as introduced - 91st Legislature (2019 - 2020) Posted on 02/26/2020 09:25pm
A bill for an act
relating to motor vehicles; increasing vehicle registration fees; deeming issuance
of duplicate certificates by deputy registrars an expedited service; amending
Minnesota Statutes 2018, sections 168.33, subdivision 7; 168A.09, subdivision 1;
171.061, subdivision 4.
Minnesota Statutes 2018, section 168.33, subdivision 7, is amended to read:
(a) In addition to all other statutory fees and taxes, a
filing fee of:
(1) deleted text begin $6deleted text end new text begin $8.50new text end is imposed on every vehicle registration renewal, excluding pro rate
transactions; and
(2) deleted text begin $10deleted text end new text begin $13.50new text end is imposed on every other type of vehicle transaction, including motor
carrier fuel licenses under sections 168D.05 and 168D.06, and pro rate transactions.
(b) Notwithstanding paragraph (a):
(1) a filing fee may not be charged for a document returned for a refund or for a correction
of an error made by the Department of Public Safety, a dealer, or a deputy registrar; and
(2) no filing fee or other fee may be charged for the permanent surrender of a title for a
(c) The filing fee must be shown as a separate item on all registration renewal notices
sent out by the commissioner.
(d) The statutory fees and taxes, and the filing fees imposed under paragraph (a) may
be paid by credit card or debit card. The deputy registrar may collect a surcharge on the
statutory fees, taxes, and filing fee not greater than the cost of processing a credit card or
debit card transaction, in accordance with emergency rules established by the commissioner
of public safety. The surcharge must be used to pay the cost of processing credit and debit
card transactions.
(e) The fees collected under this subdivision by the department must be allocated as
(1) of the fees collected under paragraph (a), clause (1):
(i) deleted text begin $4.50deleted text end new text begin $ text end must be deposited in the vehicle services operating account; and
(ii) deleted text begin $1.50deleted text end new text begin $ text end must be deposited:
(A) in the driver and vehicle services technology account until sufficient funds have
been deposited in that account to cover all costs of administration, development, and initial
full deployment of the driver and vehicle services information system; and
(B) after completion of the deposit of funds under subitem (A) in the vehicle services
operating account; and
(2) of the fees collected under paragraph (a), clause (2):
(i) deleted text begin $3.50deleted text end new text begin $ text end must be deposited in the general fund;
(ii) deleted text begin $5.00deleted text end new text begin $ text end must be deposited in the vehicle services operating account; and
(iii) deleted text begin $1.50deleted text end new text begin $ text end must be deposited:
(A) in the driver and vehicle services technology account until sufficient funds have
been deposited in that account to cover all costs of administration, development, and initial
full deployment of the driver and vehicle services information system; and
(B) after completion of the deposit of funds under subitem (A) in the vehicle services
operating account.
Minnesota Statutes 2018, section 168A.09, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
(a) In the event a
certificate of title is lost, stolen, mutilated, destroyed, or becomes illegible, the owner or
legal representative of the owner named in the certificate may submit an application to the
department or a deputy registrar for a duplicate in a format prescribed by the department.
The department or deputy registrar must issue a duplicate certificate of title if satisfied that
the applicant is entitled to the duplicate certificate of title. The duplicate certificate of title
must be plainly marked as a duplicate and mailed or delivered to the owner. The department
or deputy registrar must indicate in the driver and vehicle information system records that
a duplicate certificate of title has been issued. As a condition to issuing a duplicate certificate
of title, the department may require a bond from the applicant in the manner and format
prescribed in section 168A.07, subdivision 1, clause (2). The duplicate certificate of title
must contain the legend: "This duplicate certificate of title may be subject to the rights of
a person under the original certificate."
(b) On and after August 1, 2018, the commissioner must allow duplicate certificate of
title issuance by a deputy registrar, subject to procedures established by the text begin
Such issuance is an expedited service subject to section 168.326, paragraph (b).
new text end
Minnesota Statutes 2018, section 171.061, subdivision 4, is amended to read:
(a) The agent may charge and retain a filing fee of deleted text begin $8deleted text end new text begin $12new text end for
each application. Except as provided in paragraph (c), the fee shall cover all expenses
involved in receiving, accepting, or forwarding to the department the applications and fees
required under sections 171.02, subdivision 3; 171.06, subdivisions 2 and 2a; and 171.07,
subdivisions 3 and 3a.
(b) The statutory fees and the filing fees imposed under paragraph (a) may be paid by
credit card or debit card. The driver's license agent may collect a convenience fee on the
statutory fees and filing fees not greater than the cost of processing a credit card or debit
card transaction. The convenience fee must be used to pay the cost of processing credit card
and debit card transactions. The commissioner shall adopt rules to administer this paragraph
using the exempt procedures of section 14.386, except that section 14.386, paragraph (b),
does not apply.
(c) The department shall maintain the photo identification equipment for all agents
appointed as of January 1, 2000. Upon the retirement, resignation, death, or discontinuance
of an existing agent, and if a new agent is appointed in an existing office pursuant to
Minnesota Rules, chapter 7404, and notwithstanding the above or Minnesota Rules, part
7404.0400, the department shall provide and maintain photo identification equipment without
additional cost to a newly appointed agent in that office if the office was provided the
equipment by the department before January 1, 2000. All photo identification equipment
must be compatible with standards established by the department.
(d) A filing fee retained by the agent employed by a county board must be paid into the
county treasury and credited to the general revenue fund of the county. An agent who is not
an employee of the county shall retain the filing fee in lieu of county employment or salary
and is considered an independent contractor for pension purposes, coverage under the
Minnesota State Retirement System, or membership in the Public Employees Retirement
(e) Before the end of the first working day following the final day of the reporting period
established by the department, the agent must forward to the department all applications
and fees collected during the reporting period except as provided in paragraph (d).