting animals; (iv) regulating changes in the appearance of the
common elements and conduct which may damage the common interest community;
(v) regulating the exterior appearance of the common interest community, including,
for example, balconies and patios, window treatments, and signs and other displays,
regardless of whether inside a unit; (vi) implementing the articles of incorporation,
declaration and bylaws, and exercising the powers granted by this section; and (vii)
otherwise facilitating the operation of the common interest community;
(2) adopt and amend budgets for revenues, expenditures and reserves, and levy and
collect assessments for common expenses from unit owners;
(3) hire and discharge managing agents and other employees, agents, and
independent contractors;
(4) institute, defend, or intervene in litigation or administrative proceedings (i) in
its own name on behalf of itself or two or more unit owners on matters affecting the
common elements or other matters affecting the common interest community or, (ii) with
the consent of the owners of the affected units on matters affecting only those units;
(5) make contracts and incur liabilities;
(6) regulate the use, maintenance, repair, replacement, and modification of the
common elements and the units;
(7) cause improvements to be made as a part of the common elements, and, in the
case of a cooperative, the units;
(8) acquire, hold, encumber, and convey in its own name any right, title, or interest
to real estate or personal property, but (i) common elements in a condominium or planned
community may be conveyed or subjected to a security interest only pursuant to section
515B.3-112, or (ii) part of a cooperative may be conveyed, or all or part of a cooperative
may be subjected to a security interest, only pursuant to section 515B.3-112;
(9) grant new text begin or amend new text end easements for public utilities, public rights-of-way or other
public purposes, and cable television or other communications, through, over or under
the common elements; grant new text begin or amend new text end easements, leases, or licenses to unit owners for
purposes authorized by the declaration; and, subject to approval by a vote of unit owners
other than declarant or its affiliates, grant new text begin or amend new text end other easements, leases, and licenses
through, over or under the common elements;
(10) impose and receive any payments, fees, or charges for the use, rental, or
operation of the common elements, other than limited common elements, and for services
provided to unit owners;
(11) impose interest and late charges for late payment of assessments and, after
notice and an opportunity to be heard before the board or a committee appointed by it,
levy reasonable fines for violations of the declaration, bylaws, and rules and regulations
of the association;
(12) impose reasonable charges for the review, preparation and recordation of
amendments to the declaration, resale certificates required by section 515B.4-107,
statements of unpaid assessments, or furnishing copies of association records;
(13) provide for the indemnification of its officers and directors, and maintain
directors' and officers' liability insurance;
(14) provide for reasonable procedures governing the conduct of meetings and
election of directors;
(15) exercise any other powers conferred by law, or by the declaration, articles
of incorporation or bylaws; and
(16) exercise any other powers necessary and proper for the governance and
operation of the association.
(b) Notwithstanding subsection (a) the declaration or bylaws may not impose
limitations on the power of the association to deal with the declarant which are more
restrictive than the limitations imposed on the power of the association to deal with other
(c) Notwithstanding subsection (a), powers exercised under this section must comply
with section 500.215.
new text begin
This section is effective August 1, 2011.
new text end
Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 515B.3-104, is amended to read:
deleted text begin
(a) Except as set forth in subsection (b) or (c), a special declarant right, as defined in
section 515B.1-103(33), does not run with title and may only be transferred pursuant to
a separate transfer instrument, titled a "Transfer of Special Declarant Rights," that both
the transferor and the transferee execute.
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(1) A transfer shall be recorded in compliance with applicable law, and is not
effective (i) unless recorded and (ii) unless the transferee is the owner of record of a unit
or additional real estate at the time the transfer is recorded.
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deleted text begin
(2) A transferor may transfer fewer than all of the special declarant rights the
transferor holds provided that any special declarant rights not transferred are subject
to item (i).
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deleted text begin
(3) If as a result of a transfer there will be multiple declarants holding special
declarant rights, the transfer shall describe the allocation of each special declarant
right between or among the transferor and each transferee, including, at a minimum, a
description of the units or additional real estate to which the respective special declarant
rights apply and the name and address of the owner or owners of record of the respective
units or additional real estate at the time the transfer is recorded.
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(b) If a declarant's ownership interest in a unit, or in additional real estate that may
become subject to the declaration pursuant to the exercise of a special declarant right, is
transferred to another person as a result of the foreclosure, termination, or cancellation of
a security interest, foreclosure of a judgment lien, tax judgment sale, tax-forfeited land
sale, sale or transfer under bankruptcy code or receivership proceedings, or other sale or
transfer approved by a court, or is transferred by a deed in lieu of foreclosure, then all
special declarant rights that are reserved to the declarant in the declaration and that relate
to the units or additional real estate transferred are automatically transferred to the person
acquiring title from the declarant, and the transfer is effective as to all special declarant
rights, unless or until: (i) the security instrument in the case of the foreclosure, termination,
or cancellation of a security interest, (ii) the instrument effecting the involuntary transfer,
or (iii) a separate instrument executed by the transferee and recorded in compliance with
applicable law within 60 days after the date the transferee acquires title to the declarant's
ownership interest, provides for the transfer of fewer than all of the declarant's special
declarant rights. For purposes of this subsection, the transferee shall be deemed to acquire
title upon the expiration of the owner's period of redemption, or reinstatement in the case
of contract for deed. The transferor shall cease to have and shall not exercise any special
declarant right that relates to the transferor's ownership interest in the units or additional
real estate transferred, whether or not the transferee subsequently disclaims the right,
but the transferor retains all reserved special declarant rights that relate to its ownership
interest that is not transferred to the transferee.
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(c) If a declarant is an individual rather than a legal entity, and the individual dies,
then all special declarant rights that are reserved to the declarant in the declaration and
that relate to the units or additional real estate owned by the declarant are automatically
transferred with the title to said units or additional real estate.
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deleted text begin
(d) A transferor's liability for the performance of obligations that this chapter
imposes upon a declarant is as follows:
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deleted text begin
(1) A transferor remains liable under this chapter for all obligations that this chapter
imposes upon a declarant and arising on or before the effective date of the transfer, except
that a transferor is not liable under section 515B.4-112 for any express warranties that
a transferee makes to a purchaser. Except as set forth in subsection (d)(2) and (3), a
transferor is not liable under this chapter for the performance of any obligations that this
chapter imposes upon a declarant and arising after the effective date of the transfer.
deleted text end
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(2) If a transferor and a transferee are affiliates, the transferor and the transferee are
jointly and severally liable under this chapter for the performance of all the obligations that
this chapter imposes upon a declarant, whether such obligations arise before, on, or after
the effective date of the transfer. Upon a subsequent transfer, a prior transferor remains
liable to the extent its transferee remains liable under subsection (d) and is relieved of
liability to the same extent that its transferee is relieved of liability under subsection (e).
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(3) If, following a transfer of special declarant rights, the transferor retains special
declarant rights, the transferor and transferee are jointly and severally liable for the
performance of all the obligations that this chapter imposes upon a declarant and that arise
after the effective date of the transfer, except that the transferor is not liable under section
515B.4-101(b) or 515B.4-102(b), and section 515B.4-109, 515B.4-110, 515B.4-111,
515B.4-112, 515B4.-113, 515B.4-117, or 515B.4-118, to any purchaser from or through
the transferee.
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(e) Except as provided in subsections (g) and (h), a transferee's liability for the
performance of obligations that this chapter imposes upon a declarant is as follows:
deleted text end
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(1) Except as set forth in subsection (e)(3), a transferee is liable under this chapter for
all obligations that this chapter imposes upon a declarant and that arise after the effective
date of the transfer. A transferee is not liable under this chapter for the performance of
any obligations that this chapter imposes upon a declarant and that arise before or on the
effective date of the transfer, except that a transferee is liable under section 515B.4-112
for any express warranties the transferee makes to a purchaser before or on the effective
date of the transfer.
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(2) If a transferor and a transferee are affiliates, the transferor and the transferee are
jointly and severally liable under this chapter for the performance of all the obligations that
this chapter imposes upon a declarant, whether such obligations arise before, on, or after
the effective date of the transfer. Upon a subsequent transfer, a prior transferor remains
liable to the extent its transferee remains liable under subsection (d) and is relieved of
liability to the same extent that its transferee is relieved of liability under this subsection.
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(3) If, following a transfer of special declarant rights under subsection (a) or (b),
the transferor retains special declarant rights, the transferor and transferee are jointly and
severally liable for the performance of all the obligations that this chapter imposes upon a
declarant and that arise after the effective date of the transfer, except that the transferee
is not liable under section 515B.4-101(b) or 515B.4-102(b), and section 515B.4-109,
515B.4-110, 515B.4-111, 515B.4-112, 515B.4-113, 515B.4-117, or 515B.4-118, to any
purchaser from or through the transferor.
deleted text end
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(f) For purposes of this section, a declarant's obligations under section 515B.3-111(a)
arise when the tort or contract violation occurs; a declarant's obligations to a purchaser
under section 515B.4-112 arise when the declarant makes an express warranty to the
purchaser; and a declarant's obligations to a purchaser under sections 515B.4-113 and
515B.4-118(a), arise when the declarant conveys a unit to the purchaser.
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(g) A transferee who acquires special declarant rights pursuant to subsection (b) and
who is not an affiliate of the transferor may record an instrument in compliance with
subsection (b) stating that the transferee elects to acquire only the special declarant rights
described in section 515B.1-103(33)(i), (ii), and (iv). In that case, the transferee is liable
as a declarant only to purchasers from said transferee and only for the obligations of a
declarant under sections 515B.4-101(b) and 515B.4-102(b), and sections 515B.4-109,
515B.4-110, 515B.4-111, 515B.4-113, 515B.4-117, and 515B.4-118, and for any express
warranties under section 515B.4-112 that the transferee makes to purchasers.
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(h) A transferee who acquires special declarant rights pursuant to subsection (b) and
who is not an affiliate of the transferor may record an instrument in compliance with
subsection (b) stating that the transferee elects to acquire the special declarant rights
solely for subsequent retransfer to another person who acquires title to units or additional
real estate from said transferee. In that case, (i) the transferee may not utilize special
declarant rights in the sale of units or otherwise sell units, except to a person who also
acquires one or more special declarant rights the transferee holds with respect to the units
or additional real estate sold; (ii) the transferee may not exercise any special declarant
rights other than the rights described in section 515B.1-103(33)(v); (iii) the transferee is
not liable to make up any operating deficit under section 515B.3-115(a)(2); and (iv) the
transferee is liable as a declarant only for the obligations of a declarant under sections
515B.3-103, 515B.3-111, and 515B.3-120, as applicable. A transferee who makes the
election described in this subsection may subsequently rescind the election in whole
or in part by recording an instrument in compliance with applicable law, and upon the
recording of such an instrument the transferee's rights and obligations as a declarant shall
be as otherwise set forth in this section.
deleted text end
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(i) A special declarant right held by a declarant terminates upon the earlier of: (i) that
declarant's voluntary surrender of the special declarant right by giving written notice to the
unit owners pursuant to section 515B.1-115; or (ii) the conveyance, whether voluntary
or involuntary, by that declarant, of all of the units and additional real estate owned by
that declarant, unless immediately after the conveyance the special declarant right is
transferred to the grantee. All special declarant rights terminate ten years after the date of
the first conveyance of a unit to a person other than a declarant unless extended by the
vote or written agreement of unit owners entitled to cast at least 67 percent of the votes
allocated to units not owned by a declarant.
deleted text end
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(j) No person shall exercise special declarant rights unless, at the time of exercise,
the person holds title of record to one or more units or additional real estate. Any exercise
of a special declarant right in violation of this section shall be void, and the person
attempting to exercise the right shall be liable for all damages and costs arising from its
actions. Nothing in this section shall subject any transferee of a special declarant right to
any claims against or other obligations of a transferor, other than claims and obligations
arising under this chapter, or the declaration or bylaws.
deleted text end
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(a) A special declarant right created or reserved under this chapter may be
voluntarily transferred only by a separate instrument evidencing the transfer recorded
in every county in which any part of the common interest community is located. The
separate instrument shall be recorded against all units in the common interest community,
or in the case of a cooperative, against the real estate owned by the cooperative, or in
the case of a condominium on registered land, the instrument must be filed pursuant to
section 508.351, subdivision 3, or 508A.351, subdivision 3. The instrument may provide
for the conveyance of less than all of the special declarant rights, and is not effective
unless executed by the transferor and transferee. A deed in lieu of foreclosure, or other
conveyance arising out of a foreclosure or cancellation, shall not be deemed a voluntary
transfer within the meaning of this section.
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(b) Upon the voluntary transfer of any special declarant right, the liability of a
transferor declarant is as follows:
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(1) A transferor is not relieved of any obligation or liability arising before the
transfer and remains liable for warranty obligations imposed on the transferor by this
chapter. Lack of privity does not deprive any unit owner of standing to maintain an action
to enforce any obligation of the transferor.
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(2) If a successor to any special declarant right is an affiliate of a declarant, the
transferor is jointly and severally liable with the successor for any obligations or liabilities
of the successor relating to the common interest community.
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(3) If a transferor retains any special declarant rights, but transfers other special
declarant rights to a successor who is not an affiliate of the declarant, the transferor is
liable for any obligations or liabilities imposed on a declarant by this chapter or by the
declaration relating to the retained special declarant rights and arising before or after
the transfer.
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(4) A transferor has no liability for any act or omission or any breach of a contractual
or warranty obligation arising from the exercise of a special declarant right by a successor
declarant who is not an affiliate of the transferor.
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(c) Upon the voluntary transfer of any special declarant right, the liability of a
successor declarant is as follows:
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(1) A successor to any special declarant right who is an affiliate of a declarant is
subject to all obligations and liabilities imposed on the transferor by this chapter or the
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(2) A successor to any special declarant right who is not an affiliate of a declarant
is subject to all obligations and liabilities imposed by this chapter or by the declaration,
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(i) misrepresentations by any previous declarant;
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(ii) warranty obligations on improvements made by any previous declarant, or made
before the common interest community was created;
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(iii) breach of any fiduciary obligation by any previous declarant or the declarant's
appointees to the board;
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(iv) any liability or obligation imposed on the transferor as a result of the transferor's
acts or omissions after the transfer; and
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(v) any liability arising out of a special declarant right which was not transferred as
provided in subsection (a).
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(d) In case of foreclosure of a mortgage or cancellation of a contract for deed or
other security interest (or conveyance in lieu thereof), sale by a trustee under an agreement
creating a security interest, tax sale, judicial sale, or sale under bankruptcy code or
receivership proceedings, of any units or additional real estate, or interest therein, owned
by a declarant, a person acquiring title to the property or interests succeeds to all special
declarant rights related to the property or interests held by that declarant and acquired by it
unless (i) the mortgage instrument or other instrument creating the security interest, (ii) the
instrument conveying title, or (iii) a separate instrument signed by the person and recorded
within 60 days after the person acquires title to the property or interests, provides for
transfer of less than all special declarant rights. The separate instrument need be recorded
only against the title to the units or interests other than those being acquired under this
subsection, or in the case of a cooperative, against the real estate owned by the cooperative.
The declarant shall cease to have or exercise any special declarant rights which are
transferred. If the person has limited the transfer of certain special declarant rights as
provided in this subsection, then it and its successor's liability shall be limited, as follows:
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(1) If the person or its successor limits its rights and liabilities only to maintain
models, sales office and signs, and if that party is not an affiliate of a declarant, it is not
subject to any liability or obligations as a declarant, except the obligation to provide a
disclosure statement and any liability arising from that obligation, and it may not exercise
any other special declarant rights.
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(2) If the person or its successor is not an affiliate of a declarant, it may declare its
intention in a recorded instrument as provided in subsection (a) to acquire all special
declarant rights and hold those rights solely for transfer to another person. Thereafter, until
the special declarant rights are transferred to a person acquiring title to any unit owned by
the successor, or until a separate instrument is recorded permitting exercise of all of those
rights, that successor may not exercise any of those rights other than the right to control
the board of directors in accordance with the provisions of section 515B.3-103 for the
duration of any period of declarant control. So long as any successor may not exercise its
special declarant rights under this subsection, it is not subject to any liability or obligation
as a declarant other than liability for its acts and omissions under section 515B.3-103.
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(e) Any attempted exercise by a purported successor to a special declarant right
which is not transferred as provided in this section is void, and any purported successor
attempting to exercise that right shall be liable for any damages arising out of its actions.
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(f) Nothing in this section shall subject any successor to a special declarant right to
any claims against or other obligations of a transferor declarant, other than claims and
obligations arising under this chapter, or the declaration or bylaws.
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(g) This section applies only to transfers of special declarant rights that are effective
before August 1, 2010.
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This section is effective the day following final enactment.
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(a) Except as set forth in subsection (b) or (c), a special declarant right, as defined in
section 515B.1-103(33b), does not run with title and may only be transferred pursuant to
a separate transfer instrument, titled a "Transfer of Special Declarant Rights," that both
the transferor and the transferee execute.
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(1) A transfer shall be recorded in compliance with applicable law, and is not
effective unless the transferee is the owner of record of a unit or additional real estate at
the time the transfer is recorded. Transfers recorded on or after the effective date of this
section shall be recorded against title to all units in the common interest community.
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(2) A transferor may transfer fewer than all of the special declarant rights the
transferor holds provided that any special declarant rights not transferred are subject
to item (i).
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(3) If as a result of a transfer there will be multiple declarants holding special
declarant rights, the transfer shall describe the allocation of each special declarant
right between or among the transferor and each transferee, including, at a minimum, a
description of the units or additional real estate to which the respective special declarant
rights apply and the name and address of the owner or owners of record of the respective
units or additional real estate at the time the transfer is recorded.
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(b) If a declarant's ownership interest in a unit, or in additional real estate that may
become subject to the declaration pursuant to the exercise of a special declarant right, is
transferred to another person as a result of the foreclosure, termination, or cancellation of
a security interest, foreclosure of a judgment lien, tax judgment sale, tax forfeited land
sale, sale or transfer under bankruptcy code or receivership proceedings, or other sale or
transfer approved by a court, or is transferred by a deed in lieu of foreclosure, then all
special declarant rights that are reserved to the declarant in the declaration and that relate
to the units or additional real estate transferred are automatically transferred to the person
acquiring title from the declarant, and the transfer is effective as to all special declarant
rights, unless or until: (i) the security instrument in the case of the foreclosure, termination,
or cancellation of a security interest, (ii) the instrument effecting the involuntary transfer,
or (iii) a separate instrument executed by the transferee and recorded in compliance with
applicable law within 60 days after the date the transferee acquires title to the declarant's
ownership interest, provides for the transfer of fewer than all of the declarant's special
declarant rights. From and after the effective date of this section, a separate instrument
recorded pursuant to subsection (b), item (iii), shall be recorded against title to all units
in the common interest community. For purposes of this subsection, the transferee shall
be deemed to acquire title upon the expiration of the owner's period of redemption, or
reinstatement in the case of contract for deed. The transferor shall cease to have and shall
not exercise any special declarant right that relates to the transferor's ownership interest in
the units or additional real estate transferred, whether or not the transferee subsequently
disclaims the right, but the transferor retains all reserved special declarant rights that relate
to its ownership interest that is not transferred to the transferee.
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(c) If a declarant is an individual rather than a legal entity, and the individual dies,
than all special declarant rights that are reserved to the declarant in the declaration and
that relate to the units or additional real estate owned by the declarant are automatically
transferred with the title to said units or additional real estate.
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(d) A transferor's liability for the performance of obligations that this chapter
imposes upon a declarant is as follows:
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(1) A transferor remains liable under this chapter for all obligations that this chapter
imposes upon a declarant that arise on or before the effective date of the transfer, except
that a transferor is not liable under section 515B.4-112 for any express warranties that a
transferee makes to a purchaser. Except as set forth in subsection (d), clauses (2) and (3), a
transferor is not liable under this chapter for the performance of any obligations that this
chapter imposes upon a declarant and arising after the effective date of the transfer.
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(2) If a transferor and a transferee are affiliates, the transferor and the transferee are
jointly and severally liable under this chapter for the performance of all the obligations that
this chapter imposes upon a declarant, whether such obligations arise before, on, or after
the effective date of the transfer. Upon a subsequent transfer, a prior transferor remains
liable to the extent its transferee remains liable under subsection (d) and is relieved of
liability to the same extent that its transferee is relieved of liability under subsection (e).
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(3) If, following a transfer of special declarant rights, the transferor retains special
declarant rights, the transferor and transferee are jointly and severally liable for the
performance of all the obligations that this chapter imposes upon a declarant and that arise
after the effective date of the transfer, except that the transferor is not liable under section
515B.4-101(b) or 515B.4-102(b), and section 515B.4-109, 515B.4-110, 515B.4-111,
515B.4-112, 515B.4-113, 515B.4-117, or 515B.4-118, to any purchaser from or through
the transferee.
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(e) Except as provided in subsections (g) and (h), a transferee's liability for the
performance of obligations that this chapter imposes upon a declarant is as follows:
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(1) Except as set forth in subsection (e), clause (3), a transferee is liable under this
chapter for all obligations that this chapter imposes upon a declarant and that arise after
the effective date of the transfer. A transferee is not liable under this chapter for the
performance of any obligations that this chapter imposes upon a declarant and that arise
before or on the effective date of the transfer, except that a transferee is liable under
section 515B.4-112 for any express warranties the transferee makes to a purchaser before
or on the effective date of the transfer.
new text end
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(2) If a transferor and a transferee are affiliates, the transferor and the transferee are
jointly and severally liable under this chapter for the performance of all the obligations that
this chapter imposes upon a declarant, whether such obligations arise before, on, or after
the effective date of the transfer. Upon a subsequent transfer, a prior transferor remains
liable to the extent its transferee remains liable under subsection (d) and is relieved of
liability to the same extent that its transferee is relieved of liability under this subsection.
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(3) If, following a transfer of special declarant rights under subsection (a) or (b),
the transferor retains special declarant rights, the transferor and transferee are jointly and
severally liable for the performance of all the obligations that this chapter imposes upon a
declarant and that arise after the effective date of the transfer, except that the transferee
is not liable under section 515B.4-101(b) or 515B.4-102(b), and section 515B.4-109,
515B.4-110, 515B.4-111, 515B.4-112, 515B.4-113, 515B.4-117, or 515B.4-118, to any
purchaser from or through the transferor.
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(f) For purposes of this section, a declarant's obligations under section 515B.3-111(a)
arise when the tort or contract violation occurs, a declarant's obligations to a purchaser
under section 515B.4-112 arise when the declarant makes an express warranty to the
purchaser and a declarant's obligations to a purchaser under sections 515B.4-113 and
515B.4-118(a) arise when the declarant conveys a unit to the purchaser.
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(g) A transferee who acquires special declarant rights pursuant to subsection (b) and
who is not an affiliate of the transferor may record an instrument in compliance with
subsection (b) stating that the transferee elects to acquire only the special declarant rights
described in section 515B.1-103(33b)(i), (ii), and (iv). In that case, the transferee is liable
as a declarant only to purchasers from said transferee and only for the obligations of a
declarant under sections 515B.4-101(b) and 515B.4-102(b), and sections 515B.4-109,
515B.4-110, 515B.4-111, 515B.4-113, 515B.4-117, and 515B.4-118, and for any express
warranties under section 515B.4-112 that the transferee makes to purchasers.
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(h) A transferee who acquires special declarant rights pursuant to subsection (b) and
who is not an affiliate of the transferor may record an instrument in compliance with
subsection (b) stating that the transferee elects to acquire the special declarant rights
solely for subsequent retransfer to another person who acquires title to units or additional
real estate from said transferee. In that case, (i) the transferee may not utilize special
declarant rights in the sale of units or otherwise sell units, except to a person who also
acquires one or more special declarant rights the transferee holds with respect to the units
or additional real estate sold; (ii) the transferee may not exercise any special declarant
rights other than the rights described in section 515B.1-103(33b)(v); (iii) the transferee is
not liable to make up any operating deficit under section 515B.3-115(a)(2); and (iv) the
transferee is liable as a declarant only for the obligations of a declarant under sections
515B.3-103, 515B.3-111, and 515B.3-120, as applicable. A transferee who makes the
election described in this subsection may subsequently rescind the election in whole
or in part by recording an instrument in compliance with applicable law, and upon the
recording of such an instrument the transferee's rights and obligations as a declarant shall
be as otherwise set forth in this section.
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(i) Nothing in this section shall subject any transferee of a special declarant right to
any claims against or other obligations of a transferor, other than claims and obligations
arising under this chapter, or the declaration or bylaws.
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(j) A special declarant right held by a declarant terminates upon the earlier of: (i) that
declarant's voluntary surrender of the special declarant right by giving written notice to the
unit owners pursuant to section 515B.1-115; or (ii) the conveyance, whether voluntary
or involuntary, by that declarant, of all of the units and additional real estate owned by
that declarant, unless immediately after the conveyance the special declarant right is
transferred to the grantee. All special declarant rights terminate ten years after the date of
the first conveyance of a unit to a person other than a declarant unless extended by the
vote or written agreement of unit owners entitled to cast at least 67 percent of the votes
allocated to units not owned by a declarant.
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(k) No person shall exercise special declarant rights unless, at the time of exercise,
the person holds title of record to one or more units or additional real estate. Any
exercise of a special declarant right in violation of this section shall be void, and the
person attempting to exercise the right shall be liable for all damages and costs arising
from its actions.
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(l) Subsections (a) through (i) apply only to transfers of special declarant rights that
are effective on or after August 1, 2010. Subsections (j) and (k) apply only to special
declarant rights reserved in a declaration that is first recorded on or after August 1, 2010.
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This section is effective the day following final enactment.
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Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 515B.3-105, is amended to read:
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(a) If entered into prior to termination of the period of declarant control, (i) any
management, employment, maintenance, or operations contract or any lease or license
of recreational, parking, or storage facilities, that is binding on the association; (ii) any
other contract, lease, or license entered into by the association, a declarant or an affiliate of
a declarant that is binding on the association; or (iii) any contract, lease, or license that
is binding on the association or all unit owners other than a declarant or an affiliate of a
declarant which is not bona fide or which was unconscionable to the association or the unit
owners at the time entered into under the circumstances then prevailing, may be terminated
without penalty by the association under the procedures described in this section.
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(b) If entered into prior to the termination of the period of master developer control
described in section 515B.2-121, subsection (c), paragraph (1), a contract, lease, or license
of a type described in subsection (a) is entered into by the master developer and is binding
upon the master association, then the master association may terminate the contract, lease,
or license under the procedures described in this section.
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(c) Termination shall be upon no less than 90 days' notice. Notice of termination
shall be given by the association or master association, as applicable, in accordance with
section 515B.1-115; provided, that notice shall be effective only if given within two
years following the termination of the period of declarant control or the period of master
developer control, as applicable.
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(d) This section does not apply to the following, provided that the rights and
obligations created by the referenced instruments are (i) bona fide and not unconscionable
as contemplated by subsection (a)(iii); and (ii) disclosed to the purchaser of the unit in
the disclosure statement required by section 515B.4-102:
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(1) a lease the termination of which would terminate the common interest
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(2) in the case of a cooperative, a mortgage or contract for deed encumbering
real estate owned by the association, except that if the mortgage or contract for deed
contains a contractual obligation involving a type of contract, lease, or license which
may be terminated pursuant to subsection (a) or (b), then that contractual obligation may
be terminated pursuant to subsection (c);
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(3) an agreement between a declarant, an affiliate of a declarant, or a master
developer, and any governmental entity, if such agreement is necessary to obtain
governmental approvals, provide financing under any type of government program, or
provide for governmentally required access, conservation, drainage, utilities, or other
public purpose; or
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(4) subject to the requirements of section 515B.4-110 (a), a lease, easement,
covenant, condition, or restriction that (i) is recorded before the recording of the
declaration, and (ii) runs in favor of a person other than a declarant or an affiliate of a
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(a) If entered into prior to termination of the period of declarant control, (i) any
management contract, employment contract, or lease of recreational facilities, or garages
or other parking facilities, (ii) any contract, lease, or license binding the association, and to
which a declarant or an affiliate of a declarant is a party, or (iii) any contract, lease, or
license binding the association or any unit owner other than the declarant or an affiliate of
the declarant which is not bona fide or which was unconscionable to the unit owners at
the time entered into under the circumstances then prevailing, may be terminated without
penalty by the association under the procedures described in this section.
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(b) If prior to expiration of the suspension period described in section 515B.2-121,
subsection (c), paragraph (3), a contract, lease, or license of a type described in subsection
(a) is entered into by a person having authority to appoint the directors of the master
association and is binding upon the master association, then the master association, and
not any association, may terminate the contract, lease, or license under the procedures
described in this section.
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(c) Termination shall be upon no less than 90 days' notice. Notice of termination
shall be given by the association or master association, as applicable, in accordance with
section 515B.1-115; provided, that notice shall be effective only if given within two years
following the termination of the period of declarant control or the suspension period
described in section 515B.2-121, subsection (c), paragraph (3), as applicable.
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(d) This section does not apply to:
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(1) any lease the termination of which would terminate the common interest
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(2) in the case of a cooperative, a mortgage or contract for deed encumbering
real estate owned by the association, except that if the mortgage or contract for deed
contains a contractual obligation involving a type of contract, lease, or license which may
be terminated pursuant to subsection (a) or (b), then that contractual obligation may be
terminated pursuant to subsection (c); or
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(3) an agreement between a declarant or an affiliate of a declarant, or a person
having authority pursuant to section 515B.2-121, subsection (c), paragraph (3), to appoint
the directors of the master association, and any governmental entity, if such agreement
is necessary to obtain governmental approvals, provide financing under any type of
government program, or provide for governmentally required access, conservation,
drainage, or utilities.
new text end
new text begin
(e) This section applies only to common interest communities created before August
1, 2010.
new text end
new text begin
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
new text end
new text begin
(a) If entered into prior to termination of the period of declarant control, (i) any
management, employment, maintenance, or operations contract or any lease or license of
recreational, parking, or storage facilities, that is binding on the association; (ii) any other
contract, lease, or license entered into by the association, a declarant or an affiliate of a
declarant that is binding on the association; or (iii) any contract, lease, or license that is
binding on the association or all unit owners other than a declarant or an affiliate of the
declarant which is not bona fide or which was unconscionable to the association or the unit
owners at the time entered into under the circumstances then prevailing, may be terminated
without penalty by the association under the procedures described in this section.
new text end
new text begin
(b) If entered into prior to the termination of the period of master developer control
described in section 515B.2-121, subsection (c), paragraph (1), a contract, lease, or license
of a type described in subsection (a) is entered into by the master developer and is binding
upon the master association, then the master association may terminate the contract, lease,
or license under the procedures described in this section.
new text end
new text begin
(c) Termination shall be upon no less than 90 days' notice. Notice of termination
shall be given by the association or master association, as applicable, in accordance with
section 515B.1-115; provided that notice shall be effective only if given within two years
following the termination of the period of declarant control or the period of master
developer control, as applicable.
new text end
new text begin
(d) This section does not apply to the following, provided that the rights and
obligations created by the referenced instruments are (i) bona fide and not unconscionable
as contemplated by subsection (a), item (iii); and (ii) disclosed to the purchaser of the unit
in the disclosure statement required by section 515B.4-102:
new text end
new text begin
(1) a lease the termination of which would terminate the common interest
new text end
new text begin
(2) in the case of a cooperative, a mortgage or contract for deed encumbering
real estate owned by the association, except that if the mortgage or contract for deed
contains a contractual obligation involving a type of contract, lease, or license which
may be terminated pursuant to subsection (a) or (b), then that contractual obligation may
be terminated pursuant to subsection (c);
new text end
new text begin
(3) an agreement between a declarant or an affiliate of a declarant, or a master
developer, and any governmental entity, if such agreement is necessary to obtain
governmental approvals, provide financing under any type of government program, or
provide for governmentally required access, conservation, drainage, utilities, or other
public purpose;
new text end
new text begin
(4) subject to the requirements of section 515B.4-110(a), a lease, easement,
covenant, condition, or restriction that is recorded before the recording of the declaration,
to the extent that it benefits a person other than a declarant or an affiliate of a declarant; or
new text end
new text begin
(5) a license granted by a declarant pursuant to section 515B.2-109(e).
new text end
new text begin
(e) This section applies only to common interest communities created on or after
August 1, 2010.
new text end
new text begin
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
new text end
Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 515B.3-114, is amended to read:
deleted text begin
(a) The association shall include in its annual budgets replacement reserves projected
by the board to be adequate, together with past and future contributions to replacement
reserves to fund the replacement of those components of the common interest community
which the association is obligated to replace by reason of ordinary wear and tear or
obsolescence, subject to the following:
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(1) The amount annually budgeted for replacement reserves shall be adequate,
together with past and future contributions to replacement reserves, to replace the
components as determined based upon the estimated remaining useful life of each
component, provided that portions of replacement reserves need not be segregated for
the replacement of specific components.
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(2) Unless otherwise required by the declaration, annual budgets need not include
reserves for the replacement of (i) components that have a remaining useful life of more
than 30 years, or (ii) components whose replacement will be funded by assessments
authorized under section 515B.3-115(e)(1), or approved in compliance with clause (5).
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(3) The association shall keep the replacement reserves in an account or accounts
separate from the association's operating funds, and shall not use or borrow from the
replacement reserves to fund the association's operating expenses, provided that this
restriction shall not affect the association's authority to pledge the replacement reserves
as security for a loan to the association.
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(4) The association shall reevaluate the adequacy of its budgeted replacement
reserves at least every third year after the recording of the declaration creating the
common interest community.
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(5) Unless otherwise required by the declaration, after the termination of the period
of declarant control, and subject to approval (i) by the board and (ii) by unit owners,
other than declarant or its affiliates, of units to which 51 percent of the votes in the
association are allocated, the association need not annually assess for replacement reserves
to replace those components whose replacement is planned to be paid for by special
assessments levied under section 515B.3-115(c), or by assessments levied under section
515B.3-115(e)(2). The approval provided for in the preceding sentence shall be effective
for no more than the association's current and three following fiscal years, subject to
modification or renewal by the same approval standards.
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(6) Unless otherwise required by the declaration, subsection (a) shall not apply to a
common interest community which is restricted to nonresidential use.
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(b) Unless the declaration provides otherwise, any surplus funds that the association
has remaining after payment of or provision for common expenses and reserves shall be
(i) credited to the unit owners to reduce their future common expense assessments or (ii)
credited to reserves, or any combination thereof, as determined by the board of directors.
deleted text end
new text begin
(a) The annual budgets of the association shall provide from year to year, on a
cumulative basis, for adequate reserve funds to cover the replacement of those parts of
the common interest community which the association is obligated to replace. These
reserve requirements shall not apply to a common interest community which is restricted
to nonresidential use.
new text end
new text begin
(b) Unless the declaration provides otherwise, any surplus funds that the association
has remaining after payment of or provision for common expenses and reserves shall be
(i) credited to the unit owners to reduce their future common expense assessments or (ii)
credited to reserves, or any combination thereof, as determined by the board of directors.
new text end
new text begin
(c) This section applies to common interest communities only for their fiscal years
commencing before January 1, 2012.
new text end
new text begin
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
new text end
new text begin
(a) The association shall include in its annual budgets replacement reserves projected
by the board to be adequate, together with past and future contributions to replacement
reserves, to fund the replacement of those components of the common interest community
which the association is obligated to replace by reason of ordinary wear and tear or
obsolescence, subject to the following:
new text end
new text begin
(1) The amount annually budgeted for replacement reserves shall be adequate,
together with past and future contributions to replacement reserves, to replace the
components as determined based upon the estimated remaining useful life of each
component; provided that portions of replacement reserves need not be segregated for
the replacement of specific components.
new text end
new text begin
(2) Unless otherwise required by the declaration, annual budgets need not include
reserves for the replacement of (i) components that a remaining useful life of more than 30
years, or (ii) components whose replacement will be funded by assessments authorized
under section 515B.3-1151(e)(1), or approved in compliance with clause (5).
new text end
new text begin
(3) The association shall keep the replacement reserves in an account or accounts
separate from the association's operating funds, and shall not use or borrow from the
replacement reserves to fund the association's operating expenses, provided that this
restriction shall not affect the association's authority to pledge the replacement reserves
as security for a loan to the association.
new text end
new text begin
(4) The association shall reevaluate the adequacy of its budgeted replacement
reserves at least every third year after the recording of the declaration creating the
common interest community.
new text end
new text begin
(5) Unless otherwise required by the declaration, after the termination of the period
of declarant control, and subject to approval by (i) the board, and (ii) unit owners,
other than the declarant or its affiliates, of units to which 51 percent of the votes in the
association are allocated, the association need not annually assess for replacement reserves
to replace those components whose replacement is planned to be paid for by special
assessments, if the declaration authorizes special assessments, or by assessments levied
under section 515B.3-1151(e)(2). The approval provided for in the preceding sentence
shall be effective for no more than the association's current and three following fiscal
years, subject to modification or renewal by the same approval standards.
new text end
new text begin
(6) Unless otherwise required by the declaration, subsection (a) shall not apply to a
common interest community which is restricted to nonresidential use.
new text end
new text begin
(b) Unless the declaration provides otherwise, any surplus funds that the association
has remaining after payment of or provision for common expenses and reserves shall be
(i) credited to the unit owners to reduce their future common expense assessments or (ii)
credited to reserves, or any combination thereof, as determined by the board of directors.
new text end
new text begin
(c) This section applies to common interest communities only for their fiscal years
commencing on or after January 1, 2012.
new text end
new text begin
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
new text end
Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 515B.3-115, is amended to read:
(a)deleted text begin The association shall approve an annual budget of common expenses at or prior
to the conveyance of the first unit in the common interest community to a purchaser and
annually thereafter. The annual budget shall include all customary and necessary operating
expenses and replacement reserves for the common interest community, consistent
with this section and section 515B.3-114. For purposes of replacement reserves under
subsection (b), until an annual budget has been approved, the reserves shall be paid based
upon the budget contained in the disclosure statement required by section 515B.4-102.
deleted text end The obligation of a unit owner to pay common deleted text begin expensesdeleted text end new text begin expense assessments new text end shall be
as follows:
(1) If a common expense assessment has not been levied deleted text begin by the associationdeleted text end , the
declarant shall pay all deleted text begin commondeleted text end new text begin operating new text end expenses of the common interest community,
deleted text begin including the payment ofdeleted text end new text begin and shall fund new text end the replacement reserve component of the
common expenses deleted text begin for all units in compliance withdeleted text end new text begin as required by new text end subsection (b).
(2) If a common expense assessment has been levied deleted text begin by the associationdeleted text end , all unit
owners, including the declarant, shall pay the assessments deleted text begin levied againstdeleted text end new text begin allocated to new text end their
units, deleted text begin except as followsdeleted text end new text begin subject to the followingnew text end :
(i) new text begin If new text end the declaration deleted text begin may provide for an alternate common expense plan whereby
the declarant's common expense liability, and the corresponding assessment lien against
the units owned by the declarant, is limited to: (A) paying when due, in compliance
with subsection (b), an amount equal to the full share of replacement reserves allocated
to units owned by the declarant, as set forth in the association's annual budget approved
as provided in this subsection, and (B) paying when due all accrued expenses of the
common interest community in excess of the aggregate assessments payable with respect
to units owned by persons other than a declarant, provided that the alternate common
expense plan shall not affect a declarant's obligation to make up any operating deficit
pursuant to item (iv), and shall terminate upon the termination of any period of declarant
control unless terminated earlier pursuant to item (iii)deleted text end new text begin so provides, a declarant's liability,
and the assessment lien, for the common expense assessments, exclusive of replacement
reserves, on any unit owned by the declarant may be limited to 25 percent or more of any
assessment, exclusive of replacement reserves, until the unit or any building located in the
unit is substantially completed. Substantial completion shall be evidenced by a certificate
of occupancy in any jurisdiction that issues the certificatenew text end .
(ii) new text begin If new text end the deleted text begin alternate common expense plan may be authorized only by including in
the declaration and the disclosure statement required by section 515B.4-102 provisions
authorizing and disclosing the alternate common expense plan as described in item (i),
and including in the disclosure statement either (A) a statement that the alternate common
expense plan will have no effect on the level of services or amenities anticipated by the
association's budget contained in the disclosure statement, or (B) a statement describing
how the services or amenities may be affecteddeleted text end new text begin declaration provides for a reduced
assessment pursuant to paragraph (2)(i), the declarant shall be obligated, within 60 days
following the termination of the period of declarant control, to make up any operating
deficit incurred by the association during the period of declarant control. The existence
and amount, if any, of the operating deficit shall be determined using the accrual basis
of accounting applied as of the date of termination of the period of declarant control,
regardless of the accounting methodology previously used by the association to maintain
its accountsnew text end .
deleted text begin
(iii) A declarant shall give notice to the association of its intent to utilize the alternate
common expense plan and a commencement date after the date the notice is given. The
alternate common expense plan shall be valid only for periods after the notice is given. A
declarant may terminate its right to utilize the alternate common expense plan prior to the
termination of the period of declarant control only by giving notice to the association and
the unit owners at least 30 days prior to a selected termination date set forth in the notice.
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(iv) If a declarant utilizes an alternate common expense plan, that declarant shall
cause to be prepared and delivered to the association, at the declarant's expense, within
90 days after the termination of the period of declarant control, an audited balance sheet
and profit and loss statement certified to the association and prepared by an accountant
having the qualifications set forth in section 515B.3-121(b). The audit shall be binding on
the declarant and the association.
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(v) If the audited profit and loss statement shows an accumulated operating deficit,
the declarant shall be obligated to make up the deficit within 15 days after delivery of the
audit to the association, and the association shall have a claim against the declarant for
an amount equal to the deficit until paid. A declarant who does not utilize an alternate
common expense plan is not liable to make up any operating deficit. If more than one
declarant utilizes an alternate common expense plan, all declarants who utilize the plan
are jointly and severally liable to the association for any operating deficit.
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(vi) The existence and amount, if any, of the operating deficit shall be determined
using the accrual method of accounting applied as of the date of termination of the period
of declarant control, regardless of the accounting methodology previously used by the
association to maintain its accounts.
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(vii) Unless approved by a vote of the unit owners other than the declarant and
its affiliates, the operating deficit shall not be made up, prior to the election by the unit
owners of a board of directors pursuant to section 515B.3-103(d), through the use of a
special assessment described in subsection (c) or by assessments described in subsections
(e), (f), and (g).
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(viii) The use by a declarant of an alternate common expense plan shall not affect the
obligations of the declarant or the association as provided in the declaration, the bylaws or
this chapter, or as represented in the disclosure statement required by section 515B.4-102,
except as to matters authorized by this chapter.
deleted text end
(b) The replacement deleted text begin reserves required by section 515B.3-114deleted text end new text begin reserve component
of the common expenses new text end shall be deleted text begin paid to the association by each unit ownerdeleted text end new text begin funded new text end for
each unit deleted text begin owned by that unit ownerdeleted text end in accordance with the deleted text begin association'sdeleted text end new text begin projected new text end annual
budget deleted text begin approved pursuant to subsection (a), regardless of whether an annual assessment
has been levied or whether the declarant has utilized an alternate common expense
plan under subsection (a)(2). Replacement reserves shall be paid with respect to a unit
commencing as of the later of (1) the date of creation of the common interest community
or (2) the date thatdeleted text end new text begin required by section 515B.4-102(a)(23) provided that the funding of
replacement reserves with respect to a unit shall commence no later than the date that new text end the
deleted text begin structure and exterior of the building containing the unit, or the structure and exterior ofdeleted text end
new text begin unit or new text end any building located within the unit boundariesdeleted text begin , but excluding the interior finishing
of the structure itself, aredeleted text end new text begin is new text end substantially completed. deleted text begin If the association has not approved
an annual budget as of the commencement date for the payment of replacement reserves,
then the reserves shall be paid based upon the budget contained in the disclosure statement
required by section 515B.4-102deleted text end new text begin Substantial completion shall be evidenced by a certificate
of occupancy in any jurisdiction that issues the certificatenew text end .
(c) After an assessment has been levied by the association, assessments shall be
levied new text begin at least new text end annually, based upon deleted text begin an annualdeleted text end new text begin a new text end budget approved new text begin at least annually new text end by the
association. deleted text begin In addition to and not in lieu of annual assessments, an association may, if
so provided in the declaration, levy special assessments against all units in the common
interest community based upon the same formula required by the declaration for levying
annual assessments. Special assessments may be levied only (1) to cover expenditures
of an emergency nature, (2) to replenish underfunded replacement reserves, (3) to
cover unbudgeted capital expenditures or operating expenses, or (4) to replace certain
components of the common interest community described in section 515B.3-114(a),
if such alternative method of funding is approved under section 515B.3-114(a)(5).
The association may also levy assessments against fewer than all units as provided in
subsections (e), (f), and (g), subject to the requirements of section 515B.3-114(a)(5), with
respect to assessments under section 515B.3-115(e)(2).
deleted text end
(d) Except as modified by subsections (a)(1) and (2), (e), (f), and (g), all common
expenses shall be assessed against all the units in accordance with the allocations
established by the declaration pursuant to section 515B.2-108.
(e) Unless otherwise required by the declaration:
(1) any common expense associated with the maintenance, repair, or replacement
of a limited common element shall be assessed against the units to which that limited
common element is assigned, equally, or in any other proportion the declaration provides;
(2) any common expense or portion thereof benefiting fewer than all of the units
may be assessed exclusively against the units benefited, equally, or in any other proportion
the declaration provides;
(3) the costs of insurance may be assessed in proportion to risk or coverage, and the
costs of utilities may be assessed in proportion to usage;
(4) reasonable attorneys fees and costs incurred by the association in connection
with (i) the collection of assessments and, (ii) the enforcement of this chapter, the articles,
bylaws, declaration, or rules and regulations, against a unit owner, may be assessed
against the unit owner's unit; and
(5) fees, charges, late charges, fines and interest may be assessed as provided
in section 515B.3-116(a).
(f) Assessments levied under section 515B.3-116 to pay a judgment against the
association may be levied only against the units in the common interest community at the
time the judgment was entered, in proportion to their common expense liabilities.
(g) If any damage to the common elements or another unit is caused by the act or
omission of any unit owner, or occupant of a unit, or their invitees, the association may
assess the costs of repairing the damage exclusively against the unit owner's unit to the
extent not covered by insurance.
(h) Subject to any shorter period specified by the declaration or bylaws, if any
installment of an assessment becomes more than 60 days past due, then the association
may, upon ten days' written notice to the unit owner, declare the entire amount of the
assessment immediately due and payable in full.
(i) If common expense liabilities are reallocated for any purpose authorized by this
chapter, common expense assessments and any installment thereof not yet due shall be
recalculated in accordance with the reallocated common expense liabilities.
(j) An assessment against fewer than all of the units must be levied within three years
after the event or circumstances forming the basis for the assessment, or shall be barred.
new text begin
(k) This section applies only to common interest communities created before August
1, 2010.
new text end
new text begin
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
new text end
new text begin
(a) The association shall approve an annual budget of common expenses at or prior
to the conveyance of the first unit in the common interest community to a purchaser and
annually thereafter. The annual budget shall include all customary and necessary operating
expenses and replacement reserves for the common interest community, consistent
with this section and section 515B.3-114. For purposes of replacement reserves under
subsection (b), until an annual budget has been approved, the reserves shall be paid based
upon the budget contained in the disclosure statement required by section 515B.4-102.
The obligation of a unit owner to pay common expenses shall be as follows:
new text end
new text begin
(1) If a common expense assessment has not been levied by the association, the
declarant shall pay all common expenses of the common interest community, including
the payment of the replacement reserve component of the common expenses for all units
in compliance with subsection (b).
new text end
new text begin
(2) If a common expense assessment has been levied by the association, all unit
owners, including the declarant, shall pay the assessments levied against their units,
except as follows:
new text end
new text begin
(i) The declaration may provide for an alternate common expense plan whereby the
declarant's common expense liability, and the corresponding assessment lien against the
units owned by the declarant, is limited to: (A) paying when due, in compliance with
subsection (b), an amount equal to the full share of the replacement reserves allocated to
units owned by the declarant, as set forth in the association's annual budget approved as
provided in this subsection; and (B) paying when due all accrued expenses of the common
interest community in excess of the aggregate assessments payable with respect to units
owned by persons other than a declarant; provided, that the alternate common expense
plan shall not affect a declarant's obligation to make up any operating deficit pursuant to
item (iv), and shall terminate upon the termination of any period of declarant control
unless terminated earlier pursuant to item (iii).
new text end
new text begin
(ii) The alternate common expense plan may be authorized only by including in
the declaration and the disclosure statement required by section 515B.4-102 provisions
authorizing and disclosing the alternate common expense plan as described in item (i),
and including in the disclosure statement either (A) a statement that the alternate common
expense plan will have no effect on the level of services or amenities anticipated by the
association's budget contained in the disclosure statement, or (B) a statement describing
how the services or amenities may be affected.
new text end
new text begin
(iii) A declarant shall give notice to the association of its intent to utilize the alternate
common expense plan and a commencement date after the date the notice is given. The
alternate common expense plan shall be valid only for periods after the notice is given. A
declarant may terminate its right to utilize the alternative common expense plan prior to the
termination of the period of declarant control only by giving notice to the association and
the unit owners at least 30 days prior to a selected termination date set forth in the notice.
new text end
new text begin
(iv) If a declarant utilizes an alternate common expense plan, that declarant shall
cause to be prepared and delivered to the association, at the declarant's expense, within
90 days after the termination of the period of declarant control, an audited balance sheet
and profit and loss statement certified to the association and prepared by an accountant
having the qualifications set forth in section 515B.3-121(b). The audit shall be binding on
the declarant and the association.
new text end
new text begin
(v) If the audited profit and loss statement shows an accumulated operating deficit,
the declarant shall be obligated to make up the deficit within 15 days after delivery of the
audit to the association, and the association shall have a claim against the declarant for
an amount equal to the deficit until paid. A declarant who does not utilize an alternate
common expense plan is not liable to make up any operating deficit. If more than one
declarant utilizes an alternate common expense plan, all declarants who utilize the plan
are jointly and severally liable to the association for any operating deficit.
new text end
new text begin
(vi) The existence and amount, if any, of the operating deficit shall be determined
using the accrual method of accounting applied as of the date of termination of the period
of declarant control, regardless of the accounting methodology previously used by the
association to maintain its accounts.
new text end
new text begin
(vii) Unless approved by a vote of the unit owners other than the declarant and
its affiliates, the operating deficit shall not be made up, prior to the election by the unit
owners of a board of directors pursuant to section 515B.3-103(d), through the use of a
special assessment described in subsection (c) or by assessments described in subsections
(e), (f), and (g).
new text end
new text begin
(viii) The use by a declarant of an alternate common expense plan shall not affect
the obligations of the declarant or the association as provided in the declaration, the
bylaws, or this chapter, or as represented in the disclosure statement required by section
515B.4-102, except as to matters authorized by this chapter.
new text end
new text begin
(b) The replacement reserves required by section 515B.3-114 shall be paid to the
association by each unit owner for each unit owned by that unit owner in accordance with
the association's annual budget approved pursuant to subsection (a), regardless of whether
an annual assessment has been levied or whether the declarant has utilized an alternate
common expense plan under subsection (a)(2). Replacement reserves shall be paid with
respect to a unit commencing as of the later of (1) the date of creation of the common
interest community or (2) the date that the structure and exterior of the building containing
the unit, or the structure and exterior of any building located within the unit boundaries,
but excluding the interior finishing of the structure itself, are substantially completed. If
the association has not approved an annual budget as of the commencement date for the
payment of replacement reserves, then the reserves shall be paid based upon the budget
contained in the disclosure statement required by section 515B.4-102.
new text end
new text begin
(c) After an assessment has been levied by the association, assessments shall be
levied at least annually, based upon an annual budget approved by the association. In
addition to and not in lieu of annual assessments, an association may, if so provided in the
declaration, levy special assessments against all units in the common interest community
based upon the same formula required by the declaration for levying annual assessments.
Special assessments may be levied only (1) to cover expenditures of an emergency
nature, (2) to replenish underfunded replacement reserves, (3) to cover unbudgeted capital
expenditures or operating expenses, or (4) to replace certain components of the common
interest community described in section 515B.3-114(a), if such alternative method of
funding is approved under section 515B.3-114(a)(5). The association may also levy
assessments against fewer than all units as provided in subsections (e), (f), and (g). An
assessment under section 515B.3-1151(e)(2) for replacement reserves is subject to the
requirements of section 515B.3-1141(a)(5).
new text end
new text begin
(d) Except as modified by subsections (a), clauses (1) and (2), (e), (f), and (g), all
common expenses shall be assessed against all the units in accordance with the allocations
established by the declaration pursuant to section 515B.2-108.
new text end
new text begin
(e) Unless otherwise required by the declaration:
new text end
new text begin
(1) any common expense associated with the maintenance, repair, or replacement
of a limited common element shall be assessed against the units to which that limited
common element is assigned, equally, or in any other proportion the declaration provides;
new text end
new text begin
(2) any common expense or portion thereof benefiting fewer than all of the units
may be assessed exclusively against the units benefited, equally, or in any other proportion
the declaration provides;
new text end
new text begin
(3) the costs of insurance may be assessed in proportion to risk or coverage, and the
costs of utilities may be assessed in proportion to usage;
new text end
new text begin
(4) reasonable attorney fees and costs incurred by the association in connection with
(i) the collection of assessments, and (ii) the enforcement of this chapter, the articles,
bylaws, declaration, or rules and regulations, against a unit owner, may be assessed
against the unit owner's unit; and
new text end
new text begin
(5) fees, charges, late charges, fines, and interest may be assessed as provided in
section 515B.3-116(a).
new text end
new text begin
(f) Assessments levied under section 515B.3-116 to pay a judgment against the
association may be levied only against the units in the common interest community at the
time the judgment was entered, in proportion to their common expense liabilities.
new text end
new text begin
(g) If any damage to the common elements or another unit is caused by the act or
omission of any unit owner, or occupant of a unit, or their invitees, the association may
assess the costs of repairing the damage exclusively against the unit owner's unit to the
extent not covered by insurance.
new text end
new text begin
(h) Subject to any shorter period specified by the declaration or bylaws, if any
installment of an assessment becomes more than 60 days past due, then the association
may, upon ten days' written notice to the unit owner, declare the entire amount of the
assessment immediately due and payable in full.
new text end
new text begin
(i) If common expense liabilities are reallocated for any purpose authorized by this
chapter, common expense assessments and any installment thereof not yet due shall be
recalculated in accordance with the reallocated common expense liabilities.
new text end
new text begin
(j) An assessment against fewer than all of the units must be levied within three years
after the event or circumstances forming the basis for the assessment, or shall be barred.
new text end
new text begin
(k) This section applies only to common interest communities created on or after
August 1, 2010.
new text end
new text begin
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
new text end
Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 515B.4-102, is amended to read:
(a) A disclosure statement shall fully and accurately disclose:
(1) the name and, if available, the number of the common interest community;
(2) the name and principal address of deleted text begin eachdeleted text end new text begin thenew text end declarant deleted text begin holding any special declarant
rights; a description of the special declarant rights held by each declarant; a description
of the units or additional real estate to which the respective special declarant rights
apply; and a copy of any recorded transfer of special declarant rights pursuant to section
515B.3-104(a), or any instrument recorded pursuant to section 515B.3-104(b), (g), or (h)deleted text end ;
(3) the deleted text begin totaldeleted text end number of units which deleted text begin all declarants havedeleted text end new text begin the declarant hasnew text end the right
to include in the common interest community and a statement that the common interest
community is either a condominium, cooperative, or planned community;
(4) a general description of the common interest community, including, at a
minimum, (i) the number of buildings, (ii) the number of dwellings per building, (iii)
the type of construction, (iv) whether the common interest community involves new
construction or rehabilitation, (v) whether any building was wholly or partially occupied,
for any purpose, before it was added to the common interest community and the nature
of the occupancy, new text begin and new text end (vi) a general description of any roads, trails, or utilities that are
located on the common elements and that the association or a master association will be
required to maintaindeleted text begin , and (vii) a description of any declarant licensing rights under section
515B.2-109(e)deleted text end ;
(5) declarant's schedule of commencement and completion of construction of any
buildings and other improvements that the declarant is obligated to build pursuant to
section 515B.4-117;
(6) any expenses or services, not reflected in the budget, that a declarant pays
or provides, which may become a common expense; the projected common expense
attributable to each of those expenses or services; deleted text begin a descriptiondeleted text end new text begin and an explanationnew text end of
deleted text begin any alternate common expense plandeleted text end new text begin declarant's limited assessment liabilitynew text end under section
deleted text begin 515B.3-115(a)(2)(i)deleted text end new text begin 515B.3-115(b)new text end ;deleted text begin and, if the declaration provides for an alternate
common expense plan, either (i) a statement that the alternate common expense plan will
have no effect on the level of services or amenities anticipated by the association's budget
or disclosed in the disclosure statement, or (ii) a statement describing how the services or
amenities may be affected;
deleted text end
(7) any initial or special fee due from the purchaser to the declarant or the association
at closing, together with a description of the purpose and method of calculating the fee;
(8) identification of any liens, defects, or encumbrances which will continue to affect
the title to a unit or to any real property owned by the association after the contemplated
(9) a description of any financing offered or arranged by the declarant;
(10) a statement as to whether application has been made for any project approvals
for the common interest community from the Federal National Mortgage Association
(FNMA), Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC), Department of Housing
and Urban Development (HUD) or Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), and which, if
any, such final approvals have been received;
(11) the terms of any warranties provided by the declarant, including copies of
sections 515B.4-112 through 515B.4-115, and any other applicable statutory warranties,
and a statement of any limitations on the enforcement of the applicable warranties or on
(12) a statement that: (i) within ten days after the receipt of a disclosure statement, a
purchaser may cancel any contract for the purchase of a unit from a declarant; provided,
that the right to cancel terminates upon the purchaser's voluntary acceptance of a
conveyance of the unit from the declarant or by the purchaser agreeing to modify or waive
the right to cancel in the manner provided by section 515B.4-106(a); (ii) if a purchaser
receives a disclosure statement more than ten days before signing a purchase agreement,
the purchaser cannot cancel the purchase agreement; and (iii) if a declarant obligated to
deliver a disclosure statement fails to deliver a disclosure statement which substantially
complies with this chapter to a purchaser to whom a unit is conveyed, the declarant shall
be liable to the purchaser as provided in section 515B.4-106(d);
(13) a statement disclosing to the extent of the declarant's or an affiliate of a
declarant's actual knowledge, after reasonable inquiry, any unsatisfied judgments or
lawsuits to which the association is a party, and the status of those lawsuits which are
material to the common interest community or the unit being purchased;
(14) a statement (i) describing the conditions under which earnest money will be
held in and disbursed from the escrow account, as set forth in section 515B.4-109, (ii)
that the earnest money will be returned to the purchaser if the purchaser cancels the
contract pursuant to section 515B.4-106, and (iii) setting forth the name and address
of the escrow agent;
(15) a detailed description of the insurance coverage provided by the association for
the benefit of unit owners, including a statement as to which, if any, of the items referred
to in section 515B.3-113, subsection (b), are insured by the association;
(16) any current or expected fees or charges, other than assessments for common
expenses, to be paid by unit owners for the use of the common elements or any other
improvements or facilities;
(17) the financial arrangements, including any contingencies, which have been made
to provide for completion of all improvements that the declarant is obligated to build
pursuant to section 515B.4-118, or a statement that no such arrangements have been made;
(18) in a cooperative: (i) whether the unit owners will be entitled for federal and
state tax purposes, to deduct payments made by the association for real estate taxes
and interest paid to the holder of a security interest encumbering the cooperative; (ii) a
statement as to the effect on the unit owners if the association fails to pay real estate taxes
or payments due the holder of a security interest encumbering the cooperative; and (iii) the
principal amount and a general description of the terms of any blanket mortgage, contract
for deed, or other blanket security instrument encumbering the cooperative property;
(19) a statement: (i) that real estate taxes for the unit or any real property owned by
the association are not delinquent or, if there are delinquent real estate taxes, describing
the property for which the taxes are delinquent, stating the amount of the delinquent
taxes, interest and penalties, and stating the years for which taxes are delinquent, and
(ii) setting forth the amount of real estate taxes, including the amount of any special
assessment certified for payment with the real estate taxes, due and payable with respect to
the unit in the year in which the disclosure statement is given, if real estate taxes have
been separately assessed against the unit;
(20) if the deleted text begin unit or other parcel of real estate being purchased is or maydeleted text end new text begin association
or the purchaser of the unit willnew text end be deleted text begin subject todeleted text end new text begin a member ofnew text end a master deleted text begin declaration at the
time of the conveyance from the declarant to the purchaserdeleted text end new text begin associationnew text end , a statement to
that effect, and all of the following information with respect to the master association:
(i) deleted text begin copies of the following documents (which may be in proposed form if the master
declaration has not been recorded):deleted text end new text begin a copy ofnew text end the master declaration, the articles of
incorporation, bylaws, and rules and regulations for the master association, together with
any amendments thereto; (ii) deleted text begin the name and address of the master developer, anddeleted text end the
name, address and general description of the master association, including a general
description of any other association, unit owners, or other persons which are or may
become members; (iii) a description of any nonresidential use permitted on any property
subject to the master deleted text begin declarationdeleted text end new text begin associationnew text end ; (iv) a statement as to the estimated maximum
number of associations, unit owners or other persons which may become members of
the master association, and deleted text begin a description of anydeleted text end new text begin the degree andnew text end period of control of
the master association deleted text begin and rights to appoint master association directorsdeleted text end by a deleted text begin master
developerdeleted text end new text begin declarantnew text end or other person deleted text begin pursuant to section 515B.2-121(c)deleted text end ; (v) a description
of any facilities intended for the benefit of the members of the master association and
not located on property owned or controlled by a member or the master association;
(vi) the financial arrangements, including any contingencies, which have been made to
provide for completion of the facilities referred to in subsection (v), or a statement that no
arrangements have been made; (vii) any current balance sheet of the master association
and a projected or current annual budget, as applicable, which budget shall include with
respect to the master association those items in paragraph (23), clauses (i) through (iii),
and the projected monthly deleted text begin or other periodicdeleted text end common expense assessment deleted text begin paymentdeleted text end for
each type of unit, lot, or other parcel of real estate which is or is planned to be subject to
assessment; (viii) a description of any expenses or services not reflected in the budget, paid
for or provided by a deleted text begin master developerdeleted text end new text begin declarantnew text end or deleted text begin otherdeleted text end new text begin anew text end person executing the master
declaration, which may become an expense of the master association in the future; (ix) a
description of any powers delegated to and accepted by the master association pursuant
to section deleted text begin 515B.2-121(e)(2)deleted text end new text begin 515B.2-121(f)(2)new text end ; (x) identification of any liens, defects or
encumbrances that will continue to affect title to property owned or operated by the master
association for the benefit of its members; (xi) the terms of any warranties provided by
any person for construction of facilities in which the members of the master association
have or may have an interest, and any known defects in the facilities which would violate
the standards described in section deleted text begin 515B.4-113(b)(2)deleted text end new text begin 515B.4-112(b)new text end ; (xii) a statement
disclosing, after inquiry of the master association, any unsatisfied judgments or lawsuits to
which the master association is a party, and the status of those lawsuits which are material
to the master association; (xiii) a description of any insurance coverage provided for the
benefit of its members by the master association; and (xiv) any current or expected fees or
charges, other than assessments by the master association, to be paid by members of the
master association for the use of any facilities intended for the benefit of the members;
(21) a statement as to whether the unit will be substantially completed at the time
of conveyance to a purchaser, and if not substantially completed, who is responsible to
complete and pay for the construction of the unit;
(22) deleted text begin copiesdeleted text end new text begin a copynew text end of the deleted text begin following documents (which may be in proposed form if
the declaration has not been recorded): the deleted text end declarationdeleted text begin and any supplemental declaration,deleted text end
and any amendments thereto (exclusive of the CIC plat); any other recorded covenants,
conditions, restrictions, or reservations affecting the common interest community; the
articles of incorporation, bylaws and any rules or regulations of the association; deleted text begin the names
of the current members of the association's board of directors;deleted text end any agreement excluding
or modifying any implied warranties; any agreement reducing the statute of limitations
for the enforcement of warranties; any contracts or leases to be signed by purchaser at
closing; and a new text begin brief narrative new text end description of any new text begin (i) contracts or leases that are or may be
subject to cancellation by the association under section 515B.3-105 and (ii) any new text end material
deleted text begin contracts, leases, or otherdeleted text end agreements deleted text begin affectingdeleted text end new text begin entered into between the declarant and a
governmental entity that affectnew text end the common interest community; and
(23) a balance sheet for the association, deleted text begin following the creation of the association,deleted text end
current within 90 days deleted text begin of the date of delivery of the disclosure statementdeleted text end ; a projected
annual budget for the association; and a statement identifying the party responsible for the
preparation of the budget. The budget shall assume that all units intended to be included
in the common interest community, based upon the declarant's good faith estimate, have
been subjected to the declaration; provided, that additional budget portrayals based upon
a lesser number of units are permitted. The budget shall include, without limitation:
(i) a statement of the amount included in the budget as a reserve for replacementdeleted text begin , the
components of the common interest community for which the reserves are budgeted, and
the amounts of the reserves, if any, that are allocated for the replacement of each of those
componentsdeleted text end ; (ii) a statement of any other reserves; (iii) the projected common expense
for each category of expenditures for the association; (iv) the projected monthly common
expense assessment for each type of unit; and (v) deleted text begin a statement as to the components
of the common interest community whose replacement will be funded by assessments
under section 515B.3-115(c) or (e), rather than by replacement reserves as approved
pursuant to section 515B.3-114(a)deleted text end new text begin a footnote or other reference to those components of
the common interest community the maintenance, repair, or replacement of which the
budget assumes will be funded by assessments under section 515B.3-115(e), rather than
by assessments included in the association's annual budget, and a statement referencing
section 515B.3-115(e)(1) or (2), as the source of fundingnew text end . If, based upon the association's
then current budget, the monthly common expense assessment for the unit at the time of
conveyance to the purchaser is anticipated to exceed the monthly assessment stated in the
budget, a statement to such effect shall be included.
(b) A declarant shall promptly amend the disclosure statement to reflect any material
change in the information required by this chapter.
(c) The master association, within ten days after a request by a declarant, a holder
of declarant rights, or a buyer referred to in section 515B.4-101(e), or the authorized
representative of any of them, shall furnish the information required to be provided by
subsection (a)(20). A declarant or other person who provides information pursuant to
subsection (a)(20) is not liable to the buyer for any erroneous information if the declarant
or other person: (i) is not an affiliate of or related in any way to a person authorized to
appoint the master association board pursuant to section 515B.2-121(c)(3), and (ii) has no
actual knowledge that the information is incorrect.
new text begin
(d) This section applies only to common interest communities created before August
1, 2010.
new text end
new text begin
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
new text end
new text begin
(a) A disclosure statement shall fully and accurately disclose:
new text end
new text begin
(1) the name and, if available, the number of the common interest community;
new text end
new text begin
(2) the name and principal address of each declarant holding any special declarant
rights; a description of the special declarant rights held by each declarant; a description
of the units or additional real estate to which the respective special declarant rights
apply; and a copy of any recorded transfer of special declarant rights pursuant to section
515B.3-104(a), or any instrument recorded pursuant to section 515B.3-104(b), (g), or (h);
new text end
new text begin
(3) the total number of units which all declarants have the right to include in the
common interest community and a statement that the common interest community is
either a condominium, cooperative, or planned community;
new text end
new text begin
(4) a general description of the common interest community, including, at a
minimum, (i) the number of buildings, (ii) the number of dwellings per building, (iii)
the type of construction, (iv) whether the common interest community involves new
construction or rehabilitation, (v) whether any building was wholly or partially occupied,
for any purpose, before it was added to the common interest community, and the nature
of the occupancy, (vi) a general description of any roads, trails, or utilities that are
located on the common elements and that the association or master association will be
required to maintain, and (vii) a description of any declarant licensing rights under section
new text end
new text begin
(5) declarant's schedule of commencement and completion of construction of any
buildings and other improvements that the declarant is obligated to build pursuant to
section 515B.4-117;
new text end
new text begin
(6) any expenses or services, not reflected in the budget, that the declarant pays
or provides, which may become a common expense; the projected common expense
attributable to each of those expenses or services; a description of any alternate common
expense plan under section 515B.3-115(a)(2)(i); and, if the declaration provides for
an alternate common expense plan, either (i) a statement that the alternate common
expense plan will have no effect on the level of services or amenities anticipated by the
association's budget or disclosed in the disclosure statement, or (ii) a statement describing
how the services or amenities may be affected;
new text end
new text begin
(7) any initial or special fee due from the purchaser to the declarant or the association
at closing, together with a description of the purpose and method of calculating the fee;
new text end
new text begin
(8) identification of any liens, defects, or encumbrances which will continue to affect
the title to a unit or to any real property owned by the association after the contemplated
new text end
new text begin
(9) a description of any financing offered or arranged by the declarant;
new text end
new text begin
(10) a statement as to whether application has been made for any project approvals
for the common interest community from the Federal National Mortgage Association
(FNMA), Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC), Department of Housing
and Urban Development (HUD), or Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), and which, if
any, such final approvals have been received;
new text end
new text begin
(11) the terms of any warranties provided by the declarant, including copies of
sections 515B.4-112 to 515B.4-115, and any other applicable statutory warranties, and
a statement of any limitations on the enforcement of the applicable warranties or on
new text end
new text begin
(12) a statement that:
new text end
new text begin
(i) within ten days after the receipt of a disclosure statement, a purchaser may cancel
any contract for the purchase of a unit from a declarant; provided, that the right to cancel
terminates upon the purchaser's voluntary acceptance of a conveyance of the unit from
the declarant or by the purchaser agreeing to modify or waive the right to cancel in the
manner provided by section 515B.4-106(a);
new text end
new text begin
(ii) if a purchaser receives a disclosure statement more than ten days before signing
a purchase agreement, the purchaser cannot cancel the purchase agreement; and
new text end
new text begin
(iii) if a declarant obligated to deliver a disclosure statement fails to deliver a
disclosure statement which substantially complies with this chapter to a purchaser to
whom a unit is conveyed, the declarant shall be liable to the purchaser as provided in
section 515B.4-106(d);
new text end
new text begin
(13) a statement disclosing to the extent of the declarant's or an affiliate of a
declarant's actual knowledge, after reasonable inquiry, any unsatisfied judgments or
lawsuits to which the association is a party, and the status of those lawsuits which are
material to the common interest community or the unit being purchased;
new text end
new text begin
(14) a statement (i) describing the conditions under which earnest money will be
held in and disbursed from the escrow account, as set forth in section 515B.4-109, (ii)
that the earnest money will be returned to the purchaser if the purchaser cancels the
contract pursuant to section 515B.4-106, and (iii) setting forth the name and address
of the escrow agent;
new text end
new text begin
(15) a detailed description of the insurance coverage provided by the association for
the benefit of unit owners, including a statement as to which, if any, of the items referred
to in section 515B.3-113(b), are insured by the association;
new text end
new text begin
(16) any current or expected fees or charges, other than assessments for common
expenses, to be paid by unit owners for the use of the common elements or any other
improvements or facilities;
new text end
new text begin
(17) the financial arrangements, including any contingencies, which have been made
to provide for completion of all improvements that the declarant is obligated to build
pursuant to section 515B.4-118, or a statement that no such arrangements have been made;
new text end
new text begin
(18) in a cooperative:
new text end
new text begin
(i) whether the unit owners will be entitled, for federal and state tax purposes, to
deduct payments made by the association for real estate taxes and interest paid to the
holder of a security interest encumbering the cooperative;
new text end
new text begin
(ii) a statement as to the effect on the unit owners if the association fails to pay real
estate taxes or payments due the holder of a security interest encumbering the cooperative;
new text end
new text begin
(iii) the principal amount and a general description of the terms of any blanket
mortgage, contract for deed, or other blanket security instrument encumbering the
cooperative property;
new text end
new text begin
(19) a statement:
new text end
new text begin
(i) that real estate taxes for the unit or any real property owned by the association
are not delinquent or, if there are delinquent real estate taxes, describing the property for
which the taxes are delinquent, stating the amount of the delinquent taxes, interest, and
penalties, and stating the years for which taxes are delinquent; and
new text end
new text begin
(ii) setting forth the amount of real estate taxes, including the amount of any special
assessment certified for payment with the real estate taxes, due and payable with respect to
the unit in the year in which the disclosure statement is given, if real estate taxes have
been separately assessed against the unit;
new text end
new text begin
(20) if the unit or other parcel of real estate being purchased is or may be subject to a
master declaration at the time of the conveyance from the declarant to the purchaser, a
statement to that effect, and all of the following information with respect to the master
new text end
new text begin
(i) copies of the following documents (which may be in proposed form if the
master declaration has not been recorded): the master declaration, the articles of
incorporation, bylaws, and rules and regulations for the master association, together with
any amendments thereto;
new text end
new text begin
(ii) the name and address of the master developer, and the name, address, and
general description of the master association, including a general description of any other
association, unit owners, or other persons which are or may become members;
new text end
new text begin
(iii) a description of any nonresidential use permitted on any property subject to the
master declaration;
new text end
new text begin
(iv) a statement as to the estimated maximum number of associations, unit owners,
or other persons which may become members of the master association, and a description
of any period of control of the master association and rights to appoint master association
directors by a master developer or other person pursuant to section 515B.2-121(c);
new text end
new text begin
(v) a description of any facilities intended for the benefit of the members of the
master association and not located on property owned or controlled by a member of the
master association;
new text end
new text begin
(vi) the financial arrangements, including any contingencies, which have been made
to provide for completion of the facilities referred to in subsection (v), or a statement that
no arrangements have been made;
new text end
new text begin
(vii) any current balance sheet of the master association and a projected or current
annual budget, as applicable, which budget shall include with respect to the master
association those items in paragraph (23), clauses (i) through (iii), and the projected
monthly or other periodic common expense assessment payment for each type of unit, lot,
or other parcel of real estate which is or is planned to be subject to assessment;
new text end
new text begin
(viii) a description of any expenses or services not reflected in the budget, paid for or
provided by a master developer or another person executing the master declaration, which
may become an expense of the master association in the future;
new text end
new text begin
(ix) a description of any powers delegated to and accepted by the master association
pursuant to section 515B.2-121(e)(2);
new text end
new text begin
(x) identification of any liens, defects, or encumbrances that will continue to affect
title to property owned or operated by the master association for the benefit of its members;
new text end
new text begin
(xi) the terms of any warranties provided by any person for construction of facilities
in which the members of the master association have or may have an interest, and any
known defects in the facilities which would violate the standards described in section
new text end
new text begin
(xii) a statement disclosing, after inquiry of the master association, any unsatisfied
judgments or lawsuits to which the master association is a party, and the status of those
lawsuits which are material to the master association;
new text end
new text begin
(xiii) a description of any insurance coverage provided for the benefit of its members
by the master association; and
new text end
new text begin
(xiv) any current or expected fees or charges, other than assessments by the master
association, to be paid by members of the master association for the use of any facilities
intended for the benefit of the members;
new text end
new text begin
(21) a statement as to whether the unit will be substantially completed at the time
of conveyance to a purchaser, and, if not substantially completed, who is responsible to
complete and pay for the construction of the unit;
new text end
new text begin
(22) copies of the following documents (which may be in proposed form if the
declaration has not been recorded): the declaration and any supplemental declaration,
and any amendments thereto (exclusive of the CIC plat); any other recorded covenants,
conditions, restrictions, and reservations affecting the common interest community; the
articles of incorporation, bylaws, and any rules or regulations of the association; the names
of the current members of the association's board of directors; any agreement excluding or
modifying any implied warranties; any agreement reducing the statute of limitations for
the enforcement of warranties; any contracts or leases to be signed by the purchaser at
closing; and a description of any material contracts, leases, or other agreements affecting
the common interest community; and
new text end
new text begin
(23) a balance sheet for the association, following the creation of the association,
current within 90 days; a projected annual budget for the association; and a statement
identifying the party responsible for the preparation of the budget. The budget shall
assume that all units intended to be included in the common interest community, based
upon the declarant's good faith estimate, have been subjected to the declaration; provided,
that additional budget portrayals based upon a lesser number of units are permitted. The
budget shall include, without limitation:
new text end
new text begin
(i) a statement of the amount included in the budget as a reserve for replacement,
the components of the common interest community for which the reserves are budgeted,
and the amounts of the reserves, if any, that are allocated for the replacement of each of
those components;
new text end
new text begin
(ii) a statement of any other reserves;
new text end
new text begin
(iii) the projected common expense for each category of expenditures for the
new text end
new text begin
(iv) the projected monthly common expense assessment for each type of unit; and
new text end
new text begin
(v) a statement as to the components of the common interest community whose
replacement will be funded by assessments under section 515B.3-115(c) or (e), rather than
by replacement reserves as approved pursuant to section 515B.3-114(a). If, based upon the
association's then-current budget, the monthly common expense assessment for the unit at
the time of conveyance to the purchaser is anticipated to exceed the monthly assessment
stated in the budget, a statement to such effect shall be included.
new text end
new text begin
(b) A declarant shall promptly amend the disclosure statement to reflect any material
change in the information required by this chapter.
new text end
new text begin
(c) The master association, within ten days after a request by a declarant, a holder
of declarant rights, or a buyer referred to in section 515B.4-101(e), or the authorized
representative of any of them, shall furnish the information required to be provided by
subsection (a)(20). A declarant or other person who provides information pursuant to
subsection (a)(20), is not liable to the buyer for any erroneous information if the declarant
or other person: (i) is not an affiliate of or related in any way to a person authorized to
appoint the master association board pursuant to section 515B.2-121(c)(3), and (ii) has no
actual knowledge that the information is incorrect.
new text end
new text begin
(d) This section applies only to common interest communities created on or after
August 1, 2010.
new text end
new text begin
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
new text end
Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 515B.4-115, is amended to read:
(a) A judicial proceeding for breach of an obligation arising under section
515B.4-101(e) or 515B.4-106(d), shall be commenced within deleted text begin 12deleted text end new text begin sixnew text end months after the
conveyance of the unit or other parcel of real estate.
(b) A judicial proceeding for breach of an obligation arising under section
515B.4-112 or 515B.4-113 shall be commenced within six years after the cause of action
accrues, but the parties may agree to reduce the period of limitation to not less than two
years. An agreement reducing the period of limitation deleted text begin signed by one purchaser of a unitdeleted text end
shall be binding on deleted text begin any copurchasers of the unit, anddeleted text end the deleted text begin purchasers' successors anddeleted text end new text begin
purchaser'snew text end assigns. With respect to a unit that may be occupied for residential use, an
agreement to reduce the period of limitation must be evidenced by an instrument separate
from the purchase agreement signed by deleted text begin adeleted text end new text begin thenew text end purchaser deleted text begin of the unitdeleted text end .
(c) Subject to subsection (d), a cause of action under section 515B.4-112 or
515B.4-113, regardless of the deleted text begin purchaser'sdeleted text end new text begin purchasers'new text end lack of knowledge of the breach,
(1) as to a unit, at the earlier of the time of conveyance of deleted text begin any interest indeleted text end the unit by
deleted text begin adeleted text end new text begin thenew text end declarant to a bona fide purchaserdeleted text begin ,deleted text end new text begin of the unitnew text end other than an affiliate of a declarant, or
the time deleted text begin adeleted text end new text begin thenew text end purchaser enters into possession of the unitdeleted text begin . As to a unit subject to time
shares, a cause of action accrues upon the earlier of the conveyance of the unit or the
conveyance of the first time share interest in the unit to a purchaserdeleted text end ; and
(2) as to each common element, the latest of (i) the time the common element is
completeddeleted text begin ;deleted text end new text begin ,new text end (ii) the time the first deleted text begin interest in adeleted text end unit in the common interest community is
conveyed to a bona fide purchaser, ordeleted text begin ,deleted text end if the common element is located on property that
deleted text begin wasdeleted text end new text begin isnew text end additional real estatedeleted text begin ,deleted text end at the time the first deleted text begin interest in adeleted text end unit deleted text begin created thereondeleted text end new text begin thereinnew text end
is conveyed to a bona fide purchaser; or (iii) the termination of the period of declarant
(d) If a warranty explicitly extends to future performance or duration of any
improvement or component of the common interest community, the cause of action
accrues at the time the breach is discovered or at the end of the period for which the
warranty explicitly extends, whichever is earlier.
new text begin
(e) This section applies only to common interest communities created before August
1, 2010.
new text end
new text begin
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
new text end
new text begin
(a) A judicial proceeding for breach of an obligation arising under section
515B.4-101(e) or 515B.4-106(d) shall be commenced within 12 months after the
conveyance of the unit or other parcel of real estate.
new text end
new text begin
(b) A judicial proceeding for breach of an obligation arising under section
515B.4-112 or 515B.4-113 shall be commenced within six years after the cause of action
accrues, but the parties may agree to reduce the period of limitation to not less than two
years. An agreement reducing the period of limitation signed by one purchaser of a unit
shall be binding on any copurchasers of the unit, and successor purchasers' successors
and assigns. With respect to a unit that may be occupied for residential use, an agreement
to reduce the period of limitation must be evidenced by an instrument separate from the
purchase agreement signed by a purchaser of the unit.
new text end
new text begin
(c) Subject to subsection (d), a cause of action under section 515B.4-112 or
515B.4-113, regardless of the purchaser's lack of knowledge of the breach, accrues:
new text end
new text begin
(1) as to a unit, at the earlier of the time of conveyance of any interest in the unit by
a declarant to a bona fide purchaser, other than an affiliate of a declarant, or the time a
purchaser enters into possession of the unit. As to a unit subject to time shares, a cause of
action accrues upon the earlier of the conveyance of the unit or the conveyance of the first
time share interest in the unit to a purchaser; and
new text end
new text begin
(2) as to each common element, the latest of (i) the time the common element is
completed; (ii) the time the first interest in a unit in the common interest community is
conveyed to a bona fide purchaser, or, if the common element is located on property that
was additional real estate, at the time the first interest in a unit created thereon is conveyed
to a bona fide purchaser; or (iii) the termination of the period of declarant control.
new text end
new text begin
(d) If a warranty explicitly extends to future performance or duration of any
improvement or component of the common interest community, the cause of action
accrues at the time the breach is discovered or at the end of the period for which the
warranty explicitly extends, whichever is earlier.
new text end
new text begin
(e) This section applies only to common interest communities created on or after
August 1, 2010, and before August 1, 2011.
new text end
new text begin
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
new text end
new text begin
(a) A judicial proceeding for breach of an obligation arising under section
515B.4-101(e) or 515B.4-106(d) shall be commenced within 12 months after the
conveyance of the unit or other parcel of real estate.
new text end
new text begin
(b) A judicial proceeding for breach of an obligation arising under section
515B.4-112 or 515B.4-113 shall be commenced within six years after the cause of action
accrues, but the parties may agree to reduce the period of limitation to not less than two
years. An agreement reducing the period of limitation signed by one purchaser of a unit
shall be binding on any copurchasers of the unit. If an agreement reducing the period of
limitations is recorded in compliance with applicable law, the agreement is binding on the
purchaser's and copurchaser's successors in title to the unit. With respect to a unit that
may be occupied for residential use, an agreement to reduce the period of limitation
must be evidenced by an instrument separate from the purchase agreement signed by
a purchaser of the unit.
new text end
new text begin
(c) Subject to subsection (d), a cause of action under section 515B.4-112 or
515B.4-113, regardless of the purchaser's lack of knowledge of the breach, accrues:
new text end
new text begin
(1) as to a unit, at the earlier of the time of conveyance of any interest in the unit by
a declarant to a bona fide purchaser, other than an affiliate of a declarant, or the time a
purchaser enters into possession of the unit. As to a unit subject to time shares, a cause of
action accrues upon the earlier of the conveyance of the unit or the conveyance of the first
time share interest in the unit to a purchaser; and
new text end
new text begin
(2) as to each common element, the latest of (i) the time the common element is
completed; (ii) the time the first interest in a unit in the common interest community is
conveyed to a bona fide purchaser, or, if the common element is located on property that
was additional real estate, at the time the first interest in a unit created thereon is conveyed
to a bona fide purchaser; or (iii) the termination of the period of declarant control.
new text end
new text begin
(d) If a warranty explicitly extends to future performance or duration of any
improvement or component of the common interest community, the cause of action
accrues at the time the breach is discovered or at the end of the period for which the
warranty explicitly extends, whichever is earlier.
new text end
new text begin
(e) This section applies only to common interest communities created on or after
August 1, 2011.
new text end
new text begin
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
new text end