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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

45 Documents Found in Legislative Session 94 (2025-2026)
for Authors of "Mann"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
Senate SF1254 2 02/10/2025 Text icon Pha School district local optional revenue increase
Senate SF1167 2 02/10/2025 Text icon Maye Quade Maternal death studies requirements clarification
Senate SF1138 2 02/10/2025 Text icon Mann Change the Outcome appropriation to provide opioid prevention and education
Senate SF1137 2 02/10/2025 Text icon Boldon Covered services for dental care definition modification
Senate SF1112 3 02/10/2025 Text icon Mann Minnesota food shelf programs appropriation
Senate SF1110 3 02/10/2025 Text icon Mann Minnesota SNAP step up for seniors program establishment and appropriation
Senate SF1109 3 02/10/2025 Text icon Mann Insurance companies accepting an individual taxpayer identification number on insurance coverage applications requirement provision
Senate SF1085 2 02/06/2025 Text icon Mann Health plans requirement to develop a maternal mental health program
Senate SF1059 2 02/06/2025 Text icon Marty Patient-Centered Care program establishment
Senate SF1054 2 02/06/2025 Text icon Mann Coverage of vasectomies by health plans requirements
Senate SF1053 3 02/10/2025 Text icon Mann Coverage requirement for the management and treatment of obesity
Senate SF1047 3 02/10/2025 Text icon Maye Quade Age of consent increase from 16 to 18 in criminal sexual conduct offenses involving offenders who are over 21 years of age
Senate SF1030 2 02/06/2025 Text icon Mann Dementia Services Program establishment and appropriation
Senate SF1023 2 02/06/2025 Text icon Lieske Inherited metabolic diseases coverage by health plans requirement provision
Senate SF0986 4 02/10/2025 Text icon Westlin General education revenue modification to include safe schools aid for charter schools
Senate SF0974 4 02/10/2025 Text icon Mann Health insurance plans, medical assistance and MinnesotaCare coverage of power standing systems for wheelchairs requirement
Senate SF0971 3 02/06/2025 Text icon Mann Immunity from criminal liability for health care providers when providing health treatment and services establishment
Senate SF0970 3 02/06/2025 Text icon Mann Health insurance, medical assistance and MinnesotaCare coverage of bowel and bladder management for spinal cord injuries requirement
Senate SF0961 2 02/03/2025 Text icon Pappas Minnesota Latino Museum bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0949 2 02/03/2025 Text icon Maye Quade Registered special education apprenticeship programs in intermediate school districts grants appropriation
Senate SF0930 3 02/10/2025 Text icon Mann Minnesota Health Plan establishment
Senate SF0928 3 02/10/2025 Text icon Mann Children's mental health programs modification and appropriation
Senate SF0832 2 01/30/2025 Text icon Boldon Licensed certified midwife definitions modifications; certified midwife licensure establishment; licensed certified midwife services medical assistance coverage expansion
Senate SF0831 2 01/30/2025 Text icon Boldon Health care worker-well being grant program appropriation
Senate SF0789 2 01/30/2025 Text icon Mann Constitutional amendment proposal to establish term limits for legislators
Senate SF0787 2 01/30/2025 Text icon Mann Open meeting laws unlimited remote participation authorization modification provision
Senate SF0775 2 01/30/2025 Text icon Putnam Ombudsperson for safety, health, and well-being of agricultural and food processing workers establishment
Senate SF0731 2 01/27/2025 Text icon Abeler Prior authorization prohibition for services resulting in health plan company liability equal to or less than $100
Senate SF0628 2 01/27/2025 Text icon Boldon Health plan enrollee's contribution toward and out-of-pocket maximum or cost sharing calculation requirements establishment
Senate SF0554 3 02/06/2025 Text icon Abeler Community Care Hub Grant establishment and appropriation
Senate SF0513 4 01/30/2025 Text icon Mann Department of Health office of gun violence prevention establishment and appropriation
Senate SF0512 3 01/27/2025 Text icon Mann Residential substance use disorder treatment provider rates increase provision
Senate SF0511 3 01/30/2025 Text icon Mann Firearm safety training requirement for persons purchasing firearms provision, firearm sales records retention requirement provision, and criminal penalties provision
Senate SF0510 2 01/23/2025 Text icon Mann Academic Acceleration Pilot Program establishment and appropriation
Senate SF0509 3 01/27/2025 Text icon Mann Health licensing requirements modifications
Senate SF0508 4 01/30/2025 Text icon Mann Cell phone use in schools prohibition
Senate SF0507 3 01/27/2025 Text icon Mann Districts requirement to adopt policies and processes to assist parents who require language assistance
Senate SF0477 2 01/21/2025 Text icon Boldon Case management associate, mental health behavioral aide, and mental health rehabilitation worker supervision requirements modification
Senate SF0276 4 02/06/2025 Text icon Boldon Medical assistance coverage for violence prevention services provision
Senate SF0275 2 01/21/2025 Text icon Boldon MinnesotaCare and medical assistance dental payment rates rebasing requirement provision
Senate SF0274 2 01/21/2025 Text icon Boldon Pediatric zirconia crowns inclusion in dental service coverage modification
Senate SF0273 2 01/21/2025 Text icon Boldon Medically necessary dental procedures as a result of cancer treatment health plan coverage requirement provision
Senate SF0272 3 02/06/2025 Text icon Boldon Medical assistance hospice service coverage inclusion of room and board expansion provision
Senate SF0205 2 01/16/2025 Text icon Port Antineoplastic cancer treatment prior authorization prohibition
Senate SF0091 5 02/06/2025 Text icon Hoffman Teacher's aides rules amendment by the commissioner of children, youth, and families requirement