as introduced - 92nd Legislature, 2021 1st Special Session (2021 - 2021) Posted on 06/23/2021 04:02pm
Engrossments | ||
Introduction | Posted on 06/22/2021 |
A bill for an act
relating to state government; recognizing Juneteenth, June 19, as a state holiday;
amending Minnesota Statutes 2020, section 645.44, subdivision 5.
Minnesota Statutes 2020, section 645.44, subdivision 5, is amended to read:
"Holiday" includes New Year's Day, January 1; Martin Luther King's
Birthday, the third Monday in January; Washington's and Lincoln's Birthday, the third
Monday in February; Memorial Day, the last Monday in May;new text begin Juneteenth, June 19;new text end
Independence Day, July 4; Labor Day, the first Monday in September; Christopher Columbus
Day, the second Monday in October; Veterans Day, November 11; Thanksgiving Day, the
fourth Thursday in November; and Christmas Day, December 25; provided, when New
Year's Day, January 1;new text begin or Juneteenth, June 19;new text end or Independence Day, July 4; or Veterans
Day, November 11; or Christmas Day, December 25; falls on Sunday, the following day
shall be a holiday and, provided, when New Year's Day, January 1;new text begin or Juneteenth, June 19;new text end
or Independence Day, July 4; or Veterans Day, November 11; or Christmas Day, December
25; falls on Saturday, the preceding day shall be a holiday. No public business shall be
transacted on any holiday, except in cases of necessity and except in cases of public business
transacted by the legislature, nor shall any civil process be served thereon. However, for
the executive branch of the state of Minnesota, "holiday" also includes the Friday after
Thanksgiving but does not include Christopher Columbus Day. Other branches of state
government and political subdivisions shall have the option of determining whether
Christopher Columbus Day and the Friday after Thanksgiving shall be holidays. Where it
is determined that Columbus Day or the Friday after Thanksgiving is not a holiday, public
business may be conducted thereon.
Any agreement between a public employer and an employee organization citing Veterans
Day as the fourth Monday in October shall be amended to cite Veterans Day as November