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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

40 Documents Found in Legislative Session 94 (2025-2026)
for Chief Authors of "Boldon"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
Senate SF1204 2 02/10/2025 Text icon Boldon Dental organizations loss ratio met requirement provision
Senate SF1203 2 02/10/2025 Text icon Boldon Dental organizations payment designation provision
Senate SF1176 2 02/10/2025 Text icon Boldon P-TECH implementation grants appropriation
Senate SF1175 2 02/10/2025 Text icon Boldon Presumptive disability determination process for medical assistance eligibility establishment
Senate SF1137 2 02/10/2025 Text icon Boldon Covered services for dental care definition modification
Senate SF1034 2 02/06/2025 Text icon Boldon Community Engagement Response Team appropriation
Senate SF1033 3 02/10/2025 Text icon Boldon A resolution memorializing Congress to overturn the United States Supreme Court Citizens United v. FEC; requesting that Congress clarify that the rights are protected under the Constitution are the rights of natural persons and not the rights of artificial entities and that spending money to influence elections is not speech under the First Amendment; asking that Congress propose a constitutional amendment to provide such a clarification
Senate SF1032 3 02/10/2025 Text icon Boldon Disclosure of ownership requirement
Senate SF1013 3 02/10/2025 Text icon Boldon Head start funding appropriation
Senate SF0984 2 02/03/2025 Text icon Boldon George Stoppel historic site rehabilitation and Olmsted County History Center capital improvements appropriation
Senate SF0983 2 02/03/2025 Text icon Boldon Community Engagement Response Team appropriation
Senate SF0982 2 02/03/2025 Text icon Boldon Minnesota Housing Finance Agency appropriation for the economic development and housing challenge program
Senate SF0910 2 02/03/2025 Text icon Boldon Authorization repeal for motorcyclist to split or filter lanes
Senate SF0909 2 02/03/2025 Text icon Boldon Clean water fund appropriation for a southeast regional groundwater protection and soil health initiative
Senate SF0832 2 01/30/2025 Text icon Boldon Licensed certified midwife definitions modifications; certified midwife licensure establishment; licensed certified midwife services medical assistance coverage expansion
Senate SF0831 2 01/30/2025 Text icon Boldon Health care worker-well being grant program appropriation
Senate SF0830 2 01/30/2025 Text icon Boldon Community Meditation Minnesota appropriation for a statewide housing meditation program
Senate SF0829 2 01/30/2025 Text icon Boldon Municipalities enforcing and enacting and ordinance prohibiting emergency housing facilities prohibition
Senate SF0828 2 01/30/2025 Text icon Boldon Working group on local campaign finance reporting establishment and appropriation
Senate SF0628 2 01/27/2025 Text icon Boldon Health plan enrollee's contribution toward and out-of-pocket maximum or cost sharing calculation requirements establishment
Senate SF0627 2 01/27/2025 Text icon Boldon George Stoppel farmstead rehabilitation in Olmsted County appropriation
Senate SF0477 2 01/21/2025 Text icon Boldon Case management associate, mental health behavioral aide, and mental health rehabilitation worker supervision requirements modification
Senate SF0365 2 01/21/2025 Text icon Boldon Bridges to Healthcare appropriation
Senate SF0364 2 01/21/2025 Text icon Boldon Literary interventions grant provision
Senate SF0362 2 01/21/2025 Text icon Boldon Olmsted County community reuse and recycling center bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0361 2 01/21/2025 Text icon Boldon Olmsted County waste-to-energy facility improvements bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0332 2 01/21/2025 Text icon Boldon Olmsted County materials recovery facility bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0276 4 02/06/2025 Text icon Boldon Medical assistance coverage for violence prevention services provision
Senate SF0275 2 01/21/2025 Text icon Boldon MinnesotaCare and medical assistance dental payment rates rebasing requirement provision
Senate SF0274 2 01/21/2025 Text icon Boldon Pediatric zirconia crowns inclusion in dental service coverage modification
Senate SF0273 2 01/21/2025 Text icon Boldon Medically necessary dental procedures as a result of cancer treatment health plan coverage requirement provision
Senate SF0272 3 02/06/2025 Text icon Boldon Medical assistance hospice service coverage inclusion of room and board expansion provision
Senate SF0271 2 01/21/2025 Text icon Boldon Substance abuse counselors license requirements modifications and treatment requirements modifications
Senate SF0270 2 01/21/2025 Text icon Boldon City of Rochester riverfront public realm and redevelopment bond issuance and appropriation
Senate SF0269 2 01/21/2025 Text icon Boldon City of Rochester sanitary sewer infrastructure to support housing expansion bond issuance and appropriation
Senate SF0144 2 01/16/2025 Text icon Boldon Income eligibility for aged or blind persons or persons with disabilities modification
Senate SF0143 2 01/16/2025 Text icon Boldon Medical assistance coverage of prescription drugs in cases of cost-effective health coverage clarification
Senate SF0142 2 01/16/2025 Text icon Boldon Medical assistance for employed persons with disabilities program modification
Senate SF0141 2 01/16/2025 Text icon Boldon Long-term services and supports eligibility and access denial review process establishment
Senate SF0008 2 01/16/2025 Text icon Boldon Medical assistance coverage provision of psychiatric Collaborative Care Model