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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

86 Documents Found in Legislative Session 94 (2025-2026)
for Authors of "Draheim"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
Senate SF1527 2 02/17/2025 Text icon Eichorn Minnesota Elections Integrity Act establishment and appropriation
Senate SF1525 2 02/17/2025 Text icon Eichorn Tip income exemption from the individual income tax and tax withholding requirements provision
Senate SF1492 2 02/17/2025 Text icon Latz Civil Commitment Coordinating Division establishment
Senate SF1488 2 02/17/2025 Text icon Housley Tip income exemption from the individual income tax and tax withholding requirements
Senate SF1276 2 02/13/2025 Text icon Pha Minnesota Grocers Association Foundation Carts to Careers initiative grant appropriation
Senate SF1263 2 02/13/2025 Text icon Dornink University of Minnesota bond issue and appropriation for capital improvements in Mower County for the FAARM program
Senate SF1259 2 02/13/2025 Text icon Draheim Statement of economic interest disclosure amendment
Senate SF1231 2 02/10/2025 Text icon Draheim Unlimited Social Security income tax subtraction authorization
Senate SF1230 2 02/10/2025 Text icon Draheim Multimember agencies expiration after two years authorization
Senate SF1229 2 02/10/2025 Text icon Draheim Paid Youth Trades Employment Opportunity Act
Senate SF1227 2 02/10/2025 Text icon Draheim Greater Minnesota Senior Housing Infrastructure Grant Program establishment and appropriation
Senate SF1222 2 02/10/2025 Text icon Eichorn Child face covering requirement opt out authorization by parents provision
Senate SF1216 2 02/10/2025 Text icon Koran Peacetime emergency extension beyond 14 days approval by supermajority of each house of the legislator requirement provision
Senate SF1191 4 02/17/2025 Text icon Lieske Never Again Act
Senate SF1139 2 02/10/2025 Text icon Frentz Blue Earth County long-term residential facility supplemental housing support rate establishment
Senate SF1121 2 02/06/2025 Text icon Frentz Agriculture-related business assistance appropriation
Senate SF1088 2 02/06/2025 Text icon Draheim Law clarification on use of force in defense of home and person
Senate SF1079 2 02/06/2025 Text icon Mohamed Jobs Foundation grant appropriation
Senate SF1023 2 02/06/2025 Text icon Lieske Inherited metabolic diseases coverage by health plans requirement provision
Senate SF1006 2 02/06/2025 Text icon Drazkowski Tip income exemption from the individual income tax and tax withholding requirements provision
Senate SF0982 2 02/03/2025 Text icon Boldon Minnesota Housing Finance Agency appropriation for the economic development and housing challenge program
Senate SF0906 3 02/10/2025 Text icon Port Greater Minnesota housing infrastructure program appropriation
Senate SF0856 3 02/13/2025 Text icon Gustafson Office of the Inspector General creation and appropriation
Senate SF0842 2 01/30/2025 Text icon Dahms New Ulm gravity sewer flow system and other infrastructure bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0827 2 01/30/2025 Text icon Draheim Lewisville water and wastewater infrastructure improvements bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0826 2 01/30/2025 Text icon Draheim Artist paint containing cadmium prohibition elimination
Senate SF0809 2 01/30/2025 Text icon Wesenberg Government entity held easements actual notice requirement provision
Senate SF0808 2 01/30/2025 Text icon Wesenberg Government entity held easement access restricted by an owner authorization provision
Senate SF0800 2 01/30/2025 Text icon Putnam Equaspace grant appropriation
Senate SF0798 2 01/30/2025 Text icon Champion Hired grant appropriation
Senate SF0775 2 01/30/2025 Text icon Putnam Ombudsperson for safety, health, and well-being of agricultural and food processing workers establishment
Senate SF0765 2 01/30/2025 Text icon Draheim Certain definitions modifications for purposes of certain regional sales taxes
Senate SF0732 3 01/30/2025 Text icon Frentz Mankato Riverfront Park improvements bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0726 2 01/27/2025 Text icon Draheim Exception repeal allowing local government to control rents if approved by the voters
Senate SF0722 2 01/27/2025 Text icon Lucero Subtraction provision for health insurance premiums
Senate SF0719 2 01/27/2025 Text icon Lucero Constitutional amendment proposal to add a section to Article I protecting the right of people to keep and bear arms
Senate SF0715 2 01/27/2025 Text icon Lucero Third party testing program for driver's license knowledge, road and skills tests authorization
Senate SF0713 2 01/27/2025 Text icon Lucero Permitted and trained school staff carrying of firearms authorization
Senate SF0712 2 01/27/2025 Text icon Lucero Right to carry a gun without a permit authorization; optional permit to carry establishment
Senate SF0711 2 01/27/2025 Text icon Lucero Pro rata registration taxes on unused vehicles authorization
Senate SF0704 2 01/27/2025 Text icon Lucero Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation Prevention Act
Senate SF0695 2 01/27/2025 Text icon Lucero Minnesota sellers acceptance of United States currency requirement
Senate SF0688 2 01/27/2025 Text icon Wesenberg Use of force in self-defense provisions modifications
Senate SF0670 3 02/13/2025 Text icon Mohamed Employment support services programs for people with mental illness grant appropriation
Senate SF0663 2 01/27/2025 Text icon Draheim Offense of unintentional murder in the second degree amendment to include cases involving the violation of protective orders issued in certain additional jurisdictions
Senate SF0643 2 01/27/2025 Text icon Koran Immigration law enforcement noncooperation ordinances and policies prohibition
Senate SF0625 3 01/30/2025 Text icon Howe Law enforcement use of unmanned aerial vehicles to find missing persons, persons fleeing arrest and incarcerated persons authorization
Senate SF0624 2 01/27/2025 Text icon Howe Duty to retreat elimination before using reasonable force in defense of self or others
Senate SF0623 2 01/27/2025 Text icon Howe Licensed veterans organizations to use gross profits from lawful gambling for repair, maintenance, or improvement of real property authorization
Senate SF0615 2 01/27/2025 Text icon Draheim Veterans with a disability property market value property tax exclusion modification
Senate SF0590 2 01/27/2025 Text icon Utke Permit to carry pistol age of eligibility to apply at 18 years old establishment
Senate SF0589 2 01/27/2025 Text icon Westrom Overtime pay income tax subtraction provision
Senate SF0587 2 01/27/2025 Text icon Westrom Paid gratuities to employees tax subtraction provision
Senate SF0560 5 02/10/2025 Text icon Lucero Building permit fees cost-per-square-foot valuation of residential buildings requirement by the Commissioner of Labor and Industry establishment
Senate SF0536 2 01/23/2025 Text icon Lucero Residential housing construction materials sales and use tax exemption authorization
Senate SF0501 2 01/23/2025 Text icon Dornink Minnesota education credit eligible expenses expansion provision
Senate SF0491 2 01/23/2025 Text icon Housley Metropolitan region sales and use tax repeal
Senate SF0440 2 01/21/2025 Text icon Lieske Unilateral Emergency Powers Repeal Act
Senate SF0431 3 02/03/2025 Text icon Draheim Volunteer fire and rescue workers income tax subtraction establishment
Senate SF0406 2 01/21/2025 Text icon Draheim Blue Earth water filtration plant bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0405 2 01/21/2025 Text icon Draheim Fairmont street reconstruction bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0404 2 01/21/2025 Text icon Draheim Mapleton street projects bond issue and appropriation
Senate SF0403 2 01/21/2025 Text icon Draheim Exemption on precious metal bullion expansion to include coins and other forms of currency
Senate SF0355 2 01/21/2025 Text icon Rarick Commissioner instruction to make recommendations for paperwork reduction relating to child protection cases
Senate SF0354 2 01/21/2025 Text icon Lieske Special license plate establishment for National Defense Medal recipients
Senate SF0353 2 01/21/2025 Text icon Lieske Legion of Merit special license plate authorization
Senate SF0329 2 01/21/2025 Text icon Pratt Interchange at marked U.S. Highway 169 and marked Trunk Highway 282 in Scott County appropriation modification
Senate SF0310 5 02/06/2025 Text icon Dornink Employee definition modified for the purposes of earned sick and safe time
Senate SF0242 2 01/16/2025 Text icon Draheim Vacant state office space report requirement
Senate SF0241 2 01/16/2025 Text icon Draheim Legislative approval requirement to extend the duration of a peacetime emergency declared by the governor
Senate SF0240 2 01/16/2025 Text icon Draheim Grants prohibition to nonprofit organizations with highly compensated officers or employees
Senate SF0239 2 01/16/2025 Text icon Draheim Cell-cultured meat and cell-cultured poultry definition
Senate SF0238 3 01/30/2025 Text icon Draheim Legislative approval requirement for certain sales, transfers, or other conveyances of state-owned land
Senate SF0237 2 01/16/2025 Text icon Draheim Greater Minnesota business development public infrastructure grant program expansion
Senate SF0230 2 01/16/2025 Text icon Draheim Grants that exceed a certain dollar threshold inclusion on consultation and reports requirement
Senate SF0229 2 01/16/2025 Text icon Draheim Labor force participation rates included as an economic indictor provision
Senate SF0228 2 01/16/2025 Text icon Draheim Workforce development fund appropriations modifications
Senate SF0227 2 01/16/2025 Text icon Draheim Tax-stressed cities demolition grant program establishment and special revenue fund account creation, and appropriation
Senate SF0226 2 01/16/2025 Text icon Draheim City of Northrop grant appropriation
Senate SF0225 2 01/16/2025 Text icon Draheim Municipal planned units development requirements limitations
Senate SF0224 2 01/16/2025 Text icon Draheim Building permits requirements provision
Senate SF0223 2 01/16/2025 Text icon Draheim Municipal dedication fees requirements modification
Senate SF0222 3 01/30/2025 Text icon Draheim Criminal history background checks for nonresident tenant organizers authorization
Senate SF0221 2 01/16/2025 Text icon Draheim High-wage, high-demand career prioritization in awarding competitive grants
Senate SF0220 2 01/16/2025 Text icon Draheim Fairmont sales and use tax exemption for construction materials authorization
Senate SF0078 4 01/23/2025 Text icon Jasinski Minnesota Rehabilitation and Reinvestment Act ineligible persons list expansion