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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

80 Documents Found in Legislative Session 94 (2025-2026)
for Authors of "Lang"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
Senate SF1238 2 02/10/2025 Text icon Lang Olivia wellness center bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF1233 2 02/10/2025 Text icon Johnson Stewart Priority criteria for public land survey system monument grant program modification and appropriation
Senate SF1196 2 02/10/2025 Text icon Lieske Law clarification on use of force in self-defense
Senate SF1165 2 02/10/2025 Text icon Jasinski Money distribution to deputy registrars for no-fee transactions authorization and appropriation
Senate SF1164 2 02/10/2025 Text icon Jasinski Full-Service driver and vehicle services provider account establishment and fee distribution modification
Senate SF1163 2 02/10/2025 Text icon Marty Office of Animal Protection establishment and appropriation
Senate SF1160 2 02/10/2025 Text icon Howe Blackout special license plates contribution amount increase provision and deposit of revenue fund modification provision
Senate SF1159 2 02/10/2025 Text icon Howe Veterans and surviving spouses taxable Social Security benefits full subtraction provision
Senate SF1158 2 02/10/2025 Text icon Howe Certain employees purchasing of their surplus badges authorization
Senate SF1157 2 02/10/2025 Text icon Howe Wetland Banking Program wetlands restoration and creation grants provision and appropriation
Senate SF1156 2 02/10/2025 Text icon Howe Straight-wall cartridge ammunition usage to take deer statewide authorization provision
Senate SF1141 2 02/10/2025 Text icon Farnsworth School district noncompliance with unfunded mandates authorization
Senate SF1133 2 02/10/2025 Text icon Hoffman Ambulance attendant education costs reimbursement requirements modification and appropriation
Senate SF1132 2 02/10/2025 Text icon Hoffman Ambulance service training and staffing grant program establishment
Senate SF1131 2 02/10/2025 Text icon Hoffman Minnesota Massage Therapy and Asian Bodywork Therapy Act
Senate SF1027 2 02/06/2025 Text icon Hauschild Certain airport property tax exemption provisions modifications
Senate SF0924 2 02/03/2025 Text icon Jasinski Rice County water quality improvement project appropriation and extension of a previous appropriation for that purpose
Senate SF0887 2 02/03/2025 Text icon Dahms Minnesota Valley Regional Rail Authority bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0885 2 02/03/2025 Text icon Dahms Minnesota Valley Regional Rail Authority appropriation
Senate SF0884 2 02/03/2025 Text icon Dahms Redwood Falls Historic Swayback Bridge restoration bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0866 2 02/03/2025 Text icon Miller Grave markers for veterans provided by the commissioner of veterans affairs requirement provision and appropriation
Senate SF0865 2 02/03/2025 Text icon Lang Certain drivers' licenses and identification cards design modification provision
Senate SF0861 2 02/03/2025 Text icon Frentz County fairs appropriation
Senate SF0822 2 01/30/2025 Text icon Lang Minnesota State Band appropriation
Senate SF0821 2 01/30/2025 Text icon Lang Hydroelectric capacity that qualifies as an eligible energy technology under the renewable energy standard modification
Senate SF0820 2 01/30/2025 Text icon Lang Gross weight limit on vehicles modification; special hauling and overweight permits for trucks elimination
Senate SF0796 2 01/30/2025 Text icon Wesenberg Off-highway vehicles made for children and related items exemption from the definition of a juvenile product under Amara's Law
Senate SF0770 2 01/30/2025 Text icon Hawj Outdoor Heritage Fund appropriation and certain land leveraging for federal grant funds authorization provision
Senate SF0755 2 01/30/2025 Text icon Anderson Shareholder limit increase for entity-owned agricultural homestead property
Senate SF0725 2 01/27/2025 Text icon Nelson Classification rate removal and property that exemption establishment for certain property owned and operated by congressionally chartered veterans service organizations
Senate SF0656 2 01/27/2025 Text icon Pappas Amendment proposal to the Minnesota Constitution by making technical changes to certain terms in Article I to be consistent with language in Minnesota Statutes
Senate SF0645 2 01/27/2025 Text icon Koran Public union release time restriction
Senate SF0636 3 01/30/2025 Text icon Lang SAVI program for state agencies to encourage innovation and cost savings establishment
Senate SF0635 2 01/27/2025 Text icon Lang Biomass energy plant closure and sale business compensation process establishment
Senate SF0615 2 01/27/2025 Text icon Draheim Veterans with a disability property market value property tax exclusion modification
Senate SF0581 2 01/23/2025 Text icon Lang More than one nonoxygenated gasoline storage tank permission
Senate SF0580 2 01/23/2025 Text icon Lang Kandiyohi County Trunk Highway 23 segment designation as Joshua Schmidt Memorial Highway
Senate SF0579 2 01/23/2025 Text icon Lang Spicer public infrastructure bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0578 2 01/23/2025 Text icon Lang Willmar new curling facility appropriation
Senate SF0530 4 02/10/2025 Text icon Kupec Weather forecasting gap-filling radar data appropriation
Senate SF0449 4 02/06/2025 Text icon Cwodzinski Public television grants appropriation
Senate SF0395 2 01/21/2025 Text icon Nelson Special veterans' license plates creation for each branch of the armed forces
Senate SF0388 2 01/21/2025 Text icon Lieske State veterans cemetery burial fee removal for spouses and dependents of eligible veterans
Senate SF0368 2 01/21/2025 Text icon Howe Rockville Trunk Highway 23 intersection improvements appropriation
Senate SF0367 2 01/21/2025 Text icon Howe Rockville Trunk Highway 23 intersections study appropriation
Senate SF0356 2 01/21/2025 Text icon Lieske reemployment earning limit applicable to disability benefit payments increase
Senate SF0354 2 01/21/2025 Text icon Lieske Special license plate establishment for National Defense Medal recipients
Senate SF0353 2 01/21/2025 Text icon Lieske Legion of Merit special license plate authorization
Senate SF0346 2 01/21/2025 Text icon Lang Raymond water and storm sewer infrastructure and street construction bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0327 2 01/21/2025 Text icon Koran Lawful carry and possession of firearms at the State Fairgrounds establishment
Senate SF0323 2 01/21/2025 Text icon Coleman Crime of fleeing a peace officer in a motor vehicle modification to add a heightened penalty for fleeing in a culpably negligent manner
Senate SF0306 2 01/21/2025 Text icon Lang City of Litchfield wastewater industrial pretreatment facility appropriation
Senate SF0305 2 01/21/2025 Text icon Lang Meat, poultry, egg, and milk processing facilities appropriation
Senate SF0304 5 02/10/2025 Text icon Lang Minnesota Made Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) alternative grants appropriation
Senate SF0303 2 01/21/2025 Text icon Lang Minnesota-made fertilizer grant program establishment and appropriation
Senate SF0302 2 01/21/2025 Text icon Lang CelluComp grant appropriation
Senate SF0301 2 01/21/2025 Text icon Lang City of Lake Lillian water and sewer infrastructure improvements and street reconstruction bond issuance and appropriation
Senate SF0300 2 01/21/2025 Text icon Lang City of Sacred Heart water and sewer infrastructure improvements and street reconstruction bond issuance and appropriation
Senate SF0299 2 01/21/2025 Text icon Lang Little Falls/Morrison County Airport hangar renovation bond issuance and appropriation
Senate SF0298 2 01/21/2025 Text icon Lang Rural airport program bond issuance and appropriation
Senate SF0293 2 01/21/2025 Text icon Jasinski Hangar construction revolving account deposit bond issuance and appropriation
Senate SF0283 2 01/21/2025 Text icon Lang Public water inventory modifications temporary prohibition
Senate SF0282 2 01/21/2025 Text icon Lang Construction materials special permit application expansion provision
Senate SF0281 2 01/21/2025 Text icon Lang Coercion crime that causes great bodily harm or death of the victim criminal penalty enhancement provision
Senate SF0280 2 01/21/2025 Text icon Lang Right to carry without a permit provision and optional permit to carry provision
Senate SF0279 2 01/21/2025 Text icon Lang Public water inventory revision process amendment provision
Senate SF0278 2 01/21/2025 Text icon Lang Noncitizen permit to carry applicants background check information scope expansion provision
Senate SF0277 3 01/30/2025 Text icon Lang Trapping provisions modifications
Senate SF0255 2 01/16/2025 Text icon Abeler Property tax exemption establishment for certain property owned and operated by a congressionally chartered veterans service organization
Senate SF0252 2 01/16/2025 Text icon Jasinski Cost-benefit analysis requirement for proposed guideways
Senate SF0231 2 01/16/2025 Text icon Jasinski Dedicated funds usage in transportation projects for arts or cultural strategies prohibited
Senate SF0217 2 01/16/2025 Text icon Jasinski Small cities assistance account appropriation
Senate SF0189 3 01/23/2025 Text icon Gustafson Vehicle taxes and fee exemptions for eligible surviving spouses of a veteran authorization
Senate SF0185 3 01/23/2025 Text icon Gustafson Homestead market value exclusion amounts to veterans with a disability modification
Senate SF0182 2 01/16/2025 Text icon Jasinski Drivers license or identification card applicant declaration of citizenship or immigration status authorization
Senate SF0176 2 01/16/2025 Text icon Jasinski State Patrol aircraft purchases and operations appropriation
Senate SF0175 2 01/16/2025 Text icon Jasinski Sales tax on vehicle repair and replacement parts distribution proceeds modification
Senate SF0174 2 01/16/2025 Text icon Jasinski Division of Driver and Vehicle Services in the Department of Public Safety senate advice and consent requirement
Senate SF0074 2 01/16/2025 Text icon Jasinski Governor's budget inclusion of highway spending for nonhighway purposes prohibition
Senate SF0073 2 01/16/2025 Text icon Jasinski Vehicle services fee dedication to the highway user tax distribution fund, driver and vehicle operating account repeal, and appropriation